Author Topic: Vampires in the Near Twilight Interviewed (8/1/17)  (Read 2120 times)

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Vampires in the Near Twilight Interviewed (8/1/17)
« on: March 28, 2017, 07:25:51 PM »
In the past I have stayed away from the Supernatural/Sci-Fy aspects of the Sims, but have been loving the Vampires pack, so here is my story about vampires. Vampires is, by far, my favorite pack in the Sims 4 so far.

WARNING - This is a dark vampire story that tries to hit all the tropes.

Now first let me thank the creators of these beautiful Sims, many of which I have been waiting forever to use.

Clan Ventrue (Ambitious Trait)
Vladislaus Straud by

Clan Brujah (Sarcastic Trait)
Bjorn Ragnarsson by

Clan Toreador (Creative Trait)
Ciattain Hartagan
Pietro Riggetti

The Antedeluvians
Lucius Flavius Silva (turned 90CE) Ventrue
Appia Natta (turned 232CE) Toreador
Afira bint Abbad (turned 227CE) Brujah

The Blood Dolls

Anyway, because I did not understand the deepness of this pack when I started playing, I am restarting the story.

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Re: Vampires in the Near Dark Twilight Interviewed
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2017, 07:26:49 PM »
Chapter 1: The Camarilla

As they did every month, on the New Moon, the night on which the Lupines were weakest, the Primogen of Simolia met in Newcrest at the Theatres les Vampires to give proper due to the Prince, and to have him settle any disagreements which might have surfaced them. Ventrue, Toreador, Brujah, and Tremere all took the occasion to mingle with their brethren, although, there was always a certain amount of distrust between the Clans, but in a room full of predators, what else could be expected. Still, the odds of anyone present violating the rules of Elysium were zero to none.

Vlad was not the oldest vampire in Simolia, but had been Prince for over 150 years, and his Ventrue were the best established.  The Brujah had followed the Ventrue here, for no more reason than to make sure they didn't gain a total monopoly on power.  The Toreador didn't appear until Oasis Springs became an entertainment mecca, although many had visited the great museums of Newcastle. The Tremere had always had a small presence in Simolia, but largely kept out of Camarilla politics besides being represented on the council of Primogen.

The Prince beckoned the crowd to silence so the convocation of vampires could commence. "We will begin, as is custom, with the reading of The Traditions."  Vlad had sired many childer, but Oskar was his eldest and most trusted. The Prince motioned for Oskar to read from the words from the ancient parchment.

Oskar began...

"The First Tradition - the Tradition of The Masquerade - Thou shalt not reveal thy true nature to those not of the Blood. Doing so shall renounce thy claims of Blood.

The Second Tradition - the Tradition of Domain - Thy Domain is thy concern. All others owe thee respect while in it. None may challenge thy word in thy Domain.

The Third Tradition -  the Tradition of Progeny - Thou shalt sire another only with permission of thine Elder. If thou createst another without thine Elder's leave, both thou and thy progeny shalt be slain.

The Fourth Tradition - the Tradition of Accounting -  Those thou create are thine own childer. Until thy progeny shall be released, thou shalt command them in all things. Their sins are thine to endure.

The Fifth Tradition - the tradition of Hospitality - Honor one another's Domain. When thou comest to a foreign city, thou shalt present thyself to the one who ruleth there. Without the word of acceptance, thou art Nothing.

The Sixth Tradition - the traditon of Destruction - Thou art forbidden to destroy another of thy kind. The right of Destruction belongeth only to thine Elder. Only the Eldest among thee shall call the Blood Hunt.

Prince Vlad then proceeded, "Kindred, the first thing we must discuss tonight is incursions by the Sabat into areas considered under the control of the Camarilla." By control of the Camarilla, Vlad of course meant controlled by himself. "The Sabat are nothing but evil, and if they have their way, will have us at war with the humans. This puts all of us in danger. Therefore, any and all Sabat operation in any of the neighborhoods of Simolia, must be found and eliminated, or turned back into humans."

The crowd nodded in agreement. Even the Brujah, recognized the Sabat as the serious threat they were.

Vlad continued, "You will report these vampires to me, and I will ensure they are taken care of.  Do not attempt to deal with these Sabat by yourselves.

Bjorn Ragnarsson, the Brujah Elder, stepped forward. "Prince Vlad, respectfully, the Brujah are much better equipped to deal with this type of physical threat. Put us to task, and we will not disappoint."

Vlad knew that the Brujah might be the best option against the Sabat, but he also knew he couldn't let the other clans think he was too dependent on the Brujah. "Good Bjorn, I thank you for your more than generous offer, but Clan Ventrue has this well in hand. " Vlad realized he must also be diplomatic. "But should the Sabat threat prove greater than currently though, we shall welcome the aid of our Brujah friends.

