Author Topic: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 46 (4 March 2017)  (Read 75261 times)

Offline Whirligig

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The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 46 (4 March 2017)
« on: October 10, 2016, 07:20:23 AM »
Hey everyone! Not sure when I last posted on here, but it was…a while ago.

For the past few weeks I've gotten the Sims bug pretty bad. Like I have essays to write and books to read and work to do and I just want to play sims!

I've pretty much always been a challenge player, ever since I discovered the Legacy Challenge in TS2. I rarely ever plop a sim down in a lot without having some sort of end goal. Having said that, I've never actually reached said end-goal. I get bored or start a new challenge or something along those lines before progressing too far.

So, I've decided a fresh start can work wonders. I had thought maybe a 2017 New Year's resolution could actually be to finish a legacy challenge, but I'm keen now so I'm going to get started now. Here's hoping I'll be able to see this one through to the end!

Also worth noting: I'm definitely not a power-player like some of the talented simmers on this board. I can tell you right now, reaching the objectives are going to be a challenge for me, and it will probably be a scramble at the end to finish everything on time. I'm also not particularly concerned with the value of the museum items. I really just want to be able to say I did a Dynasty challenge, simple as that. After all, resolve is the biggest challenge.

 Also on updating: My computer is a piece of junk that doesn't run the Sims for more than a few minutes without overheating and shutting down. My boyfriend's computer runs it like a breeze, so I'll be playing on his computer, and then most likely keeping the screenshots on USB so I can post from my computer.

So without further ado:

The Morven Family Dynasty.

Most Recent Chapter: Chapter 46


Generation 1: Iris
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Chapter 1 - The Airhead Blonde
Chapter 2 - Renovation and Adaptation
Chapter 3 - Something in the Water
Chapter 4 - Birthdays and a Wedding
Chapter 5 - Serious Adults
Chapter 6 - Show Stopper
Chapter 7 - La Día De Los Muertos
Chapter 8 - Soulmates
Chapter 9 - In Another Life
Chapter 10 - A Picnic in the Park
Chapter 11 - Hot Dogs
Chapter 12 - Growing Up

Generation 2: Rose
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Chapter 13 - Whims and Angelfish
Chapter 14 - I Promise I Love Him
Chapter 15 - Onya Mate!
Chapter 16 - The Heir is Born
Chapter 17 - Anything but Witches
Chapter 18 - Gerald Morven's Guide to World Domination
Chapter 19 - A Replacement?
Chapter 20 - Costume Parties
Chapter 21 - Dear Norman
Chapter 22 - Edith
Chapter 23 - Failure?
Chapter 24 - Conversations with Rose
Chapter 25 - Back to Normal?
Chapter 26 - What are Weekends for?
Chapter 27 - Gerald Unleashed!
Chapter 28 - Ugh, Lame!
Chapter 29 - Henry's Role
Chapter 30 - Suspicions
Chapter 31 - Powerful
Chapter 32 - Scribe of History, Creator of Worlds.
Chapter 33 - Making it Official
Chapter 34 - Can we do it All Again?
Chapter 35 - Application Rejected
Chapter 36 - For the Good of the Dynasty
Chapter 37 - Diminutive
Chapter 38 - Soulmates, After All
Chapter 39 - No Great Loss
Chapter 40 - Quit Slacking, Watcher!
Chapter 41 - Someone as Wonderfully Evil as I
Chapter 42 - Finding My Life's Calling
Chapter 43 - Friends, Friends, Friends
Chapter 44 - A Turn for the Worst

Generation 3: Gerald
Chapter 45 - Better Late than Never
Chapter 46 - Glamping

If you're interested, my spreadsheet can be found here. Note: I update this as I'm playing, and as such, it contains spoilers!
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Soroja14 on Origin

Offline Whirligig

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty - Chapter 1
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2016, 07:29:17 AM »
Chapter 1: The Airhead Blonde

Sergio Romeo once had a pretty sweet life. He was living with his best mate Joaquin in a pretty sweet pad in Windenberg. He was set up for a sweet career in IT and his pad was decked out with all the basics a bloke could need: weights machine, foosball table, computer. He'd just needed to find himself a girl who had an appreciation for the finer things in life and he could go on living his blissful existence on an island with no kids.

