Author Topic: Her Lasting Legacy- 20th December.. Final Chapters Up! Story is now complete  (Read 31364 times)

Offline KTK10

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- June 6 Update
« Reply #15 on: June 06, 2017, 10:28:27 AM »
@Magpie2012  Hi! Although I am actually a big fan of the twilight series, I can promise you that there will be no love triangle and Dina DEFINITELY does not turn into a vampire.. and there will be no death by childbirth.. but that is all I will be promising! hahaha  I am very happy that you are loving this!  ;D

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- June 6 Update
« Reply #16 on: June 06, 2017, 10:31:52 AM »
Lol ;-D I am very relieved to hear that. I'm secretly a Twilight series fan myself, the books, not so much the movies... Although, that fight scene they added really blew me away! I was watching and thinking, but, I don't remember this... Did I just forget that it was there?
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- June 6 Update
« Reply #17 on: June 06, 2017, 05:50:11 PM »

What a wonderful story! I have never, ever seen Dinal look lovelier!
I'm enjoying your twist of Dina being caught up in some humans vs vampire scenario.
Confession: I have really come to dislike Lilith Vatore. In both my first (failed) and second (on hiatus) attempts at a Rival Dynasties Challenge, Lilith clings incessantly and excessively to Caleb. The way Lilith is always following Caleb around and interfering with his relationships in my gameplay, I really think she's got inappropriate feelings for her brother. 
Okay, got that off my chest.

Poor Dina, though! She truly has no one on her team except Caleb!
Can't wait to see how the story unfolds!

Offline KTK10

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- June 6 Update
« Reply #18 on: June 06, 2017, 11:23:41 PM »
@Magpie2012 - I was exactly the same! First of all I was yelling at the screen saying "that didn't happen!!" then I was.. "this is AWESOME!" hahaha

@oshizu - I know what you mean. When I did my Cloudbringer Legacy (abandonded) Dina was ALWAYS around Don. and Don was the spouse of my founder. She never stopped showing up everywhere and I really started to dislike her.. So any game since then, whenever I have seen her or she shows up I'm like "go away!"  The only way I could figure out to tolerate her, was to create a story around her and give her a personality that I could handle.. :P  So I do understand when a Townie annoys you to the point that you can't even read stories with them in it!

Lilith can be.. shall we say.. creepy??  but the more I write about her the more I love her.. I hope you get to see another side of her as the story unfolds!!

As always.. thanks to everyone for reading! ;D

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- June 6 Update
« Reply #19 on: June 07, 2017, 01:43:56 PM »
@KTK10 OMG! I know, right! And when they ripped off Carlisle's head, I literally burst into tears! I just... I couldn't! It was waaay too much.

@oshizu I've often thought that Lilith wishes she wasn't related to Caleb. In my head they're like step-siblings lol It makes her clinginess easier to tolerate ;-D
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline KTK10

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- June 6 Update
« Reply #20 on: June 08, 2017, 05:03:33 PM »
@Magpie2012  - I also cried with Seth and Leah! I always disliked Leah's character in the books (as well as the movie) but in Breaking Dawn 2.. when she gave her life for Esme??? Tears.. great big shoulder heaving tears!!!

Next chapter Guys!

I am woken by the most beautiful music coming from downstairs and I’m shocked to see Lilith playing the pipe organ and smiling with such tranquillity


I turn to see my wonderful husband enjoying a game a chess and ask him if he enjoyed his evening last night as much as I did


“My enjoyment was watching your smile grow each time we danced, it was good that we went” Caleb rushed over for a morning kiss. “I hope that Lilith’s playing did not disturb your slumber”

I couldn’t respond straight away, I was just stunned at the music I was hearing.  How could I have not known about her incredible talent?


“There are many things that are good about my sister, my love..” Caleb says quietly


“But also many that are bad and wicked…”



“For we are Vamp…eye…errrrssss after all!” Caleb throws his arms into the air


I stare at Caleb, waiting for an explanation

“I think they say.. Gotcha!”


“I have been told that I need to relax, was that acceptable jesting?”




“Ahhh.. Perhaps it was a bit much” Caleb looks down to his shoes

I explain that making vampire jokes were indeed funny.. it was just a bit alarming hearing them from him.. he seemed to understand



“ I have an idea” Caleb suddenly blurts out

I am still processing the difference in my husband from the quiet and refined man to this energetic and joking one in front of me

“Let us Honeymoon!”


This is so like my marvellous husband to think of something so special.. but I am remembering this challenge and I am not sure he can initiate a trip, we haven’t even earned 50 points yet!

