Author Topic: This Thing Called Life *Canceled*  (Read 9305 times)

Offline TheGoat

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Re: This Thing Called Life
« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2017, 01:57:17 AM »
I know why you called it "blah," Ally. You're still setting the stage, introducing the characters, etc. It takes time to build the drama. But I was happy to see you made an update, and I'm just posting to let you know that. I'm looking forward to where you take this new story.

Offline Ally3772

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Re: This Thing Called Life
« Reply #16 on: June 28, 2017, 04:16:26 PM »
Hey guys, I REALLY hate to do this but I am cancelling this story. It's just been too long and I've forgotten where I want to go with it. I also got a new computer recently so I don't know how to transfer files over from my laptop. HOWEVER, I do miss writing stories and playing Sims so I am thinking of creating a new one soon! I just need time and patience =] I'm sorry to those who were invested in this story and wanted to say thank you for your time and interest in this story!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

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