Author Topic: Tenacious Rivalry Dynasty--Please Graveyard  (Read 31005 times)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Tenacious Rivalry Dynasty--Von Carloff, Week Three
« Reply #60 on: June 02, 2017, 09:26:06 PM »
Vlad does have strong genetics, doesn't he. I liked Bella's way of getting her A. Waffle is still cute, and it's kind of Eliza to worry about the Izumi kids.
I was actually rather hoping those awesome Vlad genes would come through  ;=)

Wow, Bella looks soooo much like Vlad!!! And that hair really accentuates her features.
Love all the side-profile shots of Bella you give us, so that we can contemplate her awesome nose.
She rocks her format outfit, too! Snorty laughs ftw.

Speaking of Vlad, has he visited Shana in his ghost form?

Nice work ageing Ishikawa and Izaiah up to teens. They're both marvelous! Haha, Ishikawa and his too-short-skirt quip.
"Ishi" by itself means "rock" in Japanese, so the nickname "Ishy" as nickname totally works.)

Oooh, Bella and Izaiah!? Does Izaiah have serious feelings for Bella? (Raj, you poor dude, get real!)
Loved this update!
I rather enjoyed doing the boy-daughters' makeovers.  "Ishi" means rock?!?  That's so cool!  That nickname is sticking!
Yeah, I thought the whole confusion with Raj would be a fun story element.  We'll see where it goes...

You know, she does take after Vlad, but I still think Bella is quite lovely. Especially in that last shot. She's almost glowing with confidence! Go, girl! Her dark form is truly spectacular.

Also enjoyed the picture of Bella's absence from the sidewalk. :)

Waffle is a total cutie, of course, and I loved both Ishikawa and Izaiah's teen makeovers. The budding romance between Izaiah and Belle is fantastic! Poor Raj, though. Oh, well. He and Bob will probably get along, both being chefs and all. At least there's that.

Oh, the Wishing Well. So many valuable life lessons to be learned. I'm going to have to study both yours and oshizu's technique with that thing, though, because I am having no luck at all in my game!
Waffle is a handsome lad.  Maybe a future spouse at some point since he'll stop aging once Bella moves out on her own.
The wishing well has been rather hit and miss with me.  I've basically learned that the face cannot be trusted.  Always go with the bribe first unless you're really willing to deal with negative consequences.
Izzy and Bella.  Izzabella.  I adore them!

Crossing my fingers that you'll have time to play this weekend because it's time for...
Izumi Week!
Izumi week indeed!  Not that I have favorites (BUT I TOTALLY DO!!!)

Just caught up with this story and wow, man, it's a good thing I wasn't drinking anything. I might have drowned from laughing so hard. Your stories continue to be amazing, Pippin (also, um, just wanted to let you know that you're the one who inspired me to get into the Sims 3 Immortal Dynasty after I read your Fellowship story. unfortunately the computer ate it and all the backups after Gen 8 was born but I just wanted to finally say thank you)! Anywho, I love all of your households for different reasons. Poor Belle, losing her dad like that but at least it was the spouse and not her Founder. But hey, she and her mom are trucking along pretty well. They seem to have a good shot of moving into first place. Have you found a good mate for Belle or is that going to be Waffle? The Izumi household needs to kick it into gear but Gavin seems capable. I think we need to get Izumi to push the dynasty a bit more. The Aliens look like they're having fun even through that restaurant bloodline. Ugh, no thanks over here. I do love Seven a lot, she's such a cutie! Good luck!
So glad you're enjoying my crazy households!  They're a fun and random group.
Yes, Izzy and Bella are a thing  Waffle could be a good option for some future generation.
Gavin is trucking along, but Jaivan is struggling.
I rather enjoy the restaurant option, actually, but I like that I'll be able to open up the option for a retail store if I want to mix it up.
Seven is adorable!!!

OMG! Pip! You know I adore you, but, this has now become full blown love, man!!! Your mind is one of the most amazing places I've ever had the priveledge to see into and WOW... Just WOW! My mom actually asked me what was so funny, and since she plays Sims too, I tried to explain, but, she doesn't belong to any of the forums or read any of the stories so it fell a bit flat. But, while explaining it to her I fell head over feet for you my dear friend!!!
Oh, my darling, my dear, I'm glad you're enjoying the madness  :=)
I've always found "head over feet" to be an odd saying since that's how we generally are, but I absolutely appreciate the compliment and am flattered beyond belief (insert my blushing face here).

