Author Topic: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story  (Read 77551 times)

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #15 on: September 12, 2017, 08:49:19 PM »
Okay, I'm charmed. Put me down for Team Ponsonby. Anyone who's willing to move in her mother-in-law is okay in my book. Also, I love it that your restaurant has a vampire chef. I sent a couple to one with a vampire host once, and it was hilarious.
So glad you've returned to the bosom of us hard-core gamers!
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Offline Nindigo

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #16 on: September 13, 2017, 04:52:49 AM »
Welcome back to Sims-world (not the real world...that's too far away!), @FrancescaFiori . I used to play WoW intensely like you have. Over the past year or so, I have lost my passion for it, though. I stand with @oshizu and Team Moneypenny 8)
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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2017, 08:58:24 PM »
Oh man, you make it really hard to not be on Team Ponsonby.  She's so charming, and I really love Raj.  He's actually really good looking!  I love the picture of them taking a selfie.  I'm very excited to see how Honey eventually turns out - I haven't played with Raj's genes much yet.  It amuses me, his jawline reminds me of what you had going with Bob Pancakes and the Spiffendales.

I've enjoyed Geeta's role in this.  The restaurant is cool - especially the bat chef.  Though you make a valid point about rodents in the kitchen, yikes.  And yes, that blue alien is rather striking.

So, I hope Eve's chapters turn out as nice!
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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #18 on: September 14, 2017, 12:56:46 PM »
@MarianT Thanks! I so happy to have someone on Team Ponsonby! Woot woot! It's so great to be back reading and writing sim stories. I'd really missed it!

@Nindigo Glad you get where I'm coming from with WoW. It really was everything for awhile there, but it just wasn't sustainable. Team Moneypenny with have to wait a little longer for her update, but I hope you like today's. :)

@wfgodot I think Raj is super-handsome, too! And Loelia's got a pretty good chin on her as well, so maybe the Ponsonby line can avoid the disappearing chin disease that seems to afflict so many multi-generational sim families. The Pancakes chin made it at least to Gen 5, so we'll see!

Goodnight, Gen 1, Week 1


I hesitate to even begin this letter because you won’t believe a word of it! Not one word! I’ll start out slow: I bought a house.

The design is by @Shewolf13 and it’s quite intriguing and deliciously dramatic, but after a few seconds of staring at that patchy grass and empty space I grew overwhelmed and went looking for help. And, oh my word, did I find it!

Caleb and Lilith Vatore are a brother and sister duo and a pair of dreamier dreamboats never existed, I can tell you that right now. Fit doesn’t even come close.

We hit it off instantly. All of us. One more than the other, I have to say, but we’ll get there. Juicy bits incoming, I promise!

And then I took the plunge. I asked to be turned, and my new chums were only too happy to oblige. That’s right! I’ve joined the ranks of the undead. But the sexy sort, not the zombie sort! Make no mistake!

The change took a few days, but we made good use of it. Both gorgeous Vatores accompanied me back to my new abode, bringing all of their marvelous, gothic furniture with them. Decorating has been a treat and a half!

Caleb and Lilith are remarkably close, and rather unusually affectionate with one another. I know my brothers and sisters and I never hugged half so much, but I suppose spending eternal life together will do that to you. I guess I’ll find out!

At any rate, that all happened Sunday, and then I had a whole week to settle in while you were getting things going at your place, Mary, and when next Sunday rolled around, POOF! The big change occurred.

It was uncomfortable, to put it mildly, and I’ve still got some lingering growing pains, but it’s so worth it. I really feel I’ve broken free of the the past and I’m an entirely new person. It’s intoxicating!

Emboldened by my new form, I took the leap and acted on the lusty feelings I’d had simmering all week. I mean, just look at her! How could anyone resist? You’ll perhaps be a bit shocked by my choice of mate. Caleb certainly was. He went off to sulk in the new basement, muttering something about losing his mojo. Surprise or no, Lilith is my eternal love, and we’re both ecstatic.

