Author Topic: Story Thread Setup Example  (Read 16356 times)

Offline MrsFlynn

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Story Thread Setup Example
« on: January 12, 2017, 08:25:41 PM »
I am creating a story example to help those that might need it. This is an optional way to set up a story thread.

There are a few things that can be put in the first post. You could post an introduction to the story with a photo or two, the chapter's list, stats of some sort or anything really. It all depends on how you want to set it up.

Please see Story Writer's Notes linked below for more editing tips.

Posting a Story in the Forum:

In my example given I will be using the Sims 4 Misc. and Player-Made Challenge Stories

1. Click on the words Sims 4 Creative Stories and Player-Made Challenge Stories

2. Scroll down past the Child Boards just above the stickied topics there is a Green highlighted New Topic Button.

3. Click the New Topic button to create the first post of your story. (The thread will show up under the stickied topics section)

4. Enter your subject and an introduction message or chapter list. Click Preview to look it over and then post when finished.

** If you are here to share/post stories, a good rule of thumb is to keep the same story in the same thread by replying to your own posts for each chapter or part to the story. - Click the reply button at the bottom of the thread.

Click either link below to learn how to share links and photos in the forum.

How To: Create Links on the Forum and with text

Adding Photos to Posts

Sharing Photos on the Forum

How To: Edit Photos - Basics using

Don't get discouraged if you don't get a lot of comments.  Many readers just like to lurk quietly and read.  Look at the number of views to judge the success of your story.  :)

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Offline MrsFlynn

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"Reserved" posts
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2017, 08:27:40 PM »
Click Reply at the top or bottom of the thread, to add another post.

Regardless what you put in your 2nd post, it is suggested if you're going to have a long story - give the chapter list a post of it's own. - It makes it easier to add chapter links.

How To: Create Links on the Forum and with text.
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Offline MrsFlynn

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Additional "Reserved" posts
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2017, 08:31:57 PM »
For example, you could have a post for stats, meet the family with a link to a family tree, or something like that.

Keep clicking Reply for each additional informational post you want to add. As again, they cannot be added or moved up later. This is limitation of the forum. See note in post below. (Story Writers Notes)

If for some reason you've added extra posts for information and they aren't needed,  click the word Remove up by the subject line to remove the extra post.

Some Tips:

*An intro to the story should definitely include at least one image to boost reader interest. 

*People doing multi-generational games might consider creating a Family Echo account and providing a link for readers, where they can see a family tree with names, photos, and other info. - Readers will find it useful when they need a quick reminder of who's who.

*Players doing a scored challenge (Pinstar legacy, Wonder Child challenge, etc.) might want a post for sharing their current score, the challenge rule set, as well as any revisions they've made to the original rule set.

*If you're new to the forum and are thinking of sharing your own stories, get involved, leave thoughtful comments on other writer's stories, this may help you get more readers when you start sharing stories of your own. :)
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Offline MrsFlynn

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Story Writers Notes
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2017, 08:36:05 PM »
I wanted to add an extra post for notes.

I've removed the tip of locking your thread for editing purposes.  Members are allowed to lock/unlock their own threads, (option is to the bottom left of your thread) but aren't able to edit their posts when locked.

Sorry about that!!

Should you have any problems editing your post, please pm me - MrsFlynn, or any of the staff to ask for help.

You can change the subject line of each post if desired. After you've started your thread click the word Modify - to the right of the subject line and edit as needed.

If you want to edit a post, click the word modify up by the subject line. This only edits one post at a time. There isn't anyway to edit the whole thread at once.

However, you can change the name of the entire thread (and the way it appears in the "Show unread posts" and "Show new replies" features), by clicking Modify on the first post in the thread then changing the subject line.

Please Note: The forum is limited in what can be done post editing wise.

We can split topics and merge them. However, when merging a topic the posts goes by the date of the posts. Our forum software (Simple Machines Forums) does not support just adding or moving posts where-ever we want to put them.
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