Author Topic: The Mad House-BB/SOTF Challenge: Finale! COMPLETE (Mar 2)  (Read 14347 times)

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The Mad House-BB/SOTF Challenge: Finale! COMPLETE (Mar 2)
« on: March 15, 2017, 10:11:33 PM »
Greetings! I am back with a new challenge. For this, I am following the rules of both the Big Brother challenge and Survival of the Fittest challenge (I had started two attempts of the latter challenge, but my laptop just wasn't having it, much to my aggravation). Here are the rules I'm playing by:

The Rules

Eight Sims will be living in one household, four males and four females.

All traits will be random, as will the Lifetime Wishes. Their physical features will be random, but I did choose their everyday outfit, which was based on their personality.

Each week on Monday, at 12pm, a skilling object will be placed in a designated area. The skilling period will last until Friday at noon, when the objects will be removed.

The sim with the highest skill level for that week will become the Head of the Household and enjoy the special HOTH suite (which is off limits to the other contestants). In the event of a tie, the sim who is the closest to gaining the next skill level will be crowned the winner. If no skill points are earned, a tie breaker round will be held.

For the tie breaker round, each sim will be given a Charisma skill point (via mods). The first sim to earn a Charisma point will win the tie breaker.

Votes will then be tallied for the sim to be eliminated based on the lowest relationship. In the event of a tie, the HOTH's vote will be the tie breaker.

Following the elimination, the remaining contestants will be able to enjoy some leisure days until the next skilling round begins that following Monday. In addition, the remaining contestants will get to go out to dinner or a movie while the eliminated sim will be forced to clean the house before moving out.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Let's meet our prisoners contestants, shall we?

This is Maricela Biggs. Her traits are Gatherer, Frugal, Coward, Dog Person and Friendly. Her lifetime wish is to be Swimming in Cash.

Second, we have Emilie Cottrill. Her traits are Good Sense of Humor, Socially Awkward, Dramatic, Vehicle Enthusiast and Supernatural Skeptic. Her lifetime wish is to attain Golden Fingers, Golden Tongue.

Third is Octavia Aviles. Her traits are Flirty, Sailor, Brooding, Loves the Outdoors and Natural Cook. Her lifetime wish is to be a Heart Breaker.

The last of the ladies is Lauren Bagwell. Her traits are Slob, Can't Stand Art, Dislikes Children, Charismatic and Ambitious. Her lifetime wish is to become Leader of the Free World.

Our first gentleman contestant is Ramin Arnold. His traits are Party Animal, Natural Cook, Vegetarian, Diva and Equestrian. His lifetime wish is to become a Celebrated Five Star Chef.

Next up is Bubba Cyr. His traits are Sailor, Rebellious, Virtuoso, Irresistible and Never Nude. He is an aspiring Rock Star.

The second last contestant is Doug Lujan. His traits are Insane, Unlucky, Can't Stand Art, Neat and Neurotic. Like Emilie, his lifetime wish is to be Swimming in Cash.

Finally, we have Oliver Gillette. His traits are Brave, Neurotic, Technophobe, Party Animal and Charismatic. He is lifetime wish is to become a Seaside Survivor.

Our eight contestants were then shuttled off to Riverview to their new residence for the next few weeks, The Mad House.

Doug: Why is the house mad?
Emilie: The house isn't mad.
Doug: Then why is it called the Mad House?
Bubba: Because we're crazy for agreeing to this stunt.

I actually really like how this house turned out. On the first floor, we have four bedrooms for the contestants, with each sim sharing a room with another (they can pick). Each room has a bathroom that is only accessible through a door in the bedroom, which will be locked to all other sims besides the two staying in the room.

Upstairs, there is a small kitchen. The green carpeted area will be the designated skilling area, where all of the skilling items will be placed for the duration of the challenge. Off to the left is the HOTH suite, with its own bathroom. This is locked to all sims, save for the current HOTH.

Out back, there is a pool, hot tub, grill and picnic tables, and a waterslide. This area will only be accessible to the contestants during the nonskilling periods.

So, that's the tour of the Mad House. The contestants will have some time to settle in before the skilling period begins.

Emilie, Octavia and Bubba hang out outside, which was probably a good idea, stating they'll be stuck inside for weeks at a time.

Emilie, Octavia and Bubba: Wait, what?
Malley: Oh, nothing.

Emilie seemed thrilled at my choice of decor for the Mad House's exterior.

Emilie: OMG! Columns!!!

Oliver was the first to take advantage of the hot tub out back.

