Author Topic: 12/01/16 Patch Notes – PC Version / Mac Version  (Read 13851 times)

Offline Playalot

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I inadvertently updated my game today although I'd initially planned to forgo the update and just play offline, dang it!
Although my legacy's following the club rules for the IDC (and thus use clubs only for gather as well as the Networked/child skill perks), I've been avoiding opening the club panel all day.

And yes, now that you mention it---all my sims in the lower left UI panel are looking downward and slightly to their right. Why?! (<-- rhetorical question. If anyone could answer the question, the problem wouldn't be happening....)

lol Now that I look again it is actually their left. My right, their left. Right?  :P And I just do not have any pics with the UI in them as I always use tab so I don't know if it is 'new' or that I am just noticing it. *paranoia*
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Offline coolsim9999999

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Yeah @Playalot --- I guess it is their, I thought it was the opposite, too  8)!

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Offline coolsim9999999

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@coolsim9999999  Neat!  I somehow missed that post.  :P
That's O.K. @mandamouse123.  I'm excited about it, too :)!

Offline Rangervegas

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I inadvertently updated my game today although I'd initially planned to forgo the update and just play offline, dang it!
Although my legacy's following the club rules for the IDC (and thus use clubs only for gather as well as the Networked/child skill perks), I've been avoiding opening the club panel all day.
And yes, now that you mention it---all my sims in the lower left UI panel are looking downward and slightly to their right. Why?! (<-- rhetorical question. If anyone could answer the question, the problem wouldn't be happening....)

lol Now that I look again it is actually their left. My right, their left. Right?  :P And I just do not have any pics with the UI in them as I always use tab so I don't know if it is 'new' or that I am just noticing it. *paranoia*

This is a screenshot of the UI of one of my sims in the game now after the patch. It DOES look like their facing has changed a bit but mine looks like she's looking directly at me now which is kinda creepy when she gets some of the mood expressions on her face. LOL you can tell me if this is what yours looks like now. I do see what you are talking about now also in that the portrait on the command bar looks like the sim is looking down and to the sims left. LOL seems weird looking at that and the other mood portrait picture....LMAO

 ::) ??? ???

Offline coolsim9999999

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@Rangervegas --- Yes, my Sims are looking directly at me now :-X!

Offline Playalot

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@coolsim9999999  in your screenshot where the icon of the sink is... is the action queue I was talking about. When the sims avatars are there it seems different to me. It's probably my imagination.  ::)
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Offline coolsim9999999

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@coolsim9999999  in your screenshot where the icon of the sink is... is the action queue I was talking about. When the sims avatars are there it seems different to me. It's probably my imagination.  ::)
@Playalot --- I think it may or may not look differently.  I didn't know that you meant the action queue.  However, I do think that Sims are looking to the left more in the other part.

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Offline Rangervegas

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@coolsim9999999  in your screenshot where the icon of the sink is... is the action queue I was talking about. When the sims avatars are there it seems different to me. It's probably my imagination.  ::)

I think you meant me and not @coolsim9999999 , @Playalot LOL But I see where you mean. I will try and look at it when I see another sim face in there like for convo interactions and see if it looks different for me. :D

Offline coolsim9999999

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@Rangervegas --- I think both Sims' pictures look differently to me, or maybe, I was just expecting something to be different.  When I looked back in game at my fullscreen mode version of my Sim, I thought that she realllly was looking straight ahead.  I also have a 19 inch monitor on my desktop, so maybe little changes showed up more on my computer --- or maybe I'm getting lightning fast at taking screenshots.  Who knows, but the Sims are all looking to their left in the panel.

Offline Rangervegas

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@Rangervegas --- I think both Sims' pictures look differently to me, or maybe, I was just expecting something to be different.  When I looked back in game at my fullscreen mode version of my Sim, I thought that she realllly was looking straight ahead.  I also have a 19 inch monitor on my desktop, so maybe little changes showed up more on my computer --- or maybe I'm getting lightning fast at taking screenshots.  Who knows, but the Sims are all looking to their left in the panel.

Yea @Playalot is talking about in the qued actions list all the way on the left side. When a sims face shows up in there like for social interactions with another sim and such.

@Playalot I did make a point of looking when I loaded my game a bit ago and the sims faces are definately looking to their left <our right> in that qued actions weather they looked like that before or not I can't honestly say as I never noticed it much. I almost want to say it sometimes depended on the action as far as I ever saw but I don't know that with a certainty.

I did find this however. It's a youtube video from back when the game first came out and you can see about 16 mins into the video she meets Sandra Goth and if you look it APPAEARS that her head is facing the same direction that they are still now, at least in my game. So maybe we all got sucked into some kind of weird alien mind conspiracy thing.....LMAO

Offline Playalot

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lol @Rangervegas  looks like it was definitely a conspiracy. I wonder who started this nonsense.   ::)  ;D *cough*
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Offline Rainbow Dash

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The first thing I noticed after installing the patch was that when I sent my Sims across the lot to dig up some collectibles, she walked, not ran. My Sims used to always run everywhere, now they walk everywhere and it's so annoying, I find myself yelling "Run 'Insert name' run!" (I've been marathoning too many Flash episodes, lol). XD

Offline oshizu

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I inadvertently updated my game today although I'd initially planned to forgo the update and just play offline, dang it!
Although my legacy's following the club rules for the IDC (and thus use clubs only for gather as well as the Networked/child skill perks), I've been avoiding opening the club panel all day.

And yes, now that you mention it---all my sims in the lower left UI panel are looking downward and slightly to their right. Why?! (<-- rhetorical question. If anyone could answer the question, the problem wouldn't be happening....)

lol Now that I look again it is actually their left. My right, their left. Right?  :P And I just do not have any pics with the UI in them as I always use tab so I don't know if it is 'new' or that I am just noticing it. *paranoia*

My bad--you are right. The sims are looking slightly downward to their left.
I just wanted to add that I found a screenshot dated 2016-02-14 and all the household sims are facing that same direction.

By the way, when I attach an image to a post (rather than using Imgur), the image always posts really small like this. What am I missing?

Offline Playalot

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Cool, thanks for finding an older screenie. I must be just super paranoid about all changes.  As to why it is small, beats me. Let's ask @MrsFlynn   :)
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Offline coolsim9999999

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I just went in game, and I found out that:
1 Sims are not looking left in the panel, anymore.
2 Sims don’t seem any differently in any way --- like they did to me the other day.
3 The gallery is almost fine for me --- with some minor lag, but I don't know if it's almost fine for everyone, again.  I just posted Garden of Love #carlsguide today after I just bought Romantic Garden Stuff last night.  Now, the only pack I don't have is Spooky Stuff --- I really don't like anything spookier than the ghosts.

