Author Topic: The Johnson Immortal Dynasty (Complete)  (Read 27573 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Johnson Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #15 on: December 31, 2016, 06:51:33 PM »
The Johnson home just gets lovelier and lovelier.
Congratulations, Watcher, on your first immortal!

Upon ageing up, Ada lost what you'd termed her "sinister" look. And she's losing no time getting started on her requirements.
I was wondering why you would adopt two kids for Social Butterfly, but yes, Friend of the World...I understand now.

You're really whizzing through this challenge. :D

Offline Alex

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Re: The Johnson Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #16 on: January 01, 2017, 08:19:24 AM »
Yay! Congratulations to Christopher! First immortal already!
The house remodel is gorgeous, too!
The cake-smashing picture is great. My sims have never done that. I'm jealous!
Ada aged up to be lovely, and seems to be doing an amazing job on her requirements already.

Thanks! I haven’t seen the cake-smashing before either – Zoe did it spontaneously after she took the first slice of cake.

The Johnson home just gets lovelier and lovelier.
Congratulations, Watcher, on your first immortal!

Upon ageing up, Ada lost what you'd termed her "sinister" look. And she's losing no time getting started on her requirements.
I was wondering why you would adopt two kids for Social Butterfly, but yes, Friend of the World...I understand now.

You're really whizzing through this challenge. :D

Thank you! :)

The home also gets more and more cramped – the poor boys are crammed into one bedroom. (But better that than making somebody share with Malcolm....)

Yeah, I probably didn’t need to finish Social Butterfly, but I really hate the charisma skill and wanted to speed it up as much as possible, and I liked having the kids around, so it seemed like a reasonable trade-off :)

It was soon birthday time again, this time for Luke and Richard.

Luke had the kind of birthday every kid dreams about.

Richard’s really wasn’t much better.

The next day was another double birthday: Zoe became an elder, and Ada a young adult.

Ada’s traits are now Muser, Creative, Outgoing and Foodie. To nobody’s surprise, she decided to join the culinary career, and spent her birthday learning mixology.

And with Ada safely a young adult, Christopher concentrated on his sons for a while. He had a terribly awkward conversation with Luke about birds, bees, and pollination, which neither of them ever wishes to mention again.

And then ‘helped’ Nicholas out with a drawing. Nick surely couldn’t have coped without his Dad’s input.

It was soon time for another elder birthday – Malcolm’s, this time.

He might be an elder now, but he didn’t let the grey hair cramp his style.

The only person who has managed to resist his charms (other than Zoe and Ada, of course) is Cassandra Goth, who reliably runs away whenever he sets foot on her home lot. Smart woman. Ada was impressed by the Goth family’s good sense, and popped round to visit. She and Alexander hit it off, although she wasn’t too sure about his dress sense.

Cassandra stood over Alexander and tried to convince him that no good could come from spending time near Malcolm Landgraab, but he still said yes when Ada asked him to move in.

Ada learned her Just Stretching My Arm routine from her mother. It seemed to work on Alexander just as well as it did on Chris.

And from there things moved rather quickly... a lightning-fast proposal, with Malcolm playing the role of Gooseberry. In his defence, they were in his bedroom.

The wedding was a casual affair that evening, attended only by the bride’s family and whatever-Richard-and-Malcolm-count-as-let’s-go-with-close-friends.

And after the official wedding party, the bride and groom had a private party all of their own.

The boys had an after-party too, but theirs was a lot less fun.

Ada’s been getting a lot of cake-making practice recently. The next day was Nicholas’ birthday.

Now that all the boys are teens, and Ada’s making steady progress with her requirements, the house has calmed down rather. Inevitably, there’s a lot of fishing to be done.

The boys keep each other entertained.

So do Zoe and Christopher.

And Malcolm? Well, he’s keeping the local maternity outfitters in business, as Alexander discovered during a slightly awkward return from work one evening.

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Re: The Johnson Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #17 on: January 01, 2017, 08:50:53 AM »
Congrats on the first immortal.