Offline PeregrineTook

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Tenacious Rivalry Dynasty--Rosenpepper, Week Four
« Reply #61 on: June 02, 2017, 09:26:46 PM »
Pippin:  We rejoin the Izumi household...
Jaivan:  I...I just give up...
Pippin:  Where a certain young man/lady is becoming rather well-known.

Julianne: this is a picture of the creep who's been stalking me.
Izaiah:  Oh, that's my sis...I mean...nope, never seen her.  Or him.  Can't even tell the gender, to be honest...ish.

Ishikawa:  So, my beautiful angel, you aren't married, are you?
Red-haired Izumi:  Hmmm, when you age up, I'll consider not being married, cutie pie.
Splark Six Six.I.Am:  What was that?
Red-haired Izumi:  I said I'm going to leave you for this much-cuter fellow once he ages up.
Splark Six Six.I.Am:  Oh.  Thanks for telling me way ahead of time!  You're the best!

Pippin:  And Jaivan has been failing to advance in his career.
Jaivan:  Not my fault!
Pippin:  Umm, yeah.  I discovered that the "heavy lifting" action doesn't seem to increase the athletic skill...or at least not as much as actually doing the "workout" action.
Izumi:  That's okay, Pippin, you're doing your best.
Pippin:  Thanks wife Izumi.
Jaivan:  Hey!
Izumi:  And look, Pippin,

Izumi:  we're going to have another baby!
Pippin:  We are?!?
Jaivan:  No, we are!
Pippin:  Please have a girl, please have a girl, please have a girl...
Jaivan:  Is he going to chant through the entire pregnancy?
Izumi:  Aww, it's cute!
Pippin:  And speaking of cute, the heir hit age up time and became quite the cute young teen.

Gavin:  Really, Pippin? That's the shot you go with?
Pippin:  Hahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Izaiah:  Umm, do we know this guy?

Fredrick:  What?  It's me, Fredrick!  I was your nanny!
Izaiah:  Not ringing any bells.
Fredrick:  I managed to become close friends with your whole family?
Fredrick:  I moved in during the last time this was the active household to help bankroll the building of your museum?
Izaiah:  Sounds vaguely familiar...
Fredrick:  I share a room with the heir?
Pippin:  Are you guys just mocking me because I forgot to mention that Fredrick moved in last time I updated your household?
Izaiah and Fredrick:  ...maybe...

Jaivan:  One more vamp to vanquish.  Can't target Shana.  Think I'll go for...

Jaivan:  Pari.
Pari:  Ugh!  Isn't it bad enough that you chose that nasty harpy Izumi over me?
Pippin:  Oh no you di'n't!  Nobody talks about our wife that way!  Get her Jaivan!
Jaivan:  My wife.  Not our wife.  My wife.

Pari: that you've cured me of my vampiric state, do you think...I mean...if it wouldn't be too weird...could I least be considered as a potential spouse for Gavin?  He's dreamy!
Jaivan:  ...this just got so weird.
Ishikawa:  Poor Pari, my one true love!
Pippin:  And speaking of true loves,

Pippin:  Izaiah and Bella still seem really interested in each other.  And Ishikawa seem interested in getting attention.
Ishikawa:  I'm so much more handsome than my sister.
Bella:  (Snorty laugh) Izzy, your brister's weird!
Izaiah:  Preaching to the choir, honey.
Pippin:  Brister?
Izaiah:  Brother and sister mixed together.  Bella can never seem to decide which to call Ishi.
Pippin:  But despite all her faults, Ishi is quite the helpful addition to the household.

Gavin:  Thanks for practicing chess with me, sis.
Ishikawa:  No problem, bro.  Just remember what a great support Sim I could be when you move out...
Pippin:  And speaking of support Sims...

Fredrick:  Yep.  Now you remember me.
Raj:  Wasn't my future wife Bella over here recently?
Fredrick:  Bella?  You mean that sweet little girl that's dating Izaiah?
Raj:  What?!?!?  I thought I was brought into the household to be Bella's future husband...?
Shana:  ...what?  Oh, I'm sorry, I was busy not listening to either of you.
Pippin:  And speaking of Bella's future husband...

