Author Topic: Makin' It in Murkland: Starter Challenge [completed 05/11/2017]  (Read 29193 times)

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland: 1.3 The Hermit's Hug Pillow (03/29)
« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2017, 09:58:06 AM »
Aw, man! I was even looking out for green-dreaded Don and I missed him! I am slipping. Anyway, I'm glad he turned out not to be just a tease, after all. :)

This was a very fun chapter, but a Sebastian hug pillow? I don't know if I could sleep with that much sinister energy right next to me! Then again, I suppose that hermit feels very safe, at least from outsiders. And then there's the gloves . . .  :)

Tough luck on the tarp shower :(. That would have been really useful. Hopefully now regular applications of deodorizing cream are in order?

I have to agree with wfgodot about the mournful bear. Tragic.

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland: 1.3 The Hermit's Hug Pillow (03/29)
« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2017, 01:20:47 PM »
I am really enjoying your story about your time as a Murklander.  Your writing seems effortless. 

It is fun to see Lisa and Rainee in your story. 

Congrats on getting so close to having all 16 of your required trash plants.

Have you met Diesel Engine yet?

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Makin' It in Murkland: 1.4 Pining for Parsley
« Reply #17 on: March 30, 2017, 03:35:00 PM »
There's no possible way to cheese my way out of that Filthy, Grody lot and all the trash!
It's hilarious (to me) that I've always dissed sims with the Glutton trait in my previous stories, but now I get to watch oshizu being a glutton. Kind of like karmic retribution, lol!
Yeah, a cowplant berry is always one of the first things my sims usually want, but it's absolutely useless to "me" now.
All of the unusual-looking sims are Brennachan's Murklander creations. Any premade townies with new looks (Don, Johnny, Yuki…I forget who else, not many) can thank me for their makeovers, lol.
Awwww yes, the sad bear. I was so tempted to go comfort the bear but I was already right in front of the Deep Woods entrance!

Aw, man! I was even looking out for green-dreaded Don and I missed him! I am slipping. Anyway, I'm glad he turned out not to be just a tease, after all.
The Don Lothario I know is never "just a tease"! *wiggles eyebrows

What's with you and gloves? I remember you making a similar remark about the gloves on my butler waiters…
I have a shot of that daki-makura pillow cover for you in this update because…don't Google!!!

Thank you for reading and your kind words.
I found your simself on the Gallery yesterday and snatched her to place in Nukecrest!

You're being way more adventurous about socializing than I am!
Caterina's made friends with not only the Mayor but also Diesel Engine (whom I haven't encountered yet).
I'm trying to buy a reward trait now (Incredibly Friendly or Antiseptic? Hmmm….), so my cheesin' self tends to aim at sims with similar interests, hehe.

Murky 1.4: Pining for Parsley


While trying to identify the herbs I've gathered so far, I'm suddenly struck with a bout of anxiety.
Have I already broken one of the rules of Murkland living?
It says: "Your sim is not allowed to stay the night or use the facilities at the hermit’s house."

I hope that means I'm allowed to sleep overnight at Granite Falls, just not in the hermit's bed (with her demon butler hug pillow).

An incoming text from Brennachan, saying if I want to overnight in Granite Falls, I may sleep on a log but shouldn't have used the hermit's toilet. Oops! (How did she know?)
So, next time I'll either just wet my pants or return to the National Forest to do my bizness.

Everyone knows that Black Butler is one of my all-time favorite manga!
I mean, Sebastian Michaelis is a demon as well as butler who cooks fabulous desserts with fancy French names!

That does not mean, however, that I'd want the hermit's pillow lying next to me in bed.
(And, yes, this is actually a thing!)
So I'm very happy sleeping outside on a log, thank you very much!

Trying not to think about the hermit's pillow, I continue identifying the herbs I've gathered.
In a moment of epiphany, I discover how to prepare Deodorizing Cream!
Now, if only I had some parsley!

Finally, a good use for those 99+ trash fruit in my inventory come to mind.
Fish bait!