“I need to tell you something my sweet.. this challenge? Well.. we have failed.. some time ago actually”


“But don’t worry yourself, please. Our story is not over, it is only just beginning! We will carry on as before. I swear to you, our child will never be on it’s own, for as long as I live” Caleb leaned in closer to me “I will honour your name and your life, as was always the plan my love”


“We both will.” Whispered Lilith


I am torn between shock and relief. Shock that I had given up my family and my family’s name for a challenge that we were no longer a part of and relief that I can forget the rules and just freely go about my life with my new family

“Shall we go to our honeymoon my dear Dina?” Caleb asks

All I can think of is.. show me the way my dear man, show me the way


And what a place it is!! I can smell the trees, the grass and even can smell some rain in the air. I had no idea that I was craving these senses, that my mind was in desperate need of stress relief. I turn to thank Caleb once again for doing the perfect thing

“You are my heart, I will constantly refer to your well being”




This is the life


Offline oshizu

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- June 9 Update
« Reply #21 on: June 10, 2017, 02:32:23 AM »
Haha, that was really fun seeing Caleb being goofy!

And good for you, making the decision to continue your story!
We will get to enjoy your story about Dina and Caleb for much longer this way!

Can't wait to see their child, by the way!

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- June 9 Update
« Reply #22 on: June 10, 2017, 04:37:34 AM »
@oshizu  - Thank you! Caleb makes me laugh quite a bit, he seems to have a hidden goofy kind of trait in this file, he's always doing something funny! As for the challenge? Well there never actually was one, I just wrote it into the story as a reason for Dina moving.. it was always going to be just a short/medium story! I have played it all the way to then end and I'm not just writing up the story in the background and posting chapters when I can!

As always, thanks so much for reading and commenting  ;D

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- June 9 Update
« Reply #23 on: June 12, 2017, 01:18:14 AM »
The weeks flew by. I can’t even tell you when I stopped counting the days. It was such a relief not to worry about points or about getting promotions. I just continued to call in all my vacation days and then moved on to sick days.. Knowing my husband was relaxing and watching out for me was amazing.




I would often walk up our wooden stairs to find him sitting there, just waiting for me



He would sometimes gaze at me, as if he was confused or astounded that I was there



But a whisper in my ear would remind me how much my husband and best friend loved me and needed me


The days continued to roll on.. with many times inappropriate suggestions! Haha



Apparently my pregnancy didn’t stop me from being the ‘blushing bride’ on my honeymoon.. should I feel embarrassed about that? Oh goodness.. I hope not!

After a while Caleb insisted we leave our little sanctuary and explore the beauty of the wilderness


Morning sickness had arrived with a vengeance and I kept finding it difficult to remain smiling. I am sure, however, that I hid it enough that Caleb never noticed


Marshmellows!!! Oh the pure joy or roasting something over an open fire!! And apparently our child has a bit of a hankering for them.

“Keep your stick still my love, you may find that the mellow can easily slip off” Caleb warned




I just love how he is such a gentleman about these things and never says I told you so


Hey! I found one!.. do NOT ask me where! The baby wants what the baby wants..


We had been here for weeks and I was so relaxed, so I was a little surprised when I heard Caleb clear his throat as if he was finding it difficult to approach a subject

“I would like to speak with you about Lilith.. if I may” Caleb asked softly


Of course I was willing to listen to him. But Lilith seems such long way away..

“Do you truly find her so offensive?” He asks bluntly

I am not sure how I am supposed to respond. On one hand I really DO find her so offensive, but on the other hand I do realise that I don’t actually know her at all. So I take a deep breath and tell him that, no… I do not find his sister offensive… most of the time


“ I do understand that she is, or should I say, can be.. a difficulty. But may I be her advocate? I know that.. ….. Holy Mother of…!!!!”


I couldn’t stop laughing.. It was the tiniest of flames,  and my strong and immortal husband started screaming like a girl!

“You may laugh, my love. But may I remind you that fire is one of the three things that can eliminate someone like me?” Caleb solemnly reminded me.

I just looked at him with a smirk.. COME ON!! Haha


We made so many promises to each other, kept our honeymoon completely to ourselves


We created so many memories in those few weeks (which soon turned into months) memories of love and respect. Who would have thought that someone like me.. the least likely to be picked out of all of the townies, would find this much happiness?


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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- June 12 Update
« Reply #24 on: June 13, 2017, 09:40:31 AM »
I was rather astonished to learn that Caleb is a veteran marshmallow roaster, haha! He never ceases to surprise!

How great that Dina (who just gets lovelier and lovelier) and Caleb can enjoy this time as newlyweds, away from everything and everyone else.
But when Caleb started asking about Lilith, I worried for a moment that he would ask permission to invite her up, lol!

What a romantic, relaxing update!

