I play the sims with and without cheats: I like using cheats for some specific games but most times I'll play a sim or family from the get-go without any cheats. My most recent Sim is trying to become a Distinguished Director and I'm playing without cheats. He's is currently at 2nd Unit Director (7). He recently wished to be turned into a vampire, so Emmy Starr turned him... and he had about 11,000 in the household funds. Then, randomly, upon fulfilling one of his wishes, all of a sudden his household funds had 105,000 MORE dollars in it. I missed which wish he fulfilled or I'd tell you... I mean, normally I'd be thrilled to have that much money, but that seems like a huge mistake to me. Does anyone know how this could have happened, either as a glitch or somehow legitimately? I tried to provide as much background information as I could remember which is why I included all that I did... any and all help would be appreciated!
EDIT: Two things: I remembered, the wish was to "Drink Plasma Juice" and I'm not sure if the fulfillment exactly coincided with the extra 105,000. Also, I wasn't 100% sure where to put this thread since it's money related but also a possible error so feel free to relocate.