Hi, I am Vincent. 28 years old, have been playing Sims 3 since it came out. I played Sims 1 back in the day but always hated the fact that it was all about Needs management. Sims 2 added a lot but didn't really solve that for me. When Sims 3 came out with its wish management and lifetime rewards, I was hooked immediately.
Now I play Sims 3 a lot, far too much actually. I've played extensively in Twinbrook and Bridgeport, but Sunset Valley is still my favorite town.
I own the base game, WA, Amb, LN, Pets, SHT, SN. I strongly dislike Pets and SN, I don't know why I thought I would like these expansions, but they just add too much chaos and unrealistic stuff for me, apparently. Something I found out only after buying them
Now I'm really looking forward to getting Seasons, Generations and University Life. Money's been tight lately, so it will have to be one at a time.
I play mostly Sunset Valley with only human sims. I tend to play with aging off, usually only small families, of three sims max. I want to play a dynasty some day but I am not sure if I will like it or if it will just stress me out.
I am really grateful to everyone who contributes to this website for the great information posted here.
Recently I've started a little blog about my latest sim, Eve Starfall, who has just arrived in Sunset Valley with the long-term goal to befriend every member of the community. Can provide link to those interested, won't add it right now because I fear it would fall into the category of shameless self-advertisement.