Author Topic: Game Freezing Week 11 Day 6 at exactly 7:59am  (Read 2589 times)

Offline redwolffclaw

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Game Freezing Week 11 Day 6 at exactly 7:59am
« on: November 13, 2016, 12:15:37 PM »
I have tried everything. My game I've been working on for a while keeps freezing and crashing right at the same time. Week 11, Day 6, 7:59am.

I've gone back to a previous save from over a month ago and played through again, but it still does it at the same point once it reaches it.
I've switched families in town and it does not matter which I play.
I've gone to another country, but it brings you back at the same time as you left, then it freezes.
I've moved a family out of town, but moving them back reverts the town to it's original state without the large family I've worked on.
I've deleted the caches and tried swapping files around (I keep the originals of course) but it is still not working.

The graphics still look like they're working when it freezes. The green diamonds spin, the water and light effects are still there, but the sims and my ability to do anything freezes up.

Please someone help or let me know if you've had a similar problem.


Offline redwolffclaw

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Re: Game Freezing Week 11 Day 6 at exactly 7:59am
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2016, 12:27:06 PM »
I forgot to add.

-I have World Adventures, Ambitions, Late Night, and Supernatural for expansion packs.

-My game is as up to date as it can be. Not sure how to find the patch date.

- It's been about a year since I've done a complete uninstall/reinstall, but I haven't played much this year... if that matters.

-I use windows 7 and no MODS in the game

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Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: Game Freezing Week 11 Day 6 at exactly 7:59am
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2016, 01:21:22 PM »
I've had something similar happen in my game before. What works best for me is to save the family off, and take them into a fresh Sims 3 folder in a new game.

Try this, do a factory reset and then try the family in a new game in the refreshed folder.

How To: Save a Household

Try a Factory Reset -- Sims 3 Factory Reset - HowTo:

Instead of adding everything back, just add back in the options.ini (video/game options)

The game save may have gotten corrupted some how. Doing a factory reset and testing the family in a new game can help find out if its still bugged or not.
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Offline redwolffclaw

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Re: Game Freezing Week 11 Day 6 at exactly 7:59am
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2016, 03:02:03 PM »
I've picked one of the families and can do that. The problem is I have like eight descendants and their families and the houses I built for them and all the game progression I did. (Tons of work)

Thank you for the tip.

I guess I'll have to save all the houses and stuff and just rebuild the town without the relationships. So sad! :(

Offline Candyd

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Re: Game Freezing Week 11 Day 6 at exactly 7:59am
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2016, 03:16:47 PM »
You can keep relationships and export several households at once if you use Nraas Porter.

Offline redwolffclaw

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Re: Game Freezing Week 11 Day 6 at exactly 7:59am
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2016, 05:22:57 PM »
WOW. Thank you! I've worked so hard on that town.