@h4r13y Hello and welcome to the forum!
Just wanted to share that my completion of the 8-generation Immortal Dynasty Challenge took me nine attempts; twice, I even failed at the sixth generation which was frustratingly close!
imho, the tournament challenges are a fantastic way to learn skills for playing all of this forum's dynasty's challenges.
Regardless of the finishing score, we always end up learning something new about The Sims 4 and become better at the dynasty challenges.
Reading the strategies of the winning players is also enlightening.
If a low score bothers you, though, you might try and do what I'm trying to do this year.
I plan to finish each tournament challenge soon after it's announced and submit my score right away.
That way, I can enjoy the learning/playing process of a tournament challenge without stressing over higher scores (because no one else has posted yet, lol).
Hope you'll give the tournament challenges another try, because the more the merrier!