Author Topic: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, Completed  (Read 110381 times)

Offline MarianT

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, update Dec 27
« Reply #105 on: December 29, 2016, 12:52:48 PM »
Chapter 24 -- The Second 10 Points and Free Day

Since people like to see floor plans, here is the first floor of our house. Bjorn almost started crying when he saw that we had a Schmapple refrigerator and stove.

The deck upstairs offers plenty of room for skilling equipment. Bjorn added the easel, the bar, and the workout machine.

I was still feeling sad about Mom's death, so Bjorn tried to comfort me. Finally he read to me Spring and Fall: To a Young Child by Gerard Manley Hopkins, and I was so surprised and touched that he would think to find a good poem for my grief that I cheered up immediately.

Taking care of little Elsa helped, too. Bjorn told me it was his family's custom to name daughters after female relatives, so Mom's name at least will be carried on. And she'll have a future as a ghost, too.

The day came when Elsa was ready to become a child. I gave her some last-minute instruction before she emerged from her cocoon.

And here's our little butterfly, ready to spread her wings. She loves going outdoors... hugs...

...and joking with her uncle.

One afternoon I heard some odd thumping noises from upstairs. I went to see what was causing them, and Elsa called out, "Look, I'm flying!"

"Now I'm building my nest in a tree," she added.
"Be careful," I started to say, but before I could finish the sentence, I heard a couple of thumps from within the closet. "Elsa! Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine," said Elsa.
"It sounds like your tree collapsed," I said. "Do you think you can restack the boxes?"
"Okay," she said.

That night she came to us with some story of a monster underneath her bed. "Oops, I forgot to get a nightlight," said Bjorn. "I'll take care of it."

Wide awake, Elsa went outside to play on her monkey bars. We don't have room for a pirate ship or rocket, but Bjorn has promised to take her to see her grandparents when he can get a day off work.

Bjorn has been teaching me some of the cooking tips he is learning at work. "If your knife doesn't get stuck in the cutting board, it's not sharp enough" is one.

Another is "Tossed salad should be tossed, and the higher in the air, the better."

Seiji has been learning how to play the guitar for work. At first we all had to leave the room when he practiced because otherwise we got tense and he got embarrassed.

But now, it's actually a pleasure to listen to him.

Bjorn's sister Katlin listened for hours when she came over. Since Seiji is not that good -- bearable, I'd say, but not yet in the same class as Eric Clapton or Segovia -- Bjorn and I think there might be something else going on.

And then all my happiness came crashing to an end. Elsa had brought home some ailment from school, which I caught, and then Bjorn baked a cake for me. I didn't want to blow the candles out, but he reminded me that I would feel worse if I aged up without doing that.

He told me that even with grey hair and a rash, I was still more beautiful than Venus any day. "And about the same age," I thought, but I knew he'd just be upset if I said that.

Should I dye my hair? The words of T.S. Eliot came to mind, "I grow old, I grow old. I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled." Since we now had a free day, I decided to take some medicine for my ailment. That helped, but it didn't make me feel younger.

Bjorn gained 3 points from gaining skill in gourmet cooking, 2 from satisfaction points, 2 from his promotions at work, 2 from my promotions, and 1 from Seiji's promotion.

When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, update Dec 29
« Reply #106 on: December 29, 2016, 01:03:56 PM »
Oh, Izumi's an elder already! She's still lovely, but I'm bummed because I enjoy her as narrator so much and I'm afraid this means she won't be around to do it much longer.

Elsa is really adorable! Loved the playing in the closet.

I really love that house. I've been playing a casual game in it and it's just so comfortable! So glad the dynasty gets to spend some time there.

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Offline MarianT

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, update Dec 29
« Reply #107 on: December 29, 2016, 02:21:40 PM »
Oh, Izumi's an elder already! She's still lovely, but I'm bummed because I enjoy her as narrator so much and I'm afraid this means she won't be around to do it much longer.

Elsa is really adorable! Loved the playing in the closet.

I really love that house. I've been playing a casual game in it and it's just so comfortable! So glad the dynasty gets to spend some time there.

I wish Izumi could stay around longer, too. Elsa chose to play in the closet on her own, it didn't happen on the free day. And I think this is my favorite house of the ones my heirs have lived in.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline oshizu

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, update Dec 29
« Reply #108 on: December 29, 2016, 09:49:33 PM »
How fortunate for your future Chef to move into a house with luxury kitchen appliances!

