Chapter 10 -- HalfwayWhat does vampire training involve? some of you lovely viewers have asked. I have shown you some of the basic physical moves, and a few failed attempts at mind control. But here, M.L. did manage to penetrate my considerable defenses, although you can tell by the expression on his face that it took a great deal of effort.
Once a vampire has advanced beyond the fledgling status, he or she can spar with a partner of the same age. Here, I was happy to accept the challenge of D.L.
Initially, sparring has the same appearance as an ordinary fist fight.
But then we take it to a higher level.
A spar ends with a handshake. A fight between vampires can end more disastrously for the loser; he or she can even be "cured" of vampirism if the winner is a hunter.
Some of you would like to know what else I've been doing, besides advancing in my career, of course. I enjoy painting, and hope to do more of that.
I love playing the organ and have composed my third piece, "Raucous Reverberations."
Learning the guitar is not a pastime I approached with pleasure, as I have always considered it an instrument for peasants. It is not so very different from the lute, however, and combining it with singing, I can emulate the troubadours of my grandparents' age.
A shared interest in music has led to my becoming good friends with one of my vampiric offspring, Miss S.B. Tutoring her in the piano went a long way towards cementing our relationship.
I've spent some time reading to the children (poor Gretchen had some illness that caused her to break out in a rash; oddly enough, her formal gown was the only thing she could wear that didn't make her itch.)
Balthazar asked me to be his best friend forever, and I granted his request. I'm afraid he doesn't realize though that "forever" is an elastic term in his case.
And Zoe and I have become reconciled.
Since you lovely viewers have shown an interest in the children, I decided to let Gretchen take over for a little while.
Hello. My name is Gretchen Straud, and I'm an A student.
I enjoy playing with the puppet theater, and my favorite puppet is the pink monster. My brother Balthazar says he would like the monster better if it wasn't pink.
Like Nadia and Balthazar I enjoy playing on the monkey bars, but now that I've completed the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration, I have fun in other ways.
I used to feel cross because Father made me dress up for school, but Balthazar has it worse than I do. I just have to wear a dress, but he has to wear a vest and tie. That's all for now. Bye!
Vlad's Second 50 PointsSkills: 9 -- piano, 3; violin, 2; guitar, 3; singing, 1
Promotions: 14 -- Vlad, 2; Gavin, 2; J, 2; Mitchell, 1; Zoe, 2; Gretchen, 2; Nadia, 2; Balthazar, 1
1000 Satisfaction Points: 7
Good Friends: 1 -- Sofia Bjergsen
$30,000 Added: 2
Maxed Skills/Aspirations: 24 -- Vlad, piano and violin; Gretchen, social and motor; Nadia, thinking and social; Balthazar, potty training, imagination, thinking, and communication/Vlad, Musical Genius; Gretchen, Rambunctious Scamp
Places Visited: 3 -- Municipal Muses, Rattlesnake Juice Bar, Burners and Builders Gym
Negatives: -10 -- controlled vampire