Author Topic: Afraid of Mummies  (Read 5085 times)

Offline athena

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Afraid of Mummies
« on: December 06, 2010, 02:29:13 AM »
I'm afraid of battling with mummies, at what VISA level does a Sim start battling with mummies? And at what level of athletic skill or martial arts will the mummy be defeated (without using mummy snacks)? Does a mummy curse a Sim only when the Sim is defeated or as a sort of revenge when he gets beat up?  ???

Offline Esther1981

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Re: Afraid of Mummies
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2010, 02:43:58 AM »
Actually, I don't think it has to do with visa level. I went into a tomb one time, walking through opening chests and bam out jumped a mummy! I had no athletic or martial arts skill and got defeated but I think I've had one with like 4 or 5 levels athletic skill win. The mummy's curse is only when they defeat your sim, and there is a 50/50 chance of the sim just passing out. The mummy's curse is no big deal if you have a moodlet manager or the testingcheatsenabled true on just ctrl+click the moodlet away and be done with it. Don't be afraid of mummies, just know that there is a chance of one popping out of a sarcophagus and be prepared! You will be fine!  ;D

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Offline Anushka

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Re: Afraid of Mummies
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2010, 02:45:58 AM »
Athena, mummies are not appearing related to VISA level. You can find them in China in two tombs (Terracotta army tomb and Dragon Cave) but you need adventure to reach them. In Egypt there is much more of them, and they are all in sarcophagus. They appear after you inspect sarcophagus (I think they can appear if you inspect some chests or enter some special areas too).
Now, there is nothing to be worry about. It is recommended that your Sim has maxed both martial arts and athletic but it is not necessary. I had a situation where mummy cursed a Sim who was there only to take a picture of explorer who fight with it. When curse happen, you have many many options. You should travel to Egypt if you're not already there, and look for adventure Soaked, Burned, Cursed (or something like that) and that will lead you to the Sphinx where you can plead to soulpeace statue to take that curse off. Also, you can practice that snake charming. If nothing work, you have several cheat options (you do get 14 Sim days so there's plenty of time). You can put testingcheatsenable on and Click of the moodlet, or pace soulpeace statue find in buydebug and plead to it in your home, of simply, harvest deadflower from graveyard and wait for Grimm to give it to him.
I fight with many many mummies, and only 2 times got cursed situation. Once with Sim I mention, who was photographing tomb exploration, and once in Egypt even if martial arts and athletic was maxed.
You can beat a mummy and get cursed, you can run away and still get cursed. But still, it is rare and if happen, it's nothing to worry about.

Offline Esther1981

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Re: Afraid of Mummies
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2010, 02:58:57 AM »
Anushka, you have beaten a mummy and gotten cursed? I thought it only cursed you when you get defeated! I've fought several and the only time I pass out or got cursed is if the mummy beat me!

Offline athena

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Re: Afraid of Mummies
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2010, 04:07:40 AM »
Thanks for your quick replies, I guess meeting a mummy can't be avoided in adventures. I don't use cheats like testingcheatsenabled, the only cheat I use is Aging Off, so my Sims really are up on their own when battling with mummies.  I've got two Sims who are serious in adventures: One Sim wants a vacation house, so he needs to up his VISA level and explore the tombs, (2) Another Sim has a LTW of Great Adventurer (or the one where a Sim gets to fully explore six tombs in every location). BTW, are there mummies in France? Thanks! :)

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Re: Afraid of Mummies
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2010, 04:16:03 AM »
Yes, I believe there are mummies in France.  Although the Visa isn't directly related to finding a mummy, they tend to start showing up when you get the more advanced adventures.  You're not likely to find one on your first couple of adventures.  The game gives you time to prepare your Sim for an encounter with a mummy.

There's also a page about mummies on the Guide.
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