Author Topic: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 46 (4 March 2017)  (Read 95246 times)

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 16 (27 Oct 2016)
« Reply #75 on: October 28, 2016, 12:35:25 PM »
Wow, you really did give the house a makeover! It looks really great and I love the costume choices! (What no hotdog? Lol)

Colette rocks that orange-and-black outfit. Rose makes a really adorable pregnant fairy--she's just too cute! I loved Rose's convo with Norman about plot development.

Oh, Gerald, what a looker you are! And he ages up while scheming!

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 17 (28 Oct 2016)
« Reply #76 on: October 28, 2016, 07:13:59 PM »
Uh oh. Looks like Gerald is going to be a handful. I'm excited!

I agree that the house looks amazing. I love the costumes, too! So much fun!

My favorite part, though, is Norman writing about ducks. Hilarious and perfect. I agree with Rose, though. Show, don't tell! :)

I am very intrigued by all this animosity toward witches. I look forward to finding out what that's all about!

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Offline Whirligig

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 17 (28 Oct 2016)
« Reply #77 on: October 31, 2016, 02:59:27 AM »
Hey everyone, sorry for not updating over the weekend. It was a crazy one that culminated in owner/landlord wants to sell our apartment because Sydney property bubble, so we may have to move out of our home of would-be-3-years-in-January before Christmas. Which means going through a LOT of stuff. I can't believe when I first moved to Australia 8 years ago, I had just two suitcases full of stuff. The great clothing cull of 2016 starts next week (it's like a CC cull, but more grown-up and a lot less fun)!

I did play a lot of Sims on either Friday or Saturday, which means even if I don't get much time to get into the game for the next few days, I should still be able to cobble some updates together. Plot development stuff may have to go on the backburner for a bit.

Wow, you really did give the house a makeover! It looks really great and I love the costume choices! (What no hotdog? Lol)

Colette rocks that orange-and-black outfit. Rose makes a really adorable pregnant fairy--she's just too cute! I loved Rose's convo with Norman about plot development.

Oh, Gerald, what a looker you are! And he ages up while scheming!
Haha, I'm glad you like it! I definitely don't want to ever get bored with this family, which I know is inevitable at some point or another. I think regular remodels/redecorating sprees will be frequent.

And no, lol, for some reason the hot dog costume didn't appeal to me for any of these sims. I promise it will appear later.

Re: Gerald. I think you'll like the next chapter. ;)

Uh oh. Looks like Gerald is going to be a handful. I'm excited!

I agree that the house looks amazing. I love the costumes, too! So much fun!

My favorite part, though, is Norman writing about ducks. Hilarious and perfect. I agree with Rose, though. Show, don't tell! :)

I am very intrigued by all this animosity toward witches. I look forward to finding out what that's all about!
I am hoping to have a great deal of fun with Gerald, hee hee. I also had fun decorating. I know that Spooky stuff didn't add a whole lot, but given it's Hallowe'en I thought it would be fun. :)

Yes, witches. There's definitely a reason for Iris' animosity. But all will be revealed in time...

Thanks both for being such awesome readers! :)
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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 17 (28 Oct 2016)
« Reply #78 on: October 31, 2016, 04:37:38 AM »
Chapter 18 - Gerald Morven's Guide to World Domination

How to take over the world
By Gerald Morven

Step 1: Be Gifted

It takes a certain calibre of sim to achieve world domination. I would recommend aspiring to become one of those gifted kids who learns everything super easily. Start with Rambunctious Scamp, so you can be super fit and strong. Only strong sims can take over the world.

But Rambunctious Scamp isn't the only important aspiration. Also of importance are whiz kid and Social Butterfly. Whiz kid is important because you can't just be strong, you also have to be smart to take over the world. And Social Butterfly is important because you have to be able to influence people to do your bidding.

Step 2: Recruit minions

There are many different kinds of sims in the world that can help you achieve world domination. Most sims are simple-minded or well-intentioned, and won't suspect that you have ulterior motives. First, look to the sims around you.

Recruit type: Grandmothers
Utility: High

Grandmothers are sentimental and also easy to wrap around your finger. They have lots of experience with the world which means they make good teachers. They have access to super powerful clubs and they seem to think your talk about world domination is 'cute'. Some would think this insulting. While it is a bit demeaning, your feigned innocence can be advantageous. I am fairly certain my grandmothers suspect nothing supervillainous of me.

