Author Topic: Makin' It in Murkland: Starter Challenge [completed 05/11/2017]  (Read 29195 times)

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Makin' It in Murkland 17: Unflirty Rex
« Reply #30 on: April 06, 2017, 09:12:20 AM »
I love your T-shirt idea! It's such a long phrase, though, it's gonna have to be one of those knee-length T's!  Hehe, I even found another garden and just need one more good day of gardening to reach Level 7. Yep, just crawling along!
What's with the librarian? Does he go home at 5 or 6pm?
The yoga mat is actually working out really well!

What can I say? You gotta get your murk on, girl! Upload your simself to the Gallery and I'll put her in my game, lol. Although, strictly speaking, only Murklanders are allowed! Feel like playing?
Mario Loren is a sim I created in CAS last night as a joke to place on the same lot as the Francesca & Caterina sims.  But someone asked for him so I made a new no-cc Mario.
I hate that, once a sim uses cc, it's considered "modded" even after all the cc is removed. Oh well.
I know, right? Dr. Mad Mud is stingy with his cash!!!

Haha, what? Your sim has already got a thing going with Forest Tree?
oshizu is having too much fun with her fleeting crushes to get serious. I guess the right one hasn't come along yet…
Meanwhile, having lots of friends rocks!
I think our simselves should do the 100 Baby Challenge next, lol! Just kidding--that would be a nightmare with toddlers!

Murky 1.7: Unflirty Rex

The end of the last chapter finds ohizu visiting the Hillside Highlands Camp in northern Nukecrest, home to Francesca and Caterina as well as their romantically-inclined roomies, Don and Mario.

Week 2/Wednesday

oshizu: Caterina confessed to me earlier her feelings for Forest Tree, but…
she must have been keeping a sisterly (?) eye on Mario's booty.
I mean, she's the very first to discover his seat's on fire!
Grabbing a fire extinguisher, she's on it like wasabi on pufferfish nigiri!

Meanwhile, some of us obliviously continue noshing…

Their lot has an honest-to-goodness bathroom, not just a pee bush like me!
But it's only enclosed by branches, so it's not truly private.
Whenever anyone uses the toilet or bath, everyone else gets shocked and embarrassed.
Fun times for all!

After tending their garden (hmmph, only 4 plants!?), I find an alien crater.
How lucky for them! Some sims really have all the luck!

Their kitchen is also really nice, with the windchimes, pans, and garlic.
There doesn't seem to be a fridge, but Francesca will do just fine.
I remember her saying once that tomatoes should never be refrigerated.

Thanks to the fire, we don't arrive at What's Left of the Gym until early evening.
This morning, I made some Insect Repellant which I've added to my usual fare of unopened capsules and Whirlyflower frogs.

Are you tired of me talking about my Whirlflower frogs yet? Lol.

Another rule infraction that we recently learned about! Brewing any herbal remedy besides Deodorizing Cream is taboo!
oshizu is such a rule-breaker!

Placing my table next to a pee bush is not the greatest idea. Howevah…
Looking around for a better spot leads me to a secret room!
It was a secret to me, anyway.
For now, I've placed some trash fruit in the planters.

Gash the Mad Mudder makes a beeline to my table, making today's first purchase!
Except for Rex, the Turbo Pumpkins have become regular patrons, too!

Don's just here to chat up any ladies who drop by the table. Bah!

After Don finally leaves, I now have Paolo chatting up my clients.
Buy something or go home, Paolo!

Lyndon the Infected drops by to buy a frog!
He's an adult yet I'm surprised to hear that he's an author at Walrus Books!
Maybe he'll share some writing tips with me later?

Hours later, Paolo the Pest continues to hang around.
Whenever he tries to engage me, I cancel his social from my queue.
I heard about you and Kate at PufferDome, baby boy!

That's Betsy Turbo Pumpkin's second purchase today!
I'll have to pay the Turbo Pumpkins a visit and cook them a meal!

My yard sales does all right, considering I didn't start until early evening.
I clear my sales table and am about to head for "my" secret room…

Oh no, why is Aspen Heath walking out of the room?
Did everyone actually know about the room except me?

I run over there and trick everyone into leaving.
I know, I know. I only look like a nice Japanese girl.
But it's a great front for my devious personality, amirite?

