Hi All! Fantastic site - both the Guide and the Forum. I discovered it a few months back after struggling mightily with placing those darn stairs in build mode and, after finally admitting defeat, Googling for solutions. I've been hanging around ever since. You may have noticed that quiet woman in the corner who doesn't say much, but listens attentively to the forum conversations. I am a devoted fan of Carl's sites, and no longer look anywhere else for Sims information. It's all here, and thank you for that!
I thank my 26 year old daughter for the introduction to Sims 3, and consider it a returned favor for raising her on computer adventure games since she was old enough to hit the keys.
I live in Anchorage, Alaska, and already feel a bond with all the western Canadians and northern Europeans on the site. It's cold, snowy, and dark here too, which is the PERFECT excuse to spend way too much time indoors playing the Sims!
The Sims addiction has hit hard. I'm waiting up until midnight (Alaska time), on a work night no less, to see what the next Deal of the Day is on the official site.
Thank you all for an enjoyable past few months, and I look forward to the coming year. Cindy