Maricela tried out the pool and showed her appreciation by making fish faces at me.

Emilie, Lauren and Octavia enjoyed the waterslide.

And Ramin, well, he let it all hang out  :o

Thankfully, he decided to put on some clothes before the skilling period began.

Lauren so kindly decided to make a nice dinner for everyone, which was good because the first challenge begins in the next chapter!

Next chapter, round one begins!

Offline Nevermore

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Re: The Mad House-BB/SOTF Challenge: Meet the Contestants
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2017, 10:29:36 PM »
I like Lauren Bagwell's look. All the sims look they'll be wild contestants. The house looks beautiful! I liked the upstairs HOTH suite most.  :)

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Offline chetanhaobijam

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Re: The Mad House-BB/SOTF Challenge: Meet the Contestants
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2017, 03:08:01 AM »
Great start of the Big brother challenge. Bookmarked and looking forward for next update.
Chetan's Designs(my Sims3 Creations)

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Re: The Mad House-BB/SOTF Challenge: Meet the Contestants
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2017, 05:59:44 PM »
Good idea to lock the backyard during the skilling periods. Some sims will sit in the hot tub until they're almost dead.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: The Mad House-BB/SOTF Challenge: Meet the Contestants
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2017, 02:45:15 AM »
Good luck!   And may your Sims be less skill-resistant than mine ;).

Offline Malley

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Re: The Mad House-BB/SOTF Challenge: Meet the Contestants
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2017, 12:07:47 PM »
I like Lauren Bagwell's look. All the sims look they'll be wild contestants. The house looks beautiful! I liked the upstairs HOTH suite most.  :)

Great start of the Big brother challenge. Bookmarked and looking forward for next update.

Thankfully, my game decided to be nice to me and let me complete the challenge. This was the third attempt for me and the game didn't quit after week 1.

Good luck!   And may your Sims be less skill-resistant than mine ;).

*Sigh* Alas, there were definitely some skill-resistant weeks in this challenge. *Cough, cough* week 3 *cough, cough* week 5...

Good idea to lock the backyard during the skilling periods. Some sims will sit in the hot tub until they're almost dead.

There were two that were notorious hot tubbers: Lauren and Oliver. I swear they would have lived in it if they could have.

Offline Malley

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Re: The Mad House-BB/SOTF Challenge: Meet the Contestants
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2017, 12:38:57 PM »
Week 1, Part I-Guitar

On Monday at noon, eight guitars magically appeared on the second floor.

Slobby Lauren was more interested in "cleaning" up the dishes from last night's dinner.

However, a few hours in, the first contestant wandered upstairs and decided to check out the new object.

Ramin quickly drew an audience.

Inspired by Ramin's playing, Oliver decided to pick up a guitar and start playing himself.

Bubba, the aspiring rock star, wasn't far behind.

Doug, meanwhile, was very perplexed as to why he couldn't get outside to cook hot dogs on the grill.

Thankfully, he eventually gave up and headed upstairs to play his hot dog blues on the guitar.

While all of the guys had tried their hands at the guitar, Emilie was the first lady to play some tunes.

On Friday at noon, the guitars magically disappeared. The first elimination round was here.

Week 1, Part II-Elimination

Shortly after noon on Friday, the contestants were transported into a shiny new room that they'd never seen before.

Malley: All right, everyone, we've survived the first week, so that means that one of you lovely folks will be going home.
Contestants: Woo!

Malley: Since you're the contestant that obtained the highest guitar level, Oliver, you have been named the Head of the House. As the reigning HOTH, you shall cast the first vote.

Oliver headed up to the chests to cast his vote.

Oliver: I'm going to vote for Ramin.

Lauren: I think Doug should go home. I don't really want to hear him complaining about the uncooked hot dogs anymore.

Octavia: I vote for Emilie.

Ramin: I'm going to choose Bubba. The whole rock star thing? Ugh!

Maricela: I choose Lauren. I think she licks our dishes when we're not looking!

Bubba: Ramin's got to go. I don't think he likes me, so, toodles!

Doug: Is the grill in here?
Malley: No, honey, it's outside. As soon as you cast your vote, you can go cook some hot dogs.
Doug: Oh, in that case, I choose Emilie!
Malley: Good, now go back upstairs.
Doug: Did she win?
Malley: Just go.

Emilie: I vote for Doug.

The votes were tallied.

2 for Emilie
2 for Ramin
2 for Doug
1 for Lauren
1 for Bubba

There was a three way tie between Emilie, Ramin and Doug. Since that was the case, Oliver, as HOTH, had the deciding vote. He selected Ramin.