Hey, Forest Tree, how you doing?
FT: Nothing much. I see that only our club can enter this room now.
You need some help with planting or watering?

oshizu: Nah, I'm good, but please just stand there and look studly.
The plants seem to be enjoying the view!

Who needs the Infected's stupid Poisonous Fireleaf anyway?


Yesterday, I spent almost the entire day away from home.
So my garden needs no tending at all this morning.
While I wait, I do the usual--a little digging, a little harvesting, and a little socializing.

Little Rocket Engine is my newest friend.
I want to chat but she's on her way to school.

Thar she blows with Malcolm Landgraab and Alex Goth!

I've been giving murky makeovers to a random selection of premade sims.
I'd planned to delete the Goths until Mortimer bought oshizu's Mountain Lionfish…

I run into the elderly Scar the Mad Mudder and ask him for a small loan.
When I asked Dr. Mad Mud the other day, he yelled at me.
Scar doesn't look very happy at my request, either.

Awww, for a mean sim,  Scar turns out to be quite sweet.
I'm so touched by the $500 he lends me that I pay him back immediately.

After lending me coin, Scar actually thanks me for repaying him!
What a nice guy!

After tending the Freegans' garden, I gaze longingly at their woodworking table.
Someday, I'd love to be able to craft some quality furniture!

But do I need a gazillion knife blocks and horse sculptures along the way?
Absolutely not! Keep walking, girl!

In the afternoon, I start a yard sale at home for the first time ever.
Rex Turbo Pumpkin is the first to arrive.
He vigorously cleans my grill then leaves, without even a glance at my wares.

Weirdo! He's a mean, unflirty kleptomaniac! He's a Level 8 Safe Cracker at Mobwives, too.
He could easily pay someone to clean my grill! Whatever!

Uma the Infected is my first customer, followed by Lyndon.
A Mad Mudder or two also drops by. It's business as usual.

Wound stops in and buys the MySims trophy.
I should start trying to tell the Madd Mudders apart.
Let's see, Scar wears the black beanie and Wound's hat has a shamrock…

I'm about to end my second yard sales, when Rex comes back to shop.
"Thanks for cleaning my grill earlier," I tell him with a smile.

Whoa, where did that come from?
Hello, Rex!? You're an unflirty sim, remember?

Rex: Hey, girl, blah, blah, blah.
oshizu: Um, really? *feels awkward about his flirting

Just when I'm ready to tell Rex to leave, he has to go and make that cute face.
Seriously, what's a girl to do?
A girl does what she gotta do! And we all know what that means!

I dash off to the Overgrown Library, hire a barista, and read a book.
Besides, I still need to find out what happened to Hayate! Remember him?

Hey Francesca, looking good in your barista apron!
For a few hours, I lose myself in a book on Handiness.
Admittedly, this isn't one of my better ideas. I want to be gardening!

And by the way, I've been wondering.
What kind of building's gonna be constructed across the street from my lot?

And so ends another two days in Murkland…

Offline wfgodot

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.7: Unflirty Rex (04/06)
« Reply #31 on: April 06, 2017, 05:42:39 PM »
I think that's hilarious about the bathroom.  Kind of scary, too!
It's true about the tomatoes!

Good old Don arriving to chat up the ladies.  I laughed at the way you made that garden only accessible to the club.  I'm glad Forest Tree was still allowed down there.
Scar was really cute, too.  So you borrow money and repay it instantly?  What is this?  Friendship building?

Rex, showing up to clean your grill!!!  You better keep an eye on it, how do you know he wasn't just trying to check out your goods!
He's really cute though!  You run away!  Gah!

Looking good, Francesca.
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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.7: Unflirty Rex (04/06)
« Reply #32 on: April 07, 2017, 12:46:52 AM »
Nice! So glad to see that Francesca has found the caffeine. If there was an espresso machine to be had, it was only a matter of time before she made it there. Thank you for providing her with gainful employment. :)

So glad Rex has some more satisfying swimwear than Lucas! And he's such an effective grill cleaner! My, my, my!

I had no idea about the basement room at the gym, either! I'm going to have to rush off and check it out the second I get back in game!

Francesca will have no problem at all with that kitchen. Look at those marvelous garlic braids! Hopefully Don and Mario are not deterred by garlic breath, because I put a ton of it in everything! Something tells me it will take a little more than garlic to slow Mario down, though. :) I guess I'll find out for myself, since I've placed him in my Murkland. Thank you so much for sharing!

