Author Topic: Makin' It in Murkland: Starter Challenge [completed 05/11/2017]  (Read 29196 times)

Online oshizu

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.12: The Tree Taunts Me!(04/19)
« Reply #60 on: April 30, 2017, 03:38:46 PM »
The three of you surely forgot about your comments from 11 days ago, but I'm responding to them anyway. Maybe I should respond to comments right away from now on…

Thank you for reading and your nice compliment! The life of oshizu in Murkland is so laid-back that I worry about boring everyone to death. But I'm still having a blast so I'm really happy to hear you say that's coming through. :-)
Did you complete the Library Side Challenge already? I'm waiting to download your novels into my library!
Also, read my remark to Francesca below about next week's Murkland Contest.

So, were you able to get inside of the Mad Mudders Encampment? Did it disappoint? I mean, they all sleep in single beds, right?
Hah, today oshizu was too lazy to pull out her element for fishing, but her catch wasn't so good.
By the way, I checked out the simmer who will judge next week's Murkland contest and he seems to be a builder. I hope you'll participate! I promise it will tie in somehow to your Spiffelogues!

Should oshizu feel offended that Jin went to sleep in the potty bush instead of with her?
Perhaps he was trying to resist temptation? Or maybe the tent's too small for actually sleeping. Lol
You still have a week left to collect your beans! How many do you have left to find now?

Hehe, I usually do that thing with the elements for fishing, but I'd been trying "zero-cheese gameplay" for my Murkland challenge (and failed).

Murky 1.12: The Tree Taunts Me

*After being hooked up, Brennachan and Pookey endlessly plague oshizu with text messages;
*oshizu grows the Mystical Magic Bean Portal Tree on her tiny lot;
*Jin Tanaka becomes her best friend and sleeps over in a friendly sort of way;
*They visit the abandoned Desert Bloom Park for the first time;
*Finally, oshizu learns that Capt. Fishbones is destined to a life of eternal solitude.

Week 3/Friday

While I'm pruning my bonsai tree/bush, Jin stops by to chat.
We spend a lot of time together lately. He's a good guy.

Have I already mentioned how much I love my new bonsai tree (created by kym098)?

On the other hand, I am not feeling that Mystical Magic Bean Portal Tree!
Yo, it's spoiling the vibe of my Murkland Starter lot!

I mean, just look! It casts its shadow over my whole "living room" !

After I get one more forbidden fruit, I'm a-gonna trash dat tree!

But not today! Jin and I head back to Desert Bloom Park for a little fishing.

By the way, I sell off my 99+ trash fruit from my personal inventory.
That earns me $1,667. How many of those trash fruit did I have anyway?

I sit down for a late lunch with Caterina and my next-door-neighbor Willow Creek.

Caterina is one of my favorite people! It's great to see her around in Murkland.
It's nice to be able to invite her along to the park, like today.

I don't know who made this apple cobbler, but Jin really hates it!

By 6 pm, I'm back at my usual spot because why fool around with perfection?

That's not true, in fact!
Before starting my yard sales, I move that smelly potty bush outside the radius of my table's ambiance.
So, la-di-da.

Can you see Rex Turbo Pumpkin running over to my table like clockwork?

Come to mama, baby boy! Well, come to mama's table, to be specific.

Rex is such a superb customer!
Everyone else is standing around, acting like my yard sale is some buffet.
Not Rex, though. He buys something for the second time this evening!

I'm starting to believe that the way to a woman's heart is through her sales table!

Scar stops by and wants to take a picture with me, which I think is kinda cute.
I mean, don't all the Mad Mudders have the mean trait?

Don't forget to buy a frog, bro!

Today is Hot Spring Day so I close my yard sales in time for a soak.

I know exactly what y'all are thinking!
You think I'll pull that "pretend-to-yawn-then-snake-my-arm-around-him" move.

Haha, nope! I am dead tired!
If I weren't so sleepy, I'd be offended that you thought I'd pull a tired ole trick like that!

Could that magic tree be draining my ki life-force?

Jin: Don't mind me! I'm just letting the steam cleanse my facial pores!


In the morning, I evolve my second plant to Great quality.
After a second of joy, I realize my two Great plants are still only halfway to Perfect!

But the day I have 16 perfect trash plants will arrive eventually. In trash, we trust!

I spy a sad-looking Rex Turbo PlantSim trudging by across the street.

Poor guy! I cheer him up, brighten his day, and do what I can to make him smile.

Looks like he's feeling happy again!
How weird that he's still got that blue sad aura, though.
Good thing I ask him for a sad bean before I started cheering him up!

I'd make a killing on eBay with Rex Turbo Pumpkin's sad magic bean!
Uh, if I had internet access, that is.

Today's the last day of my third week in Murkland.
Part of me feels l should be doing something special today, but what?
I decide to introduce myself to somebody new.

Uh oh! Shame on you, Johnny Zest! Don't you know that nobody likes a peeper!

That Lisa Bee---always caught up in some trouble!
Girl, good thing you bathe in your bikini!

