Author Topic: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 46 (4 March 2017)  (Read 95209 times)

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 27 (15 Nov 2016)
« Reply #120 on: November 19, 2016, 08:35:42 PM »
It's not playing badly it's just a more relaxed play so it's fun for you and fun for us as well.  I am so loving little Henry, and bad boy Gerald is still a joy.  Loved his bath scene.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 27 (15 Nov 2016)
« Reply #121 on: December 17, 2016, 02:08:23 PM »

Lol, I just read this post of yours on the "Other games" thread. It's dated the same date that you last posted a Morven dynasty chapter...

I loved ZooTycoon! I'm going to have to find my copy of it again.

Also, probably been said a lot, but: Minecraft.

And on that note, DireWolf20's new modpack for Minecraft 1.10 just came out so apologies in advance if I disappear for a while...

Once you're done with finals and enter your winter break, I hope you return to entertain us with more Morven drama and antics.
I might be going through withdrawals soon, but I'm not trying to guilt you.  ;)

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Offline Whirligig

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 27 (15 Nov 2016)
« Reply #122 on: February 03, 2017, 10:52:02 PM »
Hi @oshizu , and everyone else. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Yeah, my last post coincided with Minecraft, but a lot of other stuff happened, too. Nothing earth-shatteringly tragic, just a really stressful move before Christmas when I had also just started working full time. My interest in the Sims waned a bit. My boyfriend got me Stardew Valley for Christmas and that was a time sink, as was Minecraft and also Planet Coaster. Basically I've done my rounds of other games for a while but last night I went back to Sims and decided it was time I get stuck back into the Morvens. :) Expect an update or two within the next few days, then I'll be heading up the coast over the weekend for a wedding, but should hopefully be able to get right back in the swing of things next week.

Thanks so much for your patience, everyone, and it'll be good to get back.
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Offline oshizu

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 27 (15 Nov 2016)
« Reply #123 on: February 03, 2017, 10:56:29 PM »
That's really great news about you resuming your Morvens tale, Whirlygig!
Welcome back!!!

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 27 (15 Nov 2016)
« Reply #124 on: February 04, 2017, 12:17:27 AM »
Well, hello there! Nice to see you (and Gerald's menacing grimace) again! You've been missed.

I totally get it about Stardew Valley. A timesink for sure and one I've fallen into myself. I'm very happy to hear you're back and planning to update soon. Woohoo! I've missed your Morvens and I can't wait to see what they get up to next.

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 27 (15 Nov 2016)
« Reply #125 on: February 06, 2017, 07:00:38 AM »
Chapter 29 - Henry's Role

For the occasion of Henry's birthday, the family opted not to throw a grand affair to mark the occasion. It was nearly midnight Thursday night/Friday morning, and so Iris baked a cheesecake for the occasion, and the family gathered around in the kitchen.

"Make a wish, Henry!" Rose encouraged him, sprinkling the room with confetti.

Henry thought long and hard about what he wanted, though he did wonder what choices he had in determining his own future. He'd had a feeling that maybe his position in the family had been determined long before he was even born.

That wasn't to say he questioned his position. On the contrary, knowing what his destiny was seemed to make it easier - as though he himself was being designed for the role. He also liked the fact that there was some degree of certainty surrounding his future. Here was where he was born, here would be where he would stay.

He may not be a Dynasty heir, but he was born into a dynasty house, and he was, by and large, a dynasty sim. He had duties within the house. His mother, for one, would rely on him to help her complete her aspiration. And he had solemnly sworn to be Gerald's Partner in Crime for life.

Hmmm, Gerald. He had to consider to what extent he would dedicate his life to being Gerald's 'sidekick'. Sure, it had been fun as a kid, but he was growing up now!

And maybe that was the point of being a teenager: having time to sort these things out before you had to completely responsible.

"Here goes nothing!" said Henry, excitedly. His family cheered.

Henry took a deep breath, and blew at the candles on the cheesecake as hard as he could.

"Teendom, here I come!" he exclaimed.

Not long after Henry became a teen, however, the family wished each other goodnight and went off to bed.

Henry was given the option to either remain in the upstairs bedroom that he shared with Edith, or to take over Antwan's old bedroom in the basement. Henry opted for the latter, but not without redecorating a little bit, first.

The woodlands look may have suited the old gardener just fine, but it certainly wouldn't do for young Henry. If this would be the place where he would impress the women of Windenberg and surrounds with his class, charm and charisma, it needed to reflect that adequately.

