Author Topic: The Legacy of Doom  (Read 13438 times)

Offline Alex

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The Legacy of Doom
« on: February 12, 2017, 09:57:00 AM »
Succession rules

Gender: Equality: The Founder may be of either gender. Both boys and girls are eligible for the title of heir.

Bloodline: Modern: Both naturally born and adopted children are eligible to be named heir.

Heir Law: Exemplar - Gloomy: Any eligible heir that has this trait will gain the title of heir. If a single generation has no children with this trait or more than one exemplar, follow the First Born rule. (The oldest, by order of joining the family, eligible living child is named heir.)

(note ‘living’: I may build up my ghost collection by, um, disposing of any first born mean/evil/spectacularly ugly children...)

Species law: Tolerant: The species of the child has no impact on their eligibility for heir status.

Extreme Start on a 64x64 lot; must earn $200 to buy the Knight of the Octagon Table statue for $8200 before being allowed to purchase anything else.

Offline Alex

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Scoring of Doom
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2017, 09:57:27 AM »
Family: 2

Creative: 3
 Heir and spouse memorialised each generation (1-9): 1 | 2
 Lorna (founder) completed two creative aspirations.

Fortune: 4

Love: 2
   Unique primary spouse traits so far: 6

Knowledge: 8
  Skills maxed so far: 92

Athletic: 8
  Aspirations completed so far: 35

Nature: 2
  Completed collections:
  One of each type of emotional painting on the lot
  All consumable aspiration rewards stored on lot

Food: 5
  Ali (Ferhat) Doom (gen 1) got fat from eating the family’s cooking
  Mara (gen 2) maxed cooking, gourmet cooking, baking and mixology
  Mara (gen 2) completed both base game Food aspirations
  Mara made a top quality baked Alaska
  Served top quality drink and top quality party-sized meal at a social event

Popularity: 4
  Medal points so far: 69
  Legacy club has all perks

Deviance: 9
 65 unused potions of youth stored on the lot so far

Handicaps: +1 point for extreme start

Penalties: 0

Points so far: 48/101

Stats by individual
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Doomed Family Tree

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Offline Alex

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Re: The Legacy of Doom
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2017, 09:57:43 AM »
So, I managed to go a whole day between finishing up my Immortal Dynasty and starting a Legacy.... This is Lorna Doom, our esteemed founder.

Lorna is creative, and she loves the outdoors. She’s also Gloomy, which is this legacy’s exemplar trait (any offspring who rolls the Gloomy trait is automatically the next heir). Her first aspiration is Painter Extraordinaire. I’m going with the gloomier extreme start option, so she’s living in Windenburg and essentially begins with -$200.

To her displeasure, Lorna’s first morning in the world was spent catching frogs.

My test sim lucked out and managed to breed a rare frog on her first attempt; Lorna was much less fortunate. Still, around fifteen frogs later, she finally had her extra $200, which I promptly took away again. The discovery that her morning of catching slimy amphibians wasn’t going to pay off in a brand new bed/fridge/toilet might have depressed some sims. Lorna, however, thrives on gloominess and depression, and focused her efforts on getting hold of some (more) cash. She didn’t fancy any more frog-catching, so she went the old-fashioned route and found herself a job.

She’s become a Critic, and she rushed off to the library to begin her daily task. Once there, the grumpy-looking librarian caught her eye – she even looked rather happy – and they chatted while she knocked out her required hours of practicing writing.

Daily task done, Lorna invited him out. She seemed a little frustrated at the amount I made her Get to Know and Discuss Interests when she had better things to do, like sleeping. However, Ali Ferhat turned out to be a neat, materialistic bookworm – I like, whatever she thinks ;)

They did the mandatory stargazing thing, and Ali agreed to move in.

His aspiration is, unfortunately, Big Happy Family, so he’ll be waiting a while to complete that one, but he’s great otherwise. He has a couple of points in violin, guitar, piano and comedy, so he’s signed up as an entertainer, with plans to specialise as a musician. He also has mid-level painting skill – all the better for my legacy :D

For the moment, they’re camping in Myshuno Meadows. It very conveniently has his-n-hers fridges for synchronised quick meals.

