2 points for every $30,000 added to the initial household fund. 10 points maximum. Note household income immediately upon moving in.
If I spend money to, say, buy a toddler bed or something, would that money still count toward the $30,000?
The way I decided to do it is when the Household Funds displayed on the screen go over the [multiple of $30,000] + [initial funds amount], I get two points then. I only get points for a milestone once. I'm not sure if I'm understanding the rules about this correctly, so it would be nice if someone could confirm.
Other questions I've run into:
1. Since I'm allowed to tell other Sims to blow out candles, I can age the heir up early if I want to, right?
2. I saw some comments in this thread about the controlled Sim writing excuse notes for household members on free days. They can also do this when it's not a free day, right? (I haven't written an excuse note before, so I'm not sure if this takes any interaction on the part of the non-controlled Sim.)
3. Is there an easy way to identify whether a Sim is homeless? (Sorry if this is a dumb question--I haven't played Sims 4 much. Do I need to look through the whole map to check?)