Too funny about Luke and Richard and their poor birthdays!  I know it's pretty common for the spares to get the short end of the stick (my twins are always shoved aside and doing the cleaning, fishing, and gardening) but something about the way you worded it was humorous.  My two barely even make it into the story.

Nicholas is quite handsome.  Alexander and his socks though!
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Offline Alex

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Re: The Johnson Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2017, 05:10:12 PM »
Congrats on the first immortal.

Too funny about Luke and Richard and their poor birthdays!  I know it's pretty common for the spares to get the short end of the stick (my twins are always shoved aside and doing the cleaning, fishing, and gardening) but something about the way you worded it was humorous.  My two barely even make it into the story.

Nicholas is quite handsome.  Alexander and his socks though!


Luke and Richard (and Nick) do get to have their own lives, sort of, but yeah – they would probably do a lot less fishing and a lot less cleaning if it was up to them. Not to mention leaving home at some point.

This update opens with sad news. Zoe has left us. So long, Zoe, and thanks for all the angelfish.

A couple of days after her passing, Luke and Richard aged up into young adults. Nobody was in the party mood, so they just had cakes at home. We didn’t ask why Luke insisted on taking a stack of dirty plates with him to the cake. He seemed to take Zoe’s death especially hard, and carried them around for comfort for several days.

Luke has signed up as a Secret Agent; Richard has become an Astronaut.

Minutes after he saw his oldest son age up to young adulthood, Malcolm keeled over in the kitchen. Malcolm had a long and interesting, if not very varied, life, and is survived by nineteen children.

In more cheerful news, Nicholas has a girlfriend, Alysha Fyres. It’s a slight bone of contention in the household, because Alysha is Richard’s sibling, but then, so is most of the school.

Speaking of girlfriends, Luke recently made the acquaintance of one Katharine Lauer. Whether it will last remains to be seen, but they decided to honour Malcolm’s memory and tried for a baby.

Ada has become a Friend of the World. Mostly by staying in her bedroom talking to herself. Obviously.

The rest of the household haven’t been idle either. Alexander has become a musician, and spends much of his time distracting everybody else by playing the guitar in the kitchen. Richard has begun working on his fitness skill, although he’s finding it rather hard-going; in his recovery time, he also spends a lot of time carving wooden sculptures. And Nick has become addicted to mixology, which may or may not be an appropriate skill for a teenager.

Nicholas had his young adult birthday. Given his love of mixing drinks, he’s followed his sister into the culinary career.

And Ada gave Alexander some big news! That top may not be advisable for a pregnant woman, but Ada didn’t care.

The father-to-be had his elder birthday. Ada insisted on throwing him a party. Something about dynasty requirements.

It was somebody else’s birthday too. This is Natalie, the generation three heir.

Christopher was especially delighted with his newest granddaughter, and was always the first to get to the crib if Natalie needed anything. Or even if she didn’t.

While Chris was literally holding the baby, Ada and Alexander took a bit of time for themselves and popped out for a quick date. They spent most of it sitting down, but neither had the energy for much else.

They grow up so fast.... Here’s Natalie as a child. She looks a lot like her dad, but with Christopher and Ada’s eye colour. Like her grandmother Zoe, she has the Cheerful trait.

Like her mother before her, Natalie hadn’t got the memo about not talking to strangers, and spent her first few days of childhood running around making friends and acquaintances. (Incidentally, those are Luke and Katharine’s kids. Malcolm would be proud of his protégé.)

Natalie then started work on Whiz Kid, aided and abetted by Richard, who’s the family genius.

And Ada finished off her adult second aspiration – and ensured that neither her cooked meals nor her friendships will decay. She’s started work on a collection of ambrosia for the family museum.

Then, Alexander, as he was wont to do, sat down at his piano for a nice jam session.

Alas, it was to be for the last time, as Grim paid yet another visit to the Johnson household.