Knee-length tees for the win! No need to wear pants!

Online oshizu

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Makin' It in Murkland 1.8: Foray to the North
« Reply #33 on: April 07, 2017, 11:30:48 PM »
The see-through bathroom walls are pretty funny if you're just visiting, but would get annoying fast if you lived there, I imagine.  I don't know…you tell me! *winks
      Well, yeah, the club needs to be locked off! I think the room has a "club hangout" door, or I would have locked out everyone but myself, lol. Yeah, Forest Tree's in the club. He's a great friend!
I repaid Scar's $500 loan right away because my success briefly tempted me to go around borrowing $ from everybody.
One of the challenge's requirements is to have $15,000 and I only have about $3.4k now. The temptation was great!!!
      Oddly, Rex gets cuter every time I see him, but so does Chiliad. I'm in no hurry to decide.
Let me know if the supermarket simile works for you…

As for gainful employment, you popped up once as an employee for the Murkland Mercantile Co. store, but I thought you'd prefer not to be working a 9-5 job.
        One clever Murkland player has deleted all the premade sims and filled even Willow Creek with Murkland simselves. She can't visit their lots but they will still hang out in Murkland and Nukecrest. I thought that was such a clever idea!
        Thanks for sharing about the library hours! I'd completely forgotten that rule!

Murky 1.8: Foray to the North

Week 2/Friday

Today's just one of those days when not much happens.
Well, unless you count my making the rounds of various gardens into the afternoon.
It's been so great to have the Freegans living next door!
I pop over here whenever I feel like chatting, dancing, or sharing a meal.

Lately, I've been reflecting on my solitary life…
Recently, I've found myself checking out all the single men…
As if I were part of a spouse hunt in some legacy challenge.
All my friends around me are falling in love and committing to romantic relationships!
Pretty soon, there won't be a single Murkland bachelor left, I fear!

But you know what? I'm not ready to get serious and settle down yet!
I mean, that's like going to a supermarket and buying food without tasting all the samples first!
Hmmm, that somehow doesn't sound like the right simile. 

Anyway, I've decided there's still time for all that…later!

After I'm done gardening for the day, I visit Francesca to meet the new roomie.
Meet Whiff Godot, recently hailing from Willow Creek.

Whiff: My name is not Whiff! It's WF.
oshizu: Girl, how anyone 'sposed to pronounce that? Whiff or Woof, your choice! Oh and…arf?!
By the way, tell me your family name again?
WF: It's Godot. And Whiff is okay, I guess. Hmmph!

In celebration of Whiff's move to Nukecrest, I invite some friends along to party.
We even perform the sacred Welcome to Murkland ritual.

This particular dance, the Armpit, is a well-guarded secret tradition among all Murklanders.
It resembles your basic gangsta two-step with occasional armpit sniffing.
Yo, take a whiff, Whiff!


Today marks the last day of my second week in Murkland!
After my usual morning routine, I phone Whiff to see if she's up for some exploring.
Huh, she's not at home! We tried!

You may remember that I've been planning to visit the Turbo Pumpkins.
Alice TP has turned into one of my yard-sale frequent flyers lately.

I want to cook for them, so I acquire the Always Welcome trait then head out.
The Turbo Pumpkins live in the Forgotten Gas Station.

They live across from Mad Mud and kitty-corner from the Mad Mudders.
I've only heard rumors about how everyone's ended up working for Mad Mud.

The Mad Mudders seems to be both Mad Mud's minions and warriors, rolled into one.

Apparently, Mad Mud rescued the TPs years ago from an evil scientist's genetic experiments.
Ever since, they've been showing their gratitude by handling Mad Mud's dirty work.

I'm just paraphrasing the Turbo Pumpkins' backstory provided by their creator Brennachan here.

And speaking of gratitude, I go behind the gas station to find a grill and start cooking.
I'm surprised to find two pumpkin carving stations but I guess they make sense.

Can't smash pumpkins all year-round without pumpkin carving stations! Doh!

Armed with a plate of veggie burgers, I finally locate the gas station's front door!
This room looks like the gas station's former office and store areas.
Great counters but no seats!  And that's Alice on the computer! Wait, they have a computer, too!?

It's a two-room gas station with living accommodations out back.
I see the woodworking table in this room and wonder why they don't do more with this room.