Pippin:  have you lost weight?
Izaiah:  Dad needs time mentoring people for his job, so I've been using the treadmill.
Bella:  He's so hot!  (Snorty laugh)
Izumi:  Just like his mama!

Pippin:  Wait, are you on a date, Ishi?
Ishikawa:  You know it!
Pippin:  With Red-haired Izumi or Penny?
Ishikawa:  Both!
Gavin:  Just sitting at the bar doing my homework.  It's so much fun being the heir.
Pippin:  So, Gavin gets to work on heir stuff, Ishi is a skilling helper and has taken over some gardening duties, and Izzy...

Pippin:  is there for athletics mentoring and is becoming a paint goddess.
Izzy:  Hey, somebody's gotta make the museum pieces for my honey bunny and our eventual son/daughter.
Bella:  (Snorty laugh)  Baby, you're the greatest!
Izumi:  Of course she is!  She takes after her mama!
Pippin:  And one of mama's little angels has decided to go with a new look.

Ishikawa:  Hey, it's tough being a fashion icon.
Pippin:  And are you seriously trying to slim down just because I gave Izzy attention for weight loss?
Ishikawa:  ...maybe...
Pippin:  And with her new look, Ishi ran into an old friend.

Pippin:  Elsa!  I'd wondered what ever happened to her.
Ishikawa:  You look sad.  Do you need a hug from your super-attractive friend?
Elsa:  Yeah.  I guess I'm just sad that you're all aging up and I'm stuck being a child.
Ishikawa:  Hmmm....
Pippin:  So, just before our week ends...

Pippin:  Do you think she turned out pretty, Ishi?

Pippin:  I'm taking that as a yes.  And we added two more additions to the household!  A young boy named Ionardo and...

Pippin:  A little girl named Iyanne.  Please, little one, look just like your mama!

At the end of the week, Jaivan continues to be stuck on his job level, but has advanced to level 8 of athletics and will have bodybuilder completed as soon as he hits level 10 of athletics.  His body is already maximized.  Gavin is well on the way to hitting third level as a barista and is getting close to that elusive A.  And the household is full.  Strategically, this was probably a bad idea, but come on, how often do genes like Izumi's come along?

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Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Tenacious Rivalry Dynasty--Rosenpepper, Week Four
« Reply #62 on: June 04, 2017, 05:03:23 AM »
I've also always thought that head-over-heels made no sense. I started using head-over-feet purely due to this:

"You've already won me over in spite of me
And don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
And don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it
It's all your fault"

aAnd, if you recognise where that came from, you are probably a pre-millenial :-) and freaking awesim to boot :-)

I had to chuckle at "brister". It is so brilliant! Pip, you really do come up with the best ideas! And one liners too
"Shana:  ...what?  Oh, I'm sorry, I was busy not listening to either of you."
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline oshizu

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Re: Tenacious Rivalry Dynasty--Rosenpepper, Week Four
« Reply #63 on: June 05, 2017, 04:39:18 PM »
Haha, I love how all the narrative focus is on Izumi and the twin "bristers" (brill coinage).
Gavin's appearance is fleeting--his ghastly birthday shot is most memorable. His long-distance shot doing homework made me laugh. Can barely remember what Gavin looks like...
We can see how much fun you're having with Izzy and Ishi! Spares do have more fun!!! (Helpers not so much, lol)

And yaaaaayyyyyyyy, Izumi had a little girl! Oooh, you have a full household!
But strategically, it doesn't matter that much since Gavin will be moving out soon. Well, I guess it does matter, if Jaivan is struggling with promotions.
Mentoring fitness takes soooo much time, doesn't it?

I seriously can't wait to find out what happens to Gavin and his bristers--who Gavin takes with him, who hooks up with someone else, who Gavin chooses as his spouse.
Of course, you--I mean, Gavin--will be taking Iyanne with you, right? Can't wait to see Iyanna as a toddler!

So much to look forward to!!!

P.S. The fastest way to level Fitness is to go the Skye Fitness gym in Uptown, San Myshuno. At the basketball court, repeatedly "Dream Big."

