Author Topic: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *New Updates* 07/08/2018  (Read 87602 times)

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Hospital Trip #1* 01/29/17 Updated
« Reply #90 on: January 30, 2017, 06:51:13 AM »
Oh, Sean!  The first nooboo.  LOL Kian's staring at her like "this is not what you looked like when I left for work this morning".  Nice to see he was correct in his prediction of a boy.  Now I can't wait to watch Sean grow up.  Candy's up next!

Had to giggle at Kian getting nervous about the machine and the doc saying "the machine's fine!"  Yeah right, doc, as if the machine is what he's worried about here.

Luna's hard at work to complete that artistic aspiration, I see.  She really is a lot more pretty than I have given her credit for. 
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Offline sdhoey

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Welcome Home Sean* 01/30/17 Updated
« Reply #91 on: January 30, 2017, 03:59:28 PM »
Luna: Hey little man, welcome home.

Luna: You are part of a very important dynasty with your daddy. You are gonna get to life a long and happy life.

Sean: *coo, gurgles*

Luna: Yes sir, that's right. And your future wife is going to grow up right in this house with you.

Luna: There you go sweetie. Eat up..

Yuki: So what was it like having a nooboo? A lot of pain?

Luna: Well, a little I guess. I mean I really was thinking about getting to see my nooboo.

Luna: Plus the Dr. gives you something for the pain.

Yuki: Hmm, okay. I'm never having kids. So I'm happy.

Kian: Hey there little buddy. Look at you all small and cute. *inhales* And there's that baby smell.  We are going to have a fun together.

So everyone finally let Sean go to sleep. I'm loving the update with the new wallpapers.

So getting back to your painting already?

Luna: Of course. It's nice outside. Sean is asleep and I can get some paints done.

Luna: Plus, I'm just glad to able to get close to my easel again.

Luna: Any idea when Candy is gonna have her baby?

Soon I hope. Her moodlet says anytime.

Yuki: Am I the only one that feeds the birds around here?

Well I think the last time Candy did, the birds attacked her.

Yuki: Probably the pink hair thing.

Yuki: I hope I haven't overfed them.

No, they will eat on it for a few days.

Gianna's roses are looking beautiful. I wish we could put them in a vase.

Kian: I know right? But she said that as long as we could sell them, then make the cash off them.

Oh by the way, Sean is a handsome baby. Congrats.

Kian: Thanks. I hope I do a good job as a father.

Johnny: Hey there pretty momma. What cha hiding?

Candy: Well, Johnny Cakes, I'm certainly not hiding this. Wanna feel the nooboo?

Johnny: Wow!! I did that?

Candy: Well, we did this.

Johnny: Will I hurt it? Hello? This is daddy. I hope you're comfy in there. You have to come out soon.

Candy: Oh that feels so good Johnny.

Johnny: Your shoulders are all knotted up honey.

Candy: Well you carry around a 50 lb watermelon all day long and see how your back and shoulders feel.

Johnny: Sorry honey.

Here's our second momma to be.

Yuki: This pufferfish sushi stuff is great.

Be Careful eating that. Make sure you use fresh fish also. 

Candy: So have you thought about coming in watching tv with me?

Johnny: Sure I'll come in and watch tv. What do you wanna watch?

Candy: Johnny Cakes???

Johnny: Yes dear?

Candy: JOHNNY!!!!!

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Offline wfgodot

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Welcome Home Sean* 01/30/17 Updated
« Reply #92 on: January 30, 2017, 04:37:17 PM »
Go time, Johnny!!!

He's a funny guy.  "Will I hurt it?"  LOL. 

I think the birds attacking the sims is so funny.  And that wallpaper is really cool.  I hadn't even noticed it but now I might check it out.  Also enjoyed Kian and Luna's sweet moments with Sean.
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Offline oshizu

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Welcome Home Sean* 01/30/17 Updated
« Reply #93 on: January 30, 2017, 06:24:43 PM »
Oh, I can't wait to see the kids. They're going to be so beautiful! :D

Offline sdhoey

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Hospital Time #2* 01/30/17 Updated
« Reply #94 on: January 30, 2017, 07:51:09 PM »
Johnny: Are you sure?

Candy: Johnny, I think I know when it's time.