Grandmothers can be enlisted to engage in all sorts of useful but mundane tasks. They can be recruited to collect angelfish, for instance - a crucial ingredient in ensuring the survival of your dynasty and for simultaneously ensuring your own immortality is secure.

In addition to being able to prepare the food of the Gods, grandmothers can also prepare other delicious foods. Nana Iris knows how to make an incredibly delicious chili.

Grandma Colette initially seemed less useful, and she and I disagreed on certain fundamentals. For instance, Grandma Colette, despite her obsession with mortality and with toying with death, is overall a good sim. She enjoys conversations about global politics and, I shudder to write it, world peace.

She is, however, a skilled gardener who has proven herself capable of crowing a rather carnivorous plant which I feel will prove very useful to me at a later date.

Nana Iris and I, however, get along much better. I think Nana Iris probably gets along with everyone.

Overall, grandmothers are incredibly useful recruits. They are pliable and knowledgeable, and they refuse to see the evil that is truly within you.

Recruit Type: Parents
Utility: Moderate

Parents are, in my view, less useful than grandmothers. While grandmothers have, for the most part, lived their lives and accomplished their goals, parents are still in the throes of trying to sort out their lives. My mother, for instance, is fixated on the chess table, determined to raise her logic skill to its maximum potential.

She also spends a great deal of time glued to her computer. She tells me she is writing books, and that she then sells the books she writes to earn money.

I have yet to determine what the usefulness of money is. Can it be eaten? Is it a weapon? How much power does it hold to further champion my cause for world domination? Mother says it is used to buy food and things. Perhaps it is some sort of bartering tool?

My father claims to working towards becoming as good a writer as my mother is. But he is, in all honesty, a bit simple-minded and seemingly easily distracted from what is meant to be his main task. He tells me one day he will be the best journalist and write lots and lots of important news stories.

I haven't quite worked out how my mother's money and my father's journalism will benefit me. Certainly not in the same way swimming lessons, sim-eating-plants, or delicious chili are beneficial, but I feel there is more I have yet to understand, and as such, I will withhold a harsh judgment on their usefulness for the moment.

One thing my parents have proven to be frustratingly adamant about, however, is schoolwork. This is a nuisance - school is a place filled to the brim with stupid young children and teachers who insist on trying to tell them they're smart.

As much as the hours spent at school have often left me in a foul mood, it seems that my success in this society is dependent upon my achieving good grades at school, which means schoolwork is a necessary evil. It is certainly not the sort of evil I enjoy.

It has become apparent to me, however, that parents have an additional function that is perhaps more useful to me than the functions of grandmothers.

It seems parents, specifically mothers, are capable of producing more sims. I was initially disgusted and appalled to discover that the reason for mother's unbecomingly large appearance was that there was a child growing inside of her, and that, in fact, she was also the source of my existence. It seems like a most unpleasant experience and not anything that I in my wildest imaginations would ever like to endure.

However, the sim that she has produced may be of especial use to me.

Recruit Type: Sidekick
Utility: To Be Determined

Mother insists that the new sim - Henry, she calls him - is my brother. "Brother" seems to me far too familial a term, so I will hereafter refer to him as Sidekick.

Sidekicks are immensely useful. They are highly-trained to be almost as awesome as you are. They are endlessly loyal and, in this case, incredibly pliable. I will be able to train my sidekick to be the best of the best, and trust me, I have plans for him!

Alas, it seems tiny sims are mostly good for crying and pooping. Mother promises he will get to be big 'like me' soon enough. But in the meantime, grandmothers are proving once again to be most useful.

Recruit type: Friends
Utility: Low

The Social Butterfly aspiration requires the procurement of allies known as 'friends', including 'friends' who are of my same age group. These are not endlessly loyal like sidekicks, they do not serve any function that I can ascertain apart from needing to be maintained and entertained.

Rosa Bjergsen is my first friend my age, but I bear her no especial sentiments.