Grammar question: If Johnny is the peeper, what does that make Lisa Bee?
(I know, I couldn't resist...)

Speaking of Lisa Bee, she's the one who introduced me to two great mods.
Newcrest Revamped by kym098 eliminates background props in Nukecrest and Willow Creek.
On the other hand, the Autumn Mod colors my game in fall foliage.

I know I've mentioned them both before, but they deserve being mentioned again.

By the way, the Optimist's Outlook and Old Flea Market lots in the lower right are creations of MeaganJo and ladyloial, respectively.
The Artist Colony on the left is by SoulGal7.

Meet the newest resident of this camp: Trinity Black (also by kym098).
I've never seen anysim make braces and freckles look so cute!

It's still a little early but I travel with friends to the Fire & Music Festival to party.
There are so many peeps on the dance floor!

Awwww yeah! Pulling out my special moves while everyone else does the Murkland Two-Step!

I imagine everyone must be getting hungry like I am so I grill a few dishes.

It's hard to believe that these ugly things will soon transform into veggie burgers.

Everyone listens suspiciously, while Lucas the Infected shares his backstory.
Like, who would believe that he's related to the dude who created Star Wars?

Awww, look who decided to sit over there by themselves.
Sitting quietly, eyes closed, basking in their joy in a little world all their own!

No, Nan'ga Def! You don't get to complain about my body odor while I'm taking a toke!

Why would I waste a Deodorizing Cream at night, right before I go to bed…alone!?

As soon as I get home, I check the Tree-with-the-Overly-Long-Name yet again.

Hmmm, so it only opens at a certain time instead of after a cooldown?
Okay, I'll make sure to check the tree tomorrow again at exactly 10 a.m.!
The tree is taunting me!

After a long day, I reach the end of my third week in Murkland.

Who knows? Maybe I'll start Week 4 as a PlantSim?
The only downside would be that my plants would hardly evolve for 5 days!
Ahhhh, the sacrifices we make for the advancement of Sims science!

End of Week 3

Primary Skills: Dancing L4, Gardening L8, Charisma L9
Other Skills: Fishing L9, Herbalism L6, Fitness L5, Cooking L3, Writing L2
Trash Plants: 2 Great, 14 Good
Household Funds: $12,728

Offline Caterina

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.12: The Tree Taunts Me (04/30)
« Reply #61 on: May 01, 2017, 01:55:57 AM »
Yay!  A Murky update!

Caterina would like to thank you for inviting her to lunch at the park and out dancing at the festival.

It's great to see you having so much fun in Murkland.  I really like how you are narrating your story.

I hope I get a chance to be a part of the Murkland contest.  I don't visit that thread as often so I might miss it.

Oh, and Oshizu is one of Caterina's favorite people too.  Thanks for making me smile.

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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.12: The Tree Taunts Me (04/30)
« Reply #62 on: May 01, 2017, 01:41:23 PM »
Your Murkland population just keeps growing and getting more interesting! I get a little thrill every time I see my simself. :) Thanks for the veggie burger, friend!

Thanks also for the shot of your de-building-ed Nukerest. It looks great! I love it. I want to add that mod to mine, but I also don't want to have to take it out every time I play a different file. Murkland problems!

Glad you got a little more hot tub time with Jin. Had to laugh that your suave yawn was really an actual exhaustion yawn. LOL!

Jin's apple cobbler rage cracked me up. Chill, dude. It's just dessert!

Online oshizu

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Makin' It in Murkland 1.13: PlantSimming Postponed
« Reply #63 on: May 02, 2017, 03:53:31 AM »
Awwww, thanks for all your nice words. By the way, I loved Soulgal7's screenshot of your simself as a PlantSim. And about the contest, when I hear word, I'll be sure to PM you the details so you can decide whether or not to participate. :-)

Yes, the population of simmers who are playing the Murkland Challenge seems to be growing.
As for the Newcrest Revamped and Autumn mods, I'm currently using 3 different "Sims 4" folders: one for my RDC, one for Murkland, and one for anything else. If those mods really interest you, though, and easier way would be to replace your entire Mods folder. You could switch between two Mods folders. 
Mods - MRK
Mods - Normal
Then, when you play Murkland, you rename Mods - MRK to simply "Mods"; when you play your Spiffendales, you rename "Mods" back to "Mods - MRK" then rename "Mods - Normal" to "Mods".
Gah, sounds complicated when I write it all out, but it really doesn't take much time.
   I'm glad you thought the yawn psych was funny. I've never actually had any of sims yawn in the hot tub before and I thought for a second that she would autonomously do the suave yawn, lol.

Murky 1.13: PlantSimming Postponed

Previously, at the end of Week 3:
   • oshizu follows her usual daily routine of gardening, fishing, followed by a yard sale the first day;
   • On Saturday, she visits Nukecrest and discovers Johnny Zest is a creepster and welcomes Trinity Black to Nukecrest;
   • She throws a dance party at the Fire & Music Festival venue to celebrate the end of her third week in Murkland; and
   • Reads the Portal Management Service's memo about the Mystical Tree only being open at 10 a.m.

