Thank you, MarianT! I re-read through the rules after posting my initial question and now have a couple more things I would like to clarify/ask.
1. Regarding the point system:
- If the founder/heir has three points in Gardening before marrying and moving out, could a subsequent heir make Gardening a designated skill and be able to count the full 10 points (plus two for maxing the skill)?
- In a similar vein, if a founder/heir has counted two points from leveling up in a secondary skill (i.e. Guitar), could a subsequent heir use Guitar as his/her designated skill and be able to count the full 10 points (plus two for maxing the skill), or could he/she only count eight points (plus two for maxing the skill)?
- If a founder/heir has counted three points in a secondary skill, a subsequent heir could have the same secondary skill but only begin counting points once he/she reaches level four?
2. The 10 museum items must be unique to a particular Sim; however, the items themselves don't have to be different. For example, if my Sim decided to catch frogs and happened to catch two of the same frog, he/she could count the two frogs of the same breed as two items towards his/her museum collection?
3. Founders and heirs only have to paint portraits of other household members, but they don't have to paint portraits of themselves, correct? Their portraits will be taken care of by the next generation, if I understand the rules correctly.
4. Are we able to click on non-controlled Sims to be able to look at their traits, skills, career, etc., or would this be considered controlling a non-controlled Sim?
Apologies for the lengthy questions! I just want to ensure I understand everything correctly.
Thank you again!