Bjorn did not want to press Vlad, so he acquiesced.

"The next issue deals with the 3rd Tradition, that of Progeny. Only Elders may sire childer, and they must be presented to me within a reasonable period. And, lest I remind you that they are highly vulnerable to Sabat influence, that no humans having evil tendencies should be turned."

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Re: Vampires in the Near Dark Twilight Interviewed
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2017, 07:27:56 PM »
Chapter II : The Prince

Contrary to what you might think, the Prince and Ventrue Praetor Vladislaus Straud was not the oldest Kindred in Simolia.  Vlad became a vampire on the evening of May 31st, 1223, near the banks of the River Kalka.

He was the 4th son of a boyar sworn to Mstislav the Bold. The Rus had assembled a large host to stop the Mongol invasion lead by Jebe and Subatai the sons of the Great Khan. At first it looked like the Mongols were not prepared to face them, and the Rus chased them for 3 days across the plains of what is now Ukraine.  But then on the morning on May 31st the Rus came upon the entire Mongol army drawn up in battle formation on the banks of the Kalka River. The Rus, on the other hand, had a column 10 miles long as a result of the days of pursuing the Mongols.

If Mstislav, and the other commanders had been smart, they would have drawn short and allowed all their forces to arrive. But they were eager for a battle after running after the Mongols, and went into their attack piecemeal. The Mongols were able to destroy the Rus army bit by bit, and the Rus would be under the Mongol yoke for the next several centuries.

Vladislaus had fought as if possessed all day. With many of the senior nobles getting killed, took charge and fought off, attack after Mongol attack. He drove his spear into the chests of a of score of Mongols, and cleaved another two score in half with his sword. At one point he lead a counterattack that almost broke the Mongol left flank. But victory was not to be. As the day ended the situation was desperate for the Rus.

As the sun set, his small group of retainers were falling back towards their main camp, when they were set on by a large group of Mongols. His men were killed by arrows almost immediately. Several arrows pieced his armor, and they sliced at him riding by on their horses. Blood poured from his body, and he felt his life slipping away.

But then, as he lie on the ground, through one eye, he saw someone dispatching the Mongols with their bare hands. Someone flying through the air like an Angel. As it turned out, not quite and Angel. Whoever or whatever it was came over to his near lifeless body, and he wasn't sure but it felt like it bit into his neck. Then it felt like a wrist was being placed above his mouth, and blood was dripping from it.

For some reason, instead of being repulsed, he found it delicious, and drank greedily, until he felt a hard slap across his face. Vlad laid there for what might have been, a minute, an hour, or a day. When he regained his full facilities he as inside a cave looking at a man looking as if he were an old Roman statue come to life.

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Re: Vampires in the Near Dark Twilight Interviewed
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2017, 07:42:04 PM »
Chapter III - Clan Brujah

Bjorn Ragnarsson was turned in the spring of 1044 in Baghdad, but the story is not nearly as enthralling as what happened to Vlad.

In Norway, while just a little boy, Bjorn's Jarl, family and village were completely destroyed in a surprise attack by a rival Jarl. The children were told to run up into the mountains, and stay there until someone came for them. Bjorn ran as hard as he could until his little legs were like rubber, and his lungs were burning. He had to stop and rest by the edge of the woods, and witnessed what was unfolding in the village. The people, the only people, he had known in his entire life were cut down by like sheep. Bjorn watched as his father took down three of the attackers, but then, he himself was killed by a spear driven into his chest. He watched as his mother was repeatedly assaulted by a group of men, and then had her throat cut.

His eyes filled with tears, and a local woman scooped him up, threw him over her shoulder, and carried him up into the mountains. A small band of women and children, along with a couple of men, had made it out of the village alive. One of the women had a lot of family in Borg, and that is where they set out for. They were Vikings, after all, and they made the journey through the mountains to Borg, without too many difficulties. Eventually children were adopted, and the women took new husbands as was the Viking way. Bjorn was adopted by a successful trader, which is why he would come to find himself in Baghdad.

Bjorn grew up to be a tall, and powerful young man. The long journeys he took with his father involved battling raiders, pirates, along with the occasional other Viking, and Bjorn became a fighter of great renown. Bjorn's adopted father, Erik, was cursed by the God's and not been given any children of any of his marriages.

In the spring of 1044 they started their long journey to Baghdad with their longboats loaded with furs and Frankish swords. 

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Re: Vampires in the Near Dark Twilight Interviewed
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2017, 09:39:24 PM »
Chapter IV - Clan Tremere

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Re: Vampires in the Near Dark Twilight Interviewed
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2017, 09:44:08 PM »
Chapter V - Clan Tremere

Ciannait Conneely

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Re: Vampires in the Near Twilight Interviewed (8/1/17)
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2017, 01:55:58 PM »
Chapter VI: Battle with the Sabat

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