I swear I get a really affectionate vibe from Rex every now and then.
Like, when he's not yelling at me.
I'm still uncertain why he cleaned my grill. Izzat some kind of metaphor?

For now, I'm not making any commitments, but I'm not burning any bridges, either.

The whole gang finally comes inside to eat.
You know, I don't mind mean, unflirty kleptomaniacs at all.
As long as they're not being mean and we're not at my place, hehe.

Thanking Alice for being a loyal customer, I urge the others to stop by my yard sales as well.
Yeah, I'm shameless. So, what's new?

Evolving the gas station's plants boosts my Gardening to Level 7!!!
Saying my good-byes to the Turbo Pumpkins, I leave for my next destination.

But, first, I tend another underground garden I recently found.
I'm only allowed to grow trash plants but this garden is already planted.

As a favor to its owners, I tend this garden quickly before I'm on my way.

By the time I reach Acquisition Butte in northern Murkland, its almost evening!

Fort Murkland occupies the lot where the Landgraabs used to live.
Now, the wealthy Salamanders live here.

Facing Fort Murkland is Cliff City, home to the Cliff Dwellers.
Lemme give a shout-out to Lisa Bee!
Girl, I wouldn't dare visit Cliff City without you!

That's right, today, I'm here to visit Fort Murkland.

Fort Murkland consists of three buildings raised above the ground.
The ground floor consists of a large miasmic pond with  mysterious ghostly shadows.

Not all of the fishing spots allow me to actually fish.
Unless a fishing sign has two empty adjoining blocks, I end up just paddling in the water.

I couldn't fish at any of the rear fishing spots, but the ones next to the road work fine.
In fact, I catch my first vampire squid!

How creative that the only stairs leading to the fort can only be reached by swimming!

I'm fairly certain that my two weeks in Murkland have fine-tuned my trashdar sensitivity!
As soon as I begin looking around the fort, I immediately find the trash plants!

I can't find the entrance to the center building.
But it's getting a little late so I check out the western building first.

I pass through a kitchen/dining area first.
In the office above that, I see Mayor Epoch, his teen daughter Millenia, and one of the clone drones.

Their store must be making serious bank, cuz I count two computers!

Next, I run into Chiliad in the eastern building.
You may remember Chiliad was the first sim to visit my home lot as well as my first good friend.
At first, I don't recognize him at all. I guess the hat threw me off.

Hmmm….to short list or not to short list? Nevertheless, Chiliad is a really nice guy.

His mother, Aeon, is there, too, mixing drinks.
They spend a lot of time in their swimwear, I guess, because of the pond below.

This is an incriminating shot, but things aren't what they seem.
I'm definitely not thinking about following Chiliad into the bathroom.

In fact, I'm on the way upstairs to…yep, you guessed it!

Their garden has the most trash plants I've seen in one place so far.
They have at least 24 plants, though only seven sims live here.
And, I wonder, do the two clone drones need to eat?

The incense burners on the rooftop are a genius idea for entering the Focused zone!
That observatory is another sign that the Salamanders have muito moolah!

Cliff City offers a breathtaking spectacle at night!
(...I successfully resist counting the trash plants.)
Although I can't see inside the rooms from my vantage point, it looks like Hippie Heaven!

But tonight, I must rush home to seek out my pee bush.
No toilet facilities for visitors to the north, yo!

I'm so jealous of the Salamander's garden with its perfect-quality trash plants!
My garden? At the end of Week 2, I have 1 Good trash plant and 15 Very Nice ones.

Seems like I need to spend more time in my own neighborhood!
Still, I'm eager to visit the many places I've yet to explore.

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.8: Foray to the North (04/07)
« Reply #34 on: April 07, 2017, 11:55:04 PM »
Yeah, the pond. Certainly that's the reason Chiliad is always decked out in his little swim shorts. Must be that miasmic pond (Great word, by the way!). Couldn't be oshizu's signature "get to know you better" move. Surely not. Hmm . . .

Glad to see oshizu is weighing her options and not letting her murky self get tied down too soon. :) 

Super grateful for the new roomie and the dance session! Woot woot! The armpit is definitely a move that's getting a lot of practice in my Murkland. :)

Whiff! LOL!

