Author Topic: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge update 5.8  (Read 100359 times)

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #30 on: March 22, 2017, 07:57:00 PM »
Tamara Lily sounds like a handful but she's so cute!
Why so many "starving" warnings? Was Nina at work? My sims fired a nanny who ignored three "starving" warnings and got a better one..

Love Tamara's outfits and hair! Diego has such a charming look on his face as he carries the dirty dishes! Dat facial hair!

Thank you for your generous offer of cc links, but I have too much cc as it is. That's why I'm enjoying your sims wearing cc new to me.  ;D

It was really stressful! She just wouldn't eat. She would literally take one bite of her food, and as soon as she was no longer dark red, she would stash her food in her inventory. At one time she had 5 servings of food there! Then intermittently she would sit down to eat it all. Once she was woken up to eat, picked up the bowl by her feet, walked out in the hallway and took the elevator down and ate at the street level! I don't know if it was just an extreme case of the independent trait or what. She never ate at all in the high chair, just threw tantrums and cried.

I love my cc, even more now that I actually get around to use it in game rather than just in townie makeovers.

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #31 on: March 22, 2017, 07:58:36 PM »
Oh, I love Diego's new wardrobe! Very nice! I also love how in love he and Nina are. They make a great pair.

You capture Nina making some really wonderful expressions. She's a really likeable, engaging protagonist, even when performing voodoo or making enemies. :) And I have to agree that she's impeccably dressed.

Welcome Tamara Lilly! She seems like a handful, but a stunningly cute one. Sure hope Nina doesn't have twins this time. They always seem to pop up when one is least prepared to handle them!

Thank you! I love playing with Nina, she seems to often make the most inappropriate facial expressions, so much fun! I hope Tamara Lilly will continue in the same fashion.

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #32 on: March 22, 2017, 08:03:24 PM »
@saltpastillen I'd love some cc for toddlers lol I'm loving these outfits.

Thanks @sdhoey! Take a look here for some of the toddler CC I have found so far.

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #33 on: March 22, 2017, 08:24:28 PM »
@saltpastillen I'd love some cc for toddlers lol I'm loving these outfits.

Thanks @sdhoey! Take a look here for some of the toddler CC I have found so far.

Thank you so much, I see we have the same taste in CC. LOL I can't wait to see more of your toddlers.

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1.6 Sad Filthy Days
« Reply #34 on: March 24, 2017, 07:13:49 PM »
The Watcher worked diligently to remodel the apartment to a functioning home for the 2 children. The large windows proved troublesome, but a floor plan and furniture was in place before Tamara Lilly needed to sleep.

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Diego: She is beautiful my pumpkin. But why couldn’t you wait to age her up until I was home?

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Nina: Just look at me, I could pop at any second. I wanted the bassinet ready for when the next baby comes.

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Nina: Diego, wake up darling. It’s time.

Diego: Oh my gosh, I haven’t packed the overnight bag or gotten change for the snack machine yet!

Nina: Don’t worry, we are having a home birth this time – I don’t want to get a minus point for hiring a nanny.

Diego: I’ll just go back to bed then, shall I?

Nina: Sure thing, darling – this is women’s work.

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Nina: Please don’t be twins, please don’t be twins!

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Luckily Nina gave birth to a single baby, a boy who was given the name Alfredo after Diego’s favourite sauce.

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This is a short over view of the apartment, the gym and piano has been moved, but other than that most of the old furnishings remain. I did have to make the kitchen smaller to make the 2 kids rooms larger. All in all, I will say that this is a very large apartment, and that if I had the inclination to remodel more extensively, it could easily accommodate a much larger family.

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Diego, who has the fabulously wealthy aspiration, takes all his free time to paint pictures he plans to sell on the next free day. Sadly, he is not as market aware as you could wish an art critic was, so he often paints pop art rather than the more lucrative styles. Maybe he knows something we don’t?