Henry took a look around at his handiwork and sighed, satisfied the women would love his choice. Feeling proud not only of his childhood accomplishments, but of thinking of all he would accomplish as an adult as well, he settled himself between the covers and, for the first time in about three days, settled in to get some proper sleep.

When Friday morning dawned, however, Henry discovered that he couldn't go to school.

Rose apologised, saying it must have had to do with them being unable to submit his highschool enrolment papers before midnight last night, meaning his school was entirely unprepared for him to attend that day. So while Gerald and Edith went to school as normal, Henry was permitted to stay home.

He had hoped to use this time to get an early start on his goals. He decided to follow Antwan's lead and form a club (because that had gone so well for him) consisting of house teenaged girls in Windenberg. 'Henry's Dream Girls' was easily established, but he hesitated to call a meeting, being conscious of the fact that most of them would be at school. 

So he instead resigned himself to doing a bit of working out. After all, he certainly wanted to look his best for his 'dream girls'. 

Norman also had the day off on Friday (though this had nothing to do with late enrolments and everything to do with his being a level 8 journalist), and Rose had convinced him to spend the day writing. Everyone in the house, she explained, now had a book of life dedicated to them, except for her. She could hardly write her own book of life, could she?

So after plucking up some inspiration, Norman settled in with his desk and wracked his brains to try to write the best story he possibly could. Featuring a duck, of course.

Perhaps Henry's position in the house would be more similar to that of the original pollinators than he had originally thought. Sergio's plants were still mostly perfect, but that didn't mean they didn't still need tending every now and again.

Henry settled in under the afternoon sun to nurse the garden back to full health.

"Quit playing with your phone, please, Norman. You're worse than I am during English lectures," I snapped. "You've written two books so far, both merely excellent. Come on, get to it!"

"I'm, uh, browsing for ideas, Watcher," Norman replied. "Oh ho, what about a mystery? The Case of the Missing Mallard. Aww, yeah, who doesn't love a title that uses alliteration?"

"Just make it a Bestseller, okay?" I repeat, frustrated.

But Norman didn't make it a bestseller. Instead, he broke the computer in the living room, and took the opportunity to run off and find himself an afternoon snack. Iris reluctantly interrupted her afternoon yoga session to fix it.

"You're lucky you need to stay alive, Gerald," said Iris, "and your handiness is still so low. Otherwise you know you'd be doing this."

"Mwa ha ha, Nana! This is just as I had planned!" Gerald laughed evilly.

"Yeah, well, not for long, if I have anything to do with it," Iris replied firmly.

With Gerald and Edith having returned from school, the rest of the family decided to get a head start on what would hopefully be a productive weekend. Rose coached Edith in swimming until she finished the Rambunctious Scamp requirements.

And then, as Edith had very few good friends her age and needed to make progress in Social Butterfly desperately, Rose put her best-friendship with Norman on hold just long enough to become BFFs with her darling daughter.

Everyone was hoping that Edith wouldn't have the same mad-dash to the finish that Henry had had with his aspirations (and with her being the only child left in the household at the moment, that did seem rather more likely, though with this watcher's playing no one was holding their breath or anything). With Rambunctious Scamp (probably the easiest one) out of the way, Edith wanted to finish Social Butterfly over the weekend.

And Henry invited over the first of the girls on his list of eligible bachelorettes his age to begin the process of wooing and seducing them all. There's no such thing as 'too early,' right? Karly Behr (Yuki's daughter) certainly didn't seem to have any objections.

There was another reason, of course, for Henry to get started this early. Gerald being, well, Gerald, it was assumed he wouldn't have the time nor patience to go looking for a 'nice girl' to bring into the family as an official spouse.

He had been asked to meet with Anaya Watt - seemingly the only teenaged townie unrelated to either Sergio or Antwan in the game, but as soon as it was discovered that she had the 'good' trait, their relationship ended before it started.

But as predicted, all the girls loved Henry. And Henry knew his brother better than anyone. If there was a girl in all of Windenburg whose traits were…if not ideal, at least not entirely incompatible with Gerald's, then Henry could find her.

Meanwhile, inside, after writing six books in one day and breaking the computer twice, clumsy Norman finally finished the Bestselling Author aspiration.

"Congratulations, Norman," I exclaimed, relieved. "And what was the winning title?"

Norman smiled proudly. "Oh, ho, you'll never guess! It was a biography," he said. "I called it 'Ducky's story.'"