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Tenacious Rivalry Dynasty--Rosenpepper, Week Four
« Reply #64 on: June 12, 2017, 03:13:30 PM »
I've also always thought that head-over-heels made no sense. I started using head-over-feet purely due to this:

"You've already won me over in spite of me
And don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
And don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it
It's all your fault"

aAnd, if you recognise where that came from, you are probably a pre-millenial :-) and freaking awesim to boot :-)

I had to chuckle at "brister". It is so brilliant! Pip, you really do come up with the best ideas! And one liners too
"Shana:  ...what?  Oh, I'm sorry, I was busy not listening to either of you."
Oh yeah, I'm familiar with Alanis' work.  In fact, I even remember her as a tiny child actress on the Canadian television series "You Can't Do That on Television."
Glad you enjoyed the update.  "Brister" was just a random bit that I thought seemed like a very Bella thing to say  :=)
Thank you for always making me smile with such kind and complimentary feedback  :=)

Haha, I love how all the narrative focus is on Izumi and the twin "bristers" (brill coinage).
Gavin's appearance is fleeting--his ghastly birthday shot is most memorable. His long-distance shot doing homework made me laugh. Can barely remember what Gavin looks like...
We can see how much fun you're having with Izzy and Ishi! Spares do have more fun!!! (Helpers not so much, lol)

And yaaaaayyyyyyyy, Izumi had a little girl! Oooh, you have a full household!
But strategically, it doesn't matter that much since Gavin will be moving out soon. Well, I guess it does matter, if Jaivan is struggling with promotions.
Mentoring fitness takes soooo much time, doesn't it?

I seriously can't wait to find out what happens to Gavin and his bristers--who Gavin takes with him, who hooks up with someone else, who Gavin chooses as his spouse.
Of course, you--I mean, Gavin--will be taking Iyanne with you, right? Can't wait to see Iyanna as a toddler!

So much to look forward to!!!

P.S. The fastest way to level Fitness is to go the Skye Fitness gym in Uptown, San Myshuno. At the basketball court, repeatedly "Dream Big."
Poor Gavin does not get much spotlight time as he's just skill crunching, doing homework, and working.  No fun in being the heir.
I actually already have the spouse choice in mind for Gavin, but we'll see if I end up deciding to go that route by the time he ages up.  However, I think we all know Iyanna is either coming along or being aged up as a close friend in a non-dynasty household.  We must ensure more of those excellent Izumi genes!
Hmmm, Skye Fitness gym, eh?  I must try another week or so...

Offline PeregrineTook

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Tenacious Rivalry Dynasty--Bzlnork, Week Four
« Reply #65 on: June 12, 2017, 03:14:13 PM »
Pippin:  We rejoin the Bzlnork household to find Autumn looking lovely.

Autumn:  Yeah, you finally got around to giving me a makeover.
Pippin:  Hey!  I'm really busy with important dynasty stuff.
Autumn:  You say that, but look how awesome my makeover has been with racking up the 5's from our customers!

Pippin:  Umm, I think that might be the food and the service...
Autumn:  Lies!
Pippin:  And speaking of the dynasty doing well...

Pippin:  Seven continues to boost her charisma score as she's trying to achieve the friend of the world aspiration.
Izumi:  And a certain red-head is painting all the time to make up for the money we lose like crazy giving away meals to ensure we get those 5's.
Pippin:  Yep, the joys of being a dynasty helper.
Izumi:  Autumn's the helper.  I'm the spouse.  I'm supposed to sit on a throne and be tended to by my legions of loyal followers.
Pippin:  Umm, I don't think that's a thing...oh look!  Seven's making more friends.

Seven:  So, apparently people see shapes in clouds.
Luna:  Really?
Seven:  I know.  Sims are crazy.
Seven:  Umm, that was totally a set-up line for a snarky Watcher comment...?
Pippin:  Huh?  What?  Oh, sorry.  I was distracted by...something...
Blonde Izumi:  Oh, hi, Pippin.
Pippin:  (like a small child caught in mischief) Hi.

Autumn:  So, how about a free meal to boost that 4 to a 5?
Red-Haired Izumi:  (sigh) I'll go start another painting.
Pippin:  Indeed, the restaurant has proven to be very effective.

Pippin:  Even on those days when we open and our hostess doesn't bother to show up for work!
Seven:  Oooo, lots of new people for me to meet!  Hi, people!  None of you will be my besties!!
People:  Umm, thank you?
Pippin:  And in times when Seven's at school or work and Six.I.Am is at work, Autumn and Izumi tend to the other children.

Autumn:  Hey, who's that guy?
Izumi:  What guy?

