Author Topic: The Goober Dynasty  (Read 3657 times)

Offline stephenwritten

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The Goober Dynasty
« on: March 31, 2017, 05:08:11 AM »
Ladies and gentlemen, meet Goofy Goober.

This is the face of a champion.

Mr. Goober is the founder of my entirely-serious, not-at-all-sassy attempt at the Sims 4 Immortal Dynasty Challenge.  I have high hopes.  After all, Goofy here is dressed for success.

Pictured here: SUCCESS.

Master Goober here has been given possession of Oakenstead Manor, in Willow Creek.  Well, the land where it once stood in any case.  Now it is the Goober Homestead.  Look at all that imperial splendor!  Such class!  Such grace!  Truly, the Goober line has earned a place among the upper-crust in this magnificent township.

"Voiding your bladder in a bush was on The View last week!"

So what first?  Well hell, I don't have the first clue.  This is my first honest attempt at a Sims challenge period.  I looked over the rules, went pale, felt sick, and sent Goofy fishing.  Ambrosia is an important part of this thing, right?  We need angelfish?

Just look at him.  So calm.  So placid.  Just quietly fishing his little heart out.  He really has no idea, poor guy.

I also apparently need friends, so I immediately locked Goofy onto this guy for no better reason than he came to fish next to me and thus the relationship bar increased on its own.  I don't know his name.  I presume Goofy doesn't know it either.  But HE WILL BE HIS FRIEND.

The man is ecstatic.

It was at this point that the Welcome Wagon showed up, which Goofy completely and utterly ignored.  He had more important things to do, like accomplish one of his emotional whims by checking himself out in the conveniently-now-existing mirror by his tent.

"I am perfection incarnate." - Goofy Goober

Of course, it was at this point that Goofy's needs began to run low... and what better thing to do when Confident than to Pee Like a Champion in your bathroom bush while standing dangerously close to another man?

Yep.  There's just nothing quite like it.

"Look upon my brilliance, world, and despair!"
"You got wee on my leg."

Now, bladder relieved, it was time for Goofy to run his weird little patootie ragged accomplishing the weird goals associated with the Fishing aspiration (because, I mean, he's currently fishing...) - and get my eight generation-specific collectibles while he's at it.  Between hitting up every fishing spot in the neighborhood and slapping a bunch of fish onto plaques, he somehow found the time to snag a bowl of granola from the ice chest...

The stank of stale urine really brings out the flavor, you know.

...and by day's end, we'd inexplicably managed to mark off one requirement from Goofy's don't-kick-the-bucket list.

The construction contractors here in Willow Creek are miracle workers.  It's like it came out of nowhere!

Yep.  Eight fish, check.  One of them was actually an Angelfish, but... well, we have 19 more days of young adulthood to catch some more, right?  Right?  There's still time before I should panic?

Pictured here: The uneasy rest of the possibly (probably?) doomed.

I honestly have no clue how I'm doing.  I could be ahead of the game, or behind the big cosmic eight-ball.  We'll see, I suppose.  At the very least, we're four levels into maxing our first skill and we have our museum pieces.  Now I just need to start making Goofy some friends (but not until I take advantage of his soon-oncoming sadness for whims... poor little weirdo).

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Goober Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2017, 05:45:49 AM »
Welcome to the forum @stephenwritten

What a hilarious start for your immortal dynasty. Love Goofy's outfit!
Socks and flipflops for the win!

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Offline wfgodot

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Re: The Goober Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2017, 07:26:16 AM »
You had me with the socks.  Good luck!
Add "maice" on Origin.
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Offline dontmindme

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Re: The Goober Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2017, 07:55:45 AM »
lol, this is an amusing and surprisingly good start. Good job grabbing Wolfgang as a friend, he's a teen so he'll definitely be around when Goofy hits the elder stage. Can't wait to see who else joins the madhouse. Good luck!

Offline stephenwritten

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Re: The Goober Dynasty
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2017, 12:04:06 AM »

Good morning, Goofy Goober!

"I slept in a tent all night.  Everything hurts.  Everything.  My mohawk is sore."