I catch a Mountain Lionfish worth $368, my prize catch of the day!

Roughly 24 hours have passed since my arrival here in the Deep Woods.
The parsley plant looks ready to harvest, but I only see one or two parsley sprigs.
Hmmm, I'll give the plant 12 more hours.

Maybe I'll try my hand at wooodworking?
We can't sell our woodwork items, but my lot could sure use some décor.

After crafting a horse sculpture, I lie down on a log, falling immediately into an exhausted sleep.


Waking up, I feel energized and ready to try my luck yet again.
After scarfing down leftovers for breakfast, I amble over to the fishing spot.

Speaking of luck, there's a rainbow!
Or would that only work if I were Irish…and a leprechaun?

This is the fourth treasure chest I've fished up so far.
I'm afraid to get my hopes up anymore. Yep, just another sage leaf.

Yes, today is certainly my lucky day!  Íocfaidh an fear seo as gach rud!
That handy little Irish phrase means: This gentleman will pay for everything! (sez Google)

This tarp shower can only be used on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (just like the Hot Springs), but will save me so much time...
Time better spent on making friends, having fun, and tending my garden!

When I finally harvest the parsley plant, I get 10 sprigs. Nice!
Harvesting all the plants in the hermit's rock garden earns me 6 more sprigs.

Looking around, I try to find Hermit Blake to thank her for her kind hospitality.

A little bird informs me that she's gone fishing at the National Forest and looks forward to my next visit.

It's time for me to go home! I stop briefly at the Campground to check on Lisa and Rainee.
They've left a note for me on the picnic table: Gone home to Nukecrest. See you again soon!

Arriving home, I briefly rejoice over my new tarp shower and horse sculpture.
My smoldering trash piles, on the other hand, fill my heart with a lingering sadness.

Do you remember my first day in Murkland when I went looking for trash fruit?
The Mad Mudders were kind enough to share theirs with me, so I pay them a visit.

I spend a good hour looking for a front door, but without success.
Where the heck are those laughing voices coming from?

Finally, I locate two Mad Mudders at the back of the house.
Oops, sorry for barging in on you two…in the bathroom?

Sadly, I'm unable to introduce myself though I really want to meet these potential customers friends.

Anyway, I thank them for sharing their trash fruit and attending my yard sales.
Mad Mudders are absolutely my best customers, as I've said repeatedly.
That's why I take the time to evolve, fertilize, and water their trash plants.

Wut? No, of course not! I'm not kissing up to them at all!

I'd mentioned before that the Mad Mudders are followers of Mad Mud who lives next door.
Brennachan tells me that Mad Mud's scary but also flirty. I'm taking her word for it. Dat crib, though!

Feeling a bit sleepy, I go home to take a nap then invite a group of not-friends-yet to the Fire & Music Festival.
They come to party. I come to…throw a yard sale!

It was a total bust, of course. My goods are no match for all the fun festival activities.
Plus, I still must be half asleep. When the music starts, I learn my table's on the dance floor.


In the afternoon, I revel in the glorious sight of 16--yep, count 'em--16 trash plants!
Of course, they are light years away from perfect quality, but at least those trash piles are no more.

Tending my beloved garden on my Filthy lot quickly tanks my hygiene.
But I can't bathe for two more days until Monday.

Hey, wait a minute! I can brew Deodorizing Cream! What's that recipe again?
Let's see…one Elderberry, one strawberry, and two parsley.
Brewin' like a boss!

I travel to What's Left of the Gym with some sims I hope to befriend.
Aspen Heath has been doing push-ups non-stop ever since we arrive!

By the time she finally comes up for air, I've had time to become friends with Carlos and Aeon.
Dang, those Bracing Breezes are da shizzle!
And yeah, Aspen and I are friends now, too. Yay!

