Author Topic: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge update 5.8  (Read 100347 times)

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge update 4.2
« Reply #135 on: August 24, 2017, 04:35:47 PM »
Wow, Quinn really dropped the ball on the whole daddy thing!  Maybe Millie should have married Zach after all...?
Randall seems like an excellent support Sim.  Thank goodness he came with the house  ;=)
Little Jonas seems just adorable!!  I can't help but wonder if the LlamaMan fascination will continue into his adulthood.

Yes he was a real disappointment! I had hoped to have Millicent start working asap, but now she had to stay home and work on the toddler points instead (which might be better for a quick completion of the dynasty but not as fun for her). Don't tell her you are thinking about Zack though...

Randall is great, other than that one time he walked in on them in the bathroom he has been a great help. He's stressed a lot because he's not very successful at work, but I hope he's not having the worst time in the house.

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4.3 Days in a Haze
« Reply #136 on: August 28, 2017, 06:48:01 AM »
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While Millie is busy Jonas entertains himself as best he can. Big Bear is a good friend and always happy to hand out a hug. But mostly Jonas just sleeps whenever Millie tries to get things done. Sometimes it’s a great thing that the toddler beds takes longer to top the energy bar – when would she ever find the time otherwise?

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At least playing is a great way to get some exercise!

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Jonas got a nice makeover – alas before the toddler pack was out.

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The doll house is mostly broken, I think poor Randall takes out his frustrations on it. He loves the outdoors, but mostly just hangs out inside, which I think is contributing to his mostly red portrait.

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No Caliente child has yet to escape feeling the rhythm, and Jonas dances his way to a maxed movement skill (9 points).

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And after the 30th or so reading of his favourite story, he has maxed the imagination skill as well (11 points), so we have one extra point that carries over to the next count, which will be great.

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On the free day Millie takes a lot of photos to shore up some extra cash. Sadly, there is no way to help Randall with his work because he has the day of. At least he gets to feel like a start for a day.

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Here is where I went on holiday, and I didn’t get back in game until after the toddler stuff pack was released, so Jonas got the hairdo he should have had all along,

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Millie and the watcher both agreed that Quinn was rather useless as a house husband, so they insisted he start working. He joined the entertainer career, since that has the highest initial payment, and with a few inspirational laps around he might just decide to play the violin by himself sometimes.

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He also started painting, so that he could contribute some more money to the family coffers.

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Randall was asked to collect whatever was within reach, so he got some much-needed fresh air, and the family made a couple of well needed simoleons.

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With his birthday imminent Jonas and Millie worked hard on getting him to level 3 in the remaining skills. He made it in time, and the streak of happy toddlers remain.

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Millie took the chance to repair her broken computer and welcome her new best friend, a spotted frog that Randall found for her. With the frog’s magic powers, she has no problem stay focused in her office, and it is nice to have something living to talk to for a change (she mostly just chats with her desk otherwise).

Millie is kept so busy she rarely exhibits any insane sim characteristics, other than when she is working on her computer. At least all the talking to herself and inanimate objects keeps her social high, and doesn’t seem to affect her skilling in a negative way unlike the thinking about family options Aria always had.

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Soon it was time for Jonas to blow out his candles. I had hoped to get it done on the free day, as it was a Sunday and give him a good start of the school week, but the first cake was glitched. After baking a new one and having a good night’s rest, they finally managed to get it done.   

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Jonas got the goofball trait and the social butterfly aspiration. Aria passed away the night to his birthday, so she couldn’t attend.

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Since he had a whole day of school, and Millie’s new job (tech guru) wouldn’t start until tomorrow, she took him to Newcrest and the family museum with his uncles. And can you see, a girl has spawned – maybe it’s possible to complete Jonas aspiration after all. Paula was quickly added to the family outing to make sure we could meet up with her again.

Millie was very happy to note she already has (1 point) towards her next goal.

