Author Topic: Introduce Yourself  (Read 1640667 times)


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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #45 on: October 12, 2009, 12:38:30 PM »
So do I Pam  ;D  Sorry Kreathyr  :D

Offline Saltypaws

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #46 on: October 12, 2009, 04:30:38 PM »
I am saltypaws and so far this site has really been great, my sister, mom and I have been playing sims since the game came out.  I remember when I first got the sims1, installing and uninstalling because we hit english and then we couldnt understand a word the sims said, LOL....duh, but of course, that was a while back, I am sure we were not the only ones that did that. Looking forward to hearing other stories on here, keep up the good work, this site was needed.
Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?

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Offline Kreathyr

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #47 on: October 13, 2009, 01:08:45 AM »
this site was needed.
Excellently stated, that's exactly what I thought when I first came here.

Offline igzigpuff

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #48 on: October 13, 2009, 02:03:23 AM »
Thanks, igzig!  I worked very very hard to come up with this unique and creative username.   :D
Nice...  :-\

Offline Bogie74

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #49 on: October 13, 2009, 04:18:42 PM »
Hi All,

New here, but not to the game. IRL I work for the Gov as a Financial Analyst so it was EXTRMELY helpful last month (end of year activity) to be able to come home, create an evil Sim and wreck havoc!!  ;)

I like Sims 3 so far, nice upgrades. I do like being able to color match curtains and bed covers etc. Tool comes in very handy because the curtain choices seems limited to me. Though, I bought the most expensive couch and my Sim walked over to it and cried. Haven't tried changing it to his favorite color yet. Anyone know if that would boost his mood?

One of my little peeves so far is that one of my Sims just had a baby. She wanted to hire a babysitter, so I fulfilled the wish. Had her take a shower so she could go out, and the babysitter all of a sudden pops up with "I have someplace to be" and then bolts taking my $75!! I think she was there an hour, hour and a 1/2 at the most!!

I found myself screaming at the computer -"well, why did you take the job then you idiot???!!!"    ???

Would be a nice feature if EA would add in the next release where we can pick the babysitter. If they give us a list of choices, and we could pick one. Last one that showed up did nothing but watch TV and let my baby sim practically starve! GEEZ!  :o

I will love him and squeeze him and pet him and call him George!!

Offline PJSim

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #50 on: October 14, 2009, 02:02:51 PM »
Hello Bogie. :)

Hee hee, I remember the babysitters in Sims 2. It was always this senile old lady who did nothing but feed the kid like once an hour and toss the trash on the floor and then watch TV. And sometimes you couldn't make her leave and she just stayed in your house for days.
Oh, and she peed on the floor a lot. :D

Offline Bogie74

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #51 on: October 14, 2009, 06:10:58 PM »
OMG!! ROFL!!  ;D

I remember her!! I remember once, my family was exhausted, and of course in Sims 2, they didn't eat or tinkle at work so they were already in a bad mood. The husband was extremely neat, so when he came home already peeved, he had puddles to clean up!! To make matters worse, she kept trying to talk to him! When he didn't respond, she grabed a plate of food, then threw it on the floor when I dismissed her!!! I seriously contemplated building a room, using the build/buy mode cheat and move her into it just to get rid of her!!

I didn't though... my "evil stressed twin" only comes out in September!!  :P

I will love him and squeeze him and pet him and call him George!!

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #52 on: October 17, 2009, 07:26:02 AM »
Hi all..

New guy here  :) *Insert funny little smiley who is wavering to everybody here.*

Let me first tell you a little about me... I just got the game a few weeks ago, so I am still new to the game, still things to learn. But I am not all new to The Sims, I bought the Sims 1 back in the days, when it came out, and every single expansion part for the Sims 1, so I own the whole Sims 1 collection. But then Sims 2 came out, and I was like, I have every thing for Sims 1, and now its useless... So I never actually bought Sims 2. When I then heard that Sims 3 was coming out, I thought to myself, that I needed to try that game again, so I went in and bought it, and WOW have that game changed :o :o

So now I am here with Sims 3, let me say that my Sims does not run as an English version, (I am Danish :P) so I do not always know what the different stuff is called in English, but I do my best to guess it :P Also now you know why English is not that good.