Week 4/Sunday

I wake up this morning at 4 am after a full night's sleep.
My hygiene has zeroed out overnight, so I unthinkingly head for my beloved tarp shower.

Suddenly, "someone" cancels my shower action! Why? *rubs sleep from my eyes
Oh, right! I'm not supposed to shower today.

Done with gardening, I go somewhere new since the tree's portal won't open for another 3 hours.

I've never visited the Engine Family's Bunker before.
It looks so unassuming from the world map, y'know?

Now, I see there's a swimming/fishng hole, a woodworking table, and trash plants.
Hmmm….pretty handy for a PlantSim but Fort Murkland also offers swimming and fishing.

All of a sudden, the most adorable little creature runs up and starts babbling.
This must be Diesel Engine!
Caterina had asked me before if I'd met him and now I see why!

What? You wanna hug, little Diesel? Well, yes, of course, I'd love to!

In a flash, I fall in love with Diesel and start wanting a little one or two of my own.

I attempt to introduce myself to his parents, Rev and Fuel Engine.
Oddly, they have me follow them downstairs to the smallest room of their home.

These two are fabulous! They are both klepto Tech Gurus.
And whaddya know, the wife Rev loves the outdoors like me!

Nudity alert!
The utterly adorable Diesel is a wild child, natch. So cute!

You've met their daughter Rocket Engine before.
She really wears her family's wealth modestly whenever she's in public.

Look at her now!
She's all "I'm just playing Arithmetic Attack on one of the best computers in the simverse!"

I'm very impressed by the nice home the Engines have created for themselves!
You'll have to come see it for yourselves!

For now, I only harvest and fertilize their trash plants.
I keep close watch on the time and leave for home at 9:30 am.

Amazing! The tree's portal opens at exactly 10 am!
I pause a moment to change into my everyday clothes then enter the portal.
Any tree with a name that long deserves some respect, don't you agree?

I'm back and seriously deserve a new T-shirt!
"I spent 100 minutes inside the portal tree and all I got was some crystals."

What's up with that?!

Hmmmm, so that talk about harvesting forbidden fruit must not mean that portal tree.
I'm going to stash the humungous tree for now and plant my single forbidden fruit.

Oh well, I didn't really want to become a PlantSim today anyway! *sour grapes

Since PlantSimming is off the table for a while, I travel to the only home I've yet to visit.

Noticing a batfish in the pond in front, I'm tempted to see if I can catch any sturgeon.
But then I see him and ascend the stairs to greet him instead.

Mad Mud stands there solemnly, drink in hand, staring at his globe bar.
From afar, he looks as if he were standing at the helm of a grand ship.

After some chitchat, I ask him about his career though I know he's a medical doctor.
I prepare to say something snarky to the stingy guy about his high salary.

What a shock to learn that he's retired! And then I remember that he's an elder.

Mad Mud: So, my Padawan, why don't you help yourself to a drink?
oshizu: Aha, so you are a Jedi Master! I've always wondered about your robe!

(Even when he smiles, he's scary as heck. I'm going to make myself a triple shot…)

Before hitting the sack, I light the bonfire and discover that I can perform a fire dance.
It's a little embarrassing at first. How am I supposed to dance without some percussion?

And a back-up posse of hunky Samoan fire-knife dancers wouldn't hurt!

The fire dance takes over as my soul become one with the leaping flames.
Oh, and with the trash plants, too, because we don't want them feeling left out.


Today's Hot Springs Day, but I get up and take a brisk shower.

As much as I love my tarp shower, though, its effect never lasts long on filthy lots.

My Forbidden Fruit Tree has sprouted!
I once knew an elderly lady who used to talk each morning to her plants, urging them to grow.

No plantsimming until this tree bears fruit, so I try encouraging my little sprout as well.

I almost leave for the north when I remember that my bills arrive today.
Recalling reggikko's tip about the bill glitch, I go digging until the mail's delivered

After paying this week's bill of $516, I head to Fort Murkland.
I spend the whole day there, digging, harvesting new plants, and catching new fish.

By the end of the day, I'm already filthy!

I'm already good friends with Chiliad Salamander.
So, Fort Murkland might make a fun temporary home while I'm a PlantSim.

If I stay with the Engines, on the other hand, I could play with little Diesel all day!
Well, who says I can't spend a little time with both households, right?

By the time I get home, I'm so grungy that I end up using another Deodorizing Cream.
Feels wasteful to use one before going to bed, but I'm just too uncomfortable.

For some reason I can't figure out, oshizu's T-shirt swatch keeps changing by itself.

Just as I'm about to go to bed/tent, I hear the sound of running water.
Darn, my shower needs repair. I can fix that!

Maybe tomorrow I'll buy a Handiness skill book to read at home.
I really need to stay home so my tree and trash plants can grow.

I've repaired the shower but there's even more water on the ground! Ugh!

Don't I know a neat freak who would come mop up for me? *scavenges for parts

Good night, baby tree!
I've finally worked up the courage to become a PlantSim!
Please hurry and bear fruit before I lose my nerve or my enthusiasm.