Why yes, it IS a wonderful day today!  Time to fill in the gaps!  I have been told that it is important to have a stat-block for this fine fellow, so here it is:
Oakenstead, Willow Creek - Great Soil Lot Trait
Traits: Childish, Music Lover, Cheerful
Gold Events:
Whims: Check Self Out in Mirror (Confident), Send a Happy Text (Happy), Complain About Problems (Sad), Go For a Jog (Energized)
Good Friends:

Museum: 8 Mounted Fish



Now that that is out of the way, it's time to start the day!  Let's get those need bars filled.  Oh, and now that you've eaten and whizzed in the bush again, it seems you're happy!  It's amazing how easily Goofy can be made happy.  Just keep him from peeing his pants and starving to death and he's happy as a clam!  Perfect opportunity to send a happy text message to Ol' Whatshisface the teenager and fulfill a whim.

"You know, after you're around it for long enough it's like the reek of urine just fades into the background.  I barely smell it anymore!"

Of course, those need bars aren't anywhere near 100%.  Haven't bought a shower yet, and it appears Goofy's scored the "Loner" achievement for not interacting with anyone for a full straight day.  That tent eats a LOT of time getting the sleep bar full.  I should really replace it, considering Mr. Goober still has $8000 sitting in the bank thanks to his complete lack of a home.  Perhaps tomorrow... because I forgot to do it today, despite having this full thought process earlier during the game.  Whoopsie.

Anyways, sucks to be Goofy.  We don't have time for basic human survival needs, there's GARDENING to be done!  Gotta get those Death Flowers!

"I dunno... there are visible stink-fumes coming off me.  I don't think that's healthy."

Okay then, whiny-shorts, FINE.  Here's a shower.

Also included: a show for the neighbors.

It was at this point, when I'd put the super-cheap shower down and watched Goofy take an hour out of his quickly-dwindling lifespan to get clean, that I figured out I might should be splurging on the need-filling items.  Too bad I then proceeded to FORGET this before nightfall.  Sorry, Mr. Goober, for the purely unnecessary second night in the tent.  Also all the other associated tortures you're going to have to suffer through.

Now it's off to Springscape, where it becomes clear that getting a cherry is going to be a far more monumental task than it had originally seemed.  These things take AGES to grow, apparently.

Goofy has plenty of time to contemplate his imminent mortality waiting for this pile of crap to turn into a tree.

How depressing.  Or maybe that's the cratered social need.  Regardless, Goofy is now a certifiable sack of Sad - and that means he has a whim to complain about his problems to someone.  What luck!


It's Mr. Don'tknowyourname!  With masterful efficiency, Goofy swings over and starts charming the pants off the young teen.  Look how enraptured he is by this conversation!

"I had really hoped you were some sort of terrible dream..."

After thwarting multiple valiant escape attempts from Goofy's enthralling repartee, Mr. Goober finally achieved a milestone:

Pictured here: SUCCESS.

Yep.  At this point I took pity on him and sent Goofy home.  Besides, he was getting hungry and there aren't any outdoor grilling spots around Springscape.  Time for more Granola de la Wee-bush!

"I'm not even sure I remember what granola is supposed to smell like anymore."

After that brief break for not dying of starvation, it's back to Mr. Goober's mandated favorite past-time!

Catch more angelfish or I swear I will GNOME YOUR ENTIRE LOT.

Goofy must like gnomes, because he didn't manage to catch a single ** angelfish the whole rest of the day.  I wouldn't put it past him.  In a frantic attempt to meaningfully accomplish something with this day, I had him crack open some stones around the lot and crap the emotion-affecting collectibles out on the lawn.  Well, it's not really a lawn anymore.  It's more just where we'll be randomly dumping stuff for the rest of the legacy.


With the rest of the evening, I had just enough time to get the Goob energized and send him on a jog.  He was happy to show off his athletic-wear for the first time!


And now he's back in his tent, because - as previously mentioned - I'm a forgetful pile of poop.  18 days to go before adulthood, Goober!  Tick tock!  GET TO WORK!

Offline stephenwritten

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Re: The Goober Dynasty
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2017, 12:19:28 AM »
Oh!  And additionally, thanks so much for your time and your comments!  I really appreciate the kind words, and especially the advice - since I have no clue what I'm doing and fully expect to fail in a flaming ball of black comedy.

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Goober Dynasty
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2017, 03:41:29 AM »
There is something so utterly charming about your little Goober. I'm loving this so far!

You and Goofy are getting a lot done for not knowing what you're doing. Museum items already and everything. Very nice!

Can't wait to see what happens next. :)

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Re: The Goober Dynasty
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2017, 02:17:36 PM »
It's not so much winning as the journey. (Joke -- you have to win.) Good luck, Goofy!
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Re: The Goober Dynasty
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2017, 07:56:02 AM »
Go Goofy Go! LOVE the athletic gear.

This is great so far.

