my break has been so long that i doubt that anyone remembers me. reason was frustrated at loss of what had been on old computer and stupidly trusting geek squad to have made a backup copy for me.
also struggling to adapt to totally different play of sims four from sims 3.
i had to take a break, try out totally different games, and i mean totally different, as in realistic looking dinos that want to eat you, taming a bigfoot, a pteranodon, being killed by a giant braver. ARK: survival was the game, early access,
switched to another, this time living dead, zombies. except i am a coward, i turned them off and had fun looting and building LOL.
came back for two reasons sims 4, feel i have been away long enough to have forgotten how to play sims 3 so should be frustrated for different reasons as i learn to play it, that is most important. what clinched it; tore rotor cuff on left shoulder, can play only with right hand. missing sims, the forum here so returning.
which is why typing is so lousy, sentence structure is off as hard to type one handed. hard to use caps so don't capitalize like i should. so, please, pretty please overlook bad grammar, spelling and more.