I'm not sure if Carl has it in his guide or not, but there are also keys on your keyboard that move the camera. The up, left, right, and down arrows will move the camera in those directions and the page up will move the camera to the next level higher and visa versa for the page down button. M will take you to map view and N will transfer to the next active sim. Z is the zoom in tool, and X the zoom out tool. V will activate the video, the arrow keys above the period and comma keys will rotate the camera, L brings up the celebrity status window, K brings up the Adventure Journal (World Adventures), J the skill journal, D is scroll right, S is scrolling towards you, A is scrolling left, Q is quit, W is scrolling away from you, I opens the active sim's inventory, P and 0 is pause and un-pause, the + and - also zoom in and out, 4 will put the game in the fastest mode, and pressing shift and _ will zoom the game way out as far as it will go. If you have Num Lock on, the number key pad also does things like shrink the walls down or bring them up. There you have an exhaustive keyboard shortcut guide, lol