Recruit type: Toys
Utility: Contextual (and also hugs)

Bleary Bear here is another 'friend' of mine who makes for an excellent conversational companion. Though he isn't very agile or, well, mobile in any way, he and the others like him who exist in my house make useful spies. He is also a useful confidante. I have spent many hours explaining to him the intricacies of my own plans - plans with which I trust him absolutely to not share with anyone. It is all highly classified information, you understand - far more classified than I would ever date to make available on a forum for just anyone to access.

They are also good for a hug. Even the strongest, smartest supervillain needs a hug on occasion.

Step 3: wait.

I have decided that I have far too easily become the most important sim in this house. Apart from parents, who are still occasionally selfish in their needless pursuits for abstract things like money and influence over the media, everything that happens in this house is for my direct benefit. I may not be dominating the world, but I am dominating my household, and it feels good! Unfortunately, school is petty. I tried pulling pranks at school but all I got was detention. I tried making friends at school, but my grades seemed to have decreased.

I have determined that, for the time being, I have done everything within my power to achieve world domination. All that remains is for me to continue working towards step 1 (to become gifted) and to continue recruiting 'friends' while I wait for my sidekick to grow up, and, it seems, for me to grow up.

The world, it seems, is not prepared for a juvenile supervillian and his infantile sidekick just yet. But trust me, Henry. They will be.


They will be.

In the meantime, Nana Iris makes a darned good bowl of chili.
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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 18 (31 Oct 2016)
« Reply #79 on: October 31, 2016, 10:49:08 AM »
Gerald is my favorite! Team Gerald! I heart Gerald! Long live Gerald!

I want t-shirts!

Once he figures out the utility of money we are all done for.

Gerald, I don't know how forum readers rank in terms of usefulness, but I humbly pledge myself to your service.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 18 (31 Oct 2016)
« Reply #80 on: October 31, 2016, 11:26:29 AM »
What a delightful chapter! Talking about making an appearance! Gerald has such a big personality from the very start!
Could you share with us his trait?

Oh, I can't wait to see what he gets up to next! He's adorable!  (And wow, Colette is such a pretty elder!)
Best wishes, Gerald, in your quest for simverse domination!

A side note: Once Gerald has an A grade, the "Make friends" mode at school won't decrease his performance.

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 18 (31 Oct 2016)
« Reply #81 on: October 31, 2016, 05:30:11 PM »
Hilarious!  I absolutely adore the nasty, evilness, within Gerald.  Of course the world and his family revolve around him.  He's a kid!  This is true for all kids, and they don't seem to outgrow this trait until their late 20's.  I agree with him.  An awesome bowl of chili is the bomb!
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline Whirligig

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 18 (31 Oct 2016)
« Reply #82 on: November 01, 2016, 07:51:24 AM »
I'm so glad you all enjoyed the chapter! I loved the idea, but when I first started writing it, I kind of ran out of steam at about 15 photos - turned out I couldn't maintain it for a whole chapter. I walked away, then restructured and started again, and made the full-length chapter no problem! Once I allowed Gerald to speak in first person, rather than strictly an indirect second person, it was much, much easier to just let him tell the story!

Gerald really is a cutie.
Gerald is my favorite! Team Gerald! I heart Gerald! Long live Gerald!

I want t-shirts!

Once he figures out the utility of money we are all done for.

Gerald, I don't know how forum readers rank in terms of usefulness, but I humbly pledge myself to your service.

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Haha, I know right? Once he works out what money is used for, well...

I shall be sure to let him know he has more minions at his disposal. ;)

What a delightful chapter! Talking about making an appearance! Gerald has such a big personality from the very start!
Could you share with us his trait?

Oh, I can't wait to see what he gets up to next! He's adorable!  (And wow, Colette is such a pretty elder!)
Best wishes, Gerald, in your quest for simverse domination!

A side note: Once Gerald has an A grade, the "Make friends" mode at school won't decrease his performance.
Haha, he sure does. His trait is most definitely 'evil'. I was disappointed to discover that evil clashes with childish, 'cause that would have made for a great personality! Oh well.

Yeah, this was all in the first few days as a child, he wasn't at an "A" grade just yet. I was tempted to let him 'make friends' at school anyways, but didn't want to risk him not making an A grade later on. Bringing them home should work out okay, and we get to see the second wave of Sergio's children this way.