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Bright and early the next morning Nina was feeling energized form the brisk toilet massage and decided to summon Lily Feng for some voodoo practice. Sadly, Lily proved too strong in the dark arts, and none of Nina’s tries were successful. In anger Nina declared Lily her enemy (1 point) and challenged her to a fight! Alas, once again Lily was to wily, and Nina was humiliated by losing the fight.

Lily: A curse on you and your line!

Nina: Don’t try pushing you bad jojo on me and my family, you silly Llama.

Lily: You will all rue the day you crossed me! You could have joined our cause, but you are to short sighted to see what is in front of you. A curse on you and your line – hard times are ahead for you, mark my word!

After those ominous words, Lily stormed out of the apartment, and no one thought more about it…until later.

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Tamara Lilly: Dada!

Diego: I see you are having fun my sweet, but you are starting to smell a little there – why don’t we give you a bath.

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Nina: I though daddy gave you a bath already. No matter, come on and let’s get you cleaned up.

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Diego: You stink my sweet, why don’t you have this yummy food and I will give you another bath?

Tamara Lilly: Nooooooooo!  Noooo eat fooooooood!

*phone rings*

San Myshuno Child Services: Hello, we have received information that your toddler is very hungry. If you can’t care for her properly we must remove her from the premises. Also, Mrs Feng sends her love. Thank you for using San Myshuno Child Services, we appreciate your business.

Diego: Nina, we have a problem!

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Unfortunately, Tamara Lilly was forced to suffer bad hygiene as soon as Alfredo was born. She was in a miserable mood most of her toddler life. Her portrait was red, orange or yellow all the time and she refused most social interactions from Nina. I think she resented her having brought a baby into the household so early.

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Watch out! She’s close to the door again – I don’t want the heir lost on the streets of San Myshuno, the last time nearly gave me a heart attack.

Nina: Don’t worry, she is dancing again.

Again? I thought we decided to work on talking today.

Nina: No, I already tried that, it’s no go on the flash cards. Let’s just let her dance, at least she is happy. I was happy once too, before you ruined my child’s life.

Hey, you are the one who wanted to try for baby right away, all I did was to not stop you!

Nina: Well, you should have done your research!

*Phone rings*

San Myshuno Child Services: Hello, we have received information that your toddler is very hungry. If you can’t care for her properly we must remove her from the premises. Also, Mrs Feng sends her love. Thank you for using San Myshuno Child Services, we appreciate your business.

Nina: Aaaargh! I will be avenged! I can’t let her win!

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But it was not all dark times at the Caliente residence. Sometimes, Tamara Lilly did let Nina play with her.

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These trying times made Nina and Diego even more of a unit and together they made sure that the needs that could be filled were. So, despite Lily’s manipulations, Tamara Lilly was not taken by Child Services and the dynasty could continue.

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That did not stop Lily from trying more underhanded means. Like this ginger vampire, who teleported into Tamara Lilly’s bedroom one night!

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Or the grey haired woman who came and rocked Alfredo to sleep when he was crying….

Offline saltpastillen

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1.7 Finally a Bath!
« Reply #35 on: March 26, 2017, 06:18:28 AM »
Lily’s curse, or her shady contacts in San Myshuno’s bureaucracy, kept the household on their toes. Sadly, trying to keep Tamara Lilly fed took most of their time, so points were far between.

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Poor Tamara Lilly spent most of her time crying because she was either filthy or hungry. Unfortunately for her, the last patch was too late to take her out of her misery.

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Tamara Lilly: Me filthy!

Nina: Oh dear, come here and I will give you a hug.

Tamara Lilly: No hug! Get of me!

Nina and Tamara Lilly went from good friends to barely friends during those days due to all the rebuffing Tamara Lilly did.

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Luckily, they had one interest in common that turned all those red socialization marks green again.

Nina: Bend you knees and swing your arms.

Tamara Lilly: Bend knee, bend knee. You funny.

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Before Long Alfredo aged up and gained the silly trait.

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Unlike his sister, Alfredo was mostly interested in playing by himself in the apartment rather than going out on the streets of San Myshuno.

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Nina: Is it working? The Watcher said it would work.

