@Whirligig Welcome to the ride! All of the background is from Artie being my founder of choice (usually Immortal Dynasty) for something like five years so back in the TS3 days. He's even a part of the Island Paradise guide I think here on the forum. He has a succesfully finished TS3 Immortal Dynasty and is currently working on a Sims 4 version when I get around to opening the file again after all the changes. For now he's here. If you ever have any questions, feel free to ask! Previous readings not generally required. But I answer questions if that helps!
@oshizu *high five* I got off hulu
Previously on Grim..The first week for the three houses is finally over and it only took forever! Each of the three bloodlines have established themselves with some pulling in the lead in areas where others were lacking but it's only the first week so we can't count anyone out just yet. Last time we saw Artie's house, Artie had just managed to make his witness a death requirement completed. The house is still kind of in shock but Artie was rather impressed with himself. Let's see if he can catch up to Blue & Green with finally getting a wife that can bring around an heir!
Week 2 - Artie (Part 1)(Larger Text Version)Addy - You could at least have the decency to actually be at work when I come back.
Artie - I was waiting on you!
Addy - That's just silly. How are you supposed to win this thing if you don't get promoted?
Artie - I dislike it when you are right.
Addy - I know.. now go to work for the hour you have left.
Addy - Well hello Vivian. I didn't expect to see you tonight as well.
Vivian - Excuse me. I'm off to break and dirty more things.
Addy - I really wish you wouldn't.
Vivian - Artie is going to go nuts.
Addy - That's why I'm asking you not to. Though I could just make cleaning and repairing things club activities then your family will be the one cleaning up after you.
Vivian - You take the fun out of being a ghost.
Artie - Vivian.
Vivian - Artie.
Artie - You've broken enough items for the evening. I would like it if you would go back to your tombstone.
Vivian - A tombstone that you put me in.
Artie - You enjoyed the going and it was only a few days earlier than it would have been.
Vivian - I hope you lose.
Artie - Not likely.
Addy - Always cracks me up how neat you are.
Artie - It's a reaper thing.
Addy - Still funny. When you're done with that you should probably go work on a skill or something.
Artie - Always so bossy.
Addy - Okay be lazy. The whole house can do nothing for the week I'm here.
Artie - Slave driver.. Just like your mother.
Addy - We just built the science room and you're already in it.
Alice - I thought we might want one of these.
Addy - Yes, I think that's an excellent idea. I know just what to do with it.
Alice - Innovation breeds rewards. This is good stuff.
Addy - Just don't forget to make a few more.
(I don't know what it is with her posture. Always posing!)
Alice - How's this?
Addy - Well we have 5 people in the house, might be a good idea to make some more.
Alice - Surprised we don't just rally the troops.
Addy - I can't believe I forgot about that. Alice , you're a genius.
Alice - I know. I am a Scientist.
Addy - Naoki! Aren't you supposed to be at home working on something?
Naoki - Thanks for noticing me. I didn't want to after you left. I decided I was too gloomy to work. I'm just going to walk around over here.
Addy - I'm gonna get you a tail I can pin on your butt with a bow on it.
Naoki - Huh?
Addy - Never mind. Enjoy your walk.
Artie - Hey how about we make this flea market interesting?
Alice - Oh yea? What you have in mind?
Artie - Whoever wins gets to choose a new club activity!
Eric - Can it be a banned activity?
Artie - Sure why not. *chuckles*
Eric - I do believe I just won.
Artie - Your wife isn't done.
Addy - She's throwing like a 3 year old. I think the game is done. I'm calling it.
Eric - I'm good.
Addy - Okay what are we or aren't we going to be doing now?
Eric - Banned activity. No more being mischevious--
Artie - hey!
Eric - To the Club!
Artie - Okay that one I can do. I'll even agree to no more fighting.. To people in the club.
Eric - And you can't kick out Dennis.
Artie - No fun. You're all no fun.
Addy - I don't think I've ever seen you work so hard.
Artie - Shh. The troll is watching.
Gym Trainer - I heard that.
Artie - I didn't say anything.
Naoki has joined with others to protest.. I don't even know what. I think he misses me.
Addy - Hah. I look away for one minute and you fall.
Marcus - You're supposed to hold on, Artie.
Gym Trainer - Are you okay?
Addy - Oh don't worry about him. He's got a hard head.
Artie - Yeah I'm fine, Gellie.
Don - Wow look at her go.
Dennis - Oh come on, son. No one really wants to see that!
Eric - Dad.. At least he has a towel on.
Alice - *mumbling* I don't mind seeing it.
Bella - You kind of stink, Grim.
Gym Trainer - You get back on there and finish your run.
Artie - No. I'm going to go shower. And thanks Bells. Have fun.
Later that night…Addy - You look happy.
Ankou - Only 6 more days til you come back to my house.
Addy - That baby better be there when I get back.
Ankou - He will be. I'll be glad when he can feed himself though.
Addy - You and me both. Now get and no breaking in.
Artie - Oh really.. So that's what I need.
Addy - What are you doing?
Artie - I was just reading up on my vampire lore. I learned a new recipe.
Addy - Anything good?
Artie - Let's find out.
Artie - Let's see if I remember how to do this.
Addy - Do what?
Artie - Mix a drink!
Addy - You should be working on other requirements.
Artie - I am working on something.
Addy - Doesn't look like it to me.
Addy - It reeks.
Artie - Well what do you expect a magical cure to smell like?
Addy - As a faerie and a former witch, not all magic has to smell bad.
Artie - No.. It does. I've smelt it all before.
Addy - You're not gonna do what I think you're gonna do are you?
Artie - No of course not. But it is Hijinks night.. So let's go.