Author Topic: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *New Updates* 07/08/2018  (Read 87607 times)

Offline sdhoey

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Mother's Birthday Pt 2* 03/02/17 Updated
« Reply #240 on: March 03, 2017, 03:15:37 PM »
@wfgodot @FrancescaFiori  @oshizu yes Pink hair rules. LOL They did look so cute together. I'm hoping to get an update in today. Depends on how I'm feeling later.

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Trip to the Glade* 03/03/17 Updated
« Reply #241 on: March 03, 2017, 04:50:19 PM »
Poor Cowplant, he bit the dust.

I love the sun rays that come over the garden in the morning. I also fenced off the main garden from Sean's small part with his museum stuff for his ambrosia.

Luna: Is this good for the portrait Kari dear?

Kari: That's perfect mom. This will be perfect for dad's museum.

Kair: *thinking* I hope I'm as beautiful as mom and my mom when I get their age.

Sean is trying to keep his boyish figure.

The finished portrait in Kian's museum.

After his workout, Sean took the family to Willow Creek to see this mysterious tree that finds the glade.

After viewing the tree, he compliments it on it leaves.

Kari: Do I have competition with a tree now? *snickers*

Sean: Funny honey.

Sean: Cool, it does work.

As he steps in he tries to remember the steps he read online on how to get there.

Kari: Oh you did, Sean I knew you could do it. It's beautiful here.

Sean: Not as beautiful as you. But now to find this Tree fish.

I think you're in the wrong part for the treefish.

Sean: Shh, I believe the fancy goldfish is in here.

Oh I forgot about that one.

I can never get enough of this place. It is so beautiful.

Well you caught a puffer fish. WOOHOO

Sean: Bugger off.

Aren't these two so cute. After all these years they are still in love.

Kian: You are still so hot in the workout outfit.

Luna: *blushes* Don't you drop me.

Kian: I'll drop myself before I drop you my love.

Well the two fish were caught and back at home, Kian was taking pictures of Luna and Kari.

Kian: Oh that's nice honey.

Luna: Oh my heart be still.

Kian: Oh that is too sweet Kari.

Kian: Well I'm finally off to see Sixam.

Kian: Wow, look at this place. There's a lot of vegetation to harvest and collectables to collect.

Looks like this alien had a late night at "aliens night" ..

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *New House Mates* 03/03/17 Updated
« Reply #242 on: March 03, 2017, 08:43:07 PM »
Hey little buddy, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. Your uncle Paolo is downstairs talking to Uncle Kian about it now.

Damien: Thanks, but can I play alone. I'm not much in the talking mood right now.

Sure thing. But yell if you need something.

Kian: I'm so sorry to hear about Jade.

Paolo: Thanks, it's Damien I'm worried about.

Paolo: See, my time is coming to end very very soon. And when it does, Damien will be culled from the town. With no other adult in the house, it's gonna happen.

Kian: Well, just move in with us. He'll have a home with his father and you will be a watched sim and be comfortable for a few days.

Paolo: Excuse me? Did I hear you right?

Kian: I didn't stutter. We have the room. That boy will get to know his father and you can die knowing he is being taken care of.

Paolo: You're telling me, that you are gonna open your house to that child and me. A man you hardly know.

Kian: Yep, If Jade trust you to leave her son with you, then I see no problem.


Paolo: Then I accept. Thank you Kian. That takes a lot off my mind.

Kian: No problem. Now I'm gonna go tend to my garden and you just make yourself at home.

Welcome to the McGraw Home, Paolo.

Paolo: Thanks watcher. I think I'm gonna feed the birds now.

OH be careful, they can be some nasty things at times.

Paolo: Watch it you dirty little Llamas!!

Paola: Back, GET AWAY!!

Paolo: Dang man, these things get vicious when it comes to bird seed.

I think your blood pressure is up, go in and try to calm yourself down okay?

Paolo: Fine, I don't need Grim paying me a visit today. I just here.

Feeling better?

Paolo: Yeah, thanks. If I was back at the house, who knows what would have happened. *shudders*

Paolo: Man, being a watched sim is cool. I could used to this. Someone to remind me to take a shower, etc.

Paolo: And the best thing is, I won't die alone, and Damien gets to grow up.

Damien: Stupid kid. Putting that note on my back. I'll get him back for that.

Bad day at school?

Damien: Yeah, some kid put a "kick me" sign on my back.