I wonder how many days you'll take to mature?

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.13: PlantSimming Postponed (05/02)
« Reply #64 on: May 02, 2017, 01:04:48 PM »
Very nice job on all of the screenshots.  My favorites were Diesel's hug and Oshizu climbing the stairs to drink Mad Muds booze.

Online oshizu

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.14: Still Waiting (05/03)
« Reply #65 on: May 03, 2017, 04:17:48 AM »
Diesel is so adorable! I'm glad you liked the screenshots! We are never very comfortable around Mad Mud. In this chapter, you showed up at a surprising time.
Bonus ending screenshot for you, hehe.

Murky 1.14: Still Waiting

   • oshizu visits the Engine Family's Bunker and Mad Mud's Abode for the first time, falling in love with little Diesel;
   • She explores the Mystical Tree's portal, which opened at 10 am sharp, but only finds 4 crystals;
   • Eager to rid her lot of the huge tree, she plants the Forbidden Fruit instead of consuming it;
   • She spends the day considering possible temporary lodging options if she ever becomes a PlantSim; then
   • She drifts off to sleep, wishing her little tree sprout will grow quickly.

Week 4/Tuesday

I wake up at the ungodly hour of 4:20 am. Normally, I'd go back to sleep, but…
My Forbidden Fruit tree is all grown up!

I chat with her (the tree's awesome so it must be a "she," right?) for a while.
Somehow, we get on the topics of sports cars, which I know very little about.

My tree and trash plants don't need me yet today, so I do some fire dancing.
Unluckily, things don't go as well this morning as they did last night!

Last week, I bought a meditation stool at the Murkland Mercantile Co. store.
So, after attending to my burns, I place my new meditation stool!

Meditation doesn't affect my hygiene like yoga does; my needs deplete more slowly.
Also, I don't need the mood boosts provided by yoga these days, anyway.

I'm gonna meditate until my garden needs tending…

I just had to go and burn my right arm, didn't I?
So inconvenient for tending my garden!
And whenever I crouch down to weed or evolve a plant, my leg wounds bleed through.

Suddenly I hear the familiar sound of the mail being delivered!
You know, one thing nice about Murkland is that I've stopped getting all that junk mail.

Ooh, it's a second letter from the mysterious W, whoever that is.

Huh, she could have included a little more praise for me, you know?
It's not like I broke those rules on purpose--I just forgot or didn't understand them correctly.

I'm a little bit wiser now, but I'll no doubt still continue to make mistakes. *sighs

I'm determined to stay home today. My tree might bear fruit tomorrow, I'm thinking.
Inviting Jin along, I make a very quick trip to the Murkland Mercantile Co.

I just want to buy some skill books, though I give a sidelong glance to the toddler beds…

Before we leave, I try again to convince Jin that I also "need" a portable bar.
Jin disagrees.

Jin: The last time, we both concluded that a portable bar's a luxury item, right?
Now, we're not even sure it's "legal" for you to own one.

oshizu:  True, true. And if I really want a drink, I can visit several venues to order or mix drinks.
You're right, as usual, Jin. Thanks for being the voice of reason.

Jin: I'd like to stick around while oshizu spends the day at home, waiting on that tree.
After spraying the garden's bugs, I don't have anything to do so oshizu lends me her violin.

Gah, I make such awful, screechy sounds that I move to the far corner of the lot.
My playing won't improve unless I practice, but I don't want to disrupt oshizu's reading.

oshizu: Around 10 pm, I round up old and new friends to visit the PufferDome for the first time.
Wow, it looks like a completely different place at night!

This is that sketchy restaurant, owned by Mad Mud, that I told you about before.
It only serves water and the worst-quality pufferfish nigiri-zushi.

As soon as we arrive, Charlii Mai rushes downstairs and I assume she'll wash her hands.

Nope! Teach that can who's boss, Charlii Mai! No one likes a can that talks trash!

One look at the green-eyed host and you know this is a questionable establishment!

Hello, Don!? You think no one recognizes you and your Assassin Creed cosplay?

The real reason we're here tonight is to celebrate Mercy Skies (left) and Valeda Tivona (right).
They both completed the Murkland Starter Challenge this afternoon!

Mercy and Valeda are both recent acquaintances of mine. Very cool sims, very cool!
I'd also like to consider Charlii Mai as not only a new neighbor but also a new friend.

Look at her sitting there, all chill! Our vampire waitress don't be fazing her one bit!

Valeda: Hey, Mercy! Can you believe oshizu inviting us to this deadly place to celebrate?
Mercy: I know, right? What was she thinking?

oshizu: All I ordered for us is water, ladies, cuz I just want to check this place out.
I thought we could chug our water then visit that new bar in Nukecrest, yeah?

(You can't see his face, but that's Mercy's friend Fen van Zandt seated in front of her.)

Charlii: You're such a chicken, oshizu, just ordering water here!
oshizu: I know. But I'm not dying until I get my 16 perfect trash plants, dagnabbit!