Malley: Congratulations, Ramin! You are the first contestant eliminated from the Mad House! Any thoughts?
Ramin: Great! Do I get a consolation prize or anything?
Malley: Absolutely!

Malley: You get to tidy up the house!

Everyone else, meanwhile, got a night out of the Mad House and went out for a nice dinner in town.

Ramin: Don't I get to go out to dinner, too?
Malley: Sure. After you clean the house, you can do whatever your heart desires afterward.

Ramin: Ugh. These people are gross! I need to get out of here.

Ramin placed the call to move out of the Mad House.

And then there were seven.

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Hi everyone! I just wanted to share a quick update on my non-summing life: I was recently given an author agreement from a publisher to get my book published! I am raising money to take advantage of this awesome opportunity. If you're interested, I put a link to the gofundme campaign on my profile or I can PM it to you. Thanks!

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Week 2, Part I-Logic

On Monday at noon on the dot, the magical green carpeted area upstairs became filled with some new skilling items: chess tables.

The first person to take a shot at the skill for this week was Bubba. Emilie wasn't far behind, except she couldn't sit down because Oliver and Lauren were, apparently, in the way? I don't know. *Shrugs* Sim logic.

Instead, Lauren became the second person to play some chess.

Maricela attempted to play while Octavia told Emilie a ghost story.

While majority of the other contestants were goofing off doing other things, Lauren was quite frequently to be found at the chess tables.

For this week, it seemed pretty obvious who the Head of the House was going to be...

Week 2, Part II-Elimination

Friday at noon, the chess tables vanished and then all of the contestants were transported down into the basement for the second elimination.

Lauren was, not surprisingly, the winner for this week. She headed up to cast her vote first.

Lauren: I'm going to vote for Maricela. I think she voted for me last week, so I'm going to choose her this time.

Octavia: I vote for Doug. I can't stand that he just stands in front of the doors and complains about hot dogs!

Oliver: I choose Doug. He's kind of weirding me out with his whole 'I need to barbeque' thing. Seriously, dude, there's a stove in the kitchen...

Maricela: I'm going with Doug this week.

Bubba: Doug. What a creep-o. Who honestly enjoys cleaning?

Doug: Okay, I'm going to vote for Emilie again because I voted for her last week and she didn't win, even though I wanted her to and-
Malley: Moving on.

Emilie: I'm going to choose Doug. I think he would really like to clean the house if he got eliminated, so, this vote's for you, buddy!

The votes were cast and then counted:

1 for Maricela
1 for Emilie
5 for Doug

After tallying up the votes, the overwhelming winner was Doug, therefore, he was the second member eliminated from the household.

Quite happily, he went to clean up the house while the remaining contestants went out to dinner.

Once everything was spin and span, Doug officially left the household.

Returning from dinner, the members of the house were happy to see the door to the back patio was open once again and quickly took advantage of the fun stuff out there.

Emilie seemed pretty happy that Oliver decided to go skinny dipping  :o

Octavia roasted some hot dogs in Doug's honor. Hopefully he's in a better place, with a shiny barbecue to cook on...
Octavia: He's not dead, Watcher.
Malley: Meh, minor details.

Lauren, the HOTH, enjoyed her new digs.

And then there were six.

Offline Malley

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Week 3, Part I-Athletic

For some reason or another, I thought that my lazy bunch of sims would autonomously learn the athletic skill. So, Monday at noon on the dot, the skilling area was filled with shiny new exercise equipment.

A few days in to the challenge, the workout equipment was collecting dust. Since that was the case, I decided to add a new option for workouts. The back door was opened and the hot tub/fun area was roped off, still allowing access to the pool.

Much to my relief, access to the pool was exactly what they needed to start skilling.

Well, practice makes perfect, I guess. Oliver was going to need A LOT of practice, based on this dive.

Octavia, meanwhile, practiced her skinny dipping  :o

Amazingly, Emilie was quite a skillful diver.

Thankfully, this uneventful skilling week was over quickly and it became time once again to eliminate another member of the household.

Week 3, Part II-Elimination

Friday afternoon, all of the contestants were transported down into the voting area.

Not a single point of Athletic skill was gained. Since that was the case, I did a different sort of tie breaker. Instead of athletics, I used the diving skill. With a come from behind victory, Maricela became the Head of the Household for week 3.

Maricela: I'm still voting for Lauren.

Lauren: Octavia. She hasn't even really tried to do any of the skills. Where's the fun in that?