Diego: It’s working! She’s getting clean!

Nina: I am so relieved. Watcher, I don’t hate you anymore.

I am so happy right now, maybe she will even complete another skill apart from her potty training (3 points).

Diego: By the way. I got a promotion today! (4 points)

Nina: Congratulations my love!

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The family came over for a laid-back afternoon of dancing and meeting Alfredo. Now that Tamara Lilly is in a better mood she quickly got to level 5 in movement. (6 points)

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Alfredo is very attached to Diego, the only time he is sad is when Diego goes off to work. Then he stands forlornly in the hallway and watches the elevator.

Diego: Where are you off to, little man? Let’s go back inside and have a snack.

Alfredo: I go work like daddy.

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Alfredo had no problems taking a bath, and so he and Nina became good friends one afternoon while bonding over bubbles. (7 points)

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Nina kept popping wishes to give out her apartment key, and after a while she decided Dina could use one, so that she could come help entertain the kids.

Nina: I’m just taking a short nap. Make sure they don’t go outside.

Dina: Who? Me? How do I do that?

Nina: Well you have this key – maybe you could lock the door?

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Even if the house was calmer once Tamara Lilly got her bath they were still plagued by the same phone calls…

*Phone rings*

San Myshuno Child Services: Hello, we have received information that your toddler is very hungry. If you can’t care for her properly we must remove her from the premises. Also, Mrs Feng sends her love. Thank you for using San Myshuno Child Services, we appreciate your business.

Nina: For the love of sims! She is eating right now? Do I need to send you a picture?

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Alfredo is such an easy toddler to amuse, he mostly plays with his dolls. Eats food whenever and wherever he is given it, and only throws a fit when Diego goes off to work. Then he runs and meets him at the door when he’s back, almost like a dog.

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Diego basks in all the attention, and I can only assume that is why he is always breaking the dollhouse, to make sure Alfredo must play with him rather than the dolls.

Nina: Finished yet darling?

Nina has become rather apt at fixing it up again. Other than the doll house, the only other appliances that regularly break are the stereos, even the computer doesn’t get enough use to warrant it breaking down.

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The men of the family are just so adorable together! This is how they spend the evenings once Diego gets home from work.

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Alfredo: I be daddy, you be me.

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Dina came over and helped celebrate Tamara Lilly’s birthday. The cake was left over from that long ago house party, so no one took a piece just to avoid food poisoning. Tamara Lilly had managed to get to level 3 in all her skills, and became a happy toddler.

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She also became a musical genius, and kept all her attitude.

Tamara Lilly: Auntie, I hate to tell you but your horn blowing is not in tune.

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She has the rambunctious camp aspiration and likes the colour black.

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Ever since the last free day, the nanny Izumi Shimizu, has been calling Nina all hours of the day asking to go to lunch, geek con, brunch, dance parties, dinner and so on. This night, she said yes for a change and headed over to Windenburg for ghost night. After hand buzzing some ghosts she and Izumi became good friends (8 points).

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And once she was back home, she helped Alfredo to max out his potty skill (10 points). Another free day can begin.

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #36 on: March 26, 2017, 02:49:46 PM »
Oh, Tamara Lilly sounds like a real handful. Yeah, I discovered I couldn't score many points while I had a toddler in the house. I didn't get points for anything but potty training until my 3rd toddler, I think.

The Shimizu family does get around. One of my heirs married an Izumi Shimizu, and Daichi was their butler several generations later.
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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #37 on: March 27, 2017, 07:36:12 PM »
Oh, my word with the baths! How maddening! And I'm definitely never going to cross Lily Feng. That woman doesn't pull any punches.

So glad Tamara Lilly aged up, finally, healthy and beautiful. And Alfredo is quite the sweetie as well.

Enjoy your free day, Nina! You definitely earned it!

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #38 on: March 28, 2017, 03:54:26 PM »
Oh, my word with the baths! How maddening! And I'm definitely never going to cross Lily Feng. That woman doesn't pull any punches.