"I, err, that's great Norman. That's really great," I replied. Now many he never have to write another book ever again.

"So, plans for the weekend, boys?" Rose asked.

"Uh, maybe I'll drink lots and lots of orange juice," Norman replied. Hmm, perhaps the rash he'd developed was some indication of why writing that last Bestseller took so long.

"Eat more of this amazing cheesecake," exclaimed Gerald. He still seemed to have a soft spot for Nana Iris' cooking.

"Nah, seriously though. I'm hoping father will invite his journalism club over so I can make some enemies, and pull some serious pranks on them all. I'm going to make their lives miserable!" Gerald exclaimed.

"Oh ho," laughed Norman, "that's a great idea! I'm sure they'll love that!"

"Well," said Rose, "I was planning on doing some fishing."

"That sounds super lame, mother," said Gerald, "Don't you think so, Father?"

"Gerald, could you please stop duplicating yourself. I, uh, I can hardly concentrate when there's only one of you."

"You're only generation 3," said Rose patiently. "The sooner you get used to doing a lot of fishing, the happier you'll be."

"No way!" said Gerald, "I know! I'll get Edith to find some  way of making more and more angelfish without our having to fish for them! Then we'll never have to cast a line out again!"

"No can do," Rose replied, "I know exactly what you're talking about, and it's against the rules."

"Ugh," muttered Gerald, "stupid rules."

"Hey, uh, Rose?" asked Norman, "you never told me we were getting another fridge."

"Norman, sweetie, I think you need to go to bed."

Luckily, Norman obeyed and took himself up to bed. Soon the others followed. But Rose, who had recently purchased the 'never weary' reward, found she wasn't tired, so she decided to get a head start on her fishing plans.

It was little wonder to her that Uncle Sergio had enjoyed this pastime so much. Sure, she loved her big family and busy household - it was all she'd ever dreamed of having as a child. But Sergio had found this to be a welcome escape from the demands of the Dynasty and, if Rose was being honest with herself, from her. He never really had liked being around children very much.

It was a wonderful opportunity for her to spend time thinking, as well. And she had plenty to think about.

Sure, she was on track to becoming Immortal, same as her mother. But she still worried about Gerald. And about the secrets Iris seemed to be keeping from her. And even about little Edith - did she ever feel forgotten or lonely? The only BFF she had was her mother - did that hurt her? Sure, Edith had mentioned she planned on inviting the Rambunctious Rascals over to play later today, and she would focus on finishing Social Butterfly, but why had she been having so much trouble making friends in the first place?

Henry, at least, seemed to be doing well, she thought. He had become quite the Romantic, and was becoming rather popular with the ladies. This was a comfort to Rose, as the only way she could 'have four grandchildren' was if one of her sons had children outside the home. But Rose hoped to have many, many more grandchildren than just four. Henry, it was hoped, would follow in the footsteps of Antwan and Sergio before him, and he seemed already to be taking to those responsibilities like; well, like a fish to water.

Yes, sighed Rose, some things were going well. She simply had to look at the bright side of things.

She tried not to think about the fact that she had just fished through the night without catching a single angelfish.
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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 29 (6 Feb 2017)
« Reply #126 on: February 06, 2017, 12:40:09 PM »
Awww, Henry the kind-hearted loverboy. I love how his club name is even kind of sweet. What a charmer, that guy! I love how Henry is going to do Gerald's wooing for him. Very efficient use of resources, Gerald! Excellent delegation as usual.

And Norman and his duck books! And Gerald and his constant war with The Rules! Oh, I forgot how much I missed these guys! So glad you're back up and writing.

Tough luck on the angelfish, Rose. Don't worry. Some nights are like that. :)

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Offline oshizu

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 29 (6 Feb 2017)
« Reply #127 on: February 06, 2017, 07:18:47 PM »
Whoa, little innocent Henry ages up and he suddenly lives in a scarlet bedroom and wears a scarlet bandana!
I also think it's sweet that he's helping to scout out a spouse for his older brother (while having a bit of fun himself).

Norman and his duck books, lol. Congrats on getting him to finish the Bestselling Author aspiration, Watcher!
Did he break the computer twice in one day because he's clumsy or because the computer hasn't been upgraded yet?

Rose must be close to finishing her ambrosia requirements now! I'm rooting for you, Rose!