Hilarious!  I absolutely adore the nasty, evilness, within Gerald.  Of course the world and his family revolve around him.  He's a kid!  This is true for all kids, and they don't seem to outgrow this trait until their late 20's.  I agree with him.  An awesome bowl of chili is the bomb!
His world is definitely very limited, and everything that happens is for his benefit, obviously. And as a twenty-something myself, I had to laugh at that last bit. ;-)

He does like his chili. I can't say I blame him.
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Offline Whirligig

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 18 (31 Oct 2016)
« Reply #83 on: November 01, 2016, 08:54:35 AM »
Chapter 19 - A Replacement?

Colette did not, of course, want anyone to think her ungrateful. Sure, she was a bit miffed about how Iris got to be Immortal while the rest of them got to live out their normally-lengthed lives and die normal old aged deaths. She was perhaps a bit indignant about the fact that she and Norman were meant to stand by and 'help' them with their goals.

And when she learned that the immortality would be passed on to Rose, and then Gerald, but not Henry, she was initially highly disdainful of just how unfair these rules were.

But she was appreciative, nonetheless, that their life of 'helping' was better than their life of 'existing' and so she went on helping.

She drew the line, however, at being asked to go about recruiting other helpers. Antwan Paul was younger than she was, albeit not by much, and had excellent gardening skills. He would make an excellent helper, but she would not be the one to ask him to join their quest.

Despite Colette's unwillingness to perform the role of recruiter, the expedition to the Oasis Springs Park was a productive one. It had provided a much-needed change of scenery to the family that had been mostly home-bound for the last few weeks.

Not that the home-bound days had been wasted. It was just difficult with two young children to find time to get out and about. Gerald was turning into a bit of a handful and, to be honest, Colette worried about him. He seemed to have a self-confidence that she might have called dangerous, if it hadn't been her grandson. She wondered if the others had noticed it, too.

Henry, for his part, was a fairly contented child, and though Norman had spent little time with Gerald as an infant, he was warming up to parenting and much more confident with his younger son.

Sergio's spirit had finally begun making appearances. Colette had missed him more than she'd cared to confess. She had regretted keeping her distance from him in the first week she'd spent with the Morvens, and informed him thusly as soon as his spirit appeared.

The two of them wasted little time in making up for such missed opportunities.

Norman had admittedly been a pretty slow learner, but he finally maxed the writing skill. He was also slow at gaining promotions and for some reason, his work schedule seemed to be working against him when it came to days off. Sure, he was grateful for having lots of time to spend with his family, but Rose was leaps and bounds ahead of him in earning promotions, despite being pregnant for very nearly the entire time she'd been working, and his having the Entrepreneurial trait.

He was worried. While there had been a surprising market for stories about Ducks, he wondered if the world of journalism would have quite the same demand for the adventures of aquatic birds.

Rose had explained to him that journalism involved writing about real people and real events.

"You have to be able to talk to people. You know, ask the right questions to get the right information," Rose had said, "I think it would be a good idea to spend some of those days off building up your…eloquence. Mom maxed charisma, maybe she can help you out."

"Oh ho, great idea Rose!" Norman exclaimed. A small room was set up in the basement, surrounded by all the fish Colette had mounted, and he started working away on building up his charismatic nature.

Rather than jumping into bed straight away after Henry was born, Rose and Norman had been distracted by their rather rambunctious elder child, work, skilling, and caring for the newborn. Though she would have happily accepted twins for pregnancies 1 or 2, she absolutely could not afford to have twins for baby number three, and had toyed with the idea of adopting her final child. But she really wanted another baby of her own, so with Henry's birthday just around the corner, they finally decided to go for baby number three.

This did mean, however, that they wanted another helper in the house. Someone older, who could maybe help with the fishing and gardening (both tasks which Iris still refused to take part in) as well as Sergio's old role.

Iris was keeping herself busy in the way Immortals usually did. Working on skills and spare aspirations, mentoring the grandchildren, feeding the family, those sorts of things. It was a far less stressful existence for sure, but already Iris was starting to grow a little bored. She chalked it up as being all part of the curse.