Lilith was in for her own shock a short while later when I told her the next generation was on the way! Doing things out of order? Mary, really! This is a race, you know! Who has time to stand on ceremony? Or hold actual ceremonies? Please!

Caleb, being the only daywalker among us, set out to bring home some nice, warm sustenance and search for his lost mojo. Do you like his makeover? The beard was my idea. He pouted, but said, “Why not? It’s not as if anybody around her is appreciating my adorable chin dimple! Might as well cover it up!” Pouty little prettyboy. I think it suits him.

At any rate, he struck out with Eva in the romantic department, but did manage to get her inside so I could have a nice snack. I’m drinking for two, you know!

It’s not all mesmerization and romance around here, though. We’ve got our share of grunt work to do, too. Caleb’s working on the garden, I’m having breakthrough after breakthrough for my new scientist career, and my darling Lilith has taken up painting. Well, I suppose it’s fair to say Caleb is meant to be working on the garden. In truth he seems to have an awful lot of time on his hands, enough to spend it sighing and posing tragically on the couch next to me while I’m trying to read up on vampire lore, murmuring things like, “tragic misstep,” and “completely wasted in a basement.”  Tiresome doesn’t begin to describe it. Lilith finds it hilarious. I think I’ll have him take up the violin.

It was such a joy to run into you in the park, Mary dear! You seemed so sad, though. I do hope things are all right at home. I’ll be very anxious until I receive your next letter. Everything seemed so perfect in your adorable new life! I can’t imagine what could have gone wrong!

I’m sure I gave you a proper shock taking a bite out of Johnny Zest the way I did right out in the open. I do apologize, but don’t worry! He’s fine! In fact, he’s one of my progeny! I’m in the process of creating an entire vampire family for myself and it’s great fun!

I caught sight of that blue-skinned alien fellow myself this week, Eve, and I have to agree with Mary. Jump on that! He’s darling! Call me nosy, but I went ahead and detected his personality and he seems to be evil. I’m sure it’s nothing you can’t handle.

So on to the bad news: my career. After all the shocking developments so far it will probably come as no surprise that I attempted to close the gap on the race to level 10 by enlisting the help of a magic wishing well. It was an unqualified disaster. Despite my unbelievably generous donations into the gaping maw of nothingness, for every bonus or promotion the cursed thing spit out it came back the next time with performance hits or even full demotions! I’m just sick about the whole thing. I’m doing fantastically at work, everyone says what a genius I am, but because of my forays into the occult I ended the week at level 3, probably just where I’d have been if I’d have gone it alone, only thousands poorer! What rotten luck! I’m afraid I’ll never catch up!

Caleb eventually grew tired of telling his woes to our baby plasma fruit tree and decided to seek out a sympathetic ear elsewhere. He found one in Jana Moya, the gardener at Oasis Springs’ park.

She’s unbelievably patient with him, and I’m so grateful. My brother-in-law is a dear, but he does go on! She’s agreed to move in, officially to help with the garden, but between you and me I think her true best use will be reassuring Caleb that his chin dimple is still visible under his new beard and that his mojo hasn’t gone anywhere.

She’s also the latest addition to my vampire family. One more checked off the list, thank goodness!

Lilith is none too fond of her, but I expect that’s just because she’s creative and is constantly jumping on one of my sweet lady’s easels. We’ll have to find another way to keep her occupied. No doubt Caleb can help with that. If not, there’s always the pipe organ.

Work’s a bit of a grind, but at least there’s plenty to eat.

This precious thing is Yuki, another of my progeny. Isn’t she adorable?

Johnny’s not working out quite as well. To be frank, the boy’s a twit. He turned one bright, sunny morning just down the road and stood out in the open, sizzling, for ages and ages until Caleb finally ran out and begged him to come inside. We’re all going to have to earn sun resistance as soon as possible, and I think I may have to marry Johnny off to the next generation just to ensure he won’t burn himself to a crisp. Vampire parenting is hard!

Now for the moment you’ve been waiting for: here’s Tatiana! I took a page from your book, Mary, and named her after James’s old flame. I hope it brings her luck!