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.8: Foray to the North (04/07)
« Reply #35 on: April 08, 2017, 04:54:31 PM »
I suppose Whiff is better than Woof!
I like the sacred ritual!  The armpit.  At least it airs them out a little.
How lame of me to not be home to go exploring with you.
Or rather, how hopping am I!  Glad to see I'm busy and getting out of the house!  Probably more lively than I am in real life!

I really enjoyed your exploring of the lots though.  This challenge is so interesting.
You've got young dudes wandering around in their swimwear and you're going up to the garden to visit the trash plants.
Leave it to you oshizu :)

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.8: Foray to the North (04/07)
« Reply #36 on: April 09, 2017, 10:36:42 AM »
What an interesting challenge! And, a great story! I think I'm, got too much going on in RL right now with the new grandbaby on the way, etc. I'll keep it in mind for future challenges though! Good luck, though it doesn't look like you need it ;)

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.8: Foray to the North (04/07)
« Reply #37 on: April 10, 2017, 04:55:15 PM »
Ha!  I loved the Armpit dance.

Great job getting into the Salamander's home.  That one took me a little while.  I still haven't figured out how to get into Mad Mud's abode yet.  Caterina had the same problem fishing at Fort Murkland.

She is very jelly of your Lionfish.  It is the only fish left to catch for her fish collection.  Any tips on what bait to use?  Caterina had a lot of free time waiting for her TP to evolve to perfect.  (TP is short hand for trash plants in my notes)  It will be interesting to see what week your trash plants evolve to perfect in comparison.

I built Caterina a basement to house all of her partial collections.  Her inventory was getting too full.

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.8: Foray to the North (04/07)
« Reply #38 on: April 11, 2017, 12:46:40 AM »
So, I'm not writing a story, but you caused me to start playing this challenge!

After a trial run that I abandoned, I decided to just buy parsley in Granite Falls. It just takes too long to wait for it at the Hermit's house. Until all of the trash plants were successfully planted, I didn't let anyone on my lot. I followed your lead and held a couple of yard sales at the gym. I had a Dragon Dragonfly and a bunch of time capsules marked up 100% and I made nearly $3000!

I use bath days at the hot springs for building frienships so I don't feel like I am wasting so much time. I've been tempted to just pay the $111 on bath days to go to Granite Falls and have a shower. My Sim is close to finishing her aspiration and has accumulated a good number of satisfaction points but I'm not sure how I want to spend them. Anything that affects needs seems cheaty (though it isn't against the rules). I don't want to make it too easy because that's when I get bored and quit.

I think this is the first time I've really felt completely immersed in the game. Like others, I am having trouble finding doors for some of these lots! I'm getting close to unlocking the Acquisition section. BTW, Brenna said in the build thread that you can use the ground floor restroom at the fort, but I don't even see a ground floor room of any sort. Granted, when I placed to lot I didn't really look and my Sim hasn't been there yet.

Online oshizu

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.8: Foray to the North (04/07)
« Reply #39 on: April 11, 2017, 04:07:23 AM »
I have been trying so hard to stay focused on my Rival Dynasties Challenge. I'm even rebuilding a fantastic build I found on the Gallery--not to plagiarize so much as learn their tricks.
But, I can no longer resist and am back on this thread. By now, you have visited Fort Murkland so you know that you can only reach the central stairs by swimming. That's why everyone (well during my visit, the mayor, his wife Aeon, and son Chiliad) are in their swimwear. So I'm sort of innocent. But you know me too well--if I Chiliad hadn't been, I might have asked. Mebbe...
I guess the reason I'm still hanging out is because I want this challenge to be different from my RDC, where I'm in an endless cycle of marriage, nooboos, toddlers, and so forth.
Also, I think I just haven't felt the chemistry, hehe.

Lol, how many times did I try traveling with you on Saturday!? I'm actually not supposed to phone, but can select you whenever I click "Travel." Where were you and what were you up to?
As for why I choose trashplants over the scantily clad Chiliad, I want to explore everything before making any decisions.  Lol.
I mean, I'm being a material girl and also considering where I'd want to live and who I want as in-laws. :-)

What's so fun about this challenge is your sim lives alone and doesn't have a job, so I never get stuck playing until "Sim X gets home from work" or "Sim Y gets home from school."
It's easy to just pick up and play for a few hours, then quit. Also, since ageing's off, we have endless time to achieve the objectives so it can be as challenging as you want it to be.
The most time-consuming part might have been deleting all the lots, then downloading/placing Brennachan's Murkland lots and townies.
It's fun and weird and, when you tire of your goal-oriented challenges, strangely relaxing.