She loved it when Joaquin came around for a visit. Oh, it still wasn't like having him around in person, but it was always great to see him, and to catch him up on everything that had happened since his last visit.

Joaquin didn't talk much about what it was like being dead. He seemed to spend most of his visits just revisiting and reminiscing about some of the perks of being alive.

Iris had no complaints in that regard. She had even put a closet in her own room especially for his visits.

This brings us back, I suppose, to the visit to the park. Yes, a change of scenery had been good. A new fishing spot was most welcome, and though she only caught one angelfish to add to the fish tank, Colette did catch a fair few other fish that hadn't previously been in her collection.

Gerald called the first official gathering of the Rambunctious Rascals, the kids club he had formed with some of his classmates, with the intention of easily making 'friends' out of them.

Most of his classmates were, incidentally, the children of his mother's Uncle Sergio. They were disappointingly neither rambunctious nor rascals, and most of them opted instead to use the time to work on their homework.

Friends, he had decided, were boring, and had little utility. He much preferred making enemies out of other sims. He wasn't allowed to be mean to the other kids, but adults were fair game.

Truth be told, the visit to the park had come as a bit of a shock. He had thought he knew everything about the world. Home and school. But to discover that there was more world out there, and more people he needed to be able to control? He thought maybe he would need to reconsider his plans for a global takeover, as the globe seemed to be a bit bigger than he had initially thought.

While Colette had wanted nothing to do with the recruiting of new 'helpers', Antwan Paul did fit the bill for the placeholder slash pollinator they needed. Iris was easily able to talk him into joining the dynasty, promising he would be able to live out his golden years comfortably, communing with nature, fishing and gardening, and surrounded by beautiful women.

It was a pretty easy sell, all things considered, and so Antwan joined the leagues of the Morven Dynasty helpers.

Colette wasn't sure how she felt about this. It seemed to her like Sergio was being replaced, and far too soon for her liking. Were they all replaceable?

It seemed like they could have stayed at the park all night, and in way, that would have been preferred if more angelfish could have been caught. But when Gerald started falling off the monkey bars and blaming the other kids for it, Nana Iris decided to call it a night. She promised him they could come back later and keep playing.

But Gerald just mumbled something about how he would be 'the ruler' of the park one day. Iris and Colette exchanged bemused glances, wondering perhaps whether or not they should be worried about what that might mean.

Antwan had only met Colette and Iris, so upon returning to the house, he was introduced to Norman.

"I say," chided Antwan "this blackened bass is delightful. Are you quite sure you don't want to savour it slowly, young man?"

"Eeyup," mumbled Norman through another mouthful of fish.

Iris, meanwhile, went straight upstairs to the nursery. Henry would be aging up soon, and she wanted to get as many cuddles as she could.

She hoped little Henry wouldn't be quite as much work as Gerald.

But sure enough, not long after their cuddles, it was time for Henry to take on the big world as a big kid.

"Woah," he murmured. "I have legs! Big legs"

"And hands! Oh, this is going to be so cool!"

And here, dear readers, will I leave with a collage of the boys and their parents (because I'm miserable at trying to identify exactly how which looks like who. I think Henry looks more like Norman in terms of facial structure, but he still has the light skin).
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Offline oshizu

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 19 (1 Nov 2016)
« Reply #84 on: November 01, 2016, 11:04:48 AM »
Haha, of course, Colette would be interested in Sergio now that he's dead.
I don't play ghosts so I'm just wondering: Can a sim of child-bearing age get pregnant from woohoo with a ghost?

It's great that Norman is feeling more comfortable with his new life, and odd that Colette still holds such residual anger (well, except about Sergio).
Children change so much when they become teens, so I'll postpone a genetic guessing game until then. Meanwhile, I will say I love Gerald's darker skintone with the blonde hair.

What do you think, Gerald? Will Henry make good minion material?
And by the way, Watcher, your new Gerald avatar is a nice touch!

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 19 (1 Nov 2016)
« Reply #85 on: November 02, 2016, 10:26:16 AM »

A very happy birthday to you!  ;D

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 19 (1 Nov 2016)
« Reply #86 on: November 02, 2016, 01:29:44 PM »
Colette and her ghost boyfriend! Perfect. This seems like it was destined to be. I'm sorry it hasn't make her any less sour on the whole dynasty concept. :)
I love the shot of the Rambunctious Rascals calmly and politely doing their homework.
And a collage! Hooray!
Henry is cute, but I'm glad Gerald is the heir. He seems to have received all of the most interesting facial features of both parents. Also, because he's Gerald. Go Gerald!

