Pippin: Well, I guess it's time to start the Flanagan decadynasty...again.
Quinn: Really? Are you sure you haven't given up on me and want to choose a new founder? Or maybe a new town?
Pippin: Have you been reading my replies to my readers' posts?
Quinn: Maybe. How about we do the idea where I make every lady in town my babymama?
Pippin: Easy there, tiger. Just go meet a nice girl and let's start a new dynasty.
Quinn: You are no fun!
Shannon: Hello, handsome prince. Will you save me from my evil sister?
Quinn: You mean the lovely red head? Hey Pippin, how do you feel about primary and secondary spouses?
Pippin: No!
Quinn: So not fun.
Shannon: Umm, was that a yes?
Quinn: Hello, random homeless townie whose name Pippin forgets!
Random Homeless Townie whose Name Pippin Forgets: Great. Now that's my name. Thanks a lot.
Pippin: She's lovely and I really like her formal wear. Apologize and promise to learn her name if you marry her.
Quinn: I don't think that's how sweet-talking works.
Nuala: Well, you certainly are handsome.
Quinn: Wow, you're not even looking at me.
Pippin: The Force is strong with this one. Marry her, and together you can rule the galaxy as husband and wife!
Quinn: Best wedding vows ever!
Another Homeless Townie: I have purple hair. You know you find that attractive.
Quinn: Guilty as charged!
Morida: Umm, am I supposed to be impressed for some reason?
Quinn: Yes. Yes you are, because my Watcher has a thing for redheads.
Pippin: Hey!
Quinn: Well, you wouldn't be having me use time trying to impress a celebrity if it wasn't true.
Pippin: Well, yes, but you know you got distracted by Nuala and I let you meet her instead of staying focused on dear, beautiful Morida.
Another Homeless Townie: Sure,
her name you remember.
Pippin: Stop judging me!
Quinn: Party time!
Quinn: Yep, we've got our party faces on!
Quinn: Flowers? How lovely!
Nessie: Was I carrying something? It seems like I'm carrying something...?
Quinn: Flowers? What an original gift!
Marion: Please take me away from my husband. He has a dumpster in the basement. A dumpster!
Pippin: Formal party!
Quinn: Good heavens! I certainly didn't expect to get flowers!
Pippin: And look how lovely Random Homeless Townie whose Name Pippin Forgets looks in her formal wear!
Random Homeless Townie whose Name Pippin Forgets: I already hate this dynasty.
Another Homeless Townie: Have I mentioned my purple hair? It's purple.
Quinn: Yeah it is!
Marion: (Whispering) Save me, Quinn! Take me away from Captain Dumpster over here!
Pippin: Costume party!
Pippin: Oh, lovely Fiona. If only we had two spare age of instant elixirs.
Quinn: Good heavens! Flowers! I certainly haven't already received lots of those!
Quinn: Well hello, ladies.
Ladies: Pick me!!!
Quinn: What? Flowers? I did
not see that coming! I'll just put it over here by the other 9 bouquets.
Pippin: And the final party usually only has the top 4-6 ladies, but this time, it involved just about all of them as there wasn't a really strong top group. Basically, the top 12 were all within a fairly close range.
Quinn: Well, I notice you ladies have become a vampire and a fairy. I certainly don't have a potent cure elixir. This could be a problem depending on how things go.
Pippin: Indeed.
Marion: Please pick me! Please, Quinn! I'm not begging, I just really, really like you and your dumpster-free house!
Siobhan: I got you flowers.
Quinn: What a lovely and unexpected gift!
Aislin: I am
so not impressed. By anything. Ever.
Quinn: If I pick you, I promise I'll learn your name.
Random Homeless Townie whose Name Pippin Forgets: You are such a sweet talker!
Pippin: See? I know how sweet talking works!
Random Homeless Townie whose Name Pippin Forgets: And I'll make sure your Watcher suffers for forgetting me.
Pippin: Wait. What now?
Nessie: You
do reaize I'm your boss and am in charge of giving you raises and promotions, right?
Pippin: Oh! Pick her! Pick her!!
But with the parties come to a close, we will have to await to see who Quinn picks when he awakens...because he's a whiney, sleepy little baby who doesn't care about his readers and makes them wait!Quinn: Ugh!
Stop being hateful, narration! I'm trying to do a sleep!