Here’s the point where Caleb’s desire to regain his mojo turned a bit desperate. Honestly! Standing right out in the open, wafting his vampiric allure at passersby. I had to speak to Jana and beg her to offer him some reassurance. She was very obliging.

So thankfully Caleb’s back on top of the world and my new niece or nephew should arrive within the next few days.

Here’s Tatiana as a toddler. Sassy little thing, isn’t she? I can’t wait to see which of her mummies she favors more!

I was worried at first that Lilith might be a bit intimidating as a parent, but she loves Tati dearly and is absolutely entranced by our little angel.

I’m sorry to say she made a bit of a scene at the Romance Festival, but managed to become a Grand Master Vampire with that fight, so I’m chuffed to bits.

Well, that’ll do it for me for this week, dears. I hope to have better news to report next week regarding my career and that blasted wishing well.

Hugs and Kisses,


Offline Nindigo

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #19 on: September 14, 2017, 04:28:35 PM »
First of all - LOL

You're a very entertaining author, @FrancescaFiori ;D

I'm also enjoying your take on the Vatores. It's always refreshing when roles are swapped and explored. I hope you will be able to cope with the toddler stages. It's my personal least favorite. As for Mary's career, I'd send her alone whenever possible to grind her way to the next promotion. Otherwise, it might get too repetitive.

I lyke yer stile 8) Can't wait for next chapter!
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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #20 on: September 14, 2017, 06:20:35 PM »
So glad you're back!!
Mary is so awesome!!!  As soon as she moved in the Vatores, I was hoping she'd end up with Lilith (though I expected Caleb to step in as the surrogate babydaddy or some such thing).  I think Lilith is stunning (and would have had her be a Took spouse if she hadn't burned up during one of our parties).
The vampire makeover on Mary is fantastic!  I mean, she was already lovely, but now she's a stunner!
Vampire Yuki is sooooooo cute!!!
Thanks for exiting the World of Warcraft.  It's good to have you back home on the forum  ;=)

Offline wfgodot

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #21 on: September 16, 2017, 07:52:45 AM »
Mary had an eventful chapter, but I think Loelia's was sweeter :)

You know, I was really surprised when she went for Lilith over Caleb, and then I realized... I already knew that would happen and simply forgot.  I have seen makeovers done on Lilith and she is truly gorgeous.  Better looking than her brother, I think.  I can't wait to see what their kid(s) look like.  I'll probably say that for everyone, because can't wait to see what anyone's offspring looks like.  Tatiana, as a toddler, is cute.  I love the big hair.

Caleb's makeover is surprising!  I definitely didn't recognize him at all!  I love chin dimples :3  I didn't even realize Caleb had one, though I haven't paid much attention to him in my games.  It's too bad it's covered up.  I'm with you, Caleb.  Sorry I didn't notice before!  You do look nice in a beard, though.  His tragedy is too funny.  It's nice he found Jana, and I think she's pretty.
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Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #22 on: September 16, 2017, 04:51:00 PM »
I am so loving this new story of yours so far!
Mary's shift from office lady to vampire queen is quite amazing. Like everyone else, I always look forward to the birthdays of offspring and can't wait to see more of the toddlers as they grow.

How did you manage to get Desert Bloom Park hopping with so many aliens? I like how Mary checked that dude out for her former co-worker.
Haha, before you explained, I saw Caleb in a screenshot and wondered, "Why is Paolo there?" Poor Caleb and his concealed chin dimple, lol.

And yay, the next update will be Ms. Moneypenny! Can't wait! <3

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #23 on: September 17, 2017, 01:16:49 PM »
She is still my fav for the win! Sexy vampires unite! lol not that I'm a sexy vampire... Or, am I *eyebrow wiggle
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #24 on: September 18, 2017, 02:15:55 PM »
@Nindigo Thanks! Yeah, the Vatores are a wonderful pair, but they're so useful and interesting they get used a lot in dynasties, so I wanted to try and shake them up a little and make them my own. I'm pretty happy with the way they're turning out. Toddler is my least favorite, too! I thought they were so cute when they first came out, but now I find them really stressful! Oh, well. If I do a good enough job I can at least age them up early. :) Thanks for the advice on Mary's career. I can use it! She's giving me so much trouble!