Thank you for sharing the house plan. I realized that Pier Palace is the lot I always bulldoze when my sims want a beachfront lot.
Looks like a great house.

Awww, Izumi and Seiji are growing older. Does that mean Bjorn will need to work faster on earning points?
Earning points would be really slow if the household is just Bjorn and Elsa...I'm confident you have a backup plan to cover (to prepare for?) that contingency.

Another chapter narrated by Izumi, please?

Offline MarianT

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, update Dec 29
« Reply #109 on: December 30, 2016, 03:29:49 PM »
Chapter 25 -- The Third 10 Points and Free Day

Bjorn invited his Aunt Alicia over the other evening. I'm not jealous, not really, it's just that I know she's close to my age but she still looks so young.

And it makes me nervous that she's a kleptomaniac. I suppose I wouldn't mind if she took the lamp, but I'd get really cross if she stole the photo that Bjorn took of the two of us back when we were courting.

She seems to be more interested in Seiji -- well, he's not her nephew, for one thing.

The other morning I heard Seiji singing, Black is the Color of my True Love's Hair, which made me worried enough to talk to Bjorn and ask him not to invite her over anymore.  "I don't want her marrying Seiji and moving in with us," I said.
Bjorn laughed. "She can't move in with us," he said. "That would be a violation of the dynasty rules. And she probably won't marry Seiji anyway because she's got the noncommittal trait." He lowered his voice. "Do you want to know why I keep asking her over?"
I nodded.
"Well, the first reason is that I need another good friend or two," said Bjorn. "But also I'm hoping that while she's on the lot, Seiji will get abducted and come back pregnant with an alien baby. That way Elsa would get a little brother or sister."
"Does Seiji know about this plan?" I asked.
"No," said Bjorn, "and it doesn't seem to be working anyway. They grabbed my Dad the first chance they got, but they don't seem to want Seiji. Or me."
Or me, I added silently. Of course, there wouldn't be any alien offspring if I were abducted, but it would definitely be an interesting experience. I wonder if they have trees on Sixam.

Elsa keeps playing at all hours, and this is the second time she's had to stay home from school because of illness. I'm pretty sure there's a connection between her late hours and her illnesses, but there's nothing I can do about it.

Bjorn took her with him when he went to see his parents on his day off.

She had a great time playing on the rocket ship.

The ultimate was when her dad pretended to be a space monster.
"But how could you see him?" I asked. "You had your back to him."
"My rocket ship had a rear view mirror," Elsa informed me. She cracks me up sometimes.

Like Bjorn, I'm concerned that Elsa will be rather lonely in the future, and so I suggested to him that he might want to marry someone else once I'm gone. After all, he'll still be a fairly young man. His response was to kiss me passionately and swear that he would never want another wife.

Soon after that he earned another free day -- and really, he did 90% of the work for this one. He persuaded Elsa to do some homework by promising that she and I could go to the park when he went to work.

I made a new friend at the park, Eva.

I got out my placard and bullhorn and tried to drum up some support for Speak for the Trees, too.

To my delight, Eva and a teenaged boy that Elsa had been talking to both started protesting as well. I guess in a place named after willows, they take trees more seriously.

Elsa had fun playing pirates with a little boy named Kengo. Unfortunately, he and his family don't live in town.

Back at home, I slept for a bit and then settled down with a book, something I hardly ever have a chance to do. There are so many books that I still haven't read, but I seem to keep coming back to my old favorites -- The First Unicorn, in this case.

Bjorn picked up most of his 10 points in the kitchen -- 2 for skill levels in gourmet for cooking, 2 for maxing gourmet cooking, 2 for maxing cooking, and 1 for learning baking. He picked up another 1000 satisfaction points and became good friends with Seiji, and Seiji got a promotion at work.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline oshizu

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, update Dec 30
« Reply #110 on: December 30, 2016, 05:01:39 PM »
I giggled to read that Bjorn's plan involves Seiji getting abducted and pregnant, rather than himself.
It must be hard to get abducted without the usual aids--scientist, satellite dish, and space rocks. Poor unaware Seiji, lol.

Bjorn is really zipping along, scoring all the points himself, mostly. That answer my previous question about a smaller household.
Thanks for sharing the protest shots. My sims have never experienced starting a protect then having other sims join in.