Mortimer Goth: Who knew I would find a Mountain Lionfish here? And it was a steal at only $674!
Gash the Mad Mudder: Oh darn! I was just about to buy that, too!

oshizu (internally): I need to befriend Mortimer and invite him to all my yard sales…

Check me out applying Deodorizing Cream while working my yard sales, yo!

You're probably thinking  I'm one of those materialistic peeps who think only of simoleons.
Thing is, my rent is due on Monday and I have no idea how much it will be.
I made $1,500 just today, though, so I should be safe! Don't wanna lose my cooler!

I normally keep my distance from the Infected, but I could make an exception for Zombie High-School Boy.
His name's Lyndon the Infected, I learn.

I wonder why, besides Mortimer, the Mad Mudders and Infected are my best customers.
My markup? I'm selling my goods with a 75% markup. Is it too low?


Ahhhh, nothing like waking up bright and early on an empty stomach!
It's hard to believe, but today marks the start of my second week in Murkland!

I wonder what new joys and pleasures Week 2 will bring...

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland: 1.4 Pining for Parsley (03/30)
« Reply #18 on: March 30, 2017, 05:13:10 PM »
Noice Don joke! Oh, I totally set you up for that one and I'm delighted! :) Thank you for the image of the (very saucy!) hug pillow. See? I must not be the only one with a glove thing. Look how he's playing them up! Thanks also for the warning about googling it. I stayed away but may have done a quick search to see if Mystic Messenger hug pillows exist, and they totally do!

But back to your story! Hooray hooray for not only deodorizing cream but a shower, too! Yes! You'll be slightly less uncomfortable going forward. I love the shot of the sad, filthy campsite with new shower and one lonely horse sculpture and the fact that you were rejoicing about it! Oshizu in Murkland is indomitable!

I have to say, despite the discomfort, you make this challenge look very fun. The townies are marvelous and all the builds look fascinating!

Offline wfgodot

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland: 1.4 Pining for Parsley (03/30)
« Reply #19 on: March 31, 2017, 07:24:23 AM »
I had to laugh about oshizu's musings over the rules.  "Next time I'll have to just wet my pants."   Haha.  Well, as long as you're okay with it.

I'm so excited you caught a shower tarp!  Congratulations!

How funny about the Mad Mudders and the door.  Why are you sucking up?  I haven't ventured off to actually look at the rules.  Do you need them as friends?  Is it just because they're good customers?

At least your selling table on the dance floor is a sure fire way to get noticed!
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Makin' It in Murkland: 1.5 She's a Mutant Muchacha (03/31)
« Reply #20 on: March 31, 2017, 10:54:50 PM »
Haha, Mystic Messenger hug pillows! I thought the one of Jumin Han didn't do him justice, not that I looked or anything.
    Yeah, my poor underprivileged campsite! But you've played the Apocalypse Challenge before so you know how much those little things matter in the beginning, amirite?
     I'm really loving this challenge, even though it's probably more fun to actually play than read about.
But one good thing, I've started missing my Rival Dynasties Challenge, so I'm returning to that game tomorrow.

Gotta love how wacky this challenge is? "If you visit the hermit, you cannot use his facilities. You can sleep on a log and wet yourself, or return to your campground"…something like that, rofl. It totally normalizes usually unacceptable behavior, hahaha.
    Whenever I start a yard sale, every Mad Mudder on the gym lot comes over to buy something. Without the Mad Mudders and the Infected, I wouldn't have been able to visit Granite Falls! So, yeah, I suck up at their house but will never invite them to mine, cuz I suspect them of all being kleptos, LOL.

Murky 1.5:  She's a Mutant Muchacha

Week 2/Sunday

While eating rummaged mac and cheese, I think back over my first week in Murkland.
Suddenly, I hear a friendly voice. Could it be?
Whoa, it's my first ever visitor!

Chiliad is a lazy, snobby politician, one of those Salamanders who recently moved into Fort Murkland.
Sure are a lot of Murklanders in the politician career. Why is that?