Johnny: *hugging* I'm sorry honey. Why don't you let the Dr. on his messenger and we will get going?

Johnny: Breathe honey, slowly

Candy: Shut up and breathe yourself.

Candy: Just go sit down while I check in.

Candy:  Yes, I'm Candy Behr and I called ahead.

Receptionist: Oh yes Miss Behr, The Dr is waiting for you.

Candy: OUCH!!! This baby is not waiting anylonger.

Receptionist: And all done. You can go back now.

Dr. : Now just relax and the nooboo will be here soon Candy.

Johnny: Dr. she doesn't look to good. What's happening?

Dr: She's having a nooboo Mr. Zest.

Johnny: Why are you putting glue in her stomach?

Dr. : It's works better than staples and stitches. No scar

Johnny: SCARS?? Are you cutting her open? Knifes?

Candy: Johnny Cakes? Do my favor and shut up. Please, I need to stay calm.

Johnny: I'm trying honey, but for some reason I can't.


Candy: Is that a nooboo? My nooboo?

Dr.: Congrats, you have a healthy baby girl.

Candy: Oh look at my beautiful little princess.

Oh look at her. What's her name?

Candy: Watcher, meet Kari Zest.

Welcome to the family Kari Zest.

Back at the house, both the nooboos are sleeping soundly in the nursery.

Yuki: I hate dirty things. It's making me uncomfortable.

Well clean it up and go see your niece.

Yuki: Look at you. You look just like your mommy when she was a baby. I remember the pics that we used to have.

Yuki: When you grow up, you are going to be one beautiful young lady. Johnny is going to have a problem on his hands.

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Toddlers X's Two* 01/30/17 Updated
« Reply #95 on: January 30, 2017, 08:05:33 PM »
Moving forward three days

Luna: Good morning sweetheart. I hope you are ready for what's going to happen because I know mommies not.

Luna: Today is your day to become a toddler. My little man is growing up.


Luna: Look at my big boy.

Sean: Mommy. Big boy

Luna: Come here sweetness, then you can get the watcher to help with some new clothes.

After a trip the dresser. Sean has a new wardrobe.

Sean: Me cute.

Luna: Time for a nap little guy.

Sean: Weeee

Sean: nite nite..

Sean: My bed.


Luna: *tucking in* There, there, all tucked in.

Luna: *kisses forehead* Nite nite little guy.

Sean: Nite nite mommie

Even Luna takes a much needed nap.

But downstairs Candy is turning into an adult. Finally.

Candy: I hope I can keep figure.

*blows out candles*

Candy: Now that is what I'm talking about. Still cute as ever.

Off to the nursery for another toddler.

Candy: Now it's time for my little angel to become a toddler too.


Candy: That's my big girl. COme to mommy.

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Toddlers X's Two* 01/30/17 Updated
« Reply #96 on: January 30, 2017, 11:28:07 PM »
Awww. Sean's a cutie and he knows it! Little charmer! Kari looks cute as a button as well. So excited to see those two grow up together!

Relieved to see Luna sneaking in a nap. :)

That new wallpaper really is wonderful. Your nursery is super cute!

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Offline wfgodot

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Toddlers X's Two* 01/30/17 Updated
« Reply #97 on: January 31, 2017, 06:32:50 AM »
Sean got his dad's beautiful blue eyes.  It looks like Kari looks a lot like Johnny!  Speaking of whom, he gave a great performance at the hospital!  Very entertaining.  Happy birthday to Candy.
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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Toddlers X's Two* 01/30/17 Updated
« Reply #98 on: January 31, 2017, 12:32:51 PM »
Both toddlers look adorable! Sean has such intense eyes. I'm really liking this so far!

Offline sdhoey

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Cuteness Overload 1* 02/01/17 Updated
« Reply #99 on: February 01, 2017, 01:36:22 PM »
Sean: Why there a girl in here?

Kari: I your girlffind.

Sean: *hugs doll* I wuv my dollie.

Kari: ugey shirt.

Candy: That outfit looks so much better then that other one. Plus you said you wanted to go potty.

Kari: Me go potty.

Sean: Babble, babble, house

Luna: That's right honey. This is your home, your room.

Sean: B I G house.