Autumn:  Hey there, handsome!
Izumi:  Umm, is there some handsome guy behind the disco-reject vampire?
Random Vampire Guy:  Hey yourself, beautiful.
Izumi: Ugh.  Children, look away.

Izumi:  And yes, children, Auntie Autumn is teaching you what desperate looks like.
Autumn:  Hey!  Helpers get lonely sometimes!!
Izumi:  "Lonely" is not a synonym for "desperate."
Random Vampire Guy:  Well, I've gotta go check in on my friend Eliza.  I'll see you later, hot stuff.
Autumn:  Teehee, okay!
Izumi:  Shameful.
Pippin:  And later, the gals hit the scifi festival.

Izumi:  Hey there, handsome future husband!
Ishikawa:  Umm, hi.  I was kind of trying to get to know Miko...
Autumn:  Shameful.
Pippin:  And when she's not plotting her future marriage or degrading people,

Pippin:  Izumi I at her easel.
Izumi:  This is a painting of my soul.  My sad, bleak soul trapped in this horrid dynasty.
Pippin:  That was whiney, but also mildly poetic.
Izumi:  Okay, here's another painting.  This one is of my dream man.

Pippin:  You mean the one on the right, don't you?
Izumi:  Maybe.

Izumi:  Can't say that I entirely hate the frostingheaded freak.
Splark Six Six.I.Am:  That may be the nicest thing you've ever said to me!
Pippin:  And the happy couple enjoyed a sweet moment this week as the twins hit their child birthdays!

Autumn:  And of course, I had to make the cake, and I have to help them blow out the candles...

Pippin:  Autumn, you know you love these little rascals.

Autumn:  ...yeah.  I do.  Kinda wish I could have one of my own.
Pippin:  ...possibly...anyway, Seven loves playing with her little brothers.

Seven:  RAWR!!!  I'm a sea monster!!!
Pippin:  Umm, you might want to wait until they're actually on the boat...?

Pippin:  Hmmm, looks kind of like you just punched Sept in this one.
Sept:  OWW!  Felt like it too!
Seven:  Sorry.  I don't have depth perception, but I'm loveable, so everyone just forgives me.
Sept:''s true.  I forgive you.

Ilgop:  So, if you decide to bring one of us along as a dynasty helper, I could be every bit as good as Auntie Autumn, you know.
Seven:  No, I don't think you're Random Vampire Guy's type.
Ilgop:  I...what?
Pippin:  Don't you still need to make more friends, Seven?
Seven:  Oh yeah!

Seven:  Hello, Izumi household!
Jaivan:  Rosenpepper!!!
Izumi:  Don't mind him, dear, he just gets confused sometimes.
Jaivan:  (sigh)

Pippin:  Umm, Gavin?  Did you seriously just walk away from a cue of social interactions to pose with the tread mill?
Gavin:  You're welcome, ladies.  You.  Are.  Welcome.
Jaivan:  He makes me so proud!

Pippin:  And as we reached the close of our week, a food critic visited Starve Wars!  Too bad our hostess didn't...

The restaurant continues to be a huge frustration as it sits at a 4 1/2 rating and isn't hitting 5 stars.  Hopefully that will change on their next week.  Seven is 2 days away from aging up.  She has hit level 3 of her job, but still hasn't gotten her A in high school.  As long as her performance doesn't drop while I'm with the other households, she should be fine.  If not, some of that money from paintings is going to bribe the wishing well.  Six.I.Am is at level 6 of his career.  I was surprised he didn't hit level 7 by the end of this week.  Maybe he also needs to bribe the well?

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Re: Tenacious Rivalry Dynasty--Rosenpepper, Week Four
« Reply #66 on: June 12, 2017, 07:06:56 PM »
Great work! A warning about the wishing well -- it'll take your money, but it won't always give you what you want. The twins are cute -- I think there's a dynasty rule that spares have to be better-looking than heirs.
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Offline oshizu

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Re: Tenacious Rivalry Dynasty--Rosenpepper, Week Four
« Reply #67 on: June 12, 2017, 10:29:11 PM »
You must have some devious plans for Autumn...she was in the spotlight just as much as Seven, it seems.
Noooo, not Autumn with Random Vampire Guy! lol

Condolences on your hostess skipping work lately. Did she have a birthday or something? Awww, you missed the food critic!
The jump from 4.5 to 5 stars seems the hardest, doesn't it? It's not profitable at all, but buying the Ingredient Quality perk and going organic also helps.
(sez me whose restaurant has also been stuck at 4.5 stars...)