Ada in particular was as distraught as I’ve ever seen a Sim. Nicholas has been doing his best to cheer everybody up, but all in all, not the happiest of updates.... :(

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Re: The Johnson Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #19 on: January 03, 2017, 07:38:39 PM »
I’ve just bought myself City Living, and I sent Richard to visit the new city that had appeared. He hit it off with Penny Pizzazz, and by the time Ada befriended her a couple of days later, Penny seemed to have gained a few pounds around the middle. Penny and Richard’s new son is rather wonderfully named King Pizzazz, which is surely a recipe for a lifetime of bullying.

Luke has also been introducing himself to the new townies; his chosen victim partner is Miko Ojo.

Ada zipped around making a few more friends so that she would be ready for her ambrosia after her elder birthday. Apparently, this counts as conversing, if you’re a sim.

Natalie had her teen birthday. She now loves the outdoors and is gregarious.

Natalie’s going to be working on Angling Ace. She made a modest start by fishing in the pond at the park in Oasis Springs.

Nicholas had his adult birthday. Not wishing to advertise his impending old age, he made his own cake then aged up in the kitchen alone, with only Angelica to bear witness.

Anyway, being old doesn’t mean he has to be sensible. His mixology skill is progressing nicely, and he particularly enjoys having a good excuse to play with fire.

Luke met his new daughter, Sherry Ojo. While he was visiting the Karaoke Legends, he asked Akira Kibo to join the household as the new pollinator.

Akira started work straight away.

With him joining the household, the Johnson/Landgraab/Kibo house is officially too small. Everybody had their own bedroom before, albeit with a very odd floor plan to squeeze everybody in; there just wasn't space to squeeze in Akira as well. A renovation was called for. This one has a dedicated Pollination Suite, alongside enough bedrooms and hobbies rooms to accommodate eight heirs.

It took Nat all of about five minutes to work out where the nearest study was, and settle down to a nice game of Sims. Girl after my own heart.

They’ve also acquired (half of) a basketball court, which Christopher was the first to test out, although with his level 1 fitness, it will be a while before he’s any good.

In other news, Richard has maxed handiness, and has been smashing up public property.

He’s also maxed out fishing, and now keeps Natalie company while she strives to do the same.

And Ada had her elder birthday.

We quickly totted up the combined value of her ambrosia collection...

...which means it’s finally time for...

Heir: Ada Johnson
Traits: Creative, Outgoing, Foodie, Muser

Childhood aspiration completed: Artistic prodigy (& Social Butterfly)
Elementary school: Grade A achieved
High school: Grade A achieved

1 unique maxed career: Culinary – Chef branch
2 unique adult aspirations: Friend of the World, Master Chef
3 maxed skills: Gourmet cooking, Charisma, Mixology
4 unique rewards: Stoves and Grills Master, Frugal, Inspired potion, Instant hygiene
5 gold medal parties: Dinner party, Ada and Alexander’s wedding, Alexander’s elder birthday, Date with Alexander, House party
6 good friends: Yadira Lauer (BFF), Misael Elkins, Penny Pizzazz, Brynlee Kim-Lewis, Antonia Kim-Lewis, Shannon Kim-Lewis
7 emotional whims: Inspired – Talk about dreams; Playful – Send a playful text; Embarassed – Hide from everyone; Tense – Calm self down in mirror; Confident – Compliment someone; Happy – Dance to stereo music; Focused – Practice programming
8 museum items: Cooked meals (10 x ambrosia): 17,069; 16,144; 15,372; 15,332; 14,888; 14,551; 14,323; 14,092; 13,157; 12,929. Total: §147,857

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Johnson Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #20 on: January 03, 2017, 08:36:41 PM »
Yay! Wow! Congratulations on two immortals!

Another spectacular house remodel, too. Gorgeous! I had a zillion comments to make but they all flew out of my head once I saw the house. It's just too beautiful.

Nice choice of Akira as pollinator. He's cute and he's romantic, and it will be hard for him to get tense from jealousy if he's always got a girlfriend around. :)

King Pizzazz is officially my favorite sim name, ever. Amazing!

Finally, I love the shot of poor Darling banished to the balcony so Luke and Miko can have some intimate time. Hilarious.