Well, don't let it get to you. Your a watched sim now. Things are going to get better from here on out. Now get your home work done.

Found the nectar I see.

Paolo: Yep, Nice, tall, cool and tasty.

How was in the interview?

Sean: They loved my samples and I got the job. I even started at a level 3.

Well aren't you just sassy?

Sean: I'm just cool like that.

Sean: So you're Paolo? My dad sent me a text, telling me you and Damien had moved in. Nice to meet you.

Paolo: Thanks and you have a lovely home here. Your cooking is out of this world. I had a plate of your fried fish earlier.

Sean: Thanks man, Yeah feel free to help yourself to anything in the frig.

Offline oshizu

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *New House Mates* 03/03/17 Updated
« Reply #243 on: March 03, 2017, 09:25:47 PM »
I had a good laugh at Paolo and the bird feeder!!! My sims have never used it. Now I remember why, hahaha.

Kian's museum room is looking awesome!

Offline sdhoey

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *The Last Special Party* 03/04/17 Updated
« Reply #244 on: March 04, 2017, 12:34:26 PM »
Damien: And the prince and the princess rode of in the carriage to live happily ever after. 

Sean: Yes that's right. You have everything ready? The guest list I sent you last night?

Party Central: Yes Mr. McGraw, everything is set. Guest are notified all you need to do is show up.

Sean: Great, we are on our way.

Luna: Is this what I think it is son?

Sean: Yep, so let's get this show on the road.

Ishaan: Look at my little Princess, she is so cute in her dress.

Lynn decided to dress in her best for the "special" occasion.

Welcome to the spot of our first date. Kari and I would like to invite you all to join us and our family in exchanging our vows and our hearts with each other.

Sean: Are you ready for this darling?

Kari: *sighs* I just wish my parents were here.

Sean: I sent a notice to them. They may not be ready yet. Give them time.

Sean: *takes her hand* Right now all that matters to me is that the love of my life is right in front of me and is about to become my wife.

Kari: I love you so much.

Sean: Everyone's here, you ready?

Kari: Ready.

Kari: *caress face* Sean McGraw, Since we were in diapers, I know I was gonna marry you one day.

Kari: I told you everyday, that you were mine. I have loved you my whole life. Today, I pledge my love, heart, soul and life to you.

Sean: Kari Zest, You drove me crazy telling how much you like me as kids. I acted like it was nothing, but I loved you so much, it scared it. So with this ring, I promise to love you, care for you. Be faithful to only you. You are my heart and soul. I am truly, madly, and deeply in love with only you.


I know pronounce you Mr & Mrs. Sean McGraw, You may kiss the bride.

Sean: Oh most definitely intend too.

A round of drinks for everyone √

Cutting of the cut √

Tradition of feeding each other √

Flirting with the spouse √ √ √

It is also Ishaan's elder birthday.

Kain: Easy on the candles old friend.

Kian: Don't blow a lung. *chuckles*

Ishaan: I'm getting dizzy, I want off this ride.

Ishaan: My back...

Kian: Your hair.

One Gold Medal Wedding Party and the last one for Sean.

Offline wfgodot

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *The Last Special Party* 03/04/17 Updated
« Reply #245 on: March 04, 2017, 05:19:32 PM »
Aw, and the pink hair is gone.  I loved Kian pointing that out.

Wow I don't really understand how I missed so many updates.
I'm really happy you moved in Paolo and Damien.  It's still kind of shocking to see Luna looking so old.
Really nice wedding.  Good job getting all your parties done already.
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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Just Another Day* 03/06/17 Updated
« Reply #246 on: March 06, 2017, 10:24:24 AM »
Sean: Finally, some alone time to be properly married adults.

Kari: Are you sure you're doing this right? *giggles*

Sean: funny.

Kari: Please, Please, for mom, let this work.

Kari: YES YES!! it worked!!


Kari: There's a chance mom will get to see her grandchild.

Kari: SEAN SEAN!!! Guess what honey??

Sean: What's wrong honey?

Kari: We're pregnant!!

Sean: WE? I'm pregnant? How did that happen? *snickers*

Kari: No silly, I'm pregnant, we are gonna have a baby.

Sean: Oh baby. That's so OMG!! A nooboo..


Kari: OH man!! This belly popped out so fast. I don't think I can get close to this easel.

These two love the meditation area. They go here alot.

The blonde is Kash VillaRReal (no relation), Annabeth Fyres, I can't remember the other one right now. (bad watcher)
(This is taken in another file to see how the pink hairs would look.)