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Jonas was very interested in the different collections, and especially Nina’s pumpkins. He was a lot less interested in Paula, maybe Millie should remember how well all Aria's attempts at matchmaking panned out...

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After a long day hanging out together Millie managed to become good friends with both of her uncles, Anton and Elmer Caliente (3 points). Anton is an elder and I don’t think he will last much longer, but Elmer is about the same age as Millie so he should be around a while longer.

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And can you see, there is other girl playing at the playground! What has happened with this game?

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After dropping a tired Jonas off at home Millie went to the science library to work on her programming and see who she could find. She met Raylan Greenwood, and became his good friend while interrogating him about his family (4 points). Turns out that his brother has a daughter as well. And what was more, they lived in a house!

I don’t think we will need to use plan B this generation either.

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge update 4.3
« Reply #137 on: August 28, 2017, 09:53:56 AM »
Always good to see new children -- especially when you're trying to get Social Butterfly. Sorry about Aria -- she was a good heir.
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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge update 4.3
« Reply #138 on: August 29, 2017, 09:38:51 AM »
Jonas was the cutest toddler!
How lucky for him (and you) that two new female children have spawned!

Wow, Quinn....way to drop the ball as father. On the plus side, he has a caring brother and that nice house! I love The Lighthouse for throwing parties, but prefer the Pier Palace lot for its more manageable size and beachfront location.

Great job, Watcher! You've reached the halfway mark with this challenge.

P.S. An insane sim can befriend inanimate objects. Would they count as "good friend material" in this challenge? Just wondering.

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge update 4.3
« Reply #139 on: August 29, 2017, 03:57:09 PM »
Always good to see new children -- especially when you're trying to get Social Butterfly. Sorry about Aria -- she was a good heir.

Yes! I feel there are a lot of kids spawning at the moment. But I think a lot of this was luck as 2 houses were moved into lately and both had young ones. One of the great things about this is that now I can do pollinating and have a lot of sims for future generations :)

Jonas was the cutest toddler!
How lucky for him (and you) that two new female children have spawned!

Wow, Quinn....way to drop the ball as father. On the plus side, he has a caring brother and that nice house! I love The Lighthouse for throwing parties, but prefer the Pier Palace lot for its more manageable size and beachfront location.

Great job, Watcher! You've reached the halfway mark with this challenge.

P.S. An insane sim can befriend inanimate objects. Would they count as "good friend material" in this challenge? Just wondering.

I am super excited to be so far ahead already! This dynasty moves very quickly, and I am really enjoying how we move from home to home.

The house is very roomy and nice, but I think it's maybe a bit too large for an efficient household. But I have enjoyed playing it since I have never done so before.

Quinn was a sure disappointment to start with, but he may yet surprise you!

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4.4 Departures and Arrivals
« Reply #140 on: August 29, 2017, 05:09:11 PM »
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Once Randall had a heart to heart with Quinn about manning up and contributing to the family, Quinn did try becoming more involved.

Quinn: How are you doing there, sport?

Jonas: It’s homework dad. *eyeroll*You don’t have to pretend to care…

Quinn: What? I used to do homework too, you know. Ran, you tell him!

Randall: I won’t get in the middle of this!

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The next afternoon Quinn came home with a promotion (5 points), and was super excited to tell his brother about his achievement.

Quinn: Ran!

Randall: Remember, make me proud. I love you Qui…

 Quinn: Noooooooo!

Poor Quinn was devastated, he had finally done something that would make his brother proud, and he wasn’t even allowed to tell him about it. At that moment, he decided to become a changed man – he would live up to Randall’s expectations.

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The house was empty once Randall passed away, so Millie and Quinn decided they should add to the family. Millie didn’t want Jonas to grow up as an only child, but she didn’t want to take time off work now that she was on a roll with her first promotion (6 points). Adoption really was the best choice for them.