Back to the Sims again, I have played it a lot since I got it, and a lot of things I am happy about, but a few things really disappointed me, like stuff you could do in Sims 1, But cant in Sims 3. Like example, one of the first families I made, I got pretty quick tired of them, because one of the kept scaring everybody. So I thought about the Sims 1, and remember that I actually used to kill my Sims in a fire (Yes i have a very weird sense of humor :P ) But I could not find any fireplaces, so I was sitting wondering how to set them on fire, when one of the Sims started a fire while cooking. So again I thought back and remember how it was on Sims 1, you would pause the game, set up a fireplace, and lay carpets all around the whole house filling the whole house with them, and then when the Sims went and started the fire, there would go like 1-2 seconds and the whole house would just be on fire, every single room, would just be a huge fire. I thought well in Sims 3 that is going to be just plain awesome. So I put down carpets, but ran out of money, before i got halfway. I thought that would be enough to start with, and went to set it on fire, after a few tries my Sim failed again in cooking, and set the stove on fire... But the fire just stayed on the stove, it did not move to the whole house, it took really long time to for it to spread, and when it did, the first fire would die out. At the end the fire died out by itself. I was sitting watching that and was like, was that it? The kitchen burned, and the rest stayed? The Sims was not even closed to be killed by that... But I must say that the burned out stuff look real cool...

I could go on with other stuff, but this is just an introduction of myself, and I think you got an idea now who I am. ;)

BTW this site is real awesome, I found while searching for way to get logic skills faster... I have read most of the guides written here.. Thanks a lot Carl...

P.S I have found out where to buy a fire place now  8)

Offline PJSim

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #53 on: October 17, 2009, 08:19:39 AM »
I am Danish

So am I. 8)


I have the English language version though, like you say it's easier to find tips and stuff in English. So if you have a problem finding something, you can tell me what the Danish game calls it and I can probably guess the English word.

And yeah, sims are a bit harder to kill now. If you give them the unlucky trait they will probably die a lot but then the Grim Reaper (Døden?) will just bring them back to life. Øv...

Offline wildredchild

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #54 on: October 17, 2009, 10:56:29 AM »
Welcome to the forum Quizmo!!  Glad to have you join us.


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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #55 on: October 17, 2009, 01:08:01 PM »
Hi Quizmo...yes, it is more difficult to kill sims by fire now...but our moderator has much more experience with it than most.  You can probably get some useful tips from him.  :D

Happy simming!  :) 

Offline igzigpuff

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #56 on: October 18, 2009, 07:36:57 PM »
Oooo, Welcome to all the new members!   ;D  Try some challenges they are fun!

Carl how many members before your baby is considered a toddler? :D

Happy Simming!

Offline kat

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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #57 on: October 24, 2009, 05:06:40 PM »
Well guess I'd better add my bit. Gosh there are a lot of Danes on here!  :) I live on the other side of the world, in beautiful Australasia. I have a very uninventive nickname because frankly, I joined when I was tired and couldn't be bothered trying to think of something mystical and interesting. So sorry about that but hey, at least it's short. I am wife to 1, and mum to 1.

I have been a big Sims fan from the get go, with all the Sims 1 expansion packs (except the Pet ones; never could be bothered with those). whe Sims 2 came out, I very sneakily thought, mwhahaha I know you will bring out a new and better Sims soon so I shall not buy ANY expansion packs!!! Lo and behold, not long later, the magnificent Sims 3...but the SPECS!!! Goodness me. Luckily my computer died so I got to buy a new one...which happened to be good enough to play it (heh heh). And here I am, one Google search later, on this fantastic forum. Love the way it is like a small community - I can't stand those large forums where you hardly post something before it is swallowed in a plethora of new messages.

I can't wait for WA! I really enjoyed the Castaway game on PS, and it seems like WA will be leaning a bit more towards this than the previous Holiday expansions.

Seriously need help with building, I am completely useless and all my houses are like little squares - hate that kind of thing in real life! I think it comes from trying to please the Sims on 2 with that ridiculous 'layout' bar! Any tips are most welcome!


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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #58 on: October 25, 2009, 02:30:08 PM »
Hi Kat...welcome.  Just a suggestion as my houses used to be little squares also, well now they are actually quite lovely little squares.  ;D  I get many of my ideas from the sims3 site from the forum, Creative Corner.  They have some really great ideas on how to build.  ;D


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Re: Introduce Yourself
« Reply #59 on: October 27, 2009, 04:33:16 PM »
Well, I will add my piece.
I'm Cel (short for Celeano de morte, not my real name, but I thought it was cool.) I'm a 19 yr old housewife in Delaware. Other than the oh so exciting house work that I do, Sims is my entertainment every day. I've been an avid player of the sims ever since my dad bought me sims 1 when it first came out. I managed to beg my way into getting all the expansions for that and then Sims 2 came out and I got a part-time job and bought all the expansions for that when it came out. Then EA advertised for Sims 3 and I about had a heart attack, I was so excited. I've been playing sims 3 since it came out.
I stumbled upon this jewel of a site when I was looking to see if the cheat babyboom was real (it's not, sadly) but I came across the baby boomer challenge and knew that I had to join this happy little community. Sorry if I drive you lot crazy by talking too much on here, I have little to do besides play online, and play sims..(My hubby is in the airforce and I am thousands of miles from my friends and family.)

