@Caitie --- That's a good thing! Also, you could spread roaches in Sims Tower from 1995 if you didn't get enough maids for your hotel rooms.
That's actually really cool. Now, if only real life worked that way. I work in pest control, and I cannot tell you the number of times I've walked into an apartment and someone has roaches all over even though their kitchen is spotless, because they've come over from next door. (My company calls that apartment "ground zero", as in, the apartment the explosion of roaches originated from.) There was one apartment building one time, and it was actually funny (in a not-funny way) because you could track how close to ground zero each apartment was by how many roaches they were seeing. One apartment had none (and got a little freaked out when we asked), then the next one was seeing one or two, then the next one had a bunch, then it was the apartment where the problem originated. Fun fact: when the problem is bad enough, roaches will hang out on the ceiling sometimes. Another fun fact: their feet aren't always as good at gripping as they think they are.