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Welcome to the family Noah Caliente! He’s a cheerful sim with the artistic prodigy aspiration.

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Noah wasted no time to start his homework. He was keen to impress his new parents with good grades and was very happy to be in a household with controlled sims.

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Grim stayed at the house for 3 days. He was standing outside of Millie’s and Quinn’s bedroom door acting spooky. Finally, he vanished in a puff of smoke – and it saved me a lot of problems because I was starting to worry he had glitched out on me.

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The only one not overjoyed by the new family member was Jonas.

Noah: Hello brother! I’m thrilled to meet you!

Jonas: All I wanted was a puppy!

Noah: Have you done your homework yet?  I have. I love being in a controlled family!

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Quinn and Millie got Noah a violin, he was very happy – but Jonas was not.

Jonas: Watcher! What have you done to my life?

Hopefully Jonas will get over himself, because having a brother will be very useful for him in the future. Instant friend anyone?

Jonas: Stop babbling watcher!

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Outraged by his parent’s rash decision to adopt another child, Jonas decided to rebel and decided to make a huge mess on the floor. It did not go over well with his mother.

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Millie: What are you doing?

Jonas: Nothing! Anyways, what do you care? You have Noah now!

Millie: Being upset about a new sibling does not give you an excuse to act out in this way. Now clean this up!

Jonas: You can’t make me!

Millie: Oh yes, I can! With the power of the parenting skill I demand you clean this floor!

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In a surprising twist, Quinn seems to have taken his new resolve to heart. And he even practices violin on his own. He’s on track to get a second promotion – go Quinn!

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Jonas spent a couple of hours in his room playing with emotion and calming himself down. Hopefully he will be better and friendlies tomorrow.

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Quinn suddenly shows a very domestic side – cooking breakfast (I was terrified he would burn the house down, but he’s not at level 3 and so far, so good).

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He has also started cleaning all the dirty sinks, taking over Randall’s old chores.

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He’s also a champion on tucking the kids in at night, and together with this and answering all their requests for advice he’s advanced to level 3 in the parenting skill as well.

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After one day at school together Jonas and Noah were inseparable.

Jonas: You were amazing today at recess!

Noah: You are the best brother ever!

They are very cute and seem to have hugging each other as their preferred interaction with each other. Super nice!

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Millie: I am so pleased to see that you and Jonas are such good friends now Noah.

Noah: I am so happy he’s my brother! He’s the best! Congratulations by the way!

Millie: Thank you darling, it’s nice to raise through the ranks quickly.

Millie got her second promotion (7 points) and with her at level 3 and Quinn at level 2, they at least make enough money to cover the bills. No more time wasted painting instead of programming.

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Quinn: Hello boys. What’s up?

Jonas: We both got B’s!

Noah: So now we are doing our extra credit work to get A’s.

Quinn: Your mother is going to be so proud!

Two is better than one when it comes to school grades (9 points).

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Millie: I am so happy we are on track to pay the bills baby.

Quinn: And I am so proud of you for getting those promotions, I bet you’ll get another one soon.

Millie: Quinn baby, I am so happy we talked. Sometimes I just want to know you more.

And with that friendly interaction Millie got another 1,000 satisfaction points (10 points) and they could move on to their next free day.

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4.5 30 and Upwards
« Reply #141 on: August 30, 2017, 03:06:44 PM »
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The free day was busy as usual. Noah worked on his drawings for his aspiration. The boys got their homework and extra credits done, and Quinn worked on his violin skill. Millie and Quinn got all the housework done, and Jonas rested for what was to come.

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There is yet another girl at the playground when Jonas and Millie arrive. Her name is Tanvi and she is a townie. I have a feeling she might be too cool for Jonas though…

Tanvi: So, what is your favourite band?

Jonas: My dad playing the violin?

Tanvi: Aren’t you funny!