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- June 12 Update
« Reply #25 on: June 13, 2017, 10:56:07 PM »
@oshizu  - He is a bit of a veteran isn't he??!! hahaha

I did want it to be relaxing and romantic, so I am very pleased that it came across that way. I realise that there is quite a bit of conflict that goes on in the story, so a bit of light relief is good for us all!  ;D

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- June 12 Update
« Reply #26 on: June 14, 2017, 11:30:52 AM »
This is my view, I mean for the last month or so.. this is my view!! Can you believe it?


Caleb and I often go for breakfast at this gorgeous little shack that serves the perfect bacon and eggs for me and the perfect Plasma drink for Caleb. I didn’t even know that there were places that could accommodate Caleb’s .. ahem.. tastes?

Caleb “My dear, I would like to leave you for a while today”


Caleb “ I have not had the fortune of exploring this area and  I am intending on searching deep into this forest. I am aware that there is a secret hideaway here. Am I wrong in assuming that your pregnancy may hinder you from joining me?” Caleb asked softly

I didn’t even have to think about it.. the thought of walking through the dense forest to find some secret hideaway is the very last thing I feel like doing

Caleb “May I suggest you take a long bath and maybe read one of your great authors?” Caleb says with a smile


I was thinking more along the lines of learning how to play chess. I have watched Lilith and him play and I thought that if I could learn, maybe I would have something to talk to her about


Caleb “So have you seen the bears here yet?” He asks innocently

You are joking right…


Seriously? I immediately tell Caleb he is free to leave for his explorations alone.. as long as he takes me home first!


Caleb “I can not believe it. It is actually here. This is the secret opening” Caleb was astounded at how easy it was to find



Caleb “I need my love to see this, I wonder if the magic works here” He closed his eyes and pictured Dina


Caleb “It’s true! How long was I gone my love?”

I looked at him in confusion. He was only gone the night.. but I couldn’t remember coming here. Or even walking through the forest

Caleb “I found it! I found the magic my love” Caleb said so enthusiastically

Although I was confused, I could see how excited he was.


Caleb “I should explain. I have heard though my time here, that there is a special type of magic that allows you to call the ones you love” Caleb explained “Not just via voice, but physically bring them to you. I knew that this forest had a secret pathway, was just unaware that simply thinking of you would activate it so completely”


Caleb “There is something else too” Caleb cleared his throat “It also shows you what your lifetime desire should be”

As Caleb was talking, I was feeling drawn to the east. Like something was pulling me towards it. I couldn’t say no, I couldn’t even stop myself. I looked back at Caleb and he was smiling. It was like this place was his gift to me..

I ended up in a fledging garden patch


I knew then where to go, and what to do. I set off with confidence towards a small cottage in the distance



And found what was drawing me to it


This view, this place.. Wow.. I wanted to know everything. I just knew that this strange man could help me understand what this place was and why I was so drawn to the plants that were growing here


Hermit “You are married to the Vampire that just arrived.” Not so much a question than a statement

I just nodded

Hermit “It is a side effect of the magic. He is about death, you are about life. Death attracts Life”


I was trying to confirm what he meant. I understood that my husband was.. I guess.. death already.. but the rest was confusing. I started to ask the Hermit what he meant but he just stared at me


Caleb “What an enchanting garden you have Sir”

He just showed up out of nowhere. I was confused why I was surprised and apprehensive at his sudden appearence


Hermit “Hello Caleb. It is nice to see you”


Caleb “Come my love. I am sure that we will visit with the Hermit again.”

I smiled at him, it is like he knew that I was getting tired

Caleb “Would it be too forward to suggest that it is time to go to bed?”

Not at all my love


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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- The Roasting Man
« Reply #27 on: June 19, 2017, 03:36:55 PM »
We soon forgot about the Hermit and how strange we both reacted while in that weird pocket of the forest.  And we actually fell into a very comfortable routine


I would often point out the clouds. Talk about the places that I would love to visit one day. I heard that there was a rocket that could take us to another planet!


But in reality.. I did a lot of this..


Caleb did a lot of that…


And we both did a lot of.. ahemm.. well…


I also found out how much a Vampire apparently loves his bubble bath!



But he would always go back to enjoying his books


I finally started to feel better. I wanted to start another bonfire and roast some marshmellows again. I guess a part of me knew that it wouldn’t be long before we would be heading home. I was just heading out to join Caleb when I heard him yelp.. There was no other way of describing it.. it was definitely a yelp


He was on fire.. again…

Caleb “IT HURTS! I am confused why you find this amusing!”


I just chuckled under my breath and suggested we move away from the flames and try this famous game of horseshoes.. come to think of it.. how much fun could this game really be?


Ahh! I see now.. watching your loved one miss every single target can be very entertaining!”



Obviously he didn’t know that us humans don’t have many distractions.. so I’m actually fairly confident that I will whip his butt


Mission.. accomplished..