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, update Dec 30
« Reply #111 on: December 31, 2016, 01:51:45 AM »
So, inviting aliens to visit your house increases your chances of abduction? Interesting! I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Poor Izumi, jealous of Alicia's youthful looks. It's a disguise, girl! You can't compete with that!

I had to laugh at Elsa staying up all night to play on the jungle gym. This dynasty is kind of a rebellious kid's dream in that way. No one can make you go to bed!

Glad to see Izumi is keeping up with her quest to save the trees, even the space trees, and glad she found a few kindred spirits in Willow Creek!

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Offline MarianT

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, update Dec 30
« Reply #112 on: January 07, 2017, 05:59:11 PM »
Chapter 26 -- The Fourth 10 Points and Free Day

Now that I've been promoted, I get a new suit to wear. I wish I could wear sneakers to work, but the new office dress code insists upon loafers.

Bjorn gave me a rose and hearty congratulations.

Now that he doesn't have to watch the cooking channel anymore, he can watch other things -- like his favorite movie starring the Klumzee Sisters.

I love Bjorn, really I do, but watching him gobble his breakfast before he's had his shower is not the most romantic moment I've experienced in our marriage. Later, I felt guilty about having been so critical, so I ordered him a new toy from the Williams-Simoma catalogue.

"This is so cool!" I heard him exclaim over and over. "This is so cool. Izumi, come and take a look at this!" I have to admit that after he went to work, I made a batch of minty mocha cupcakes myself.

Later that night, Bjorn went out to gather blackberries and strawberries for fruit tarts. Sadly, they didn't turn out so well.

He decided to turn his attention to baking bread instead. The loaves were of his usual excellent quality, but for some reason he took to mixing things up in the bathroom.  Bjorn had a rational explanation -- there was less salt in the air in the bathroom and the steam contributed to the dough's rising. Even though the bread was delicious, it didn't make up for being walked in on when using the toilet.

Bjorn took to studying baking instead.

And then we -- or rather, I -- got some unsettling news. I couldn't think how to break it to Bjorn, until I remembered a line of poetry. "But at my back, I always hear Time's winged chariot hurrying near," I quoted to him from Andrew Marvell's To His Coy Mistress.
"What?" said Bjorn.
"Substitute Grim for Time," I suggested.
"The Grim Reaper has a helicopter?" he queried.
"No," I said. "I've been given my first notice."

Bjorn was silent for long that I went back to eating my doughnut.
"You know what we'll do?" he said. "We'll keep your urn here until just before I have to hand over to Elsa. That way you can still visit, you can still read your favorite books, and you can keep mystifying me with poetry."
I almost choked on my doughnut, I was so touched.

Soon after our conversation, Bjorn threw another dinner party. "I've picked up some pointers from that book," he said. Sure enough, he managed to get a gold medal for the party and was able to replace our broken coffee maker with a new one.

But the next day we had sad news. Bjorn hadn't realized our party would be the last time he saw his dad. He'd figured there would be time to take his dad to dinner at Chez Llama before Grim came for him, but he was wrong.

"I should have done this ages ago," he said, as we buried my mother's urn. "I just hope Dad's ghost comes over here even though he doesn't have a tombstone to visit."

The next thing we knew it was time for Bjorn's birthday. He baked his own cake, but Seiji sang "Happy Birthday" to him. It's a good thing Seiji is going to become a comedian rather than a musician.

As Elsa has been practicing on the monkey bars, she's been trying more tricks.

I got nervous watching her, and suggested to Bjorn that he take her to the gym in San Myshuno. I was too sleepy to go with them so stayed home and went to bed (us elders need our sleep).

Bjorn pretended to be the sportscaster for her -- "Elsa dribbles, trying to find a hole in the defense. Flash cameras are going off around her, but that doesn't bother her as she makes her move towards the basket...

"She gets fouled on her approach, so she shows off her ball-handling skills at the free throw line. Way to go, Elsa!"

Bjorn took a couple of photographs from the gym's window so I could see the spectacular view.

"No matter what happens, we'll always be under the same moon," he told me.

We let Elsa take a vacation day so she could complete her aspiration before aging up. She's the first Zest child to do that, so we're very proud of her. It happened on a free day, so Bjorn couldn't count the points, but he didn't care.

Bjorn had to go to work before we could celebrate Seiji's birthday, but Elsa finished setting up her wardrobe in time to cheer for him. She's that beautiful young lady standing behind me.