Offline Alex

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Re: The Johnson Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #21 on: January 07, 2017, 10:51:19 AM »
Yay! Wow! Congratulations on two immortals!

Another spectacular house remodel, too. Gorgeous! I had a zillion comments to make but they all flew out of my head once I saw the house. It's just too beautiful.

Nice choice of Akira as pollinator. He's cute and he's romantic, and it will be hard for him to get tense from jealousy if he's always got a girlfriend around. :)

King Pizzazz is officially my favorite sim name, ever. Amazing!

Finally, I love the shot of poor Darling banished to the balcony so Luke and Miko can have some intimate time. Hilarious.

Thank you!

Akira still spends a lot of time jealous unfortunately – even if one girlfriend is right next to him, he seems to get concerned about what the others might be getting up to.

The household had a near-tragedy when Akira got the bright idea to barbeque himself as well as some hot dogs.

Fortunately Christopher and Richard are nifty with fire extinguishers. They stood around looking smug while a crispy Akira contemplated his brush with death.

One of his girlfriends, Cassidy Bjergsen, came round to take his mind off it.

Maybe it was the shock of the fire, but Natalie felt a sudden urge to be mean to a couple of people, and headed to the park to find herself some victims.

Once she’d made herself disliked by jeering at a couple of innocent elders, she headed home to troll teh forums.

With maturity like that, it was definitely time for her young adult birthday.

Natalie signed up for the social media career, and began the serious business of updating her status...

...meeting people in town...

...making poorly attended speeches...

...and playing video games.

In her downtime, she frequented fishing spots, and knocked out the final stage of Angling Ace.

And once that was done, she found herself a friend, and tested out her mischief skill on him.

Maybe it’s his insane trait, but Finn agreed to move in despite the Hand Buzzer. He looked a bit anxious about it, though. He’s the fourth of Malcolm Landgraab and Olivia Kim-Lewis’ five kids, and unfortunately turns out to hate children. Oh well.


There was a spate of birthdays, with Richard, Luke and Akira all aging up to elder in quick succession.

Natalie threw a party, naturally, although the official Birthday Boy, Akira, went to bed early, and Richard ended up toasting Natalie’s good hosting instead.

After the party, Finn and Natalie hit the town, largely so that she could post a shout out to her followers. While they were out, Natalie asked Finn to be her official boyfriend.

Finn went home to bed, while Natalie went to the karaoke bar and tried out a new skill.

They were terrible, but who’s going to tell Grim that? He enjoyed a nice self-congratulatory drink...

...while Natalie popped to the toilets to clog the drains.

There were still more birthdays: Finn became an adult, and Nicholas an elder.

And after he’d blown out his candles (and re-lit them again), Natalie had an important question for Finn.

Finn said yes, and they went on a nice date to celebrate.

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Re: The Johnson Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #22 on: January 08, 2017, 12:34:16 PM »
So long, Zoe, and thanks for all the angelfish.


Cloudgazing appears to be a very dangerous occupation, what with the trams and the sinking into masonry ;).

And I loved Grim's karaoke.  (Of course, I couldn't hear it :).)

Offline Alex

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Re: The Johnson Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #23 on: January 08, 2017, 04:07:32 PM »
So long, Zoe, and thanks for all the angelfish.


Cloudgazing appears to be a very dangerous occupation, what with the trams and the sinking into masonry ;).

And I loved Grim's karaoke.  (Of course, I couldn't hear it :).)

Yeah, I’m not sure I’d recommend cloud-gazing :)

Count yourself lucky. They were awful!

Natalie continued on with her requirements: she acquired a voodoo doll to annoy Luke with, and started work on a collection of sturgeon for the family museum.

There was time to squeeze in a casual wedding party, though.

Natalie’s progression through the social media career continued. She opted for the Internet Personality branch, and now earns a living playing video games in her PJs, and ranting. I think that’s a career I could be good at.

Sadly, Grim came for Richard. While technically not related to the Johnsons, they all felt like he was, and the family was devastated – his BFF, Luke, in particular.

Not content with taking Richard, Grim returned that same day. Luke had barely emerged from the closet he’d been crying in when Grim reaped his soul too.