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At least Jonas shows he’s got some moves, and after cloud watching and chatting away he maxes the social skill. Sadly, we won’t be able to use the points, but that’s not the most important thing here. We are trying to work towards getting that reward trait.

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Millie: Here, drink this.

Jonas: Mom, don’t you think I am a little too young for this?

Millie: It will make you feel good and give you lots of energy.

Millie and Jonas take advantage of no penalties for using rewards when there is a free day, and use modlet solvers to keep going all night long. While Jonas is socializing, Millie is doing the same, focusing both on making friends and asking for loans. She made a cool 5,500 simoleons this night – not bad!

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When the sun raises yet another girl has revealed herself – the red head is called Madlyn and lives in San Myshuno. So, we have at least 3 girls living in houses now. Wow!

Jonas isn’t exactly friends with the girls, but he’s managed to get friendly with the purple haired teen, Jonathan Ocampo. We are hoping he will become a YA soon so he counts for Jonas friend requirements.

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Back to the grind again and Quinn came home with another promotion (1 point).

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Apparently, it took a lot out of him and he passed out before he made it up the front stairs (0 points).

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Millie: I can’t believe your father passed out last night – why wasn’t he resting when we were out all night?

Jonas: Mom, can you just let me work on my project in peace, pleas?

Millie also got a promotion (1 point) and she didn’t pass out so we do have a point at least. It also got her to level 5 in the tech guru career (she also got a promotion on the free day which didn’t count), which gave her 1,000 satisfaction points (2 points).

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Noah has entered a phase, the bear phase. It’s the first time I have seen it in game, and I think it’s mostly cute. The kids switch out of it to go to school which I kind of wished they wouldn’t, but I guess it’s good that they dress appropriately for school.

Noah: It would really make me feel better if you dressed like a bear as well mom.

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Bonding as bears was a fun way to spend time with Noah and to become good friends with him (3 points), and it was useful for building parenting skill as well.

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Quinn spent the afternoon painting an owl that sold for 458 simoleons, which went a long way to make up for passing out.

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Millie decided to throw a party to score another point. However, it totally glitched out and Millie was stuck in corner for over 3 sim hours and the party only got a silver medal.

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At least Millie got to know her colleague Aicha, but becoming good friends with her was harder. Maybe she is one of those sims that won’t let you closer. I know Tamara Lilly dealt with some like that.

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Noah: Where is mom?

Quinn: She is working on her app.

Jonas: So, we can watch Sims Dancing without any interruptions?

Quinn: Yes, we better. Because your mom has told me she will remove the TV after tomorrow, she thinks we spend too much time in front of it.

Millie has increased her programming skill to level 8 (5 points) which made it possible for her to complete the required mobile app. This gave her another 1,000 satisfaction points (6 points).
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Quinn had his adult birthday.

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He and Millie had a very private celebration.

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Millie: What’s up Noah?

Jonas: I’m not Noah! Can’t you tell your kids apart?

Once Noah got over his bear phase, Jonas jumped right on the furry trend. Unfortunately for him, he spent most of the time in this phase out of his bear costume, and was therefore unbearable sad the whole time.

Jonas became even more upset when he had a bladder failure (5 points). It was touch and go for a while, because he had his bladder failure when he had to leave the bathroom because his father walked in on him. He was very humiliated, but managed to hide form the world and calm himself down.

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Quinn was back playing the violin.

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The boys came home with A’s (7 points). Luckily, they both went to take a nap instead of passing out so we get to keep those points.

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Millie got another promotion (8 points) and has decided to become a start-up entrepreneur. She was super tired, otherwise I am sure she would have seemed more excited.

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge update 4.4
« Reply #142 on: August 30, 2017, 03:45:30 PM »
I've never seen the Bear Phase! Now I want a child in that phase!

I'm so happy that Quinn has kicked his game up. stepping into the role his brother had played in the household.
Way to go, Quinn! Now you are as useful as you are cute!