@PeregrineTook Thank you! It's really good to be back. I think Lilith is stunning, too, and I'm really excited to see how Tati ages up. I guess we know for sure she'll have giant eyes, anyway! Glad you like the vamp makeover. I keep trying to make scary vampires and then going, "Hmmm . . . .nah. Let's go with sexy again!" Agreed on adorable vampire Yuki. And she picked that cute outfit out all by her little simself. Yuki's the best!

@wfgodot I love the big toddler hair, too. It was my favorite until the super curly one came out with the toddler pack. I guess we've all been a little starved for curly styles. Glad you're enjoying the Tragedy of Caleb Vatore (and his chin dimple)! He cracks me up. I'm glad he's found Jana, too, though, and I'm sure their child will be stunning.

@oshizu So glad you're enjoying it! My alien population is so healthy because I made a point of going to alien night with Loelia on the first week to make sure some spousal candidates would spawn for Eve. I even talked her up to a couple of them so they'd already be acquainted. I know my ladies are supposed to be rivals, but I wanted them to be friendly and help each other out a bit at first. Things can get sour and more competitive with Gen 2. :) As to why all the aliens are hanging out in the park at night, your guess is as good as mine.

@Magpie2012 I will never reveal your sexy vampire secret! I promise! ;) Mary appreciates your support.

Moneypenny, Gen 1, Week 1

What on earth have you two gotten me into?

Here’s the house. I built it myself. It does the job and has a bit of alien flair. Enough said.

Here are the husband prospects, among them the evil blue-skinned chap you’re both so fond of. You’ll note that none of these fine specimens had the sense to don a disguise, so I was forced to select one based upon personality, of all things, rather than actual physical attraction. Can you imagine?

I decided this particular fellow’s assets were the most appealing, so I moved him in, and wouldn’t you know? I got lucky.

Yes, I believe Corey is going to suit me just fine.

Mary, I’m assuming you recognize this walking musical nuisance? I realize you have to keep him occupied, dear, but he plays violin at the crack of dawn on my street corner Every. Single. Morning. Without fail. It’s just got to stop. He must have mastered the skill by now. He’s tireless! And completely unrelenting!

I’m assuming this is his dark form, as that legendary chin dimple is brazenly on display at all times!

I said yes. Obviously.

We spent a bit of time together.

Which resulted in a touch of nausea. You’ll no doubt know what that means.

This guy flirtily introduced himself to me in the middle of my date with Corey and now seems to think we’re sweethearts. I mean, really.

The next day. Crack of dawn. I am not even remotely joking. Mary, he must be stopped!

We’re adorable. You don’t have to tell me.

In case you were hoping for updates on your offspring, Mary dear. There you are. Vamping along just fine. (NOTE THE BACKGROUND MUSICIAN. IS HE EVERYWHERE?)

I’ve entered the astronaut career only to discover that as a pregnant woman I’m not allowed to perform my daily task for work. The only equipment they’d let me near at the gym was a basketball. What an eyeroll of a situation! Lawyers ruin everything. Feel free to make humorous comparisons between my stomach and the ball. Everyone else at the gym did. At any rate, while dribbling about didn’t complete my daily work task, it did raise my fitness to level 3, so I’m at least set for my next promotion in that regard. Also, it was fun, so I’ve installed a court at home, right behind the rocket ship, and I’ve got a whole club of aliens to play with me whenever I like.

Unlike you two hippies, I elected to bring my child into the world at the nice, sensible, safe hospital.

Corey is in a bit of a snit in this photo because he was convinced they’d see through our disguises. They did, of course, and even if they hadn’t I think the bright purple baby would have tipped them off, but all they did was give us a fancy birth certificate. Being an alien is so blasé these days. I blame you and your sexy undead friends, Mary!