Alas, redhaired Izumi, you will not escape your dynasty destiny! Pretty sure Ishi has set his sights higher than you--he might even aim for dynasty spouse, even?
Always a delight to see you've updated your story, Pippin! (Even somewaht inspires me to update mine...)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Tenacious Rivalry Dynasty--Bzlnork, Week Four
« Reply #68 on: June 16, 2017, 04:59:46 PM »
Great work! A warning about the wishing well -- it'll take your money, but it won't always give you what you want. The twins are cute -- I think there's a dynasty rule that spares have to be better-looking than heirs.
I agree, these spares have been adorable!
I have had to go overboard on bribing the well a few times, but it usually works out for me.  I've only had a request for a promotion become getting fired once (fingers crossed).

You must have some devious plans for Autumn...she was in the spotlight just as much as Seven, it seems.
Noooo, not Autumn with Random Vampire Guy! lol

Condolences on your hostess skipping work lately. Did she have a birthday or something? Awww, you missed the food critic!
The jump from 4.5 to 5 stars seems the hardest, doesn't it? It's not profitable at all, but buying the Ingredient Quality perk and going organic also helps.
(sez me whose restaurant has also been stuck at 4.5 stars...)

Alas, redhaired Izumi, you will not escape your dynasty destiny! Pretty sure Ishi has set his sights higher than you--he might even aim for dynasty spouse, even?
Always a delight to see you've updated your story, Pippin! (Even somewaht inspires me to update mine...)
I feel bad for poor Autumn.  She's really pretty and has been a wonderful helper for my restaurant household (including almost single-handedly raising Seven and doing at least 50% of the work for the restaurant), but I haven't really given her much of a life beyond that.  Therefore, since Random Vampire Guy showed up conveniently, I figured I'd let her have some romance with someone I'd already designated as never being a future dynasty spouse  ;=)
I'm not sure Ishi has his sights set anywhere in particular.  (S)he's just a fun and flighty Sim to play.
Fingers crossed that my restaurant can hit 5 stars their next week and we can close it down and move on to only doing retail stores  :=/  As we'd PM'd, I so prefer having more control over the outcome of my households' efforts.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Tenacious Rivalry Dynasty--Von Carloff, Week Four
« Reply #69 on: June 16, 2017, 05:00:19 PM »
Pippin:  We come back to the Von Carloff household to discover that Geeta has an over-developed love of cake.

Geeta:  Nasty plant!  If I weren't such a lady I'd knock yer teeth in and serve you up as a salad!
Pippin:  But Shana has a happier experience over the course of the week as she is promoted, not once, but twice!

Shana:  Of course they promoted me rapidly.  It's just recognition of my hard work and capabilities.

Pippin:  All your hard work, eh?
Shana:  ...I may have had a little help.
Wishing Well:  A little help?  I can start saying no...
Shana:  A lot of help!!  A lot of kind and glorious help!
Wishing Well:  That's more like it.
Pippin:  And speaking of help, what could be more helpful than having a good friend visit?

Eliza:  Oh no, I saw that last update!  I've got competition for attention now!  This is not okay!
Pippin:  And Bella also had a friend come over.

Pippin:  Well, more than just a friend, actually. 
Raj:  (Sigh) She will still be mine.
Pippin:  And Eliza...well, she seems to have a romantic bar with Random Vampire Guy now, so...

Eliza:  Take that, Autumn!
Random Vampire Guy:  I'm happy to take this!
Pippin:  But...but...what about Bob?
Eliza:  Psh, it's not like I'm woohooing with Random Vampire Guy, I'm just making sure I'm still his favorite.
Geeta:  Darn kids these days with their inappropriate behaviors!

Geeta:  Back in my day, we were more conscious of avoiding any blatantly inappropriate behaviors!
Pippin:  Really?
Geeta:   Hmph!  Think I'll go get more cake.
Pippin:  Geeta, that's really not a good idea...

Geeta:  Back off, robe boy!  This cake's all mine!
Grim:  No, no, by all means.  Help yourself.
Pippin:  And sadly, dear Geeta is lost to us before her time.
Grim:  Actually, she was pretty old, so...hey!  I hear you're single now?