I recently reading a simmer's latest update where she could only access Mad Mud's balcony. Has that been your experience, too? I haven't visited him yet.
I've been using only trash plants as fishing bait. That's what I used when I caught the Mountain Lionfish as well. Wow, you've already achieved your perfect TPs?
(TP used to mean toilet paper in my youth, like, going to TP someone's house...)
I'm curious why you prefer a basement over, say, the Buyer Beware or Ornate Beauty Storage Chest. Leaving all the stuff would occupy a considerable footprint, no?
Also, are you doing the Overgrown Library Side Challenge? I don't want the Starter Challenge to end too soon (and it won't cuz my plants are taking so long), so I'm going to do the library challenge concurrently.
So have you already completed the Starter Challenge? That was so speedy of you!

Welcome to Murkland!!! Yeah, the hermit's parsley plants take forever to become harvestable. Wow, good going on your yard sales!
I was so excited to see a Dragonfly in the Deep Forest but when I checked later, it was just a normal $15 one, haha.
When I was half-done with Friend of the World, I was deciding between Antiseptic or Incredibly Friendly, then chose the latter.
Sometimes, I just introduce myself and do one more social and I've made a good friend already. I regret I didn't buy Antiseptic instead!

Fort Murkland has a small restroom in the back right corner as you face the lot. I had to add a door to it in order to get in, even though I re-downloaded the lot.
Darn, I didn't know that we could use that bathroom! But it was the end of my second week, so I needed to go home (or my plants will never evolve!!!).

Now that I have the tarp shower, I don't go to the Hot Springs at all. But you're right, it's a great place to socialize!
Also, people talk about showering at Granite Falls, but I don't even know where the shower is. Is it in the Campground area?
It's great that you're enjoying the game! I'm hoping I can stretch out the Starter Challenge until just before the second challenge is announced. :-)

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.8: Foray to the North (04/07)
« Reply #40 on: April 11, 2017, 11:26:51 AM »
Concerning the tarp shower. In my test run, it only got hygiene up to about half using the brisk option. Do you shower more than once a day on approved days? I only used it the one time, but I don't see anywhere in the rules that says you can only shower once. I guess I should be asking that on the official thread!

Also, I have not tested this, but since the Cliff Dwellers grow sage, once you have access to their place couldn't you graft basil to their sage plants and make parsley? I would think that is allowed since you aren't technically planting or growing it, but I don't know.

The little public restrooms at the campground and the National forest have a shower option.

Also, other than the 16 trash plants that you need to grow from actual trash, couldn't you plant a bunch of them in the ground on your home lot to speed up getting gardening skill?

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.8: Foray to the North (04/07)
« Reply #41 on: April 11, 2017, 05:21:12 PM »

Lol, I just read your questions on Brennachan's forum.
About parsley, there's some growing on a lot you (apparently) haven't visited yet.

As for boosting the Gardening skill, I got to Level 8 just by taking care of my own garden as well as tending other people's gardens.
I did find a room with around 8 empty planters so I planted trash plants there.

Also, I'm trying not to use gameplay cheese (like I usually do) for this challenge. I considered using the empty lot across from the starter lot to power-level Gardening.
But gradually boosting the skill while exploring all the lots is more fun.

Looking forward to hear what Brennachan has to say to your questions.

Plus, I wasn't going to say anything household "Oshizu Plus" got selected as a Maxis Favorite this morning!  :D

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.8: Foray to the North (04/07)
« Reply #42 on: April 11, 2017, 06:48:35 PM »

Plus, I wasn't going to say anything household "Oshizu Plus" got selected as a Maxis Favorite this morning!  :D

*Goes off to download.

Yeah, I haven't visited all the gardens yet. I'm having a tough time finding doors on the ones I have been to! I decided to restart with an actual Sim Reggikko. Although the thought of giving myself the glutton trait is a little off-putting!

I hear you on the not powering through thing. I've only been building charisma through socializing and I was shocked when I got to Level 7 without actually doing anything!

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.8: Foray to the North (04/07)
« Reply #43 on: April 11, 2017, 07:01:50 PM »

Look for the small room at the back right of the gym, as you face the gym, though it's not the same as having the plants on our lot since our garden doesn't mature while we're off the lot.
If we're permitted to grow other plants in Challenge 2, I figure I can "take cuttings" to kill those extra plants in that room then dispose of them.

