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These first two challenges look like they are going to be fun to play. Looking forward to it! By the way, the link for general challenge rules goes to 2016 rules in both this challenge and the Patient and Perpetrator challenge. I'm sure they are not identical because I know lifespan has been changed to short instead of normal. Any other changes? Or updated link?
At which point when we create a Sim in CAS from scratch do we set options to short lifespan, etc.? In my practice file, I had my Sim move into a lot, but then, I couldn't set the options under gameplay because it is always greyed out. I forgot from last time . Thanks a lot !Edit: I just realized that I forgot to check age up played Sim and age up unplayed Sims. Then, I could set their lifespan to short.
Thanks, Metro. I'm going to practice before the challenge, so, I will definitely remember to set it to short life span. Setting it when I make my YA in CAS is a great idea .
This might sound like a silly question, but, do we register to be in the comp? Is there like a sign on sheet kinda thing and to submit our scores do we just tell you how many bronze, silver or gold parties or take screenshots so you know we are being honest? This is the first challenge season I have had time to participate in and have only just starting simming again after a year break
I whipped up a scoresheet in Excel for this event; if it's okay with the mods I'd be more than happy to share it! (I'm going to be starting a scoresheet for the other event as soon as I finish typing this post, and I'll be willing to share that one as well pending mod approval.)