Author Topic: The Biggest, Happiest Family Challenge! For Family-Oriented Players ~ Ch.20 3/19  (Read 39048 times)

Offline JonMom2009

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I just got caught up on all and I am in love with this type of game play!

I do have a few questions that popped up while reading this:

Toddlers: do you have a requirement for them? I have not played them much and the Happy Toddler task you have on all the kids is not computing.

Also, I saw you had the nightlight behind the bassinet is this now something we must do to keep babies calm?

I had taken a break but am back playing now and just wanted to know if there was changes in things.

Please, keep the story going even if life gets in the way sometimes. (Believe me, I know!)

Offline JudesSims

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This looks like my kind of challenge since I pretty much "only" play generational games. You know I just have to try this with the #Parenthood pack that's coming! Oh, dear! I could go nutty with this

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