Rest in peace, Randall.  You were a great inspiration for Quinn!
Awww, that final shot of Millie looking dog-tired! :(

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge update 4.4
« Reply #143 on: August 31, 2017, 04:34:14 PM »
I've never seen the Bear Phase! Now I want a child in that phase!

I'm so happy that Quinn has kicked his game up. stepping into the role his brother had played in the household.
Way to go, Quinn! Now you are as useful as you are cute!

Rest in peace, Randall.  You were a great inspiration for Quinn!
Awww, that final shot of Millie looking dog-tired! :(

Yes the bear phase was seriously cute. I wouldn't mind to have it in a casual game as I think it was a fun addition that the parents could dress like a bear to hang with their child.

Quinn shaped up real nice in the end, he's a bit lazy about going to work some days, but when he goes he brings results. And now I don't have to stress about paying the bills all the time either.

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4.6 And Then There Were Three
« Reply #144 on: August 31, 2017, 04:42:16 PM »
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Jonas is shaping up to be a very responsible heir, he spends a lot of his free time working on his project for the science fair.

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Jonas: Look! I made a beaming device!

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Millie had her adult birthday, and she threw a very low-key party to celebrate. She didn't have a chance of getting a gold medal (since she can’t compliment herself), but she made a new good friend (9 points). Her name is Willow Davies and she lives in San Myshuno.

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Her next birthday present was adopting another child. Welcome to the family Emily Caliente! Emily is outgoing and has the artistic prodigy aspiration like Noah.

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Millie: Welcome home boys. Say hello to your new sister!

Jonas/Noah: *crickets*

Emily: Well this is awkward…

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Millie: I can’t believe you’ve made a mess already! I am very disappointed in you, young lady!

Emily: I can’t believe you adopted me simply because Jonas needed another child to be friends with!

Millie: Who told you that?

Emily: Noah and Jonas.

Millie: Your brothers are just messing with you, I would never adopt another child for just that reason!

But it’s a nice bonus once you become your mothers good friend young lady.

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Emily: I heard that watcher!

Millie: Now come on, lets become good friends and once we have a free day I will let you work on your aspiration!

Emily: All right mom, but I am watching you watcher!

Emily and Millie were soon fast friends (10 points) and the next free day could begin.

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The main goal of this free day was to have Jonas complete his aspiration. Millie invited over an acquaintance and Jonas befriended Hamza Ichmmawin in a flash. I could probably have gotten the 2 points for his completed aspiration if I had adopted Emily after this free day, but I completely blanked on the fact that a child adopted into the family becomes friends with all family members. I was too focused on Millie’s goals and not on Jonas as well.

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Next stop the museum for some family photo’s before the kids turn into teens.

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Noah: Oh Jonas, I want to marry you so bad!

Jonas: No Paula! I won’t marry you!

Quinn: What are you boys doing?

Noah/Jonas: Nothing…

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The family added their photos to the museum.

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The kids were excited to learn about their relatives.

Jonas: I can’t believe grandma Aria did space projects as well!

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Emily: Who’s that old dude?

Quinn: That’s my brother, Uncle Randall. He died a long time ago.

Emily: I can’t believe you are going to make a family collection yourself one day Jonas. That’s so cool!

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Jonas purple haired friend has moved into the house opposite the family museum. He has a younger sister called Carlee. Millie went over to introduce herself…

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While making a birthday cake for Jonas, Millie maxed out gourmet cooking (2 points).

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She also threw Jonas a birthday party and invited their only relative to attend. Uncle Elmer is still an adult, it will be interesting to see if Jonas resembles him.

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Yikes! He is eerily similar to Elmer. I think it is Lewis genes that are part of that resemblance. It is his skin tone at least. Two generation of darker skinned spouses and Lewis pale complexion is still holding out!