Valeda: Hey, for water, doesn't this liquid look awfully murky? It's not poisoned, is it?


When we arrive at the Nuclear Nectar, it's just past midnight.
This fantastic bar, which recently opened in eastern Nukecrest, is anchesenamon's creation.

I order drinks for the group then go upstairs to hire a DJ.
That's when I notice the cutie-pie Fen slinking around like a vampire.

I immediately check if there's a vampire break-in going on, but there isn't.
So Fen's cool. Guess he just walks like that. Huh.

Everyone's having a blast but I'm ready to go home to my little tree.
Would you believe it? This time, there is a vampire break-in so we can't go home!

It's that lady in the red skirt! How utterly annoying!

I follow her downstairs and ask her politely to leave.
When that doesn't work, I pick a fight with her. Oh yeah!

I win, natch!
Everyone knows I'm at What's Left of the Gym several times a week.
I always shoot some hoops before or after every yard sale, so that's a lot of hoops!

Caterina arrived without my noticing. She looks rather horrified.
Maybe she's never seen this part of me yet?

And that is how I came to be despised by a Grand Master vampire. Just great.
Oh well, you're welcome, everybody. We can finally all go home now!

Vampire: You will regret this, ignorant mortal!

The next day, I stay home all day, reading and gardening.
At 10 pm, I give up on the tree bearing fruit today and visit the Hot Springs with Jin.

Because of the scare I gave Caterina at the bar, I invite her and Forest Tree along, too.

If only I were making as much progress with my tree as Caterina seems to be making with Forest Tree!

The Forbidden Fruit Tree will flower on Thursday, for sure!

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.14: Still Waiting (05/03)
« Reply #66 on: May 03, 2017, 01:12:28 PM »
That was a Slam Dunk!  Great update!

I was a bit worried when you said that Caterina showed up at a surprising time.  When you were dining out at the Pufferdome, I half expected her to be pictured face down on a plate of Pufferfish.  I have a screenshot of that in my folder.  I suppose if her "W" were to write her a letter, that incident would be included.

Caterina was probably frightened by the sight of the vampire.  I don't have vampires in my game yet.  Thank you for taking care of red-skirt-vampire-lady for everyone.

Forest Tree and Caterina make a good couple.  In CAS, they made a beautiful daughter named Bristol.  I am thinking about creating a new Murkland save file and playing them as a family.  When, Bristol and Diesel age up, he can father a batch of 7 toddlers to challenge her.

I hope your burns heal quickly.

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.14: Still Waiting (05/03)
« Reply #67 on: May 03, 2017, 01:22:11 PM »
Thank goodness you had those cc bandages to patch yourself up!

This was such a great update. So much fun and excitement in Murkland. I'm glad you've taken up fire-dancing, even if it is a bit hazardous. Loved Don the Reaper-Host and your vampire butt-kicking was hilarious! All that basketball really paid off!

Forest and Caterina do make a cute couple. :)

Online oshizu

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Makin' It in Murkland 1.15: PlantSlumming (05/03, double update)
« Reply #68 on: May 03, 2017, 10:29:38 PM »
You're so courageous to actually try the pufferfish nigiri at PufferDome. I haven't tried it. Not even in a separate save!
I giggled that Forest Tree and Caterina had Bristol in CAS instead of trying for baby in a separate save file, hahaha. I found that very modest and adorable.
With the Murkland Mercantile Co. store selling the toddler merchandise, it seems pretty sure that Challenge 2 will have our sims building a family. What do you think?
There's still one empty lot each in Murkland for the Burner and Mad Mud factions.

For me, those bandages will always be intricately associated with my legacy sim Ze (and, by association, Amnesia: Memories, lol).
oshizu was a fire-dancing queen in Chapter 1.13; in the previous chapter, not so much. :-(

Murky 1.15  PlantSlumming

   • Despite her spectacular success the previous night, oshizu burns herself fire-dancing Tuesday morning;
   • She receives a mysterious letter, congratulating her on surviving then listing all her  rule violations so far;
   • At the Murkland Mercantile Co. store, she buys some skill books but Jin talks her out of buying a bar;
   • She invites some new and old friends to a night out on the town, first to PufferDome then to the Nuclear Nectar bar;
   • Stuck in the bar due to a vampire break-in, oshizu beats up a Grand Master vampire so everyone can go home.

Week 4/Thursday

This morning, my Forbidden Fruit tree asks me to evolve her.
It's her second evolution in four days, but still no harvest. What to do, what to do?

On the plus side, I do max my gardening skill!

I have no idea when my Forbidden Fruit Tree will bear fruit.

Taking out my portal tree, I go exploring a second time at 10am.
By the way, my burns have healed enough that I could remove my bandages.

Lucky! I re-emerge from the portal 90 minutes later with a Forbidden Fruit!

Well, dang! I should have been trying that every morning these past few days!

I hesitate only slightly before munching down the Forbidden Fruit.
Rising into the air, I feel jolts and shivers coursing throughout my body!

My transformation is complete!

Oh c'mon, Forbidden Fruit! I got me this new green-harmonizing outfit.
What's with this unflattering hair?

