I'm excited for the family game pack, I just hope they have things for families to do together, like picnics, games and interactions, and gameplay mechanics, that would be nice. I'd love to see more toddler and child fashion and toys and the return of things like the costume box, spring rides and the make believe games. I feel like kids and toddlers don't have enough toys or fashion in the game so I'm pretty happy at the thought of potentially getting more. Some more teen stuff like proms, would be good too.
I just hope they focus mostly on the toddler to teen life stages and not the adults ones.
Not that keen on the fitness stuff pack, we have enough already, although some sports that can be played with other Sims would be great, but more workout gear? No, not if it's going to be that ugly, don't think much of the clothes either.
Trying to stay positive here but really not expecting much.