So glad Tamara Lilly aged up, finally, healthy and beautiful. And Alfredo is quite the sweetie as well.

Enjoy your free day, Nina! You definitely earned it!

I was super happy she aged up well. And even more happy that no one has to suffer this again, due to the new patch.

I am really loving this challenge. It is not super hard to get points, and I can actually give my sims "free time" sometimes, where I just let them hang out and enjoy themselves, instead of just focusing on gaining points. Also, not being able to micro manage all sims in the household makes me use the pause button way less. A game day goes much quicker as a result.

Offline saltpastillen

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1.8 The Second Free Day
« Reply #39 on: March 28, 2017, 04:32:28 PM »
The main goal of this free day was to get Tamara Lilly as far in her chosen aspiration as possible.

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So naturally, the first thing Nina did was hire a maid.

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And then she and Diego went to bed to sleep – what else does parents with small children dream of doing in their free time?

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Tamara Lilly quickly did her homework – it was a great tool for making her brother fall asleep. Then she went to school for the first time, and tried to make some friends. But she got to cut the day short, since the Watcher wanted her to focus on useful activities.

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Diego was forced to write poetry books about his lovely wife in an effort to gain level 7 of the writing skill. Sadly, the computer was conspiring against him and broke before he got all the way. No matter, there is always the next free day.

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In order to keep the children form harm, and still keep them entertained, Diego and Nina installed some monkey bars in the apartment. They had to put the gaming table in storage, but some sacrifices had to be made. Hopefully Tamara Lilly will keep up playing on them once her own whims guide her.

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Diego was for once in a great mood before heading off to work. He skips work regularly (when he gets distracted by one of the children just as he’s heading out), but has yet to be demoted. Now he will hopefully go into the green.

Poor Alfredo had to spend most of the day entertaining himself, something he is not used to. At least Tamara Lilly danced with him for a while.

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As night was falling Nina took Tamara Lilly out to the park in Willow Creek so that she could play on the pirate ship while playful. I think they all enjoyed their day of fun/work.

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Before school next morning, Tamara Lilly showed she was ready to take on the role of heir seriously by emptying her brother’s potty.

Nina: Thank you darling, that always makes me tense for some reason.

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Alfredo now got all the attention he could wish for, and more. First Nina helped him max out the movement skill (2 points).

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Then she helped him to max out imagination as well (4 points).

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At night his sister titillated him over dinner with her amazing homework.

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Alfredo: Mommy, what you doing?

Nina: Playing with knives.

Alfredo: Ok, I go now.

Nina then maxed out the cooking skill (6 points). It was a very productive 24 hours.

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And just in time, because Alfredo was ready to age up to a child already!

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Nina: What are you wearing?

Alfredo: A shirt.

Nina: Clearly you don’t have the same fashion sense as your father.

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Alfredo got a quick makeover.

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The appartment got one as well. No more toddlers in this family – I think. Who knows what Nina and Diego will be up to later.

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And here are the two besties, still preferring to hang out and eat in Alfredo’s bed, rather than using the dining room.

Offline MarianT

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #40 on: March 28, 2017, 07:06:56 PM »
Nina and Diego make beautiful children! Putting the monkey bars in an apartment is a good idea. My apartment children aged up a little chunky because they didn't get enough exercise.
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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #41 on: March 29, 2017, 01:16:32 AM »
Bravo, Nina! As a mother of small children myself, I applaud your decision to use your free day to nap. Excellent choice!

The kids are both gorgeous. Diego and Nina's genes really do combine well!

The monkey bars in the apartment made me laugh, but I'm sure the kids will get good use out of them. I also had to laugh at Alfredo's intense interest in his sister's homework. :) Cutie.

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #42 on: March 30, 2017, 03:40:54 PM »
Nina and Diego make beautiful children! Putting the monkey bars in an apartment is a good idea. My apartment children aged up a little chunky because they didn't get enough exercise.

Yes, the kids turned out super cute! I think Tamara Lilly has Nina's build but Alfredo is absolutely as slim as Diego.