Fort Murkland is up north on the lot where the Landgraabs used to live.
I've only heard rumors about Cliff City and Fort Murkland up north.
Both places are off limits, unless one achieves Level 7 Gardening and Level 8 Charisma.
Really looking forward to visiting them both, eventually!

Introducing myself to Chiliad, I'm so glad he doesn't seem to mind the stench.
It's rude of me to eat in front of Chiliad, I know. But I'm starving!

Considering how smelly and filthy I am, I'm surprised how friendly Chiliad turns out to be.
He's the son of The Mayor of Murkland, you know!
Surprisingly, Chiliad ends up becoming my first good friend!

Hey, Mitch Kalani, move your mahalo mug along. You're not murky enough for this gal!

When I drop by the Burner Camp to socialize, I'm surprised to notice we aren't friends.
Erm, did I really just introduce myself then tend their garden that first visit?
We're all buddy-buddy now, thanks to a group story. See all the friendly sparkles?

Since I'm now incredibly friendly, I decide to take a few of my fave neighbors to the Fire & Music  Festival.
Who else but the Freegans?

Veegan: Hey, Hermit Blake sent a message by carrier pigeon to thank me for the gift.
What did she say when she opened the box? Was she surprised? Delighted?

oshizu: Well, first, she muttered something about having asked for Sebastian's two-sided pillow cover.
But then once she changed covers on her hug pillow, she blissfully embraced it and forgot all about me.
I'd say your gift was a great success!
Veegan: You've no idea how many bribes it took to smuggle that silly thing into Murkland!

Brennan: I'm so glad you decided to get murky, oshizu. Hey, stop inhaling so deeply!
Didn't anyone ever teach you how to use one of these?

oshizu: Eh, even water-filtered smoke can damage the lungs. I'm more of a brownie fan…
In fact, did I ever tell you about the time I baked a brownie that was thiiiiiiiissss big.
Brennachan: *looks extremely skeptical

While sitting around the hookah exchanging tall tales, Brennachan and I become good friends.

oshizu: Have you heard the dirt about Veegan? I hear he's custom-ordered daki-makura pillow covers with his picture on it!
Brennachan: No, get outta here! Who would even want one of those?

I have a BFF in Murkland! But I'm not living under a rock!
Brennachan's the most popular sim in Murkland, so I know everyone wants to be her BFF.

But today, I happily bask in the miracle of being best friends with Mother Murkland!

Brennachan: I might not have accepted if she hadn't cleaned up earlier! *sniffs her hair suspiciously

Forest Tree: Oh, oshizu, I'm absolutely gutted! How could you do this to me?
I was your very first friend, so I've been expecting to become your BFF, too! *sobs

Brennachan: Dude! Get over yourself and toke up!

Forest Tree goes home, but the rest of us are still feeling adventurous.
Heading to the western part of Murkland for the first time, I look around for signs of life.

Mad Mud owns this Puffer Dome restaurant. You already know that it only serves the worst-quality pufferfish nigiri-zushi, right?
My friends keep inviting me out to dine here, but I'm not ready to die yet.

This must be the Old FEMA Camp, where Uma and Lyndon live.
I recall Rainee's explanation that FEMA stands for Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Formerly, this now-defunct agency belonged to the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security.
Everybody probably already knows this already, but I had to ask what FEMA meant.

I'm not wanting to socialize much with the Infected until I know whether their infection is, well, infectious.
Huh!? Did I just answer my own question?  Anyhow, looks like nobody's home.

When my gaze turns to the neighboring lot, I realize it's the Mutant Racoon Hideout!

Veegan: Be careful! They're mutant AND radioactive!

They may be radioactive, but how can I not chill with them!?
They're so cute and friendly! Awwww!

I know they're called raccoons, but they only appeared with City Living.
So I can't help but wonder if they're actually tanuki, a canine species from Japan.
In Japanese folklore, the tanuki is a supernatural being, a mischievous and sociable shapeshifter.
Tanuki love sake and also enjoy beating on their "belly-drums."