Grim did seem to be following Natalie around rather. He followed her to the gym too.

Then he left rather abruptly. Things to do, apparently.

RIP, Akira.

On the bright side, Natalie celebrated her adult birthday.

She and Ada went out for a quiet drink to celebrate, which I forgot to get a screenshot of. While they were there they met an outgoing male elder. He seemed to me like a good replacement pollinator (sorry Akira), so Ada asked him to join the household. His name is Zachariah Goddard, and I like to think he’s a distant relative of Hank’s.

He seemed to get the hang of his new job pretty quickly.

And Death came again, this time for Nicholas.

Finn celebrated his elder birthday.

This adds nothing to the story; it just amused me – Natalie dared Christopher to streak, and, as befits a man in his mid-hundred-and-fifties, he did.

Ada’s also been finding ways to pass the time, but hers are a little more dignified. She’s had to play instruments at a couple of parties, and she really likes the violin. For some reason, she particularly enjoys playing in bathrooms....

Natalie began to make serious preparations for immortality. She had four maxed skills (fishing, mischief, video gaming and charisma) and completed Chief of Mischief. She was also near the top of her career. Now she started to work on cementing her friendships.

And she and Finn tried for a baby. I’d been putting it off for as long as I could as Natalie’s career was taking a lot of micromanaging, but neither of them was getting any younger.

Natalie spent some of her pregnancy making her sixth good friend, while Grim did push-ups in the background. You’d think he’d need feet....

He decided that boxing was more his style, despite his rather breakable-looking fingers.

Eventually, Natalie was driven home by contractions starting. It’s a Charlotte!

Natalie spent Charlotte’s entire babyhood out fishing. Chris and Ada took care of her. Probably. She grew up okay, anyway, and Chris’ eye colour is still going strong.

Fortunately, Ada is better at grandparenting than Natalie and Finn are at parenting. Once Charlotte was a child, she helped Charlotte with her first piece of homework. I think this is what they mean by distance learning.

Then they all headed to the park, and Ada beat Charlotte at chess, then read her a story.

And Natalie fished. Of course.

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Johnson Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #24 on: January 09, 2017, 12:28:11 AM »
Oof. That's a lot of visits from Grim. Your family seems to be taking it well, though.

I hear you on micromanaging the social media career. I found it very difficult to keep my sim angry enough to rant successfully. So glad Natalie and Finn found time to get married and have a baby, though! Welcome, Charlotte! She's very cute and I like that she and Ada seem to be bonding so well.

Of course, the streaking shot was my favorite of this chapter. Too funny! Work it, Christopher! You're looking awfully good for a fellow your age!

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Re: The Johnson Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #25 on: January 10, 2017, 05:18:35 PM »
Oof. That's a lot of visits from Grim. Your family seems to be taking it well, though.

I hear you on micromanaging the social media career. I found it very difficult to keep my sim angry enough to rant successfully. So glad Natalie and Finn found time to get married and have a baby, though! Welcome, Charlotte! She's very cute and I like that she and Ada seem to be bonding so well.

Of course, the streaking shot was my favorite of this chapter. Too funny! Work it, Christopher! You're looking awfully good for a fellow your age!

I had the same issue with the ranting – I tried stacking several angry paintings, the lion hat, and sending people in to insult her, but Natalie was still happy. It made me really annoyed, though - maybe that's what they were going for when they designed the career?!

And Christopher says thank you for your kind words ;)

A reaper’s work is never done. Not content with the gloom-fest that was the previous update, Grim made two more visits to the Johnsons. (And this time he managed to do it before I could chase Natalie and Charlotte out of the house where they couldn’t see him, thanks to the game locking up at just the wrong moment.)

First, Zachariah. He never got much focus in the story, but he will be fondly remembered by four girlfriends and seven children. Not bad for a guy who was midway through elder when he moved in.

Second, Finn. I’m sorry I ignored you while I micromanaged your wife, and I’m even more sorry I made you marry somebody who was always out fishing, and you only got to woohoo twice in your whole life. It would have been three, but he kicked the bucket just as Natalie was on her way to proposition him :(

Natalie didn’t get time to mourn for long, as she was suddenly irresistibly drawn outside....

