Author Topic: The Drone 4x4  (Read 3657 times)

Offline fanofaband

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The Drone 4x4
« on: March 24, 2017, 08:33:11 PM »
Here I am again, starting yet another dynasty.  Luckily it's on my new computer so hopefully this one will go well.  There isn't really a story to go along with it, but hopefully you all enjoy it just the same!

Generation 1 - Aaron Drone

Maxed Job - Medical
Unique Best Friends - Theresa Lucas, Timothy Su
Skill Challenges - Celestial Explorer, Master Chemist, Skill Professor
Black Ops - Bad Medical Cliques, Equipment Arrival, Waste Management, You Don't Really Need It

Aaron Drone was born to King and Queen Drone (the founders from my Domination Dynasty) within the time limit of starting the file.  He had a pretty normal childhood except he focused on Logic more than anything else while he worked on things.  It was pretty clear that he was going to be a doctor, and he loved his work as much as his parents loved what they did.  He met Rachel Alvi shortly after becoming a young adult and married her, giving her a young again potion to make sure they would still be compatible.  Shortly after his requirements were met, they had Betty, generation 2 of the dynasty.  I'm still trying to get his Medical Trophy of Valor, however.

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Re: The Drone 4x4
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2017, 09:22:25 PM »

Generation 2 - Betty Drone

Maxed Job - Sculptor
Unique Best Friends - Jamil Benoit, Lawrence Cornwell
Skill Challenges - Chiselmeister, Prolific Sculptor, Master Sculptor
Black Ops - An Old Ruse, Larger Than Necessary Doorstop, Sculpt a Suspect, Oh Scrap!

Betty was a pretty easy heir, and now that I think about it, I can't remember if I saved her to my bin.  Oh well if I didn't!  I think she's rather lovely at least, especially those eyes, but I'm an eye person.  She went through her career pretty quickly and her opportunities popped perfectly, I'm definitely going to miss her.  Aaron finally died after getting the trophy I was looking for with him, so now we have three graves that qualify for when it's time to move, as well as all four collections in place.  I just need to get one more career reward and things will be perfect, and I'm only on generation three in my game!  She married Pat, an Imaginary Friend, and had Cappera, who's destined for the Criminal career, Thief track.

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Re: The Drone 4x4
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2017, 01:12:16 PM »

Generation 3 - Cappera Drone

Maxed Job - Criminal - Thief
Unique Best Friends - Bradford Link, Angelina Proctor
Skill Challenges - Teacher Extraordinaire, Grand Master, Beetle Collector
Black Ops - Welcome to the Family, Extra Muscle, Bouncer Duty, Thief Like There's No Tomorrow

Cappera was easy enough to work with, just like his mother, the only thing that really had me worried was Beetle Collector but we finally got that under wraps.  He brought home the Fox Statue on his first day as a Master Thief and that was the end of what I needed him for, really, except to bring in Generation 4, of course.  He's a good guy, even though he's a kleptomaniac and a master thief, but what can you expect?  Unfortunately he doesn't look strange, except for a couple of lines around his mouth, and also unfortunately he's the end of the rainboos, but hopefully I'll fix that with his daughter's husband.  Dizzy was born a couple days after he reached the last of his requirements and effectively passed the torch to the future painter and first moving heir of the dynasty!

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Re: The Drone 4x4
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2017, 02:13:40 PM »

Generation 4 - Dizzy Drone

Maxed Job - Painter
Unique Best Friends - Kelvin Connell, Glenda Tan
Skill Challenges - Proficient Painter, Brushmaster, Master Painter
Black Ops - A Retreat to Inspiration, A Large Painting, Fresco Fest, Local Artists Gallery

Dizzy was the easiest heir by far so far, and I think Lunar Lakes has spoiled me, it's just going to be harder from now on I bet.  After getting her requirements done she married her second or third cousin, Bradley, Betty's younger brother, so hopefully the strange looks that my founders had will be going into the mix again and I won't have pudding faces for the whole challenge, not that it's necessarily a bad thing, it just gets boring when it's like that.  She chose to move to Sunset Valley with Bradley and they're on their way to having Generation 5, the Equestrian of the family.

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Re: The Drone 4x4
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2017, 02:17:31 PM »
Lunar Lakes Stats:

All Properties Owned - Yes
All Buildings Owned - Yes

Wedding Presents - $337,635
Space Rocks - $16,603
Sculptures - $72,790
Potions - $0

Successful Sculptor's Medal
Sculpting Skill Certificate
Medical Trophy of Valor
The Fox Statue


Week 20, Day 6

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Re: The Drone 4x4
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2017, 06:21:21 PM »

Generation 5 - Eagan Drone

Maxed Job - Music - Rock Star
Unique Best Friends - Mortimer Goth, Bella Bachelor
Skill Challenges - Master Guitarist, Guitar Star, Money Maker
Black Ops - Guitar Up!, Musical Assembly, Stick Around for the Music, I Got Your Back... Up

Eagan had it rather rough to begin with.  He was going to be my Equestrian of the family, but when Sunset Valley loaded in and I'd adopted my first horse when he was a child, I went to the map and realized the Equestrian Center hadn't loaded in.  Dangit, had to switch things up and I hadn't really planned on doing Guitar for the challenge but that's what I ended up doing anyway.  He married the unborn baby girl from the beginning of the game and now they've had Fever, who's destined to be the Photographer, if I can muscle my way through it.

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Re: The Drone 4x4
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2017, 02:12:03 PM »

Generation 6 - Fever Drone

Maxed Job - Photographer
Unique Best Friends - Kevin Aguilar, Kent Carr
Skill Challenges - Photog, Architectural Eye, Human Form Expert
Black Ops - Al Simhara, Paparazzi!, The Pyramids, The Sphinx

Let me just get it out there: I hate the photography skill.  I don't know why I thought it would be good for this challenge, but there it is, and I finally got it worked out after awhile of working with Fever.  That's why this update took so long, I hate the skill and it took me forever to slog through it.  Nonetheless, it's finished and I won't have to worry about it ever again, I think.  While he took awhile to get things done, it was pretty rewarding to get it finished and it's a good thing it did get done, I didn't want to have to change skills halfway through again.  He's now married to a paparazzi and expecting the next heir, the sooner I'm done with Fever, the better.

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Re: The Drone 4x4
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2017, 10:37:35 PM »

Generation 7 - Gavin Drone

Maxed Job - Writer
Unique Best Friends - Ruth Corbin, Christian Thorpe
Skill Challenges - Prolific Writer, Speed Writer, Drama Novelist
Black Ops - To Boldly Go, Add a Little Drama, A History of One, A Masterpiece

The hardest part with Gavin was getting his career maxed out.  When that finally happened all I had to do was double check on his best friends and there we were!  He already had a wife at the same time, so that wasn't an issue, she was just there waiting to have a baby with him.  She has the Gold Digger lifetime wish, which isn't going to be fulfilled of course, but hey, a girl can dream.  Gavin's also the first one to not have the same color eyes as the rest of the heirs, which was surprising and a little disappointing, I was hoping they'd last through the whole challenge.