Anyway, these mutant raccoons remind me of the 1994 Studio Ghibli movie "Pom Poko" about tanuki.
The two images o the right come from "Pom Poko."
The lower left image is a commonly-seen popular version of a tanuki statue.

These mutant raccoons have a cool pad, complete with toilet facilities they must have nicked from Granite Falls.

In the middle of a convo with these other three raccoons, I make a 20th friend. Imagine that!
Problem is, I'm not really sure which raccoon is the 20th cuz it's hard to tell who's who.

But I'm pretty sure it's that one covering her mouth--the mutant muchacha with the high-pitched feminine voice.

Returning to the front of the Hideout, I see Veegan and Brennachan chatting with Yuki Behr and someone new.
The adult Veegan and Yuki are feeling inappropriately flirty. Yo, she still a teenager!

The pale-skinned newcomer is Lucas the Infected. 
Lucas leaves quickly, right after I introduce myself. Was it something I said?
From now on, I'm going to try and make a friend in each clan!

Veegan: What's that building over there, Brennan?
Brennan: That's the recently-completed Murkland Mercantile Co.
In fact, my alter-ego contractor just finished building it a few hours ago!

Veegan: Hey, isn't that Mayor Epoch Salamander of Fort Murkland? Does he own the store?

Mayor Epoch: Let's see, where's that darn list?  Set the markup to 100%. Check
Lock the kitchen door to everyone except employees. Check
And one last thing: hiring the clerks.  Let's see…

Aeon Salamander (his wife): Look at how skilled oshizu and Lisa Bee are! What about those two?
Mayor: Oh heck no! I hear those two are nothing but troublemakers!

Aeon Salamander: What about Count Vladislaus Straud IV! We could open the store 24/7!!!
Mayor: So far, we've all been super careful not to use any of the vampire-related socials.
I don't want my Murklanders always worrying about being drained by vampires in their sleep!
*hires Carlos Coyote

Mayor Epoch: I need to sit and get my bearings for a minute. Why do I feel so disoriented?

oshizu: Hey, let's stop peeking on the Mayor, people!
Pretty sure he and his store are none of our business while I'm living in the Murkland Starter!

A sim from Windenburg named Moira Fyres invites me to join her Garden Gnomes club.
I've been wanting to visit the Overgrown Library, so I invite Moira along.

oshizu: Oh Aspen! I didn't know you worked as a barista at the Overgrown Library.
Aspen: Neither did I! Um, aren't you the one who just hired me?
oshizu: mebbe…

After a heated discussion about the management of Garden Gnomes…

oshizu: …and that's why I feel you should step down as the leader of Garden Gnomes.
Moira: You're right, oshizu. Maybe you should lead Garden Gnomes.

Moira: By the way, I heard you suffered extensive head damage before finding yourself in Murkland.
oshizu: Nah, I was out for several days but I've never lost my love of cheese…

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland: 1.5 She's a Mutant Muchacha (03/31)
« Reply #21 on: April 01, 2017, 03:35:07 AM »
LOL. Your ambition is showing. Taking over Garden Gnomes just for the gardening boost. I see you. ;) I don't blame you, though. Got to get that gardening skill up so you can visit that shiny blond fellow!

I can't get over how creative the builds are in this challenge. How exciting that there's a new one! The Mercantile looks great. Thanks for the illicit sneak peek!

Thinking of the mutant raccoons as tanuki definitely makes them seem less frightening. I wish they could play their belly-drums! How cute would that be?

Poor Mitch! For once, he's not slobby enough!

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland: 1.5 She's a Mutant Muchacha (03/31)
« Reply #22 on: April 01, 2017, 03:55:40 AM »
Haha, you caught me redhanded--I was really trying to sustain a laid-back approach to this challenge but I couldn't resist. LOL.

It's not an illicit sneak peek! I "follow" Brennachan, so I get an in-game pop-up notice if she uploads anything to the Gallery.
I downloaded while I was in the middle of editing photos for this update, so I replaced some images for the store-related ones. :-)
That Studio Ghibli film's title, Pom Poko, is an onomatopoeia for the sound of tanuki beating their belly-drums.