For some of the lots I've visited so far (and I haven't visited them all yet), I couldn't find an entrance so I just tend the plants outdoors.
I think the slow growth of the Gardening skill is a clever motivation to get us to explore.

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Makin' It in Murkland 1.9: Climbing the Cliff
« Reply #44 on: April 13, 2017, 06:14:49 AM »
Just a heads-up that your little neck of the woods has been hopping with action!
Five Murky Men moved in around the corner, a murkified Sergio Romeo moved into your camp, and a new bar opened up next door.

Too bad Sims 4 doesn’t have multi-player mode, eh?
Also, I tried to find the "Talk x up to y" social in order to introduce Brennachan to her husband sim Pookey (they got separated during the apocalypse), but I can't remember where it is... A reminder, pretty please?

I don't know why, but you never seem to enjoy doing things with me, lol.
We will try harder!

Murky 1.9  Climbing the Cliff

In the previous update: oshizu continues running around being everyone's unpaid gardener, hosts the sacred Welcome to Murkland ritual for her new neighbor Whiff, cooks a meal for the Turbo Pumpkins at the Forgotten Gas Station, reaches Level 7 Gardening, and visits the Salamanders at Fort Murkland.
At the end of Week 2, her garden consists of 1 Good and 15 Very Nice trash plants.

Week 3/Sunday

The first day of my third week in Murkland and I've passed almost the entire day gardening!

Global warming seems to be taking its toll on our simverse, causing my trash plants to yellow.

Luckily, my pee bush remains unaffected!
Wouldn't want those heart-shaped flowers to ever fade!

Ah yes, I have a new love in my life! The Buyer Beware Storage Chest!!!
I'm a hoarder to the very core of my being, unfortunately.

But I've placed at least one of everything I own in this chest. What a relief!
Now I can confidently sell off anything in my personal inventory, with no regrets!
Technically speaking, this storage chest isn't a "fun" object; it's more for my sanity.

For fun, on the other hand, I've bought the Murkland Bonsai Tree Old Aged Table.*

By the time I'm done gardening at home and around the neighborhood, it's late afternoon.
I phone Lisa Bee and Whiff to accompany me on a trip to meet some new neighbors.

Our new neighbors live in Nukecrest Camp* on the northernmost lot in Nukecrest.

When I tried to visit earlier in the day, they told me that they were still busy moving in and cleaning up.
That's Cirius Lee on your left and Emilio Mio on your right.

I arrive with Lisa and Whiff to find Nan'ga Def (left) and Jin Sakata (right) playing a game.

We begin making introductions, so I start with their fifth campmate, Pablo Botanico.

Lisa uses her sauciest come-hither look to make sure Cirius feels welcome.
Um, welcome to what?
I'm not sure who hugged who, but…okay.

Pablo: Why do I get the feeling that she's not listening to me?

Whiff has been feeling uncomfortably orange ever since we arrived.
Instead of seeking out one of the two pee bushes out back, though, she continues chatting with Emilio.

Whiff, I'm going to coax a smile out of you yet!

Before Lisa gets any friendlier, we head out to today's primary destination: Cliff City.

I invite Lisa because of her feelings for Ridge the Cliffdweller, obviously.
And I invite Whiff because she's still new to Murkland.
For company, I bring along Emilio and Jin.

Oooh, this must be the front door on the eastern face of Cliff City!

After entering this mysterious city, I call my friends to join me inside.

At first, I think they might all be running home, but they're heading for another door on the west face.
That must be the back entrance right? Who leaves trash cans next to the front entrance?

After we explore the city for a while, I stumble upon a delightful surprise on the lowest floor.
(Do not click the spoiler tag if you also live in Murkland and wish to discover the city's secret for yourself.)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I suddenly realize that Whiff is missing and finally find her on the third floor, frowning.
So sorry, sweetie-pie! If you'd come with us, you would have found two pee bushes!

After a while, she meets up with the rest of us but still seems really unhappy.
I'm not sure what to do about it, besides brightening her day.

Not long after that, I see everyone staggering home.
Wait, what? Weren't you all having a good time? Is it that late already?
Lisa, you never even looked for Ridge!