Luna: apple, ap ple

Sean:  food

Candy: Can you say, fashion?

Kari: Pretty, Kari love Sean. He cute.

Candy: *Laughs* Okay, not ready for that yet honey.

Kari: Mommy luvs daddy this much

Candy: And we love Kari that much too.

Kari: *frowns* Mommy, I go potty in my pants.

Candy: Oi!! You just went to the potty honey.

Kari: it okay mommy. You fix.

Luna: Let's try the flash cards now sweetie.

Kari: Mommy not happy

Sean: Potty.

Luna: Good job son.

Sean is very independent, he likes to play on his tablet.  ALOT.

Kari likes to play on hers too.

Sean: I big boy

Sean: *grunts*

Sean: *proud smile*

Candy: Dinner time for the kiddo's

Candy: Here's your pbj honey


Kian: Hang on son.

Kian: Pbj for the little man too.

Kari: nom nom nom

Sean: I no like

Kari: good pbj..

Sean: No like

Kari: *sound asleep*

Offline sdhoey

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Cuteness Overload 2* 02/01/17 Updated
« Reply #100 on: February 01, 2017, 02:00:18 PM »
Candy: Okay sleepy head, off to bed for you.

Kari: *giggles*

*Kari  has the "clingy" trait as a toddler."

Kari: No go mommy

Candy: Hush angel. It's okay.

Candy: *kisses forehead* Mommy loves you.

Kair: Wuv you mommy

Sean: *muggin* Read story

Luna: The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout. Out came the rain and washed the spider out.

Luna: Out came the sun and dried up all the water. The itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again.

Luna: Now it's time to close those eyes and go to sleep.

Sean: okty mommy *yawns*

Both are out like a light.

Luna: Now I can work on my charisma some.

Good luck. Let's hope they sleep thru the night.

Luna: Now don't go and jinks it watcher.

What's wrong?

Candy: I have a feeling that my little angel is out of bed.

That's because she is. She is clingy you know.

Candy: Why are you out of bed sweetie?

Kari: Need to go peepee mommy.

Candy: Good girl, at least you didn't wet the bed.

Kari: Will you sleep will me mommy?


Candy: Oh honey, your bed is made just for you.

Kari: But I scared.

Candy: How about I get daddy?

Johnny: What's wrong with daddy's little girl?

Kari: I scared daddy.

Johnny: There's nothing to be scared of. Daddy is here and Uncle Kain is here and nothing is going to get you.

*kisses forehead*

Johnny: Nite nite little bug.

Kari: *Sighs*

Offline oshizu

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Cuteness Overload 1* 02/01/17 Updated
« Reply #101 on: February 01, 2017, 02:01:18 PM »
Awww, they're so cute! Sean already looks like Kian!
They both seem to have their fathers' eye colors.  It's going to be so great joining you in watching them grow together!
But...we need more toddler hairstyles!

Edited add: Papa Johnny is cute with his little girl. <3

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Cuteness Overload 2* 02/01/17 Updated
« Reply #102 on: February 01, 2017, 02:06:53 PM »
Awww, they're so cute! Sean already looks like Kian!
They both seem to have their fathers' eye colors.  It's going to be so great joining you in watching them grow together!
But...we need more toddler hairstyles!

Edited add: Papa Johnny is cute with his little girl. <3

He looks just like his daddy. I agree both have their daddy's eyes. With Kari, as a toddler is it hard to know who she looks like. But As a teen, I already know.

As for more hairstyles. I found some CC later. But I didn't want to change her hair. I thought she looked cute.

Offline oshizu

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Cuteness Overload 2* 02/01/17 Updated
« Reply #103 on: February 01, 2017, 02:08:58 PM »
Oh no, I was not referring to Kari's hair. She looks adorable in pigtails with Johnny's haircolor.

I was thinking more of my own struggle to keep away from toddler hair cc...

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Cuteness Overload 2* 02/01/17 Updated
« Reply #104 on: February 01, 2017, 02:10:34 PM »
Oh no, I was referring to Kari's hair. She looks adorable in pigtails with Johnny's haircolor.

I was thinking more of my own struggle to keep away from toddler hair cc...

Oh I gotcha.. LOL I need a nap right now. Old age is catching up with me. ;)