I'm so glad that I've lived long enough to see her as a teen. Since she loves the outdoors and is a slob, she's decided to take up fishing when she grows up. But she also plans on continuing my work at Speak for the Trees.

We were able to give Bjorn some help with the points this time. Seiji and I both got promotions, and Elsa brought home a B. The rest was Bjorn's doing, though -- 4 points for baking skill, and he got a promotion, became good friends with his Aunt Alicia, and threw a gold dinner party.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline oshizu

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, update Jan 7
« Reply #113 on: January 07, 2017, 06:43:26 PM »
The heir (Bjorn) seems to be earning the lion's share of the points in this generation, or is it just my imagination?

I was impressed with Elsa spinning the basketball on her finger. Does that require a high Motor or Fitness skill?
How nice for Izumi that teen Elsa will eventually continue to Speak for the Trees.

As always, you take the greatest scenic screenshots.
It's really great that you're doing this challenge as a story for us to read. Again, you're just whizzing through the challenge!

Offline lesleyj42

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, update Jan 7
« Reply #114 on: January 07, 2017, 08:24:56 PM »
I going to miss this narrator. She's got such a way with words.

I love that the cupcake factory came from Williams-Simoma. Such a great detail.

Offline MarianT

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, update Jan 7
« Reply #115 on: January 08, 2017, 07:05:50 PM »
@oshizu, Gourmet cooking goes fast anyway, and when you combine it with the Homey lot trait, skilling up is incredible. Elsa was at level 8 then, so probably it does help with spinning the basketball. I think one reason I'm going fast is that I use Speed 3 when Bjorn (and other heirs) is asleep or at work.

@lesleyj42, I'm going to miss her, too.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline MarianT

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, update Jan 7
« Reply #116 on: January 08, 2017, 07:11:31 PM »
Chapter 27 -- The Last 50 Points and Free Day

When I got my final notice from Grim, I decided to spend my last hours dancing. After a while, though, even knowing I might never dance again, I got sleepy.

I awoke the next morning -- still alive -- and decided to impart some advice to Elsa. I couldn't think of anything to say except the parody of the lines from Kipling's If: "If you can keep your head when others about you are losing theirs, then you just don't understand the situation." She gave me kind of an odd look and asked what Bjorn had put in the doughnuts.

I went to work and managed to come home with a promotion. I was very tired, though, and Bjorn had left for work already, so I went straight to bed.

A little while later, I got out of bed, then felt kind of shaky and decided to lie down on the floor as a violet cloud enveloped me.

Seiji and Elsa came into the room. Seiji said one of his jokes had bombed and that was why he was covered in soot. Elsa asked if I was all right. "I'm fine," I tried to answer, but I couldn't make my mouth work.

Elsa started crying then and Seiji patted her back, but it wasn't until I saw Grim coming through the door that I realized I was actually dying.

If Bjorn had been home, he would have pleaded for me, but Seiji and Elsa were both too stunned. I did my best to plead for myself. I had no hope of getting through to Grim, but to my surprise I heard his gravelly voice in my ear: "If you promise not to write anything about the other side, you'll be able to still communicate on the computer. But nothing about what it's like being dead, understand?"

Bjorn set my urn on the dresser and cried when he came home from work. He got a promotion to pastry chef, but that didn't mean anything to him, not with me gone.

Seiji broke out in a rash and binged on cupcakes.

But Elsa's reaction was heart-breaking. When she wasn't crying, she was obsessively making knife racks. She didn't bathe, she didn't have fun, she barely ate enough to keep from starving.

Bjorn finally had a word with her. "I'm putting the wood-working table into inventory for a while," he said. "It's good that you're learning handiness, but you need to learn other things too -- one thing being that it's hard to make friends when you smell bad. I know you miss your mother -- we all do -- but ask yourself if she would want to see you like this."

To my relief, she went upstairs and took a shower.  Although Elsa still had bouts of sadness, the worst was over.

That afternoon I was allowed to make my first visit as a ghost. Elsa had gone to bed upon coming home from school, so I fixed myself a drink.

Bjorn was very glad to see me. He suggested we try woohooing, and giddily I agreed.

It was a little strange but much better than either of us had expected.