Shana:  Back off, robe boy.  My ghost husband could totally take you in a fight!
Pippin:  And speaking of her ghost husband, he asked her out for a Starve of a rival household...surely this will end well.

Shana:  So, have things been pretty exciting on the other side, or is it pretty dead there?
Vlad:  ...not funny.
Shana:  Pretty sure it was at least a little funny.
Pippin:  I agree.  It was.
Seven:  I agree too!
Shana:  Now, let's see about getting a bite to eat.  Hey look!  A food critic's here!

Shana:  She does have good taste.
Vlad:  Ugh, the jokes are so bad!
Shana:  Admit it, you've missed this.
Vlad:  ...okay.  I admit I've missed it a little...every moment of every day...being without my beloved muse...
Pippin:  And speaking of painters who are obsessed with their subjects...

Raj:  Mark my words, Bob, I will win her over with my art!  She will yet be mine!
Bob:  Okay, that's good and all, but my question was, "have you seen that bald vampire guy around again?"  I think he's trying to muscle in on my lady.
Pippin:  And as if that concern wasn't enough, now Bob has to worry about being older than his wife.

Bob:  Well, here goes.  Leaving young adulthood behind and stepping into the barely perceptible change that is adulthood.

Bob:  Eliza, dear, please answer honestly, do you still love me as much now that I'm older and now that we're both so busy with dynasty life?
Eliza:  Robert Nathanial Pancakes, you ridiculous doofblossom.  Of course I do!
Bob:  So, why do you keep having that vampire guy come around?
Eliza:  I just like attention and want to make sure that everyone knows Bob Pancakes has the most desirable wife around.
Bob:  That's so sweet!
Shana:  And a lie.
Blonde Izumi:  Indeed.
Red-haired Izumi:  Uncharacteristically, I'm going to also agree.
Bella:  (Snorty laugh)  Doofblossom.  Nice one!
Pippin:  And this week is all about things coming in two's.  Shana was promoted twice, Geeta went for cake twice, Eliza has romantic interests twice, and Bella hit teen milestones twice.  She finally hit level three of her after school job and got an A in school.

Pippin:  Bella Von Carloff!  You've just become the first heir to hit young adulthood!  What are you going to do next.
Bella:  (Snorty laugh) Have a more appropriately aged boyfriend, of course!

Pippin:  Oh.  That makes really good sense, actually.
Bella:  Aww, look how cute my snuggle bunny looks blowing out her candles!
Blonde Izumi:  Takes after his mama!
Pippin:  And even though most things in this update have come in two's, birthdays came in three's.

Waffle:  Oh yeah!  Go Team Pancakes!!

Bob:  He looks just like me!
Eliza:  Only handsome!
Bob:  Hey...
Eliza:  Kidding!  Now go get your makeover, sweetie.
Waffle:  Yes, mama.

Waffle:  So, Bella, now that I'm a super-handsome teen are you having second thoughts about your future girl-husband?
Bella:  (Snorty laugh)  Nope!
Waffle:  I figured not.  Let's work on your logic skill!
Bella:  (Snorty laugh)  Guess you're anxious to lose again!
Waffle:  Eh, I can take a beating to help the long as it's only a beating at chess.
Pippin:  Maybe Waffle will make a nice spouse for some future generation...
Eliza:  Woot!  That's way better than dynasty slave!
Bob:  I think the term is "helper," honey, not "slave."
Eliza:  Eh, same difference.
Pippin:  And so we come to the end of our week with the Von Carloffs and get ready to go check in on the Izumi household.
Jaivan:  Rosenpepper!

Kaelyn:  Please stop following me.
Ishikawa:  But, but, you're my one true love!

At the end of week four, Bella has finished her teen requirements, has completed the mansion baron aspiration, and is at level 6 in both logic and handiness.  As soon as she hits level 10 in those and completes her collection of carved items, she'll be move-out ready.  Shana, meanwhile, has reached level 8 of the astronaut career and is going the interstellar smuggler route.  Assuming the wishing well is kind their next week, Bella will be moving out and starting her new life!

Oh, and both of her paintings were masterpieces done by Raj for a combined total of over 2,000 simoleans.
Raj:  I will still win her over with my art!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Tenacious Rivalry Dynasty--Von Carloff, Week Four
« Reply #70 on: June 16, 2017, 10:13:54 PM »
What a wonderfully wacky update with the Von Carloffs!