So, look, I'd like us to have a little chat. You know, plant to plant?
Why won't you give up some forbidden fruit, girl?

I'm asking because I'm about to embark on some PlantSlumming.
For the next five days, I won't be spending as much time on this lot.

Oh wait, I can't do that! My trash plants!
Okay, I'll be seeing you every now and then. Ciaozinho!

Will tending my trash plants as a PlantSim help them evolve faster?
Right now, I have one Excellent and 15 Great plants.

No, I'm not practicing some new ballet move!
I'm yawning next to my pee bush.

Okay, now we know that I can nap in any pee bush.
I only wish we could have tested this when my bush wasn't revolting!

Oh c'mon, Jasmine! Give a sistah a break!
I want dreads like yours, not the Atom Boy look like Don Lothario.

What!? You've never heard of the Atom Boy manga? It's classic!

oshizu: Hey, Rex! Drop some knowledge on me, my friend!
Gimme some inside tips on how to survive as a PlantSim.

Rex: Well, first of all, you need some water ASAP.
Your hair's graying cuz you're dehydrating, girl.

I hightail it over to the Freegans' pad.
Ahhhh, two glasses of water and I'm as good as new!

In fact, I'm feeling fantastic!

Jin: You invite me out to look at these portable bars again?
We've already decided that it's not a good idea!
oshizu: But Brennachan says it's okay since it's a non-electrical object.

Jin: Don't you think buying the one with fancy lights is too much!
oshizu: Eh, I'll still have over $12k left. Reaching $15k won't take much time!

Jin: What's with that strange look in your eye?
oshizu: I'm trying to think of things to do that I can only do as a PlantSim.
Yo, Jin! Wanna "Try for Plantboo"?

Jin: That's against the rules for Challenge 1, remember?
oshizu: Oh right. Okay, let's do the next best thing. You in?

I race over to the Engine Family's Bunker to chill with Diesel.
Since we're both energized, I teach the little darling how to dance.

Yeah, I know. Not a very PlantSimmy thing to do. Whatever.

While teaching Diesel to talk, I occasionally sprout leaves which surprises him.

Diesel: You aren't going to eat me, lady, are you?

Before heading home, I take a quick swim in the murky pond.


This morning, I discover a downside to napping in the pee bush. Ugh.
Good thing for me today's a Hot Springs Day!

After a shower and two glasses of water, I harvest my tree at last.
Since I planted the seed on Sunday, the tree took 5 days to bear fruit!

I harvest my five Forbidden Fruit then store them away along with the tree.
At first, I planted the tree because I wasn't sure the portal tree would give me another Forbidden Fruit.
I wanted to ensure I could become a PlantSim again after the challenge ended!

But now I know a Forbidden Fruit Tree will produce an endless supply of Forbidden Fruit worth $0.
So I return to heeding Murkland's rule of not growing anything except trash plants.

I love my next-door neighbors, the Freegans!
We share so much in common! Our love for the outdoors, our gluttony!

I'm sure that's why I was moved here instead of, for example, next to Mad Mud. *shudders
Well, I shouldn't say that, since I quite like all of Mad Mud's followers.

When my energy drops, I nap on a nearby bench.
As a PlantSim, I can't seem to boost my energy past the halfway mark.

That evening, Brennachan shares all that's been going on with her and Pookey.
Things are looking good for those two.
And while chatting with her, I become a Friend of the World.
Thank you very much, Brennachan!

Then, I go home and head straight to my tent.
Because fire-dancing doesn't seem like a very PlantSimmy thing to do, you know what I mean?


This morning, I leave for the park with several glasses of water in my inventory.

Some days, my fishing luck is just better than other days.
Today, I catch a sturgeon worth $2,201.

I hold a yard sale at my usual place: What's Left of the Gym.

These two jokers are constantly milling around, feeling flirty.
I can't ask them to leave so I just cancel any of their attempts to socialize with me.

Francesca stops by and wants to take a shot with me as a PlantSim. LOL.
Friends like her are always welcome.

I hold two consecutive yard sales tonight, and this is Rex's third visit!
While he's waffling over a purchase, Ms. Outdoor Retreat buys my sturgeon.

With the 75% markup, the sturgeon's sales price comes to $3,851.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

My trash plants evolved more quickly this week.
I'm sure it's because I stayed home waiting on my Forbidden Fruit Tree.

Still three more days until I transform from a PlantSim back to a normal Murklander. Frankly, I wish there were more I could do as  PlantSim.
I feel like my daily life hasn't really changed except that I need to stay watered.
Why don't I get superpowers like the vampires do?

