@KTK10 I have noticed a lot more townies that look like you described since the release of City Living, with Indian-sounding names.
But in my case, I'm still getting a balanced ratio of blonds and redheads. (Most of my sims with Japanese-sounding names are blond. Why?!)
Since you're not playing a Hall-of-Fame-eligible challenge, what if you placed a closet at the park so you could change hair color.
If you're still still stuck at home, why not place a closet on your front lawn to change the hair color of sims passing by?
There's a career lock (Space Ranger?) that restricts placing objects outside on your home lot, but you are trying to remedy a genetic glitch, not growing a garden or anything like that.
The only "by-the-book" way to change skin color would be to lift the Oracle career so you could start importing Wonder Children with different looks into your neighborhood.
Of course, once any sim is moved into your household, you can use "Change Sim" on a mirror and make a lot of changes to their appearance.
Not sure if any of these ideas appeal to you, but I wish you luck!!!