Ty became a level 10 lifeguard by working out at home on his day off and then joined the political career. He spent most of the rest of the day chatting to Alessandra, who’d taken to haunting full-time.
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His first day as a podium polisher was uneventful but on the second he received two opportunities in quick succession. (Yay!) Then it was the weekend – and his elder birthday was looming again. He concentrated on his skills, getting his last fraction of an athletic point on the Saturday and maxing charisma in the library on Sunday evening…
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…just before ageing up in the loos.
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Socialising with his colleagues at work following day earned him his tenth best friend. As before, he supermaxed without completing his lifetime wish. I don’t remember that happening with any of my other charisma Sims, although I knew the requirements were different for the Super Friendly challenge and Super Popular LTW. After work, he walked over to the square and introduced himself to a few more people.
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Lifetime wish complete! Even better, a charisma opportunity appeared while he was chatting. All he needed was one more – but time was getting short. The elder life stage is only 5 days on this speed – and the game was showing signs of bugginess again.
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That’s Gwynedd, who is artistic but has no painting skill points, continuing Clare’s portrait of Tyrone. Weird. I stopped her as soon as I noticed and moved the easel into a locked room, although it was very tempting to let her carry on and see what happened. (How much would the painting be worth and who would be credited as the artist?)
Tyrone was asked to read
There Is No ‘No’ and report back to work.
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He made a good start but was too tired to finish the book.
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Thank goodness for high-quality beds. He was awake early and able to finish reading before the start of his shift.
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He returned home that afternoon…
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…and went straight to the replicator.
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Tyrone County became immortal at 25 days…
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…and the dynasty was complete.
Tyrone County [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Traits: athletic, friendly, loves to swim, good sense of humour, charismatic
Lifetime wish: Super Popular
Career: Lifeguard
Skill: Charisma
(He also reached level 10 of athletic)
Building: Good Guys, Inc.
Property: Landgraab Sell’n’Swap
Unique lifetime rewards: Long-Distance Friend, Lungs of Steel, Map to the Stars
Unique best friends- Latoya Olson
- Sarah Way
- Shannan Villegas
- Lourdes Keene
- Bonnie Staples
- Charity Lynn
(All of his best friends were made in the conventional way, without the use of elixirs)
Unique opportunities- The Complete Circuit
- Sprint to the Finish!
- A Charming Experiment
- Election Check
- Lobster Crisis
- You Really Mean “Yes”
The ImmortalsClare was the hardest-working member of the family, painting most of the portraits and also tutoring the younger family members for school. She became a high-level nerd somewhere around generation 3 and gained the family-oriented trait, because she really ought to have had it already. When she wasn’t busy painting or tutoring, she mostly stood around chatting with her descendants.
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She finished the game with supermaxed painting and maxed logic (plus Teacher Extraordinaire) and social networking.
Kerry supermaxed cooking as well as alchemy, mostly by finishing off dishes that the others had started to prepare. She became neat as a result of nerd influence and spent most of her time making beds or doing laundry, when she wasn’t playing Gnubb in her nightie.
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Ross was undoubtedly the worst Sim gardener I’ve played. He never ever tended the garden autonomously. It was just as well that the combination of his completed challenges and the gardening station made the plants largely self-sufficient. Oddly for an outdoors-loving Sim, his favourite activity was sitting on the living-room floor, meditating in front of the ExtraordinAIRe-inator.
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Angus was the immortal who kept working for the longest. Sometime during Gwynedd’s adulthood, I looked up from the sculpting room and found a burglar helping himself to food from the fridge. Then I realised it was just Angus in one of his undercover disguises.
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He worked as a superspy well into generation 7, either chatting with his partner or sleeping through his shifts. In his free time, he upgraded solar panels and wind turbines.
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Thanks to his efforts, the household bills stayed pretty low, just edging over 2000 simoleons in the last few weeks. After retiring, Angus joined his father’s meditation sessions. He supermaxed handiness, mastered the logic and athletic skills and autonomously completed the Body Builder challenge late in the game.
Gwynedd had the least to do after becoming immortal. She whiled away the time chatting with Clare and critiquing the décor.
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Leicester supermaxed street art, mastered guitar, reached level 6 in both bass and drums and level 3 in piano. He retired shortly after Wanda’s death, when he reached level 5 of the music career…
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…and spent most of the rest of the game playing his guitar.
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Like her grandmother, Mona did very little once she was no longer the active Sim, dividing her time between watching Leicester and relaxing in the hot tub.
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Which brings us back to Tyrone. He got to level 5 of politics before completing his requirements but was holding a wish to retire, no doubt to join his relatives in doing nothing much in his pyjamas.
The challenge was completed on week 23, day 4 and the museum value was an unimpressive §126,635.
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