Jonas gained the good trait and choose the leader of the pack aspiration. I have never tried to complete it, but hopefully he can have it mostly mastered while a teen. If things go as planned…

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Just when I thought I was going to have another silver party, the impossible happened (3 points)! You don’t want to know how high my blood pressure gets at these events, and how frustrated I always end up by sims getting in loops of sitting then standing then sitting instead of talking to each other like I asked them too.

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Paula had also aged up to a teen, and she is like the clone of one of Tamara Lilly’s friend Mable Xu, I wonder why the game seems to clone sims like that.

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Jonas got a very fun makeover. Well, it was fun for me, maybe not as fun for him. At least he didn’t get saddled with acne.

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge update 4.6
« Reply #145 on: August 31, 2017, 05:32:02 PM »
Reading your story makes me want to try this challenge, despite my extreme tendency to micro-manage my sims.
I love the way you get to move to different homes in different neighborhoods every generation.
Oh well, maybe if/when I am ever done with my current challenge. :)

The purple-haired Carlee is a very cute little girl!
Wow, Jonas as a teen doesn't resemble his father Quinn at all, either before or after his makeover. Cool glasses!

I'm wondering why you adopted two kids instead of moving in a pollinator and generating a dozen townie kids instead?
Does a larger household translate to more points that can be earned?

Congrats on the gold-medal birthday party, Watcher!

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge update 4.6
« Reply #146 on: August 31, 2017, 08:55:29 PM »
Yes, congrats on the gold medal party! I know what a feat that is when you can control only one Sim -- and for a birthday, too. Jonas seems to have inherited his father's curls and looks really good.
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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge update 4.6
« Reply #147 on: September 01, 2017, 02:10:21 PM »
Yes, congrats on the gold medal party! I know what a feat that is when you can control only one Sim -- and for a birthday, too. Jonas seems to have inherited his father's curls and looks really good.

Thanks! I think Jonas will be so fun to play - I have a really fun plan for him :)

Reading your story makes me want to try this challenge, despite my extreme tendency to micro-manage my sims.
I love the way you get to move to different homes in different neighborhoods every generation.
Oh well, maybe if/when I am ever done with my current challenge. :)

The purple-haired Carlee is a very cute little girl!
Wow, Jonas as a teen doesn't resemble his father Quinn at all, either before or after his makeover. Cool glasses!

I'm wondering why you adopted two kids instead of moving in a pollinator and generating a dozen townie kids instead?
Does a larger household translate to more points that can be earned?

Congrats on the gold-medal birthday party, Watcher!

Hello, recovering micro-manager here. I am sure you could get into this kind of playing as a change, but I do keep another game going at the same time because sometimes I just want to get things done the way I want them!

I was surprised and a bit bummed that Jonas has no clear features from his dad, other than his mouth, or at least mouth size, because I had so big hopes on some new features being added to the gene pool.

As for the adoption question. With the parenthood pack and the parenting skill, it's super easy to get any kids in the household to do their homework, and to skill up a skill enough to virtually guarantee an A. So, having kids in the household is more of a sure thing when it comes to extra points compared to a helper sim. Also, kids don't cook and can be told when to sleep and pee - so negative points are less of a problem compared to when you have a lot of stray adults in the household. Furthermore, I also like giving my sims siblings. I tried having just one kid with Millicent, and I didn't enjoy it that much.

The reason I haven't pollinated has mostly to do with how I have a clear plan of how the family is going to be set up before each generation, and I don't really want to add  sims who don't fit in there. And, to be honest, I am really not that invested in the sims 4 families that I want to keep their genes around for that long. I feel that unlike sims 3, sims 4 don't suffer the same pudding face syndrome, so I will be fine. I have had a lot of luck so far with how townies have moved in, and I haven't really had a huge need for added help.

But then again, I like to fly of the seat of my pants a lot when I play. And I have goals like playing careers I never really use otherwise, skill up skills I am not too familiar with and completing aspirations I have never done. For example, I have never really adopted any kids before doing it in this challenge.