Bjorn had the next day off from work and invited his mother over. He felt that he'd been neglecting her in his worry over Elsa. As soon as she arrived, they learned that the GeekCon was going on. "The last time I went to the GeekCon, I was pregnant with you," she reminisced, so of course Bjorn suggested that they go. He invited Norah to come along, too.

They all played Party Frenzy for a bit, and then Bjorn went to pick up some bubble stuff for Elsa. When he was done at the booth, he looked all over for his mother and finally found her chatting with Norah in the karaoke bar. "To tell you the truth, now that I've been an astronaut, the GeekCon is not as exciting as it used to be," she said. "But I'm glad you brought me here."

Bjorn chatted with Norah for a bit, and then she and his mother went home.

The next thing Bjorn knew, his mother had died too. "But she had a very happy day at the festival," Norah assured him. "She was very peaceful and happy at the end."

Elsa came home from school then, cutting short his grief. She brought a classmate with her -- Shingo Yamaguchi. Bjorn was glad to see that she was making friends, but he thought it was still too soon for her to get involved with anyone. Adroit questioning revealed that Shingo was a foodie and outgoing, but he didn't live in town.

The next day Bjorn completed his lifetime aspiration by becoming a sous chef. He also reached 51 points, earning his last free day.


That night Elsa took a moodlet solver potion and started painting. I looked over her shoulder and discovered that she was working on a portrait of me -- from the back, though. "Honey, I don't think I'm officially a member of the household any more," I said.

"You still are, as far as I'm concerned," said Elsa. "And Dad thinks so, too. I'm not doing this for the money, anyway, but to have something to remember you by."

Bjorn spent the last moments of his free day fussing with the cupcake maker.

Those bubbles do look fun, though. I wonder -- can ghosts take bubble baths?

Final Stats -- Bjorn
Skills: gourmet cooking -- 10, baking -- 6
Promotions: 15 -- Bjorn -- 6, Izumi -- 4, Seiji -- 4, Elsa -- 1
Satisfaction Points: 7
Gold Parties: 1 -- Dinner
Good Friends: 6 -- Izumi, Elsa, Seiji Shimizu, Alicia, Harper, Norah
Maxed Skills/Aspiration: 6 -- cooking, gourmet cooking/Master Chef
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline oshizu

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, update Jan 8
« Reply #117 on: January 08, 2017, 07:38:48 PM »
Thank you for explaining about your lightning grace--I keep forgetting that you don't need to micro-manage the entire household.

Rest in peace, Izumi. We will miss your artistic spirit and literary allusions.
There's a celebrated tenth-century Japanese poet named Izumi Shikibu. Considering your love of literature, I can't help but wonder if your parents gave you the family name of that poet.
Come quickly, Come quickly--as soon as
these blossoms open,
they fall.
This world exists
as a sheen of dew on flowers.

Elsa has grown up to a very attractive young lady, indeed. Bjorn's talk with her about socializing and body odor made me laugh.
And now does Bjorn wait until Elsa's young adult birthday or can the heir transfer happen after the fifth free day? (Sorry for the uniformed question).
A lovely update.

Offline MarianT

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, update Jan 8
« Reply #118 on: January 08, 2017, 08:00:33 PM »
Thank you for explaining about your lightning grace--I keep forgetting that you don't need to micro-manage the entire household.

Rest in peace, Izumi. We will miss your artistic spirit and literary allusions.
There's a celebrated tenth-century Japanese poet named Izumi Shikibu. Considering your love of literature, I can't help but wonder if your parents gave you the family name of that poet.
Come quickly, Come quickly--as soon as
these blossoms open,
they fall.
This world exists
as a sheen of dew on flowers.

Elsa has grown up to a very attractive young lady, indeed. Bjorn's talk with her about socializing and body odor made me laugh.
And now does Bjorn wait until Elsa's young adult birthday or can the heir transfer happen after the fifth free day? (Sorry for the uniformed question).
A lovely update.

Thank you so much for the poem! It is truly beautiful.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: A Townie Dynasty with Zest, update Jan 8
« Reply #119 on: January 09, 2017, 12:19:52 AM »
Ah, farewell Izumi. I'm delighted that she'll still be able to communicate from beyond the grave. The dynasty just wouldn't be the same without her voice.

It's a shame Shingo is homeless; he's awfully cute.

Loved the picture of Elsa painting with Izumi looking on. Very sweet.

Congratulations to Bjorn! Nice job on your well-earned 50 points!