And while it’s no Sims 3 fire station and doesn’t have any beds, Lorna embraced the grand old legacy founders’ tradition and got by on naps instead.

It also has an easel and instruments: excellent news for two sims who have to be able to memorialise each other, especially with their jobs and her aspiration.

This is my first time playing the Critic career, so I’m having a lot of fun just playing with City Living while Lorna does her work tasks. Poor Ali has to watch too, since he tends to get dragged to the various lots along with her.


There is no reason for this picture. I just really love Lorna’s Gloomy Face.

They both began to get heartily sick of cereal and yoghurt for every meal, and Ali proved his worth by getting his first cooking skill point grilling fruit at the park. Almost got a smile out of Lorna. Almost.

Lorna met another Gloomy sim, and they discussed melancholy thoughts. She made a new friend out of it, and confirmed her long-held suspicions about the impending end of the world – what’s not to like about that?

It took a couple of days of hard graft, but finally, the combined income of their first promotions, the meagre sales of Lorna’s first novel, and the profits from their early paintings were scraped together and they bought themselves some basics. Very basic basics, because their Watcher was feeling paranoid about bills, but basics nevertheless.

Lorna frowned, of course, at the thought of leaving her temporary accommodations.

And poor Ali got desperate enough to pull this face. He’ll be a proper Mr Doom before we know it. (He has black hair. It just looks brown, behind the green doesn’t-own-a-shower-yet stink cloud.)

Once he’d been to the gym and showered, Ali took advantage of the lovely produce stand to buy himself a cherry, a blackberry, and a pomegranate, which will save the family hours of standing around waiting for plants to become harvestable. It feels a bit exploitative, but right now I don’t care :)

So, they have a toilet, beds, and they’re growing their own food (and future income). Definitely time for a selfie!

Ali: *brag about possessions*
Lorna: ...

And the next morning, I found Lorna proudly surveying her new kingdom in her bunny slippers :) I’m not sure we’re off to a good start, but at least we’ve started....

Offline hazelnut

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Re: The Legacy of Doom
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2017, 10:14:01 AM »
Nice to see you held out so long against the Simming addiction :P  (What do you mean, pots and kettles?)

Lorna is adorably gloomy (also, great name!)  Looking forward to reading more :).

Offline MarianT

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Re: The Legacy of Doom
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2017, 12:11:53 PM »
You're off to a good and entertaining start. Ali, being materialistic, is going to have many happy moments in his future as he acquires new possessions.
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Offline oshizu

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Re: The Legacy of Doom
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2017, 01:36:52 PM »
I'm so happy that, after valiantly but futilely resisting for an entire day, you are offering us a new story to read!

Lorna has looks that go perfectly with her name! Nice job snagging that librarian as well!

When Ali was buying produce from the stand, I noticed that Chef Gino was laughing at you. Or was he just smiling at the nice weather?

Great start!

Offline Alex

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Re: The Legacy of Doom
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2017, 03:21:18 PM »
Nice to see you held out so long against the Simming addiction :P  (What do you mean, pots and kettles?)

Lorna is adorably gloomy (also, great name!)  Looking forward to reading more :).

Yup, I think I showed great restraint ;)

Thanks (from Lorna as well as me)!

You're off to a good and entertaining start. Ali, being materialistic, is going to have many happy moments in his future as he acquires new possessions.

Thank you! Yep, Ali’s having a great time acquiring all the new stuff. He was especially delighted with their shiny new toilet ::)

I'm so happy that, after valiantly but futilely resisting for an entire day, you are offering us a new story to read!

Lorna has looks that go perfectly with her name! Nice job snagging that librarian as well!

When Ali was buying produce from the stand, I noticed that Chef Gino was laughing at you. Or was he just smiling at the nice weather?

Great start!