I would definitely vote for the Cliffdwellers as "The Murklanders with the Plushest Crib."
Look at their sparkly dining area!
The Cliffdwellers might also be in contact with…aliens! *shudders

While chatting with members of the household, I notice Ridge take off down a hallway.
And soon after, a young female Cliffdweller follows his trail.

Oh no, you di'int! Just as I enter the room, she gets into the bed beside Ridge.

As a staunch Lisa ally, I wake Ridge up.
Notice that I close my eyes while he gets out of bed and changes into his everyday wear.

Once I hear that he's left this room and see him head back to the main room, I dust off my hands.
My work here is done!

On a whim, I decide to stop by the new Nukecrest Out Back Bar.*
And whaddya know? It's Guys' Night!

That means tomorrow will be Bears' Night!
Does that mean this bar will be hopping with Mutant Raccoons?

I'm secretly delighted to run into Jin again.
Did he sense, perhaps, that I would drop by here? It's just a short walk from his place.

Jin is also from San Myshuno but originally from Japan, just like me.
We never ran into each other while living in San Myshuno, though.

We chat about our unsatisfied culinary cravings!
The hardest part about Murkland has been learning to live without foods we associate with the homeland, like tofu and miso.

Awww, thanks for the friendly hug, Jin!

J Huntington III: Why does he rate a hug while I'm being completely ignored?
Jin: Hello!? You're a non-committal jock while I'm a creative, perfectionist romantic…
Bartender: Oooh, burn!


Once I get all my morning tasks out of the way, I leave for Nukecrest.
I've always wanted to visit the Artist Colony* in the southern part of that town!

It's so cool to peek in and watch everyone going about their various activities!
One sim's in the back, reading, another sim is doing yoga, and yet another is playing Don't Wake the Llama.
There are so many ways to relax and have fun in the Artist Colony!

The creator of this Artist Colony--Kate--lives here, too. You can't see her in this shot, though.
Why not? Because she's next to me, doing push-ups on the sidewalk!

Besides the beautiful Kate (left), the alluring Megs lives here, too.
You can't see them in this shot, but Megs is known far and wide for her black fishnet stockings!
Such sassy style!

Two new Murkland newcomers also call this Artist Colony their home.
Pookey is a musician and bonsai expert. I hope I can pick up some tips on both from him!
Reggikko is one of the smartest simmers I have the good fortune of knowing!

The other residents you've met already: green-haired Carlos Coyote and blue-haired Pedro Pesce.

Here's another shot of the lovely Artist Colony from the side.

By the way, I'd like to report that my therapy sessions seem to be proving effective!
At the lower right, do you see those four garden planters with only two plants growing?
Somehow, I managed to resist doing more than dropping 14 trash fruits into the planters.

See? I continue to sit at the picnic table socializing with my new neighbors!
I'm not even trying to "Form a Group" and have them "Tend Garden Together"!
Grrrr *struggles with my baser instincts…

Doh, I just remembered that you can't just plant trash fruit anyway…they turn into trash piles when watered.
And if other sims are around, they'll pounce on the trash piles and throw them away...

Anyway, the real reason I come by to meet everyone is because Monday is Hot Springs Day!
I invite the whole household along as well as Brennachan. <3

Kate: Hey, did you see how reggikko climbed into the hot tub right after Pedro?!
Megs: Seriously! I thought you said she was unflirty? Look at Pedro's face!
oshizu: Let's keep moving, ladies. We look like we're just standing here, peeping.

Megs: We're not peeping, girl! We're just checking that everything's okay. Right, Kate?
Kate: Uh, yeah, but why are we hiding behind this stump?
oshizu: *pretends not to watch…

   • The Murkland Bonsai Tree Old Aged Table is the creation of Kym's Creations.
   • The Autumn mod is default replacement cc created by Dani Paradise.
   • Newcrest Revamped mod is default replacement cc created by Kym's Creations, which eliminates  houses and other background décor in Newcrest.
   • The 20x15 Nukecrest Camp lot is the creation of anchesenamon.
   • The 30x20 Nukecrest Out Back Bar is the creation of ladyloaial.
   • The 40x30 Artist Colony is the creation of SoulGal7.
   • Lisabee2 for introducing us to Kym's Newcrest Revamped and Dani Paradise's Autumn Mods.
   • And most of all, Brennachan for creating this wonderful and wacky world for us to explore.

Join us next time for more hubbub at the Hot Springs!