Whether they're tanuki or raccoon, though, they're still radioactive! And so true about Mitch!

Offline wfgodot

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland: 1.5 She's a Mutant Muchacha (03/31)
« Reply #23 on: April 01, 2017, 06:53:04 AM »
Oh a brownie girl are you!  I see.  Very interesting, oshizu.  Very interesting indeed.

Poor Forest Tree though! I love him!
Those raccoons really are adorable.  I love the color of them!  I'd hang out with a radioactive raccoon any time, any where.

The "overgrown library" is a cool concept.

Anyway, I see your Studio Ghibli pictures.  My eye is instantly drawn to...  I won't say it.  It can't possibly.  It can't.  Tell me it isn't.
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Re: Makin' It in Murkland: 1.5 She's a Mutant Muchacha (03/31)
« Reply #24 on: April 02, 2017, 04:24:26 AM »
I'm loving learning more about Murkland through your story. I had seen these builds on the gallery and was a big fan. but it's nice to get some more background.

Online oshizu

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Makin' It in Murkland 1.6: The Plumber's...Back (04/05)
« Reply #25 on: April 05, 2017, 02:48:48 PM »
@FrancescaFiori and @Caterina
Check out my new neighbors! They appear only briefly this time but more frequently later. *winks

Haha, I'd brought Forest Tree along with me to the Fire & Music Festival with every intention of becoming BFFs with him. However, Brennachan heeded my summons to the hookah while Forest Tree went off to do something else (don't know what).
By the time he finally showed up, Brennachan and I were already BFFs, lol.

I'm glad you appreciated the Studio Ghibli images and hope you will give "Pom Poko" a look-see!

Thank you so much for stopping by to read and comment!
I hope you will give Murkland a try sometime! It's strangely relaxing and completely addicting!

Murky 1.6: The Plumber's...Back


After parting ways with Moira Fyres, I take a look around the Overgrown Library.
I wonder where the librarian could be? I haven't seen one around all evening.

Since I'm here, I sit down at a computer and ponder starting a novel.
Perhaps it won't hurt to occasionally drop by the library and write.

I want to name my first book Murkin' Like a Boss, but decide to save that title for later.
At this point, I'm hardly a veteran Murklander and have zero experience as a writer to boot.
In fact, perhaps I'll rename all my books after I've written a dozen or so.
Can't imagine ever writing 10 bestsellers, though!

We've since learned that oshizu shouldn't have been at the library after hours without first becoming BFFs with the librarian. *hangs head in shame


What shall I do with my club?
To be honest, I need to personally garden more. Don't really need help with gardening yet.
I'm not keen at all about sharing gardening tasks with others yet, not with only 16 plants to tend.

Still, I've filled my club with Murklanders who seem skilled in gardening, handiness, and wellness.
Scarp the Cliffdweller is a new friend. To my surprise, she's a Criminal working for Bosswives.
A vegetarian, family-oriented, outdoors-loving' crim? Maybe she's undercover?

By the way, those bills I've been worrying myself sick over? They only came to $471!
So, I'm good for now!

I finally work up the courage to go visit the Infected at the Old FEMA Camp.
Takes me an hour or so to figure out how to knock on the door to be invited inside.
Once I find the bathroom door beyond the back left corner of the lot, I'm in!

Uma and Lucas explain that the Infected brew and sell Fireleaf Extract for a living.
They're not, however, skilled gardeners, they say.

I cheerfully reassure them that I can help out.

Their garden hasn't been tended for a while, it seems.
I harvest, water, evolve, and fertilize their garden. How lucky to find this untended garden!

They're growing perfect-quality Poisonous Fireleaf plants, I discover. Impressive.
During my trip to Granite Falls, I never found any Fireleaf.
So I'm glad to find and identify some in this garden. Nice!