Offline Whirligig

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 29 (6 Feb 2017)
« Reply #128 on: February 07, 2017, 07:09:54 AM »
Awww, Henry the kind-hearted loverboy. I love how his club name is even kind of sweet. What a charmer, that guy! I love how Henry is going to do Gerald's wooing for him. Very efficient use of resources, Gerald! Excellent delegation as usual.

And Norman and his duck books! And Gerald and his constant war with The Rules! Oh, I forgot how much I missed these guys! So glad you're back up and writing.

Tough luck on the angelfish, Rose. Don't worry. Some nights are like that. :)

Thanks for the comment. Henry really is a sweetheart, not too tainted by his brother, though still of course quite willing to do his bidding.

I'm so glad to be back. :)

Whoa, little innocent Henry ages up and he suddenly lives in a scarlet bedroom and wears a scarlet bandana!
I also think it's sweet that he's helping to scout out a spouse for his older brother (while having a bit of fun himself).

Norman and his duck books, lol. Congrats on getting him to finish the Bestselling Author aspiration, Watcher!
Did he break the computer twice in one day because he's clumsy or because the computer hasn't been upgraded yet?

Rose must be close to finishing her ambrosia requirements now! I'm rooting for you, Rose!
I think the computer breakage was a combination of both, to be honest. Soon Edith will be upgrading all the things in the house, but I just contend with the fixing of things in the meantime.

Rose is super close, and she still has the entirety of the adult stage to get through. So plenty of time, really. I'm still working towards Angling Ace for her, but if she can do Big Happy Family, then I can keep Angling Ace as a free for all and count BHF as her 2nd unique aspiration. I'm pretty keen, because I still haven't installed any new EPs. (They're my carrots. A sim eats Ambrosia for the first time = Whirligig gets new EP stuff to play with). I just need to stop making the story so complicated. :P
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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 29 (6 Feb 2017)
« Reply #129 on: February 08, 2017, 09:12:22 AM »
Chapter 30 - Suspicions

Gerald was starting to get suspicious that something wasn't right. He was starting to wonder if maybe, just maybe, his family was against him. Setting out to ruin his plans or usurp his authority.

The Handiness skill had been his first clue.

Mischief, of course, was an obvious choice. Of course the most powerful sim in the universe needed to be able to have fun while doing it. Inviting sims to parties that would never happen, or instilling them with confidence for no real reason was all part of the fun.

But he would need to build skills in logic and charisma, wouldn't he? Why was he spending so much time fixing every little thing that broke around the house? In fact, over the weekend, he had finally gained enough handiness skill points from fixing toilets and sinks, that the watcher hadn't even hesitated to let him fix electronics anymore.

These were boring and tedious tasks that ought to have been left to minions and helpers, like Edith - not the Immortal Gerald Morven.

"I have a great idea for you, Edith," Gerald exclaimed to his younger sister. "If you're going to be a great scientist and inventor like you said, why don't you focus on building up the handiness skill? I'm sure it's required for that Nerd Brain aspiration you were thinking of doing."

Edith eyed Gerald suspiciously. "I will work on handiness, sure. But in case you haven't noticed, I'm still a child working on child skills."

"Oh sure, sure," said Gerald, "but I mean, I'm sure you've thought about what skills you want to build when you become a teen in a few days, right?"

Edith smirked. "If I was an heir? Yeah, I'd work on logic, handiness and rocket science. And I'll bet I could have my three skills maxed before you finish yours," she continued. "Even with your head start."

Gerald laughed. "Well of course you could," he said, "you're a genius!"

"Don't you forget it," said Edith.

"I'm just wondering, then, if I'm going to be an evil supervillain, why I've been sicked with the handiness skill? I mean, if you're going to be working on it anyways…"

Edith gave her brother a funny look.

"You mean you don't know? I mean, you still think…" she laughed. For a sim striving to be some sort of criminal mastermind, her brother was pretty dense.

Gerald frowned. "I fail to see what's so funny, Edith."

But Edith wasn't going to give up the game just like that. It would be far too amusing to watch her brother try to figure everything out for himself. It was funny, though, how well he knew her aspirations, when he didn't seem to have a clue about his own.

"Oh, nothing," said Edith. "My, um, my imaginary friend made a joke. It was funny." Of course, she didn't have an imaginary friend, but Gerald didn't need to know that.

"Maybe the watcher wants your museum items to be woodworking sculptures is all," she suggested. "I mean, Nana Iris did make a comment about your building a wooden toilet."