Paolo: I hear congrats are in order for the new father.

Sean: Thanks Paolo. I can only hope I'm as great a father as my dad is.

Paolo: No, I don't want cake, I just want to pet you and play. So keep your cake to yourself.

Cowplant: *huff*

Whatcha eating?

Kari: Strawberries. I read on Carl's forum that strawberries help with girls. Plus listening to pop music.

Look who I caught in the tub!!  :o

Jeeves: I know you are there. Bugger off now.


Sean: How are you enjoying your time here?

Paolo: Oh it's great, A bath, food, fun. People to spend time with.

Sean: OH yeah, that fish was that big. Almost pulled me in.

Paolo: Wow, glad you didn't pulled in, it might have eaten you.

Sean: Should you be on your feet so much honey?

Kari: I'm fine darling. I'm pregnant. I'm fine.

Kari: She moves around a lot. Very active our little girl is.

Sean: Could be a boy you know.

Kari: Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.

I wonder if he knows he has a nice soft bed behind the kitchen?

Paolo helps with the gardening. Gives him something to do besides hitting the nectar all day.

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *The "Star" is Bright* 03/06/17 Updated
« Reply #247 on: March 06, 2017, 10:59:05 AM »
You look happy today.

Damien: I am, I got an A in school. Yes!!

Great job, See, doing your homework does wonders. Now go and get it done, because now you have extra credit to do.

Damien: It's great being a watched sim. Thanks watcher.

Damien: I don't mind having extra homework, because now I know it will pay off for me.

Kari: Honey? You were doing the same thing the other day.

Kari: Here, you wanna feel the baby?

Sean: Yes I do.

Sean: Hello there little one, be easy on your momma. Don't kick to hard, you might bruise her.

Kari: I hate peeing all the time. I'm glad my time's almost up.

Damien: I love this typing game. It's so cool.

Playing around with some poses and pose player again.

Again, I swear he has a room.

Don't let all the blood go to your head.

Damien: It's fun doing this in the dark. No sun glare. Plus I can see the boats coming in.

What is it with this bench??

Kari: Sssseeaaaannn!!!!! It's time!!

Sean: What? The nooboo? Where? When?

Kari: Oh boy. Come on, let's go.

Kari: Thanks for meeting us Dr. Do you have a sedative for my husband?

Dr.: I think he'll be okay. Let's go have a baby.

Kari: I need to check in. Kari McGraw.

Receptionist: Okay. Your checked in. You can go on back.

Sean: I'm here sweetie, It's gonna be okay.

Sean: OMG! What's that machine??

Kari: Watcher, can you get him out of here?

Oh my goodness!! Look at the nooboo

Kari: Hello there little one. You are so beautiful. Welcome to the family Star McGraw.

Sean: She's beautiful just like her momma. I love you so much.

Kari: I love you to silly man. Let's go home and see our daughter.

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *The "Star" is Bright* 03/06/17 Updated
« Reply #248 on: March 06, 2017, 01:16:02 PM »
Yay! Welcome to Star! Congratulations! So wonderful that Luna gets to meet her grandboo.

I'm glad you got Damien moved in. He's such a cutie and he'll be a great addition to the household.

LOL at your napping bench! There's always a spot, isn't there? A napping spot that no sim can resist!

I love all the pouting, pink-haired toddlers! Those pigtails are to die for.  Also love the romantic shot of Sean and Kari! Their wedding vows were so great.

Offline oshizu

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *The "Star" is Bright* 03/06/17 Updated
« Reply #249 on: March 06, 2017, 02:39:29 PM »
I'm so happy to hear that Luna is likely to meet her child!
Wow, Kari was huuuuugggge! I was even wondering if she might have twins!

Welcome to the McGraw family, little Star!

Lol, I laughed at the Watcher snooping on Jeeves in his bathtub and appreciate the Watcher's diligent efforts to supervise the domestic help! o.O

Okay, Star, you need to hurry and jump out of that bassinet!
We want to enjoy your inevitable cuteness and watch you being spoiled rotten!

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *The "Star" is Bright* 03/06/17 Updated
« Reply #250 on: March 06, 2017, 03:50:42 PM »
Yes Luna will get to see her grandchild. YAY..

I had to stop playing and do Taxes. BOOOOOO

I'll be back to either update or play more later.