Caleb “Cloudgaze?”

As distractions go… this was a good one


And then it happened. I popped..




Caleb “I love you. Please do not ever forget that” he whispered


I have a feeling pregnancy isn’t going to be as easy as I thought.. Urrhhhhh


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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- The Obedience
« Reply #28 on: June 19, 2017, 03:49:03 PM »
We get home and I am soon realising that nausea for me is going to be continuous


After some discussions with Caleb, it was decided that I should quit my job. We have plenty of money and now that my passion had been shown to me, I thought that now would be the perfect time to begin my research.


Lilith “How was your honeymoon Dina?”

Her voice startled me. I hadn’t realised that she was home


I didn’t really know how much information she wanted from me, or if it was just a polite inquiry. But I was happy enough to try and start a conversation with her. I remember that Caleb had wanted to talk about her once, at the campfire, and we never managed to finish.. Perhaps he was trying to negotiate a truce?

Lilith “will you follow me outside for a moment Dina? I have a feeling the fresh air might improve your ailment” Lilith continued to walk out into the night

With some confusion, I followed


I took a deep breath when I got outside and she was right, I immediately started to feel better

“May I?” Lilith pointed towards my stomach

I just nodded

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“I can not wait to meet you” Lilith whispered to my child

I had to know why she was being so nice to me.

“I thought that perhaps I could try to speak with you rather than AT you Dina” Lilith said with a cautious smile

I didn’t get time to respond as my husband was waving to us from down the street

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I had to know who that strange man he was talking to was, he made me feel.. weak

“That is our eldest vampire” Lilith explained “It is not often that he deems it acceptable to leave his home, but I guess Caleb called for him”

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Called for him?  I must have looked confused

Lilith sighed “He is a special Vampire. The only one of his kind. He is able to read the future”

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I wasn’t sure if I was excited or anxious about meeting him. Do I really want to know what the future holds for me? For my family? But I put my brave face on as he heads towards us


And then… just keeps walking… without even a hello. I watch as Caleb gives an awkward goodbye wave


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I stare at him when he looks back at me, hoping for some answers

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“You look perplexed my Love” Caleb says with a slight smile

I immediately ask him about this ‘psychic’ vampire and if he was worried about something that he hadn’t shared with me

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“It was a welcome greet my love, that is all”

I wasn’t sure I believed him.. For some reason, I get the feeling that my perfect husband is actually lying to me

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Caleb suddenly turns around, “Forgive me. I was looking for a way to help heal the rift between you and my sister. I thought that he may have some answers” He bowed his head in shame “I did not mean to mislead you my wife”

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I pull him inside so I can be sure he can see my face and read my eyes. I didn’t realise that the tension between Lilith and I was such a strain to him, and I wanted him to know that I was sorry and I would try harder from now on.

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“So was he as scary as he looked?” Caleb whispered into my ear

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I laughed. I told him that it was only by chance that I even saw him at all! If Lilith and I hadn’t gone outside for some fresh air, I would never had seen him! I give my man a kiss on the cheek and tell him that I need to rest.. the baby seems to have drained all my energy

I turn around to blow another kiss and see that his face is one of concern. I promise myself that I will try harder with Lilith from now on.

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“Did you find the answers you were looking for my brother?” Lilith says to Caleb


Caleb’s eyes narrowed in fury, his mouth reduced to a thin line of promised ire “Why Lilith?, why are you fighting me every step I take?” The words spat out of him


“You will NOT interfere. I mean it. Look at me sister… YOU.. WILL.. NOT.. INTERFERE” Caleb’s voice was so low and so soft, it was terrifying


“Why brother, I do not know what you mean?” Lilith responded with innocence


“What did you think would happen when you brought her outside Lilith?” Caleb raged “Did you think that she was safe? Did you think that we ALL were safe? All of this for some petty and completely unwinnable vendetta?”

“I am trying Caleb” Lilith’s shoulders slumped. “I have always tried to do the right thing, I was not putting anyone’s life in danger”

“Last chance Lilith.. this is your very last chance”


“I am sorry my brother, I will obey” Lilith began to sob


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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- June 19 Update - The Obedience
« Reply #29 on: June 19, 2017, 10:29:56 PM »
I giggled at Dina's little mischievous side--she laughed at Caleb for catching on fire and gloated over beating him in horseshoes, haha.
She looks gorgeous with her hair down--that new hairstyle really suits her!

Awww, here I was starting to like Lilith just a little for trying to make amends.
Then, I learn from Caleb that Lilith luring Dina outside where Vladislaus could see her actually put Dina (and even Caleb) in danger.

Lilith, find yourself your own man and get out of Caleb and Dina's business! Poor Dina!