Gerald considered this possibility. It sort of made sense.

"Okay," he said slowly, "maybe that's it. Thanks, Edith."

Edith grinned. "No problem. No problem at all, brother."

The weekend had been somehow both quiet and eventful. As planned, Edith finished the Social Butterfly aspiration, before properly getting to work on Artistic Prodigy. She still had a lot of work to do, of course, but she was confident she'd make decent headway in no time.

After playing with Jolly the Dino, she made her way around to her brother's old friend, Bleary.

"You know Bleary, Gerald's not actually as smart as he thinks he is. If you ask me, he's too self-centred, and doesn't actually notice what others around him are doing," she explained. "Did you find that?"

"Yes, I know he wants to take over the world, but if he's going to do that, he's really going to have to start paying proper attention to the obstacles he may encounter along the way, you know?"

"I mean, if he isn't careful, someone he can't trust might just try vying for his power. He really needs to start keeping his eyes out."

Henry and his dream girls were making decent progress. He had his eyes on two in particular who would be his 'first' conquests: Karly Behr, and Matilda Elam. He and Matilda, it seemed, had poor chemistry to start off with, so the going with her was slow.

But Henry and Karly, on the other hand, seemed to be getting along like a house on fire. He was making headway on his aspiration, at the very least. But there was something else that was bothering him.

"Is there something on your mind, Henry? You seem a bit distracted."

Henry offered his grandfather a weak smile.

"I'm just worried about Gerald, Papa," he said, fiddling with his food.

"Aren't we all," muttered Joaquin, "but please, tell me what's got you so preoccupied."

"All the girls in this town are great, really," Henry started, "and I guess that's the problem. How am I supposed to find someone who's right for Gerald? I mean, he tried making friends with Anaya Watt, Rosa Bjergsen, Maeve Kim-Lewis and Kasey Stone, and none of them are a great match."

"I see your dilemma. And I suppose the right girl will also have to join the same career as Gerald, taking the other branch. It would be good if she had traits suited to her career."

"Oh Plumbob, Papa J, that's another matter."

"Henry, son, you're worrying far too much about this. You've just barely become a teen. Take it easy, and que sera sera."

Henry offered a weak smile in response.

"Not that Gerald would really have all that much luck on his own," Joaquin continued. "He might be the 'bad boy' type, but for any girl to fall for him properly, she would have to be truly insane." Joaquin paused. Perhaps he shouldn't have sad that. "If you tell him I said that, Henry, I'll deny it," he added, upon reconsidering. He wasn't exactly sure what harm Gerald could inflict on someone who was already dead, but he didn't particularly want to find out.

"Papa J, that's brilliant!" Henry exclaimed.

"How do you mean?" asked Joaquin, confused.

"I know just the girl now. Thank you, thank you so much!" he continued.

"Oh, well, uh, no problem. I hope it all works out?"

Henry grinned. "Oh, it will. I know it."

Henry may have come up with an answer to his problem, but it would have to wait until after Rose's birthday celebrations on Monday evening.

It was incredible to think that though she was the mother of two (almost three) teenagers who would be young adults themselves in just a few short weeks, she was still a young adult herself. Some say pregnancy goes on forever, but it her world there was more truth to that than she may have liked. Well, no longer.

"I'm so proud of all you've accomplished so far, Rose," Iris said. "You've done this dynasty proud."

"Thanks Mum, that means a lot," Rose replied with a smile.

"And I'm very proud of you, Norman," Rose said, turning her attention to her husband.

"Oh ho, thanks Rose! But, what have I done?" Norman responded.

"You've been a great husband, a great father, and a wonderful support. Thank you," she said, "and I'm so sorry I ever doubted you."

"Oh ho, Rose," Norman sighed.

It wouldn't be a big party. Just a small gathering of (mostly) family around the cake. Henry had one of his girls over, which Rose would just have to get used to as usual. But it was more than sufficient for Rose.

In all honesty, it was a bit late for Rose's liking. She felt like she'd been an adult for a long time, but to think she still had several more years to go before she would get her first taste of Ambrosia? Well, if anything, it would be a good time to take stock of where she was up to. No worrying about Gerald, Henry or Edith for today - today she would worry about herself.

She needed one more emotional whim, for instance. She hadn't completed a flirty whim yet, so for that she enlisted Norman to help her complete "Woohoo in Hot Tub."

