@sdhoey Yeah he's from a bit ago but it's fun to see some things come together.
@oshizu Yes. The mid-ground is the Good Vampire one. I thought it fitting for him really. Good Vampires can still drink from Sims but they have to ask permission kind of thing. I'm curious to see if it's one of those "active" aspirations that I have to be there for as his days count off kind of thing.
@PeregrineTook He's had a lot of practice at being Artie. I think it's easy to forget sometimes that he's the way he is because after a while his antics aren't as in the spotlight when compared to everything else that goes on in a dynasty. But he's enjoying being back in the spotlight.
@FrancescaFiori There is nothing wrong with no knowing the origins. I will explain more as time comes because while I enjoyed the other dynasties from TS3 and my current one from TS4 I'm not going to make someone have to read those stories if you know what I meant. I'm glad you're excited and I promise to eventually fill you in.
Week 1 - Ankou (Part 3)(Larger Text Version)Bradford - You seem a little tense, sir.
Ankou - There are two bossy women in my life, a lazy man and his neat nitpicky wife. They never let me near the computer and all I seem to do anymore is read read read.
Bradford - You obviously need to call a club meeting.
Ankou - A club meeting?
Bradford - Yes, a club where you and others like you have something similar going on and then you get together for entertainment.
Ankou - It is my night off.
Eliza - Excuse me. Can I help you?
Pink Anvi - I just wanted to introduce myself to you. Hello.
Eliza - No you may not drink from me.
Pink Anvi - Your bad attitude would make it taste bitter anyway. No trust at all.
Addy - Wow Looking good there Bob.
Bob - Thank you. I think I need to add a little more red down here..
Addy - Are you enjoying yourself?
Bob - I thought painting would be fun but it's not. Though I guess it is rewarding, isn't it?
Addy - I think so yes. Also as a warning, we're about to be flooded with vampires in the house. Apparently Ankou has called on Spar Wars.
Bob - I heard the Anvis saying they needed wins for their aspirations.
Addy - Ahh that makes sense.
Anvi White - I will show you who's the better fighter.
Lilith - Bring it on old lady..
Lilith - *throws Anvi White into the air*
Anvi White - I may have underestimated you!
Lilith - What do you say now woman?
Anvi White - *faint* How about a rematch?
Addy - Really? Wait who is fighting over there..
Addy - Oh yeah.. that looks all kinds of scary. Sheesh.
Caleb - Do you yield?
Pink Anvi - Again!
Pink Anvi - *growling* how does it feel.
Caleb - I get it ! Put me down.
Pink Anvi - *drags Lilith around by the neck for her second win*
Ankou - Ladies Ladies.. don't break the massage table, it's new.
Lilith - What are you too chicken to fight?
Pink Anvi - We hadn't asked him yet.
Ankou - Don't want to embarass yourselves?
Pink Anvi - Let's go then..
Ankou - Alright..
Ankou - *gives Pink Anvi a toss with a growl*
Pink Anvi - *shocked speechless*
Addy - Hey.. calm down and finish the fights. It's almost noon.
Ankou *hisses at the sun*
Addy - Then don't go outside..
Ankou - The plants need watering.
Addy - It must make you so mad to remember the days when you could garden in peace..
Ankou - *flies back inside* Don't be a brat, Adrasteia. It's only temporary.
Addy - At least until you get back to your research.
Addy - What's that?
Pink Anvi - I've decided to have a special little drink that I've just learned from my research.
Addy - What does it do other than leave a smoke trail behind you?
Pink Anvi - It resets my powers and allows me to take new weaknesses and new abilities.
Addy - Sweet.. let's work on that shall we? Also.. your dark side is showing.
Addy - What's wrong?
Ankou - I was just thinking that I should probably go looking for a bride.
Addy - And what's wrong with the eligible ladies currently available?
Ankou - What do you mean?
Addy - Well?
Ankou - It's.. different. Not as hot, tastes like the smell of a hospital.
Addy - But could you live on it.
Ankou - Yes but I imagine it's like having soy cheesecake. You know it's supposed to be the same but it's not exactly right.
Addy - You're making that face again.
Ankou - I thought about our other little problem and you're right.
Addy - I am?
Ankou - It's time to put on the Grimfang charm.
Addy - Oh bother.
Ankou - You're looking quite resplendent this evening, Anvi.
Pink Anvi - I do believe that's the sparkles from the lot trait.
Ankou - No, it's the warm glow from a fresh feed. The inspiration of a recent shower. The focus of creating something from a block of wood.
Pink Anvi - Well aren't you a sweet talker. I thought you'd never come around.
Ankou - What? I.. I don't know what to say. I just..
Pink Anvi - Where you going?
Ankou - I just need a moment.
Addy - No reason to be embarrassed.
Ankou - Easy for you to say though I'm not embarrassed. I'm just consulting with my friend, Plasma 4.
Addy - Uh huh.
Pink Anvi - Ankou, sweetheart, come over here with me.. please.
Ankou - *looks in her direction, firms his resolve* Be right there, m'dear.
Pink Anvi - Is there something you wanted to ask me, Ankou?
Ankou - *still slightly embarassed* Actually, yes there is, Miss Anvi. You see. Well..
Pink Anvi - Yes?
Ankou - Anvi..
Pink Anvi - Hi Ankou..
Ankou - You're not going to make this easy on me, are you?
Pink Anvi - Not at all..
Ankou - I have a small.. proposition for you, m'dear.
Pink Anvi - I'm listening.
Ankou - You see I would really like to kiss you but I can't have you embarrassing me any further so I would like you to be honest and tell me if that would be a bad idea before I try.
Pink Anvi - Stand up with me, darling.
Ankou - If you wish..
Pink Anvi - *makes a move*
Ankou - Anvi!
Pink Anvi - You were moving too slow, youngling.
Ankou - Well in that case. I have a new proposition for you. *Face changes a little bit*
Pink Anvi - Now I'm really listening..
Ankou - *leans in for a whisper*
Pink Anvi - You want to do what?!
Ankou - You heard me.
Pink Anvi - I'm just.. I don't know.
Ankou - It won't hurt, I promise.