And I’m so happy that you’re reading it! Yeah, I think Chef Gino was laughing at me. Finally being there when my sims had no spare cash... :(

While he might not be officially Gloomy, there are days when Ali shows great promise, and Lorna began to think seriously about making his Spouse status official.

Dating would also mean an end to the inconvenient running-to-the-edges-of-the-lot-whenever-one-of-them-needed-a-shower routine, which was quickly getting very, very old.

Lorna outlined her reasoning to Ali, who listened intently.

Her logic was sound, and how could he say no to somebody with such woohooty slippers?

He agreed to be her boyfriend, and there was some uncharacteristically ungloomy squealing.

Followed by an ungloomy first kiss.

Incidentally, is it just my monitor settings, or does Ali’s back look faintly pinstriped?

Fortunately, Lorna doesn’t seem to mind. Ahem.

This is just to document the first passing-out of the legacy. Sorry, Lorna. I knew I shouldn’t have made you finish writing that book.

Ali joined a protest, though I’m not entirely sure what he was protesting against. Shirts, presumably.

And Lorna painted her first masterpiece. Ah, income :)

With their funds finally looking a little less in-the-red, they felt safe to start trying for that Big Happy Family Ali wants.

Bun officially ovened!

And with a nooboo officially on the way, it seemed like time to put a roof over their heads.

It’s not much to look at on the inside just yet, but they’ll get there. Eventually.

Lorna visited the Spice Festival, and helped herself to some more easy harvestables.

She also won the Spicy Curry Challenge, although I’m not entirely sure how or why. She seemed pleased, anyway.

Who can resist a Curry Champion? Not Ali, who proposed when she got home. In front of the toilet, naturally, because it’s so very, very romantic.

She said yes!

Lorna-in-Labour proved to be even more gloomy than normal.

Although she wasn’t the one who made the almighty song and dance at the hospital.

It’s a girl!

Welcome, probably-the-gen-2-heir-unless-a-sibling-is-gloomier Mara Doom!

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Offline hazelnut

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Re: The Legacy of Doom
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2017, 04:06:18 PM »
Her logic was sound, and how could he say no to somebody with such woohooty slippers?

Well, yeah.  It’s always good to have a rational basis for a proposal.  That and not running to the edge of the lot = match made in Simheaven  :P.

(Ali’s back isn’t pinstriped on my monitor, btw.)



Offline oshizu

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Re: The Legacy of Doom
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2017, 04:11:13 PM »
What a delightful update! I giggled and snorted my way through it, until its celebratory end!

Congratulations on the marriage, the new home, and Mara Doom!
The house is so fascinating. I like the way you used piping and columns with the roofs. Then, we were ushered inside and I was floored by how tiny it still is.
But the house has that monumental facade so I look forward to watching the Domicile of Doom gradually expanding.

(Ali's back had faint striping on my monitor.)

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Legacy of Doom
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2017, 02:41:11 AM »
Yay! What a great start! A full 24 hours between projects? How did you survive?
Love Lorna and love Ali, but the real star so far for me has to be that house! It's incredible! Good thinking taking advantage of the fact that roofs are free! It's just gorgeous and magical and kinda steampunk. I love it!
Can't wait to see what gloomy antics these guys get up to next!

Offline Whirligig

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Re: The Legacy of Doom
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2017, 07:46:20 AM »
Oh, I love your writing voice, it's so matter-of-fact in a humourous way and I found myself smiling at all the gloom your poor founders were facing. Also that little house is gorgeous!

Ali's back is most certainly striped on my monitor (it looks like the texture of a cable-knit sweater) but pretty much all of my darker-skinned sims in game have that too so we probably have our monitors set to the same pinstripy setting.
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Offline Alex

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Re: The Legacy of Doom
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2017, 02:12:34 PM »
Well, yeah.  It’s always good to have a rational basis for a proposal.  That and not running to the edge of the lot = match made in Simheaven  :P.

Makes sense to me ;)

What a delightful update! I giggled and snorted my way through it, until its celebratory end!