End of Week 4

Primary Skills: Gardening L10, Charisma L10, Dancing L4
Friend of the World aspiration: done
Trash Plants: 8 Excellent, 8 Great
Household Funds: $17,404

Other Skills: Fishing L10, Herbalism L6, Fitness/Handiness L5, Cooking/Wellness L3, Writing L2

Online oshizu

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.16: Going M.I.A. in Murkland (05/05)
« Reply #69 on: May 05, 2017, 03:40:03 PM »
Murky 1.16: Going M.I.A. in Murkland

Previously in Week 4:
   • oshizu gains a second Forbidden Fruit by exploring the Portal Tree for the third time;
   • Thursday morning, she begins her five days as a PlantSim;
   • she buys a portable bar at the Murkland Mercantile Co. to stay watered;
   • On Friday, she finally harvests the Forbidden Fruit Tree then stores it away; and
   • oshizu gets closer to completing the Starter Challenge.

Week 5/Sunday

It seems like only yesterday that I lost everything and found myself in Murkland.
But, in fact, four weeks have already passed!

Life as a PlantSim has not really lived up to all the hype!

Staying outdoors to absorb sunlight is no hardship for a nature lover like me.

I'd heard that staying hydrated would prove difficult.
It's true that dehydration progresses quickly once it begins.

But drinking two glasses of water fully hydrates me.
So, with my own bar, I don't even need to leave home!

Vampires can learn all sorts of cool powers!

Well, okay, PlantSims also don't have bladder issues, but we still need to sleep!
And we don't have any super-fast teleportation power, either!

By the way, that Grand Master vampire hasn't visited my lot but she walks by every day…

The aliens, at least, have their secret handshake!
How cool would it be if we PlantSims had one, too?

The most fun I had with the PlantSim Challenge? Collecting the magic beans!

My trash plants evolve slowly because I love to visit other Murklanders and explore the secrets of each Murkland space.
These two activities are what drives my excitement about life in Murkland!

This week, though, I'm going to make more of an effort to stay home.
Today, I have exactly 8 Excellent plants and 8 Great plants, so tracking my plants' progress will be easy.

In the afternoon, I visit the Overgrown Library.
I hire @reggikko as the barista, since I haven't seen her around lately.

She smiles mysteriously when I ask if she's completed the Overgrown Library Side Challenge.
I'm really looking forward to reading her books!

I'm so shocked to see Rex Turbo Pumpkin at the library that I forget to ask what he's reading.

He's never struck me as being a particularly intellectual Murklander, y'know?
Or is he reading about advanced pumpkin carving techniques?

To visit the library outside of its regular 10am to 6pm hours, I need to become BFFs with the librarian.
So I introduce myself to Kyra Raghavan then start making friendly with her.

So sorry, Jin!
Once I've completed the library's side challenge, we'll be BFFs again, promise!

While writing, I realize that the whole point of befriending the librarian is to come here after hours!
I'm a PlantSim for a few more days, so I should be outdoors during the daytime. Duh.

Before heading home, though, I visit the Artist Colony where I plant trash fruit in two planters.

The first time I tried this, the camp dwellers rushed over to throw away the trash piles.
This time, I neither ask for their help nor try watering the trash piles.

On the lot next door, I quickly plant trash fruit in one planter without anyone noticing.
Aspen, Trinity, and Rainy are too busy chatting with their new camphunk, Roger Chaney (by RethaSim).

When I get home, it's already dark. Darn it, I was so trying to stay home today!


I still eat my daily trash fruit, even though my Hunger need's been replaced by Water.
Today, I'm definitely going to try to stay home.

My weekly bill arrives. Only $525--very affordable.

But staying home is so boring!
I end up at Granite Falls because I'm running out of Elderberry. (a weak pretext...)

A little harvesting, a little fishing, a little chatting--I don't get home until dark (again).

And even though I burned myself just now, I still throw whims to fire-dance! Yibs!
Why is it so hard to stay home?


Around noon, right in the middle of my "I'm-so-glad-to-be-a-PlantSim" shtick, I revert back.
I'm relieved, to be honest, but now I know what life as a PlantSim is like.

And I have the Forbidden Fruit tree and fruit still, so I can always do it again.
Though I'm not sure why I'd ever want to do that.


My dear friend, Jin, the poor thing! He's been Very Embarrassed for hours!

Even after he uses the potty bush, a game bug convinces him that his bladder is full.
He wets himself in front of the tent and leaves a huge puddle!

He goes home to change and returns in clean clothes, but still Very Embarrassed.

After a yawn-inducing day at home, I take Jin to the Fire & Music Festival to cheer him up.

Whiff: I don't think so, Fen! Nobody does that Thriller choreography anymore!

Wait! Don't blink or you'll miss it!
Whiff almost has a little smile going on. Do you see it? Awww, she's so cute!

I max Dancing while waiting for Whiff to look up, hoping to catch her smiling again.


Jin: Do you mind if I ask you something, oshizu?
oshizu: Sure, knock yourself out. What's up?

Jin: Why are you fishing in your panties?
oshizu: Don't know. I've been having trouble with "Change outfits" since last week.
I first noticed it when I couldn't change into my coconut-shell bra for fire-dancing. *shrugs


Not much to share with you lately.
Mostly, I invite Jin over then stay home so the plants will grow.
Occasionally, I go fishing at Desert Bloom Park, then hold a yard sale at the gym.

But today, I'm sick and tired of staying in my neighborhood.
I visit Granite Falls for the clean air and great fishing.