Charlotte also got over the deaths remarkably quickly, and discovered the activity table. She took to it in a big way, often helped out by various relatives.

She’s also taken up the violin, just like her Grandma, although she usually gets stuck playing in dank, uninspiring fishing spots so I can keep an eye on her while Natalie finishes her collection.

I call this slightly desperate interlude Operation Impregnate Cassidy.

The Bjergsen family is one of my favourites, but they’ve been causing me problems: their household was full, and the current generation consisted of only boys (along with the two women who made up the previous generation of Bjergsens: Elsa and Malcolm’s progeny, Kimber and Cassidy). I was determined to keep the line going to get a Bjergsen as a spouse somewhere; now that, thanks to Grim, there was a lot of space in the played household, I could have a go....

First, I headed to Windenburg with Charlotte, but unfortunately, as I suspected she would, she recognises the Bjergsen boys as cousins (they’re related via Finn) so she can’t marry one of them. (Not that she’d want to, because, yuck, boys.) The next generation of Bjergsens should be safe, I think (and if they’re not, the next one will be), but for that there has to be a next generation. So....

Step One: Befriend Kimber Bjergsen. Kim is the oldest in the household by quite some way, while Cassidy was still an adult thanks to the amount of her life the poor woman has spent being pregnant by various pollinators (sorry, Cass). Ada is the friendliest of the Johnsons, so she got the job of inviting Kim to move in (although Kim is most of the way through elder, so she won’t be there for long).

Step two: Acquire a new pollinator. Anas Al Arabi got the job, based on his tendency to flirt with any female sim in the vicinity. I missed getting a picture of him chatting to Ada, so instead, here he is in his swimwear....

Step three: You can fill this one in for yourself ;)

And step four, the insurance policy for when Cassidy inevitably has yet another son because the random number generator is choosing to troll me at the moment.

The insurance policy’s name is Anna, and she arrived with the genius trait. Like Richard before her, she’ll basically be raised by the Johnsons, as Kimber is due to meet her maker any day now.

Back in the sane, non-desperate world, it was Natalie’s birthday.

Her sturgeon collection went into the museum.

Which means she gets to join the immortals :D

As expected, Kimber kicked the bucket right on schedule.

Anas stepped in to take care of Anna. Perhaps he was feeling guilty in advance about the total lack of interaction he’s likely to have with his own offspring.

And Charlotte and Anna have become good friends. They like to play chess and do their homework together, because they are just that rebellious.

At that point, Anas’ phone rang, and Cassidy announced the birth of the seventh male Bjergsen in a row. Gah! So Anna is officially the last hope for the Bjergsens... No pressure, kid.

Gen 3
Heir: Natalie Johnson
Traits: Cheerful, Loves outdoors, Good, Gregarious
Childhood aspiration completed: Social Butterfly (& Whiz Kid)
Elementary school: Grade A achieved
High school: Grade A achieved

1 unique maxed career: Social Media – Internet Personality
2 unique adult aspirations: Angling Ace, Chief of Mischief
3 maxed skills: Fishing, Mischief, Video gaming (& Charisma)
4 unique rewards: Shameless, Never weary, Focused potion, Hardly hungry
5 gold medal parties: Akira’s elder birthday, Natalie and Finn’s wedding, Date with Finn, House party, Dinner party
6 good friends: Maya Wall (BFF), Sherry Ojo, Ken Kim-Lewis, Destiny Villareal, Davon Wendt, King Pizzazz
7 emotional whims: Inspired – Talk about dreams; Confident – Tell an unbelievable story; Angry – Try to calm self down in mirror; Playful – Tell a joke; Energised – Enthuse about interests; Tense – Take a mud bath; Happy - Chat to someone
8 museum items: Caught fish (10 x sturgeon): 2,404; 2,241; 2,203; 2,129; 2,112; 2,050; 1,933; 1,908; 1,890; 1,850. Total: 20,720

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Johnson Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #26 on: January 10, 2017, 07:20:51 PM »
Congratulations on your third immortal! Woooo!