I really want to see if I can get my heirs to complete their childhood aspirations, so it was really the only ways I could think of to maybe have her work on the aspiration on her own, since I have never had a sims child play keyboard commander on their own.


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1.9 Hijinks
« Reply #43 on: March 30, 2017, 05:20:56 PM »
And so, the race to 30 points continues...

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Diego had his Adult birthday. Nina baked him a special cake and they had some special time shut away from the children – if you know what I mean.

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Nina decided to troll the forums for more ideas, and decided to buy another voodoo doll, because, Lily was a bit scary and none of her voodoo tricks seemed to work on her.

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Alfredo: Why are you doing your homework all the time? Mom and the Watcher aren’t making us do it, so why waste time?

Tamara Lilly: First of, because if I get an A, mom has promised to throw me a birthday party with a chocolate fountain. Secondly, if we help ad 5 points to Mom’s score the Watcher has promised to buy some cool stuff.

Alfredo: What kind of stuff?

Tamara Lilly: Video games!

Alfredo: Like Super Llama Man??!

Tamara Lilly: Exactly!

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Nina goes out clubbing with her friends to work on her mischief skill, I wonder what the young and cool kids do these days. Because, the only people who show up at all the dance clubs or wild nights out she attends are either adults or elders.

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Dina called and invited the family to her birthday party.

Dina: I am so happy you could come!

Nina: I wouldn’t miss you getting older for the world.

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While the family distracted everyone, Nina clogged her first drain.

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Dina was horrified when she realized that she would now be the older sister.

Dina: Wait, this wasn’t how things were supposed to be!

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One of the guests was Geoffrey Landgraab, and Nina got her 7th skill point in mischief tricking him with the hand buzzer. He was a great sport about it, maybe he and Nina are kindred spirits, I wouldn’t have expected it of Nancy’s husband, but in the deepest waters... (7 points)

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Katrina has also aged up, but she was as stylish as ever.

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Unfortunately, Nina was no longer allowed to nap in the beds of her childhood home. She was forced to take a nap outside to recharge for the Humour and Hijinks festival.

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Nina had the most amazing time at the festival. She joined the pranksters and was dropping mischievous interactions left and right. She also made a new friend in Penny Pizzazz, maybe she can become a good friend in the future.

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Geoffrey came with Nina to the festival, and Nina bound him to her new voodoo doll, and after preforming 5 successful interactions, she reached 1,000 more satisfaction points. (8 points)

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After the festival, Nina tagged along with Geoffrey home intending to clog his drain.

Nancy: How dare you! This is inappropriate behaviour!

Nina: You talk about being inappropriate, charging in on me in the bathroom!

Despite Nancy’s attempts at stopping her, Nina did clog that drain, and got to level 8 in mischief because of it. (9 points)

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Nina decided that the last days leading up to her adult birthday should be spend socializing more with her family and friends. So she took her besties out drinking.

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And spent time at the Shrieking Llama when Izumi invited her to Knight Night.

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Tamara Lilly: Hey Watcher! I got a B, so now we are 1 down 4 to go for that video game. (10 points)

And so, the next free day began…

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Diego: Look Watcher, I made a self-portrait.

Um, that’s nice…?

Diego: Yes, I will make a painting of Nina as well and we can be immortalized in the museum together.

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Nina and the Watcher both agree that Diego’s version of Nina was way more true to life than his self-portrait.

Nothing much happened this free day, mostly there was a lot of skilling and needs were cared for.  Diego finally got to level 7 of his writing skill, so a promotion might be in the cards. Alfredo was given some help to pull himself from playing with his Super Llama Man action figure long enough to do his homework. An d Tamara Lilly played keyboard commander  until she got the high score she needed.

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: A Muy Caliente Story the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty Challenge
« Reply #44 on: March 30, 2017, 07:04:26 PM »
Diego's self-portrait! Too funny! Nina's is very nice, though, and should look great in the museum.

Nice job on those ten points and enjoying life along the way. :)

Loved Dina's look of horror upon becoming the older sister!