Offline Whirligig

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 19 (1 Nov 2016)
« Reply #87 on: November 07, 2016, 08:04:18 AM »
Sorry about not replying much in the past week. I wrote an exam, managed to find a new place to live (moving day is Nov 26th!), and kind of for once had a bit of a social life. Shock horror. Apparently people do things for their birthdays (thanks for your greetings, @oshizu , much appreciated!).

Haha, of course, Colette would be interested in Sergio now that he's dead.
I don't play ghosts so I'm just wondering: Can a sim of child-bearing age get pregnant from woohoo with a ghost?

It's great that Norman is feeling more comfortable with his new life, and odd that Colette still holds such residual anger (well, except about Sergio).
Children change so much when they become teens, so I'll postpone a genetic guessing game until then. Meanwhile, I will say I love Gerald's darker skintone with the blonde hair.

What do you think, Gerald? Will Henry make good minion material?
And by the way, Watcher, your new Gerald avatar is a nice touch!
It just seemed like too good an opportunity - one I couldn't miss. Also, I'm pretty sure ghosts cannot get other sims pregnant.

Yeah, the child-teen age up does change things quite a bit. I think Gerald will eventually discover a use for Henry as a minion, but just what that use is has yet to be discovered on his part.

Colette and her ghost boyfriend! Perfect. This seems like it was destined to be. I'm sorry it hasn't make her any less sour on the whole dynasty concept. :)
I love the shot of the Rambunctious Rascals calmly and politely doing their homework.
And a collage! Hooray!
Henry is cute, but I'm glad Gerald is the heir. He seems to have received all of the most interesting facial features of both parents. Also, because he's Gerald. Go Gerald!
Haha, so far the Rambunctious rascals have done a poor job of living up to their name, hey?

I too am glad Gerald is the heir. :)
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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 19 (1 Nov 2016)
« Reply #88 on: November 07, 2016, 08:13:23 AM »
Chapter 20 - Costume Parties

"Finally, you're a kid now! Man, it feels like you were a baby forever!" Gerald was saying, "and the first thing you do is eat food? You'd better not be a glutton like Dad. That's of little use to me."

"Nah, I was just hungry. This yogurt is delicious - who made it?" Henry laughed. "So much yummier than formula."

Gerald shrugged, struggling to imagine what formula tasted like. "Probably Nana Iris. She makes the best food. You should try the chili. ANYways, Harley, this is Henry. Henry, this is Harley. I would appreciate it if the two of you became friends."

"Okay," said Henry, eagerly.

"And, actually, all the other girls. Being friendly is tiresome," Gerald continued.

"Oh, I don't think so! Being friendly is fun!"

How to take over the world
By Gerald Morven

I have decided to maintain this  journal episodically throughout my quest. The watcher has reluctantly agreed to share it with my so called 'forum readers' who have pledged their loyalty to me and are very interested in discovering how I fare as world supervillain.

This quest, I fear, is going to be far more difficult that I initially anticipated. It seems that our home is situated on an island, and there is a much larger world beyond the sea, that I will need to conquer as well.

Henry, my sidekick, has finally become a child. He seems to be outgoing, just like both Grandmothers. This is an excellent development, as he has no qualms with befriending the other girls whose company I find ted-i-ous.

I started a club for the kids in the area when Henry was still a baby. Initially, I forgot to leave an empty slot for him, so as soon as he grew up I called a gathering so that we could earn enough points to buy the extra slot and add him to club. This gave him plenty of opportunities to meet some of the other children and 'introduce himself'.

I played on the pirate ship with them initially (of course, as their captain), but eventually opted to spend the time working on my motor skill instead.

Father came home from work, and wanted to get in on the "fun".

He makes a truly terrifying sea monster, though not, I fear, for the desired reasons.

Gerald and Henry weren't the only sims making friends that night. 'Friends'. Antwan had been briefed on the duties he would be required to carry out for the next little while.