I'm pleased to present my son to you. Felix. So now you can both say you’ve got a friend named Felix who can fix anything.

Aren’t you lucky?

Delightfully, I’m now allowed to exercise again. On another topic, do you think one of you might consider marrying your offspring off to that Paolo Rocca fellow? Though I’ve never paid him the slightest attention he’s constantly flirty around me and is always calling to ask me out to breakfast. Corey’s not a jealous man, but this really needs to stop. Help a girl out, would you?

Corey and I both had to leave for work one morning and I realized there was no one around to watch Felix. I’m not averse to hiring a nanny, but we could use some help around the house with other things, and my gym trainer’s a real peach, so I asked her to move in.

Like I said . . . help me out here.

My boys. I dare you to find a handsomer pair.

I think it would be safe to say I’m quite satisfied with myself and my little family.

Jillian is a wonder with Felix,

and an utter tyrant with me.

Yours babble nonsense to you, too, yes? Any clue as to the meaning of “Fee bee lay?” I’m utterly confounded. Parenting tips are gladly accepted. It’s quite fortunate for Felix that he’s so independent, because mummy is more than a little bit lost.

One last shot of the house and I’m through. It’s been an exhausting week, girls. Congrats on yours and keep me posted.



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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #25 on: September 18, 2017, 02:57:46 PM »
Well, this delightful update just cemented my loyalty to Team Moneypenny.

Gorgeous looks, sassy personality, knows what she wants, found herself a hunky spouse, and lives with her perfect little family in a fantastic house.
I love her little proud, happy stance in her pjs while Corey and Felix do flash cards in the background.

Eve's narrative parasites--Caleb and Paolo--just crack me up! I've never seen Caleb even play the violin before, but I've never had him learn violin, either.
And Paolo's another attention hog. What exactly is his problem anyway? Did he get infected by the mood of Eve and Corey's flirty bowling date?

Since the utterly adorable Felix is violet, I'm assuming that Eve might be too, but eagerly await the reveal.
Congrats, Eve, on a truly productive week!

P.S. I'd share tips about vampires and the scientist career but, sorry, I'm Team Moneypenny. *waves fan banner

Offline Nindigo

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #26 on: September 18, 2017, 04:34:46 PM »
@FrancescaFiori  'Fee bee lay' is something that female Sims in TS3 cry out when they are very hungry ;D

Well, this was a more dampened chapter. But three seperate stories are also pretty much to handle - gulp. The wheels are turning now, don't forget to rest up between chapters. I always manage to start out marathon style and then choke and die on my stories because of exhaution ::)
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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #27 on: September 18, 2017, 06:19:01 PM »
I loved this chapter!  Very funny!  I am on team Goodnight, though.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #28 on: September 19, 2017, 07:19:50 PM »
Dat house!!!  Such an awesome alien abode!!!
The update was lovely and things seem to going so nicely, but I think Caleb stole the show.  He was just cracking me up!!  The stalking serenader!!!  And of course, Caleb's makeover does resemble Paolo who was also stalking her, so that just added to the sheer hilarity.  Excellent job!
Still Team Goodnight, thoguh   ;=)

Offline wfgodot

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Re: Three Times a Lady: A Rival Dynasties Challenge Story
« Reply #29 on: September 20, 2017, 06:48:55 AM »
Well, I am still Team Moneypenny!   I liked this chapter.  I love how the tragedy of Caleb continues!  World's smallest violin!  On every street corner!  You know that's a WoW reference.

I think the house is really interesting looking.  I'm guessing it's going to come around and enclose the rocket, maybe?  Then again, I suppose gen 2 will be grown and moving out before there is a need to expand the house that much.  Corey is really cute, I'm glad Eve got so lucky with him!  I'm pretty intrigued about how Felix will turn out looking.

Jillian is hysterical, I love the face you captured when Eve is on the treadmill, and Eve's "I can't do anymore!  Is this chick trying to kill me!" pose.  Really don't think one can blame Paolo.  Eve is super cute.

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