Wooooo, it looks like Bella will be moving out next week, provided Shana can max her career!
Bob and Raj didn't fare too well this chapter. Eliza, tsk tsk, if you just want a no-woohoo admirer, you could do so much better than Random Vampire Guy (RVG)
I laughed hard at your remark, Pippin, about RVG being the one to get a lot of romantic action precisely because you're so sure he will never be a dynasty spouse. LOL
Raj needs a reality check...

How did the vampire line manage to pull ahead of the other households? My vampire line is also winning currently.

By the way, there's one screenshot that I couldn't view. It's the one right below the following dialogue:
Raj:  Mark my words, Bob, I will win her over with my art!  She will yet be mine!
Bob:  Okay, that's good and all, but my question was, "have you seen that bald vampire guy around again?"  I think he's trying to muscle in on my lady.
Pippin:  And as if that concern wasn't enough, now Bob has to worry about being older than his wife.

You progressed through two households so quickly. It's already time for another update from Izumi's household!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Tenacious Rivalry Dynasty--Von Carloff, Week Four
« Reply #71 on: June 19, 2017, 01:46:54 PM »
What a wonderfully wacky update with the Von Carloffs!

Wooooo, it looks like Bella will be moving out next week, provided Shana can max her career!
Bob and Raj didn't fare too well this chapter. Eliza, tsk tsk, if you just want a no-woohoo admirer, you could do so much better than Random Vampire Guy (RVG)
I laughed hard at your remark, Pippin, about RVG being the one to get a lot of romantic action precisely because you're so sure he will never be a dynasty spouse. LOL
Raj needs a reality check...

How did the vampire line manage to pull ahead of the other households? My vampire line is also winning currently.

By the way, there's one screenshot that I couldn't view. It's the one right below the following dialogue:
Raj:  Mark my words, Bob, I will win her over with my art!  She will yet be mine!
Bob:  Okay, that's good and all, but my question was, "have you seen that bald vampire guy around again?"  I think he's trying to muscle in on my lady.
Pippin:  And as if that concern wasn't enough, now Bob has to worry about being older than his wife.

You progressed through two households so quickly. It's already time for another update from Izumi's household!
My vampire line massively used their wealth and well to get ahead  ;=)
Glad you've enjoyed the story thus far, but sadly, it has reached its end.  I'm about to post why...

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Tenacious Rivalry Dynasty--Bad News
« Reply #72 on: June 19, 2017, 01:50:28 PM »
Sadly, this dynasty attempt has reached its end.  I made an error and broke one of the rules by aging up Bella early.  As it states in the rules about aging up with cake, "Babies may not be aged up early. After that, toddlers, children, and teens may be aged up as soon as they've completed their requirements. In the teen's case, these are all the requirements for moving out.
She had simply completed her teen requirements, not her heir requirements, and still had another 8 or so days that she was supposed to be a teen. 
Therefore, I am stopping at this point.  I'll be trying a dynasty again (Most Tenacious Simmer, as my dear Magpie would say), but I think I'll go immortal this time.  Keeping up with three households has been a bit much.  Fun, but a bit much.
Thanks for reading and look for the new dynasty to be appearing soon.

Offline MarianT

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Re: Tenacious Rivalry Dynasty--Bad News
« Reply #73 on: June 19, 2017, 02:23:18 PM »
Ugh -- sorry to hear that. On the other hand, if you make Izumi's clone your founder, you could keep her around for 8 generations.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Tenacious Rivalry Dynasty--Bad News
« Reply #74 on: June 19, 2017, 03:48:57 PM »
Oh no, Pippin! Shana and Bella were so close to completing Bella's move-out requirements, too!
I also enthusiastically aged up the heir's twin and failed my first RDC attempt. There are so many rules, restrictions, and requirements to bear in mind!

After your trial by fire with the Rival Dynasties Challenge, you will probably find the Immortal Dynasty Challenge a lot more fun.
I love @MarianT 's idea of cloning blonde Izumi to become the founder of your new immortal dynasty!
But which sim could live up to becoming the spouse, considering Izumi's utter awesomeness!!!

I'm sorry your RDC story has come to an end but eagerly look forward to your next challenge! <3

