A few weeks ago I began having trouble with my Origin Client, it either wouldn't load or if I did manage to get it to load, it would tell me that my credentials were expired or that I needed to be online when logging in for the first time ( when I was indeed online). I talked to an EA rep who told me to uninstall and then re-install which I did but when I attempted to reinstall, the file would download in my browser and the origin window would open but I still would have the same issue as I did before. It's not a problem with one browser either because I've tried downloading on explorer, chrome, and firefox and I get the same results. The weird thing though is that while the download would go through, it wouldn't install on my computer. So I contacted EA again and this time I was told to manually un-install Origin... I asked him and two more reps I talked too how I would manually uninstall something that has already been uninstalled and none of them had an answer for me. The last rep I talked too ( and got really frustrated with because he was paying zero attention to what I was asking) told me that I needed to reset my internet explorer settings and disable my proxy . When I asked why I would need to do this on explorer when I had issues on all three browsers...again no answer. Just now though I managed to find another link to download origin and it did go through and install on my computer and also updated but it just keeps crashing and won't open.
So now I'm frustrated to the nth degree and I just need someone to give me some straight forward advice on what to do so I can play my games again. I'm assuming I need to try manually un-installing and I've heard about ccleaner but that makes me nervous, is that going to delete anything off my computer?
If there's anything else anyone can think of to help me out, I would really appreciate it!