Congratulations on the marriage, the new home, and Mara Doom!
The house is so fascinating. I like the way you used piping and columns with the roofs. Then, we were ushered inside and I was floored by how tiny it still is.
But the house has that monumental facade so I look forward to watching the Domicile of Doom gradually expanding.

(Ali's back had faint striping on my monitor.)

Thank you! I probably spent a slightly irrational amount of their budget on their house – the poor things had fancy columns, but no sink. Domicile of Doom – I am so stealing that :D

Yay! What a great start! A full 24 hours between projects? How did you survive?
Love Lorna and love Ali, but the real star so far for me has to be that house! It's incredible! Good thinking taking advantage of the fact that roofs are free! It's just gorgeous and magical and kinda steampunk. I love it!
Can't wait to see what gloomy antics these guys get up to next!

Thank you! Kinda steampunk is exactly what I was aiming for, so I’m glad it worked :) And yeah, I love the lovely free roofing.

Oh, I love your writing voice, it's so matter-of-fact in a humourous way and I found myself smiling at all the gloom your poor founders were facing. Also that little house is gorgeous!

Ali's back is most certainly striped on my monitor (it looks like the texture of a cable-knit sweater) but pretty much all of my darker-skinned sims in game have that too so we probably have our monitors set to the same pinstripy setting.

Cable-knit! That’s exactly what it looks like! Weird, isn’t it?

And thank you :)

With Mara’s arrival, the house needed a bit of an extension. It now has a bathroom (*gasp*), and two bedrooms. Still no landscaping, but perhaps it’s gloomier that way.

Lorna and Ali discussed having a big fancy wedding party, but there was sure to be confetti and cake and lots of congratulations, which isn’t really their thing. Instead, they exchanged rings and vows in private in their brand new kitchen.

In other news, I have a score now – a whole point! Lorna completed Painter Extraordinaire, and selected Bestselling Author as her next aspiration.

Ali can’t get me any aspiration points for a while, but he’s making up for it by working on his skills, and is making decent progress in his Musician career.

Mara had her first birthday. She has Lorna’s eyes and skin tone, and I have no idea where she got that hair. She rolled the fussy trait. Of course she did.

Sometimes, she’s a sweetie.

Most of the time, she isn’t.

She’s a lot like her Mummy, really.

Fortunately, she has Ali wrapped around her little finger; he’s perfectly happy to be at her beck and call, and she has a near-permanent ‘Got My Way’ moodlet.

Mara’s also taken a leaf from @oshizu's book, and made the Nanny stay late to teach her stuff. Mara looked rather pleased about it; not so sure about the poor nanny.

And there was a fire! Seconds after I’d bought those expensive counters, too!

If you’re a helpless toddler, a fire is a pretty terrifying thing.

Some adult sims would have grabbed a fire extinguisher and braved the flames to save their beloved spouse/progeny from certain doom. Others just stand around screaming...

I’ll leave you with this screenshot: a fine example of keeping one’s head in a crisis.... 

With fire-fighting instincts like theirs, it’s a very good thing I invested in a sprinkler system ::)

Offline hazelnut

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Re: The Legacy of Doom
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2017, 02:45:26 PM »
Congratulations on your first point :) :P

And here's wishing you a brave/daredevil Sim (or whatever the Sims 4 equivalent is) in the family soon.

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Re: The Legacy of Doom
« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2017, 03:07:18 PM »
I loved the two shots of your house, first in daylight then the gloomier shot at night. What a fantastic house!
Congrats on your first point--the first of many more to come!

Well, the Dooms are certainly living up to their name! So many gloomy and/or sad shots! Except for Mara's Cheshire cat smile as she dominates her nanny...
The parting shot was too perfect! (Sorry about the new counters, though.)

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Legacy of Doom
« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2017, 05:48:28 PM »
I love Mara's mysterious red hair. It's such a striking contrast to her muted skin and clothing. So perfect that she became fussy!

Ali and Mara are very cute together. I love the whole family weeping about the fire. What an entertaining bunch!