Still, I don't stay very long. I don't even pay my respects to the hermit!

I really can't figure out what's going on with Rex and me. He's such a mystery!
He's often flirty with me but he insulted me at the gym the other night.

This week, however, I've had three sturgeons to sell and he's bought every one of them.
Where's his money coming from, anyway?

Do you think he's somehow using my sturgeons to launder dirty money?
*doesn't really understand how money-laundering works, obviously

Hey, Kate! Wassup?
Kate: I got a job as a bartender at the Nukecrest Out Back Bar. Why don't I ever see you?

oshizu: Oh, you know, I decided to get serious about the trash plants this week.
Kate: You're kidding me! You just stay home day after day with the trash plants?!

oshizu: I know, right? My plants did make a lot of progress this week.
I went from 8 Excellent and 8 Great trash plants to 16 Superb trash plants. But…
Kate: But what?

oshizu: When I play my Murkland Challenge this way, there's nothing fun to do or write about.
This week rather spoiled all the fun I've been having in Murkland.
Kate: So what are you going to do?

oshizu: I'm ending this story here for now.
I want to finish the challenge, though, then go M.I.A. until the second challenge.

Probably, I'll post my results once all my trash plants achieve perfection in, what, 2 or 3 sim-weeks?
Kate: Well, whatever you decide, be sure to drop by the Out Back Bar while I'm working!

End of Week 5

*Completed Requirements
Primary Skills: Gardening L10, Charisma L10, Dancing L5
Friend of the World aspiration: done
Household Funds: $30,758

*Incomplete Requirements
Trash Plants: 16 Superb quality (need Perfect quality)

Other Skills: Fishing L10, Herbalism/Wellness L7, Handiness L6, Fitness L5, Cooking/Writing L3
Purchased Reward Traits: Always Welcome, Incredibly Friendly
Unused Points: 5,585 satisfaction points

Offline reggikko

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.16: Going M.I.A. in Murkland (05/05)
« Reply #70 on: May 05, 2017, 04:31:46 PM »
Haha! I think I have either 6 or 7 bestsellers done but I haven't been playing in Murkland. I've been fooling around with getting a new 'hood set up and figuring out the MC Command mod. Wow, does that mod ever do a LOT of stuff! Maybe I'll work on those books this weekend.

And, yes, the challenge gets a wee bit boring when you're just waiting for the plants since there isn't a whole lot your Sim can do on the home lot. ;/

I need Challenge 2!

Online oshizu

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.16: Going M.I.A. in Murkland (05/05)
« Reply #71 on: May 05, 2017, 05:14:52 PM »
Haha! I think I have either 6 or 7 bestsellers done but I haven't been playing in Murkland. I've been fooling around with getting a new 'hood set up and figuring out the MC Command mod. Wow, does that mod ever do a LOT of stuff! Maybe I'll work on those books this weekend.

And, yes, the challenge gets a wee bit boring when you're just waiting for the plants since there isn't a whole lot your Sim can do on the home lot. ;/

I need Challenge 2!

Oooh, I've been dying to try out Master Controller. What kind of 'hood are you creating and for what kind of gameplay?
I'm always curious to know what you're up to, lol.  ;D

And yeah, it might be a new Murkland koan or something. The sound of 16 trash plants evolving...
(I can't even bring myself to complete the side challenge, now...)

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.16: Going M.I.A. in Murkland (05/05)
« Reply #72 on: May 06, 2017, 12:47:24 AM »
Oh, and she leaves us on a cliffhanger again! Jin? Rex Turbo Pumpkin? I still see Lucas skulking around! I'm such a sucker for romantic tension!

I've really enjoyed reading about your Murkland adventures, so I'll look forward to your triumphant challenge completion updates, and to seeing what you'll do with the mysterious Challenge 2!

Online oshizu

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.16: Going M.I.A. in Murkland (05/05)
« Reply #73 on: May 06, 2017, 12:54:05 AM »
Thanks for reading! I'm being thoroughly shallow and reserving the right to make a romantic commitment only after Challenge 2 comes out.
I'm so very grateful to Rex for always coming by to shop but do I want to live at the Forgotten Gas Station?
Also, every now and then, Rex starts insulting "me," which I'm not sure what to do with.

I'm wondering if Challenge 2 will give us a new couple-oriented/family-oriented lot across the stree from where we live now?
The Murky Contest was supposed to be announced this week but still no word.

My only issue is, now that I won't be playing Murkland much anymore, what will keep my excited about my Rival Dynasties Challenge?

Online oshizu

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland: Starter Challenge finished (05/11)
« Reply #74 on: May 11, 2017, 08:23:52 PM »
After an additional three weeks and one day of obsessive tending the trash plants, oshizu evolved her 16th perfect-quality trash plant and completed the Starter Challenge.

I am now an "Official Murkland Salamander" and allowed to flaunt the badge created by Mother Murkland, Brennachan, who is the creator of the challenge and all of the Murkland lots and households.
Official Murkland Salamander badge (smaller).jpg