"So now I just need to focus on my Museum items and my friend making. I only need one more promotion to reach the top of the Author career, Norman. I do plenty of book writing, it's just getting them to be Bestsellers that's making it take so long as it's taking," she explained. "Oh, that feels good."

"Wow Rose, you're doing great!" Norman replied.

"Well, and the Big Happy Family aspiration. How soon do you think Gerald will be ready to get married?"

"Uhh, well, uh."

"No, you're right, I shouldn't put that kind of pressure on him just yet. I've only just become an adult, so there's plenty of time, isn't there?"

Norman grinned in agreement. "Plenty of time," he repeated.

Rose smiled. It was all down to Henry now.

And she had complete faith in him to make the right choice…
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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 29 (6 Feb 2017)
« Reply #130 on: February 08, 2017, 12:05:12 PM »
Oh, that is too funny. A girl would have to be insane to fall for Gerald . . . so just find an insane one! Brilliant! Go, Henry, go! Nice work on the unintentionally good advice, Joaquin!

So Gerald is doing Nerd Brain? Or is the handiness just for the criminal career? Do they not want to tell him because he's much, much too cool to be a nerd? I wouldn't want to break that to him, either.

I just love the way the whole family affectionately tiptoes around Gerald. So supportive of their super-villain!

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 29 (6 Feb 2017)
« Reply #131 on: February 08, 2017, 01:30:52 PM »
I love the spunky Edith and the fact that she is actually much smarter than her older brother Gerald.
Oooh, I smell a future wrestling for power. *waves Team Edith banner

Henry looks like he's having the most fun.
It's fortunate that seeking an insane girl has turned out to be the wisest path. I've worried that Henry might fall in love with the girl he picks out for Gerald.
Henry is truly kind-hearted and can now freely pick a non-insane girl for himself, I guess.
So curious to learn who Gerald's match will be.

Rose is doing great! With only one promotion, a collection, and friends to arrange over her whole adult stage, she'll have time to enjoy life as well!  And some fishing, maybe..probably.

I so envy your skill, Whirligig, in weaving an intricate storyline then unraveling it for us a little at a time.
*sighs happily that the Morvens are back

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 30 (9 Feb 2017)
« Reply #132 on: February 10, 2017, 07:23:54 AM »
@FrancescaFiori He'll be doing Handiness for the criminal career. This is problematic mostly because he had another dream job in mind.

Indeed, Henry is now on the lookout for an insane girl. That is, if he doesn't have one in mind for Gerald already.

The family isn't quite sure whether or not to support Gerald, or to leave him be. They all realise they walk a fine line between being on good terms with him and angering him more than they would like to.

I'm not going to mention exactly what Edith's up to. She's not about to be the monologuing sort. She'll leave that to Gerald. But I think you're right - of the three of them, Henry gets to have the most fun for sure.

Rose is doing awesome! I just hope the Big Happy Family aspiration doesn't glitch out on me. I tried having Iris complete Successful Lineage, but even though Rose has reached the top of her career in game now, it still hasn't registered. I know those two can be glitchy, so I really, really hope it works out.

Haha, I feel like sometimes the storylines come out for me without my even trying. But it just goes to show we all have our strengths. You make challenges like this and the RDC look incredibly easy, while I do struggle a little bit with meeting requirements. *cough*Henry's childhood aspirations*cough*, but stories just come far too naturally.

I'm posting this from my sister's laptop in our airbnb on the coast (my cousin's getting married tomorrow!). I had wanted to bring my laptop and maybe post another chapter from here, but with the issues my laptop's screen has recently developed, I was sceptical about it surviving the journey. Jostling around in a backpack on a train, then in my Dad's van for a few hours, then back again just didn't seem like a good idea. So, if I survive the weekend (see below), I should have the next chapter up on Monday or Tuesday.

Thank you both for reading and sticking it out with me. :)

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 30 (9 Feb 2017)
« Reply #133 on: February 10, 2017, 10:18:17 AM »
Wow! I'm so sorry about that giant, vivid fireball that seems to be engulfing all of Australia. Even the meteorologist looks like she wants to apologize. I don't do Celsius, but I'm pretty sure you should stay indoors. Yikes! Good luck!

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Offline oshizu

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 30 (9 Feb 2017)
« Reply #134 on: February 10, 2017, 01:54:40 PM »
Safe travels to you, @Whirligig

(Incidentally, in your last photo, the girl sitting on Henry's left with the navy-blue top looks really cute. Who is she?)