Author Topic: Photographs and Value Appreciation  (Read 4410 times)

Offline Schipperke

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Photographs and Value Appreciation
« on: December 09, 2010, 03:08:44 PM »
I'm wondering what other peoples' experience has been with photographs increasing in value.  I've never kept photos around very long before, but when I was adding up everything for the Clan Douglas Dynasty, I found some real surprises.  Most of my photos were large portrait size, vignette filter; there were also half a dozen or so of the panorama size.  What I found was that none of the panorama size photos had changed in value.  But about half a dozen of the large portraits (out of 35 or so) had increased quite a bit - they were worth 2500 - 4000 each.  The rest of the large portraits hadn't increased at all.  The increase wasn't related to age of the painting or the photographer's skill level or traits.  I'm really puzzled by this.  Any ideas?
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Offline Saltypaws

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Re: Photographs and Value Appreciation
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2010, 03:19:41 PM »
I started checking on the old photographs that Agnes took when she first started photography.  When she took them, they were worth around 200.00, now, since she has been gone and I am on the sixth generation, some of those photographs are worth around 8,000.00, which is a huge increase.  I am not sure if it is due to the fact she is gone, but, I have started making the spouses of the immortals do the photographs and they seem to increase in value tremendously.  I have a chess set that was done in stone worth 20,000.00 and I about fell off my chair.  Then you might find another one that has not increased in value near as much. Even some of the ice sculptures have increased drastically.  I wish we could actually find out the reason some things increase ten fold, while others do not increase that are basically the same.

I am getting ready to play some more shortly and I will write down some of the worth of some of Agnes photos and then some other photos that were taken by someone else that is still living.  Of course, since the immortals are not going anywhere, then it probably would not do any good anyway.  Maybe it is all random, like everything else.  Who knows. :)
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Offline Anushka

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Re: Photographs and Value Appreciation
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2010, 06:57:19 AM »
I'm positive that photos are getting a lot of value appreciation when photographer dies, and it keeps getting up. All my dynasty photos are vignette and panorama, and some are already worth more then 11.000 $ and some are still 90$ - no increase even few generations later. So spouses are taking over photographing again.

Offline Saltypaws

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Re: Photographs and Value Appreciation
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2010, 07:57:52 AM »
You are right, if you want to make alot of money on photos, choose the spouses to take the pictures.  Agnes and Maebe photos are extremely expensive, where as the immortals that took photos long ago are still the same price for the same size and setting, well, they a have appreciated some, but not much.  As soon as you get them married, the spouses need to read the book and then I have them go to town and start taking pictures.  I have a photo that Agnes took at the beginning, of the theatre, it is now worth over 5 grand.  When she took it, it was almost worth a thousand.  I really had not realized that photo's would increase that much after someone passed, I knew paintings did, but some reason, just was not thinking about photo's. ;D
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