Oliver: I'm voting for Octavia. Her skinny dipping was really distracting from the competition  :o

Bubba: Oliver. Not changing my vote!

Octavia: I'm voting for Emilie.

Emilie: I'm choosing Octavia. I think she voted for me, so I'm voting for her.

The votes were tallied:

Emilie x1
Octavia x3
Lauren x1
Oliver x1

Calculating the results, Octavia was the eliminated contest.

Malley: Any comments on your elimination, Octavia?
Octavia: Finally! I can go on a proper date and go out on the town!

Malley: Sure. But only after you clean the bathrooms first.

Once the house was in ship shape, Octavia placed the call to leave the household while everyone else enjoyed a night out of the Mad House.

On Saturday, the remaining contestants hung out together. The newest head of the household, Maricela, told some ghost stories.

Afterward, she enjoyed her new digs in the HOTH suite.

And then there were five.

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Week 4, Part I-Painting

Painting was typically a skill that my sims autonomously enjoyed partaking in, so I had high hopes for this week's skilling challenge as noontime rolled around on Monday.

The first one to try out the new skill was Oliver.

Bubba was right behind him.

Lauren, who had the Can't Stand Art trait, kept interrupting the other contestants to ask why on earth they would want to do something like painting.

Lauren's complaints really didn't seem to get in the way, thankfully, as Oliver was pretty dedicated to his artwork.

Emilie also tried her hand at the newest skill, but I'm pretty sure she wandered off shortly afterward.

Oh well. At least she tried.

Week 4, Part II-Elimination

Week 4's skilling came to a close on Friday afternoon and it was then time to determine which contestants would be making it in to the top 4.

Not surprisingly, the winner for this week was Oliver. He has become the Head of the Household for the second time. Oliver voted first.

Oliver: I'm voting for Lauren. How can you not like art? You've got to be crazy!

Lauren: Maricela has got to go.

Maricela: I am going to vote for Emilie.

Bubba: My vote's going for Emilie. I don't even think she really even tried painting.

Emilie: Maricela won last week, so I'm going to vote for her this time.

After tallying up the votes, it turned out to be a tie between Maricela and Emilie. Therefore, it was up to Oliver, as HOTH, to decide who would be eliminated. Based on his deciding vote, Emilie was eliminated from the household.

She didn't take the news lying down!

Well, not at first.

With the doors unlocked, the remaining four contestants got to enjoy a night on the town while Emilie remained behind and cleaned up the house in preparation for the next week of skilling.

Once the house was all spic and span, it was out of the house for Emilie.

For surviving and reaching the final four, the contestants were treated to dinner and a movie.

Even after it was time to return to the Mad House, the fun didn't stop there!

And then there were four.

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Re: The Mad House-BB/SOTF Challenge: Week 4 Skilling and Elimination (June 22)
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2018, 03:35:50 PM »
Soooo...this story has been seriously neglected. It's done, but I just haven't posted. Well, let's remedy that, shall we?

Week 5: Skilling and Elimination

This had to be my favorite week of skilling, by far. Not because the contestants were humoring me and participating, mind you, but because I had hopes that they would love martial arts like I do. Nope. They flat out ignored the training dummies I put in the skilling area.

Since that was the case, I decided to change up the skilling procedure for this week. I wasn't going to let this opportunity pass by without some good sparring matches. I put them in two divisions to start, Maricela v Lauren and Bubba v Oliver. Whoever emerged victorious from these matches would become the head of the household for this week.

I upped their skills enough so that all four contestants were green belts and had about an equal amount of the martial arts skill before the sparring matches began.

In the first match, Lauren defeated Maricela. She would spar the winner of the match between Bubba and Oliver.

Oliver: Sure, we can spar-hey, a text message!

Malley: FOCUS!

I have to admit that I was a little surprised that Bubba ended up becoming the victor of the match. He was then set to spar against Lauren to determine the week 5 head of the household.

And the winner was....BUBBA!

With Bubba has the head of the household, the voting began.

Bubba voted for Oliver.

Maricela voted for Lauren.

Oliver chose Maricela.

With one vote for each person, Lauren's vote was crucial. She opted to vote for Maricela.

Maricela didn't take the news too well.

After cleaning and fixing all of the disgusting potties, Maricela officially left the household.

And then there were 3.

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Re: The Mad House-BB/SOTF Challenge: Week 5 Skilling and Elimination (Jan 19)
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2018, 02:39:37 PM »
I admire that you're going through and fixing your photos. It's just too daunting for me.

Yeah, it's a huge pain in the butt. I'm still mad at Photobucket for that whole debacle  :(