I chat a bit with Waylon the Infected, who's an adult.
All of the Infected I've met so far are Insane, Clumsy Gluttons.
And I don't know why, but they're also very good customers at my yard sales.

I follow the laughter and find almost all the Infected in a computer room out back.
You can see the "front door" from this room, too!

Because I've experienced racial discrimination, I really feel for the Infected.
I mean, they're socially ostracized for circumstances beyond their control, too!
That's why I'm making an effort to be friendlier with them.

Well, to be honest, besides the social injustice issue, I'm also a little drawn to Lucas.
I know, right? Me and my thing for skinny boys with guyliner!
Don't worry, I'm not going to obsess or nothing, just a mild crush.

Gah, I'm feeling a little itchy. Must be from handling the Poisonous Fireleaf.
But I'm too happy overall to feel uncomfortable, thankfully.

In the spirit of "exploring Murkland," I ask Lucas to show me his swimwear.
He paws the air, hisses, then runs off. The first time, it was kinda funny!
I stalk Lucas and ask him 4-5 more times to show me his swimwear.
Then it suddenly dawns on me that all his outfits are the same. Doh.

I'm definitely not obsessing over Lucas.

Time to elevate my mind to a higher plane!
I invite some friends, both new and old, to the Music & Fire Festival.
We all proceed to dance the Murkland Two-Step, except for Forest Tree.
He's doing some silly hippie bouncing. Get with the choreo, dude!

Rainee, you got some serious moves, girl!

Feeling good about being able to pay my bills this morning, I make tofu dogs for all.
Rainee and Lisa Bee are looking good! I haven't seen them since our trip to Granite Falls.

I still don't know why I couldn't invite them to the hermit's place.

oshizu: So, Rainee, what's going on with you and Johnny Zest?
Last time I saw you two together, you were snarling and dissing each other!
But tonight, you two are looking mighty friendly…
Rainee: *shrugs

Outside we notice Zoe Patel strolling by in a new set of threads.
When did she start dressing as if she lived in Forgotten Hollow?
She still has that annoyingly perky walk, though.


Woe is me! I wake up to find that I'm still itching from yesterday's contact with the Infected's Poisonous Fireleaf!
What?!?! The itching lasts for 7 more hours? It must be a 24-hour effect, ugh!

Grrr, no wonder the Infected don't tend their own garden!

No matter what I try, I'm too uncomfortable to take care of my own garden. Just great!
Oh well, I might as well go practice yoga at the Freegan Camp.
Maybe I can get focused enough to override my discomfort.

I really love the Freegan's upstairs yoga space with all the greenery!

I return home feeling focused, only to find that I still can't garden!
Due to all that yoga, my hygiene's in the red. Deodorizing cream to the rescue!

At 3:30 pm, I can tend my beloved trash plants, at last!

My garden is still so very far from being perfect!
After a week, I only have 12 Nice plants and 4 Normal plants.
I decide to buy my own yoga mat!

Well, now that I'm so focused but my fun is low, I'm hankering to play cards.
I cross the street and boldly introduce myself to Mad Mud, who's a romantic elder. Eh?!
Just in case, I invite over my newest friend, the self-assured Span Salamander, too!

Buying two chairs, I ask them to join me in a game of cards.
The three of us have a great time playing cards and chatting, though my logic and charisma don't budge.
Still, it's fun having new friends over!

I find that Mad Mud is mean and hotheaded.
He's definitely NOT generous. I ask him for a small loan and he actually yells at me!

After we learn that Mad Mud is a doctor at T. Pose Hospital, Span totally kisses up to him.
Nobody will ever doubt that Span  is a Salamander!
Even so, Span is quite nice and I love spending time with him!
Mad Mud, not so much.


I'm feeling great when I wake up this morning!
After a little yoga, I tend my garden quickly because I want to visit my new neighbors.

They're living in northern Nukecrest in the lovely Hillside Highlands lot, created by MeaganJo.

Oh look, they have a plumber!

