Pippin: So, Ellen gives birth to a boy named...
Quinn: SIMBA!
Pippin: No. That's not his name. His name is Lavender. Vander for short. Which he is.
Ellen: He'll outgrow that.
Pippin: And speaking of growing, Amethyst is...not growing yet, but she
is enjoying leftover cake from when she
did grow.
Amethyst: Excellent, yet slightly painful to listen to, segue, Pippin!
Pippin: Thanks, I think. However, we've already got an eye on the future as Amethyst has a male caller.
Amethyst: You look like what would happen if Draco Malfoy's father had a baby with Legolas!
Guy Whose Name I Forget: Ummm, thanks? Hopefully I matter enough that your Watcher at least remembers my name.
Pippin: Dang it! Distract him, Ammee!
Amethyst: Tag! You're it! You come chase me! You come chase me now!
Guy Whose Name I Forget: Huff huff, okay, huff huff, fine...
Pippin: Good job!
Quinn: I found another distraction!
Pippin: Those stacked up dirty dishes
are a distraction!
Quinn: No! Not that!
Pippin: Are you sure? I mean, we have a maid. How does she just let a mess like this sit here?
Quinn: Are you seriously missing this?!?!?
Ellen: Honey, you're so hot when you fight fires.
Quinn: Thanks, babe!
Ellen: Oh, it's not a compliment. I was being literal. Fires make people hot.
Pippin: But those dishes, I mean, come on! Hey, how'd the oven get all scorched?
Quinn: (face palm)
Pippin: Well, the maid eventually gets those dishes taken care of (finally) and then Quinn has a visitor.
Quinn: Nuala! She wasn't the spouse choice despite being very popular, and she ages up well before Ellen. Oh, wait...
Ellen: I'm aging up! But only to adult, so no worries!
Pippin: Who's the random blue girl?
Ellen: Did I not mention getting a magic lamp? She's a genie. She's here in time to give me a birthday present.
Pippin: Okay, but not until after the embarrassing aging up shot.
Ellen: Please, when you look this good you never...
Ellen: Oh. Look at that. Actually, please don't.
Pippin: You may have your gift now.
Ellen: Eleventy billion dollars!!!
Pippin: Well, not that much, but still a lot.
Pippin: Oh look. You've completed your lifetime wish. Excellent work! Now, Quinn, don't you need to make two more friends to complete a wish?
Quinn: (Sigh) Can't I stay here and help my lovely wife celebrate her birthday?
Ellen: Not if you're going to make it to Marion's party.
Quinn: (Sigh)
Quinn: Hi, I see you're a vampire now.
Emma: Isn't that your fault?
Quinn: Oh, look, there's Marion. I should go say hi.
Quinn: So, that's a lovely...garbage bin...you keep...in the basement...
Marion: You could have picked me and then I'd live in your lovely house instead of in the town dump over here!
Quinn: Oh look, there's Emma. I should go say hi.
Pippin: And as we move on another day, the real impact of my deleting CC and downloads makes its impact. Here's Amethyst.
Pippin: She's sitting at home playing with her imaginary friend. It's 9:30 AM on a school day. She never got the notification to go to school. I click for her to go to school in her "job" tab and am told there's no school in town.
Pippin: Here's the empty lot where the school should be. The tab was right. I checked on the challenge board if I can place the school and cross my fingers that the tutoring, this partial day, and Monday and Tuesday (before she ages up Tuesday night) will get her on the honor roll. It's pointed out that this causes concern that other town lots may have been similarly impacted (good looking out there, Trip!). All of the Dragon Valley lots simply identify as "community lot" when I mouse over them. I remember suddenly that Quinn was unable to review the restaurant, which I had thought odd at the time. Curses.
I've ruined yet another run at this dynasty.
Quinn: What?!?!? I haven't even aged up yet and you've already failed?!?!
Pippin: Technical difficulties! Not my fault!
Ellen: This does not bode well for me.
Amethyst: Can I at least age up before you end this? Maybe my brother too?
Pippin: That seems fair. I'll keep the thread up until I can show you two off as young adults...since I'm also dying to see how gorgeous you both end up being.
Ellen: Way to not be selfishly motivated, Pippin.
*Anyway, I'll age them up and snap some shots, and I'll restart the dynasty, again. I'll just continue the thread. Stay strong, my lovely readers. We will get through this together.