My name is CrossedTowers but you may call me Crossed, Towers, or some other weird combination you come up with. I'm glad I've found this site, I read the forum rules, the swapshop rules, the story board rules, but I got a few questions before I start posting.
1) - Am I required to reveal personal information? I hate social networking with a passion and strongly refuse to share my personal information on the worldwide web. Hope you understand.
2) - How many stories at a time can I post? I'm thinking of posting my ongoing legacy challenge, although my creative mind might all of sudden bump into a writer's block and I'll have to distract myself in something else, like another short tale.
3) - Am I allowed to use third party custom content in screen shots?
4) - What if I don't know where to post a topic? Should I send a personal message to a moderator or administrator?
5) - I noticed you have building contests. Or had. Besides the graveyard I can't find any threads associated with the subject anywhere else. I take it as there won't be anymore contests?
6) - Something caught my eye in the original forum rules. "Stay on topic at all times.", one of the rules states. If I --accidentally-- go off-topic, do I get a ban, removal of posting ability, or a personal message from a moderator?
7) - Should I read a thread --in whole-- before posting an answer/reply?
8) - How does one gain 'titles'? Full member, legendary member, etc.
9) - Do you have a forum/board for discussing other Sims games? I noticed you do indeed have a thread on SimsSocial, but unfortunately what I'm interested in is Sims2/Sims1. I like to play those games from time to time, too.
10) - That is all. I would like if my question(s) were addressed by a moderator, or a member of the staff in general.
Thank you.
EDIT: A few more things please.
11) - Even though I hate social networking I have literally --just-- made a profile at Facebook, just in case someone from here wants to contact me. One and only, Crossed Towers, at your service. Just search for 'crossed towers' there.
12) - Is there a topic to share the origin of one's name? I am willing to, I just cannot for the life of me seek out such a topic.
13) - I --still--, after rereading the instructions for about twenty times didn't figure out how to use the gallery. Mind if I use Photobucket instead? I'll resize my images, no worries.
Thanks again. Sorry if this was much.