For an old man, he took to the idea much more quickly than Sergio had. Incidentally, the first young woman of childbearing age was one of Sergio's daughters: Kori Patel.

"I say, young woman, I may be a bit on the elderly side, but I would just like to inform you that I do indeed still have the strength of a young stallion," said Antwan, flexing his muscles. "Allow me to demonstrate."

Kori, it seems, was easily seduced by the 'young stallion,' as he led her out to the hot tub.

Gerald wasn't the only one pleased that Henry had grown up. Rose was quite keen to have someone else willing to play chess with her; the rest of the household, it seemed, had grown tired of the activity.

Henry rather liked the chess game, and he tried to convince Gerald to play with him once, but Gerald was more interested in telling Henry about his plans.

"When I'm big," he was saying, "I'm going to be the most powerful sim in the world. If you become my sidekick, then we would have so much power that everyone would be forced to do as we tell them."

"But I don't want to control everyone and have them do everything I tell them," Henry was protesting. "I just want people to like me."

Gerald's eyes narrowed. "Do you want me to like you?" There was a slightly threatening tone in his voice.

But Henry just laughed. "You already like me."

Gerald frowned. Henry was right, of course - he was quite fond of his little brother. But that was why he needed Henry on his side.

"I suppose that could be of use," muttered Gerald.

"I think people will be more likely to do what you want them to do if they like you," said Henry.

"Or if they're afraid of you," Gerald mused.

Henry sniggered. "Is that why you're just sitting there and won't play chess with me?" he asked.

Gerald glared.

Henry was confusing him. He thought a sidekick would be easy to manipulate, but while Henry posed no obstacle, he was sure going about 'helping' Gerald in a way that was very different to what Gerald had expected.

He ran off to find Nana Iris, who had promised to read him some stories for his Whiz Kid aspiration. He knew he could count on his grandmother, after all.

"Oh ho, hey Rose! Have I already told you that you look awesome in that fairy dress?" asked Norman enthusiastically.

"Yes Norman," sighed Rose, "several times. My hope, however, is that after today none of us will have to wear any more costumes."

"Oh, but I like the pirate costume," Norman frowned.

Rose smiled, in spite of herself. "Well, let's see what other costumes we have up our sleeves," she said, dialling in a Spooky party.

"Well Rose, what do you think?" asked Norman, his voice muffled.

"What are you supposed to be?" Rose asked.

"I'm Boba-fett, obviously," said Norman.

"Right," said Rose.

Henry decided to dress up as a Pirate for the party, but then he decided to go for a swim soon after the party started, so the costume didn't last long. That could have been because Iris forgot to end the club gathering before the party started.

While Iris catered the event. She'd never made cheesy eyeballs before, so she ended making enough cheesy eyeballs for days!

Colette dressed up as a woodland fairy - suitable, she figured for a sim who loved to garden. Antwan dressed up as a llamacorn.

Gerald, for his part, decided to maintain anonymity. One day he would unmask himself as the true super villain he was, but today was not that day.

Henry and Rose took responsibility for the carving of the pumpkins while everyone else focussed on entertaining the guests.

Overall, the spooky party was a roaring success, and so Rose successfully earned her gold medal for the event. She wasted no time in ringing up the second Incognito Costume party.

The second party, too, was also successful. This time, Rose opted for the hot dog costume.

Antwan took the opportunity presented by the parties to make himself acquainted with some of the other young women in the neighbourhood. He would keep their contact information safe for later, no doubt.

And so with a date, a wedding, a birthday party and two different costume parties under her belt, Rose successfully completed the five gold medals requirement for her dynasty, meaning she was well on her way to becoming as Immortal as her mother.
The Morven Dynasty
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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 20 (7 Nov 2016)
« Reply #89 on: November 07, 2016, 11:47:07 AM »
How wonderful that both Gerard and Henry inherited the violet eyes! It's great watching the two brothers getting along so well.

Congrats to Rose for completing that pesky five-parties requirement! Colette makes a lovely woodland fairy, while Rose makes an adorable pink fairy.
Is Rose expecting?
Haha, Antwan the young stallion. Way to have a positive self-image, Antwan! lol

What a wonderful story this is!