Hope that answers some questions.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge update 4.6
« Reply #148 on: September 03, 2017, 12:43:52 PM »
I'm team Carlee!!  The purple-haired princess!! 
Poor Emily.  Being told be her mean old brothers that she's just there to help meet a friend requirement (even if that's partially true).

Offline saltpastillen

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4.7 End Game
« Reply #149 on: September 09, 2017, 04:00:59 PM »
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Noah: I can’t believe you fell for ”you are only here to meet a friendship requirement”!

Emily: That’s easy for you to say, you were here first.

Noah: Like mom would ever do something that underhanded!

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Emily: I trust mom, that watcher on the other hand – she’s a bit loco, if you know what I mean. Total crazy eyes! Especially she keeps telling Jonas who he should marry.

Noah: He doesn’t seem to mind hanging out with all those girls.

Emily: Of course not! Girls are way cooler than boys, no offence.

Noah: No offence, right…

Millie has tutored all the kids on the importance of saying please until she has maxed the parenting skill (5 points).

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Quinn is still a champ when it comes to cleaning the house.

Quinn: I hate this!

The best part of this is, that cleaning makes him stressed, and the only way to alleviate that stress us to play his violin, which in turn improves his work performance.

Quinn: I still hate it!

But it’s paying off, because he came home with another promotion (6 points).

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Millie has some days of work, so she has locked herself in the office to work on her programming skill. She has reached level 9 of programming (7 points).

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While Millie is bust Jonas has decided to help his dad with the household chores. Hm, I sure hope that’s garden salad in that bowl…

Jonas: Sure, nothing but salad.

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Why are you touching the oven! Oh, this is going to be like your grandmother Aria all over again!

Jonas: Chill, I’m just making a burger.

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Jonas: Look, a light snack for a growing teen.

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Millie was invited to her co-worker Aicha’s birthday party, she headed over hoping to turn their friendship into a good one, but instead she wasted an evening being rebuffed at every turn. 

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Worst of all, while she was trying to turn frowns upside down at the party, Noah aged up without blowing out a cake. Somehow, she doesn’t think she will win mom of the year…

Noah gained the romantic trait and choose the body builder aspiration.

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After the failed party, Millie locked herself in the office again with her pal the frog to max out programming (10 points). The last free day can begin and Jonas can start preparing for his adulthood in earnest. 

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The free day was spent taking the usual family photos. Jonas is especially happy about this one of him and his bestie.

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The watcher has returned the TV and the unused video game console, Jonas is using online gaming to make new friends.

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Tanvi Kumar called Jonas and asked him to come hang with her and Madelyn in San Myshuno. They had a great time playing games and singing karaoke.

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It was all fun and games until Grim showed up, and Jonas decided to cut the gathering short in favour of avoiding seeing a death.

Instead he joined the Major Chords with the plan to almost complete his aspiration before he turns YA, and to get enough satisfaction points to buy some good rewards before points are counted.

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The Major Chords meet at the Kumar residence, as Tanvi’s mother is the leader of the club. Jonas hangs out at the club and gains enough satisfaction points to buy both the morning sim and night owl rewards.

The house is huge, and Jonas and the watcher both agreed that Tanvi would not make the best spouse, because it would be a hassle to keep up with the bills.

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Noah and Jonas are such good friends, they always want to hang out and spend time looking at internet memes together. I am seriously considering having Noah move in with Jonas when he leaves for his new household.

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Jonas invited Carlee over to see how their chemistry was, but despite my wishes he didn’t seem that interested. She looks very much like her brother Jonathan, and if she won’t become part of this generation, maybe I can look into having a pollinator and giving her a child or two.

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There was only one teenage girl left to meet, and when Jonas arrived at the Greenwood residence she was outside, almost as if she was waiting for him. How do you like her Jonas?



Jonas: You smell pretty. I mean, you look pretty…

Looks like Miss Greenwood is the one for him.