Your devotion to the Bjergsen family is truly heroic. I had the same thing (seven sons in a row) happen with Summer Holiday's descendent, but I just let them go. Anna is very cute. It's nice that she'll have so many potential spouses to choose from! :) Oh, and you got a nice new pollinator out of the deal, too! Anyway, it's very entertaining to read about, so I'll keep my fingers crossed for the future of the Bjergsen line.

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Re: The Johnson Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #27 on: January 14, 2017, 10:28:37 AM »
How did Anna of Green Gables arrive?  Was she adopted by Kim?  (I'm so unfamiliar with Sims 4 game mechanics.)  She and Charlotte are quite adorable together.

Also loved the screenshot of Chris streaking, which I seem to have forgotten to comment on when I read the previous chapter.

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Re: The Johnson Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #28 on: January 14, 2017, 11:17:49 AM »
Congratulations on your third immortal! Woooo!

Your devotion to the Bjergsen family is truly heroic. I had the same thing (seven sons in a row) happen with Summer Holiday's descendent, but I just let them go. Anna is very cute. It's nice that she'll have so many potential spouses to choose from! :) Oh, and you got a nice new pollinator out of the deal, too! Anyway, it's very entertaining to read about, so I'll keep my fingers crossed for the future of the Bjergsen line.

Heroic – or insane! I wouldn’t have done it for any other household, but I love Elsa Bjergsen, and I feel like I owe it to Cassidy after the amount of time the poor woman’s spent pregnant. Also, I’ve lost most of the households thanks to an insanely high proportion of male babies, so there aren’t that many neighbours left.

How did Anna of Green Gables arrive?  Was she adopted by Kim?  (I'm so unfamiliar with Sims 4 game mechanics.)  She and Charlotte are quite adorable together.

Also loved the screenshot of Chris streaking, which I seem to have forgotten to comment on when I read the previous chapter.

Kim adopted her.

She’s actually named after a certain Disney character who enjoys building snowmen, but Anne of Green Gables works too :D

Charlotte had her teen birthday, and became a perfectionist quick learner.

And Gregory Bjergsen also had a birthday. Normally I wouldn’t mention the pollinator’s kids, but, toddlers.

Charlotte redecorated the heir’s study to her taste, and settled down to write her first novel.

She’s also been doing a lot of reading, and playing a lot of chess with Anna.

Anas is turning out to be a rather poor pollinator, as he seems to be unable to have female children. I’ve tried explaining to him about probability and 50:50 odds, but he won’t listen. Nevertheless, Anas and Sherry Ojo have been having a lot of fun trying to keep the Ojo line going.

Anna’s become a bit of a whiz kid, and has been having fun with explosions.

As a teen, Charlotte is now allowed near the workbench.

In hindsight, bad idea.

Still, her newfound handiness is coming in very useful. And she gets a shower in at the same time  :-\

Everybody whose name starts with ‘An’ had a birthday. I missed Anas aging up to elder, but he’s the one pointedly eating not-birthday cake to the right of this screenshot.

This seemingly pointless screenshot in fact commemorates a momentous occasion: four generations in, a cherry tree has finally become harvestable, and the Johnsons are one short of a complete collection of harvestables.

Charlotte’s working on obtaining the final piece of the harvestables collection.

Once she returned to Earth, Charlotte had her young adult birthday. She’s joined the Writer career, and hopes to become a bestselling author.

Anas became a bathroom-related-fatalities statistic.

And in more cheerful news, Anna has become a young adult.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: The Johnson Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #29 on: January 14, 2017, 11:45:24 AM »
She’s actually named after a certain Disney character who enjoys building snowmen, but Anne of Green Gables works too :D

Ah, yes.  Of course, that Anna.  I was thinking Anne of Green Gables because of the carroty plaits, the likelihood that she was adopted and the fact that I thought the kid in that first screenshot was a boy :).

Gregory is very, very cute  :D.