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Goodbye Paolo* 03/07/17 Updated
« Reply #251 on: March 07, 2017, 10:21:48 AM »
Welcome home little Star. Rest now because soon you will be moving around alot with alot to to learn.

In the bathroom?? Really? You were just in the kitchen, I queued you to eat. But NOOO you had to back to the bathroom and starve to death. UGH!!!

Jeeves: Oh my. In the head!! Not the best way to go.

Grim: Hey, whatever floats his boat. It keeps me in a job.

Kari: What?? NO?

Grim: Get in line sugar.

Kari: For one, this is my house. Second, do your job and get out.

Grim: Yep, your a Landgraab.

Maid: What's happening in here?

Jeeves: Master Paolo has past.


Sean: I'm just gonna go and tend to Star. Things are under control in here.

Grim: Let's go Paolo, No privacy in here.

Sean: Hey there beautiful. I know, he's a ugly little frog. He's leaving soon, Daddy with protect you.


Sean: You just need some attention. All this sadness is not good for my little girl.

Sean: Look, no one invited you to eat. Take your leave now.

Grim: I know when I'm not wanted. I'll be back and I'll be back soon.

Jeeves: All is well in here.

Sorry it was so short. I wanted to make Paolo's death a update on it own.

Offline wfgodot

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Goodbye Paolo* 03/07/17 Updated
« Reply #252 on: March 07, 2017, 06:45:17 PM »
Look at your bathing butler!  LOL... I don't think I have ever seen mine do that and she has her own bathroom even.
I'm glad they had a girl.  So Star will be with Damien?  I'm really curious about what he'll look like as a teen.

I always enjoy your visits from Grim.  How morbid, right.  They're awful but you do them so nicely.  I liked Sean taking time out with Star.
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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Goodbye Paolo* 03/07/17 Updated
« Reply #253 on: March 08, 2017, 12:22:18 PM »
Oh, farewell Paolo! He didn't actually die of hunger, did he? I mean, dying of hunger on your way to the refrigerator would be a very sim thing to do but . . .

It took me a second to remember why Kari is a Landgraab, but then I put it together. She does look it, doesn't she? In a very good way. Johnny had all the good Landgraab characteristics and he definitely passed them down!

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Re: McGraw Family Immortal Dynasty *Grandmothers* 03/08/17 Updated
« Reply #254 on: March 08, 2017, 01:46:33 PM »
Kari: Hey you!! Green see through lady, got plans for the afternoon?


Candy: Listen to you smart mouth. Come here and give your mother a hug!!

Kari: Oh mom, I've missed you so much.

Candy: I have missed you too. But look at you all grown up and married too.

Kari: Oh look, you're a grandmother now. Her name is Star.

Candy: I'm a grandmother.

Candy: *laughing* Oh my, I bet she is a hand full. She has her daddy's hair and eyes. But she has her mommy's beautiful looks.

Kari: Yes, table for two please.

Hostess: Yes ma'am. Right this way please.

Kari: It feels nice to be out for lunch with you. How's dad?

Candy: Oh he's good. He's been visiting with his parents and trying to mend the fences there. But he misses you and Kian.

Candy: All this food is weird looking. Does it even taste good?

Kari: Oh yes, we came here for Mom's birthday. She misses you alot.

Waitress: Are you ready to order ma'am.

Kari: *Places order*

Candy: I'm not sure that food with settle on my stomach good honey. It just didn't look good.

Kari: Oh mom, stop it. You worry too much.

Kari: You are looking good. That shade of green suits you.

Candy: Oh thank you baby girl.

Kari: You should really come by one day. See your granddaughter.

Candy: I'll try honey. But they have a us on a close rope in the neither world.

Kari: Enjoy mom.

Candy: I'm not so sure about this.

Candy" *gags* Oh gross this tastes like cat food. Gross.

Kari: *sighs* Oh mom.

Luna: Who's a good girl?

Luna: You are, that's right. My little Star is.

Luna: Grandmother loves you so much.

Star: goo, coo

Luna: Yes that's right. I'm gonna spoil you rotten.

Luna: You have your daddy and grandfather's eyes. My angel, you are beautiful. That's right you are.

Luna: *kisses* Grandmother loves you so much. I don't want to put you don't but I need to go eat.

Star: *sighs* coos

Star: *waaaaaaaaa*

Jeeves: Shhhhh it's okay. Wow, missy, you have a little stinky don't you?

Jeeves: Well, let's clean your little tender bum up now. Shh little lady.