Francesca: That's not a plumber, dear!
oshizu: He's not? I thought because of his…back, erm, never mind. *blushes

So let me introduce you to my new neighbors.
That's Caterina sitting on the very left. She's so cute!

Next to her is Mario Loren. He's very new to the whole Murkland/Nukecrest scene!
In fact, I hear he's been specially created for this household!
Standing next to him is my dear friend, the one and only Francesca, sass queen extraordinaire!

Don Lothario: So why does Tarzan get to run around in skimpy shorts?
I'm wearing a tank top and long pants. Doesn't that leave me at a disadvantage?
And why does Mario even have to live here? I don't need no competition!

oshizu: I'm quite surprised to learn both Don and Mario have romantic aspirations.
Don is a serial romantic (as everyone knows), while Mario wants a soulmate, bless his heart!
And what a coincidence! They even share the Romantic trait!

Francesca: You've got to be kidding me, oshizu! Right, Caterina?
Caterina: You mean, Francesca and I are stuck on this lot with those two lovesick dudes?

oshizu: Hey, no complaining! This lot almost got the Romantic Aura lot trait.
But "someone" decided at the last minute that it wouldn't be necessary.

As much as I'd like to get to know my new neighbors better, I'm starving!
So I grill some vegetarian grub, leaving Caterina, Don, Francesca, and the plumber, I mean, Mario, to chat.

I really need to hold another yard sale after lunch and I'm taking this gang with me!
Next time, if you decide to join us, we'll be seeing you at What's Left of the Gym!

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.6: The Plumber's...Back (04/05)
« Reply #26 on: April 05, 2017, 04:08:31 PM »
Woohoo! Queen of Sass, huh? The Queen is very happy with her sweet crib and amazing roommates . . er . . . tentmates. ;) Hello, Mario! Don, it's a pleasure as always. My word! The apocalypse is certainly treating me well. @Caterina I'm not sure how we're going to divvy up our *ahem* resources, but I'm sure we can work something out. ;)

This was such a great chapter! I'm glad you're giving the Infected some love, even if your rewards were few. We need to get you a t-shirt that says, "I asked to see Lucas the Infected's swimwear six times and all I got was this itchy rash." You crack me up! I greatly admire your determination to find and tend all the gardens in Murkland.

Glad you've got yourself a yoga mat! I'd pretty much given up on being in the proper mood for gardening, but that's a smart move. Love your first book title, too! Come on, bestsellers!

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.6: The Plumber's...Back (04/05)
« Reply #27 on: April 05, 2017, 04:58:19 PM »
What's this!  You're all having a get together without me!

That Overgrown Library is so cool looking.  You look so content sitting there in the semi-dark, alone with the trees, writing.
A good find with the Infected's fireleaf.  That's too bad about the swimwear. 

Mad Mud!  A romantic???  lol
He looks friendly enough playing cards with a decent gal like you, plus a little kid.  And he's a doctor!  What an interesting fellow.  Sheesh, with a career like that he could have spared something for you.

Who is Mario?
Add "maice" on Origin.
Behren Blog

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.6: The Plumber's...Back (04/05)
« Reply #28 on: April 05, 2017, 08:59:46 PM »
It was so much fun to read about Caterina in your story!  I'm so glad she gets to hang out with one of her favorite forum storytellers, Francesca.  The other roommates might be fun too.

I recreated my simself for Murkland.  I wanted to present a 20 year old, Young Adult, Caterina.  Feel free to give her a murkier makeover.

Caterina stayed away from The Infected at the beginning.  When she finally went to tend their plants...err meet them, she felt at home with them.  Wait ... what were their traits?

She has a bit more than a crush on Forest Tree.  So, if he wanders off in your game ...

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Re: Makin' It in Murkland 1.6: The Plumber's...Back (04/05)
« Reply #29 on: April 06, 2017, 01:51:24 AM »
Hello, fellow Murklanders and closet Murklanders!

Just a quick announcement to say that, in case anyone's interested, a no-cc version of Mario Loren is now available on the Gallery.
Item name:  Mario
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