But then Joaquin had to go and mess everything up, didn't he?


It started with the Welcome Wagon.

Basically, out of nowhere the Villareals up and sold their mansion, and moved to Oasis Springs. The mansion then gets demolished and this pathetic excuse for a house turns up in its wake, occupied by a single airhead blonde.

The entire situation smelled suspicious to Sergio, and he would like to, if possible, keep his distance from the whole debacle of a situation.

But nooo, says Joaquin. We have new neighbour, says Joaquin. We have to go up there and welcome her to the neighbourhood, says Joaquin. At least he didn't insist on bringing fruitcake or something. Sergio can't cook to save his life.

He spent the whole time talking over the Villareal scandal with Bjorn anyways.


"Well she was pretty great, eh?" asks Joaquin, later that afternoon, after the visit.

"What?" asks Sergio, distracted by the game at hand.

"And that joke? The one about the Engineers? Brilliant! She was hilarious, Serge. Real funny, great sense of humour, great easygoing personality. I'll bet you she's a goofball like me."

"That's great, Joey. Really good-oh! Lucky shot!"

"And she certainly wasn't shy, was she? Keen to get to know everyone, even friendly to the Bjergsens! Well, come on Sergio, what did you think?"

"The Bjergsens aren't that bad, Joaquin."


Sergio sighed. "Look, mate. I've told you what I think," he said, dropping the ball in the middle of the board for a fresh face-off. "I think there's something fishy about the whole situation and we should just stay the heck away from it. You don't need to go falling for her like this."

"Oh, I'm not falling for her. I'm just interested in hanging out with her more, that's all. Maybe I'll invite her 'round next time the Spin Masters have a meet up. I reckon music would be her thing, don't you? Anyways, I'm going to the club tonight, wanna come?"

Sergio groaned.


The airhead blonde in question was, of course, Iris Morven. Born and raised in Belladonna Cove, to Claudia Brown and Don Morven, she decided she wanted something completely different out of life, and so she moved to Windenberg hoping to find just that.

Of course, Claudia and Don hadn't been terribly wealthy, and they passed on next to nothing to their daughter Iris when she said she was leaving. Which meant Iris was left with her charming personality, her winning good looks, and her killer sense of humour to make her way in life in Windenberg.

Oh, and there was also the small fact that I had chosen Iris to start my latest attempt at an Immortal Dynasty Challenge, but, well, minor details.

Iris was a sociable sim who aimed to befriend the world. She had to start, of course, by meeting them. And with the Welcome Wagon gone, this left her with very few sims to meet from home. After securing a job starting out in the Entertainer carrer, she decided to head out for a night on the town.

The club was pumping, and it seemed half the sims in town were here. Iris got busy straight away, introducing herself to everyone.

Here she met Candy Behr, and Mila Munch, and Nancy Landgraab. And then she ran into...

"Oh hey! It's Joaquin, right?" Iris remembered him quite well from the Welcome Wagon earlier that day.

"Iris! Great to see you here! I thought the scene might be your scene!"

Iris shrugged. "Not usually. But I figured, I'm new in town, where better to meet the locals?"

"Well, this is a great hang out. Let me introduce you to everyone!

Finally worn out from all the clubbing, Iris slumped home.

It was time to focus on her entertainment career, because she and I both knew that getting promotions would be one of the hardest parts of this whole ordeal.

The shack she had built to live in was basic, but it was only rudimentary. That was another priority, actually. Finding someone willing to move in and 'donate' their time and money to her cause. She considered the options available to her, but decided she didn't want to rush into a decision too soon.

Essentially, I didn't want a large number of sims. Too many things happening, not enough time focusing on what was important. But I wanted sims who would bring in a substantial amount of money. And, at the end of the day, Iris would have to eat Ambrosia somehow, which required ingredients that she herself didn't really have time to collect (and even focussing on levelling cooking skills wasn't going to be a high priority).

With plenty of time to make a decision, Iris and I decided that the next best use of her time when she wasn't at work was getting out into the neighbourhood and meeting the locals.

Moira Fyres, Iris learned, was the leader of the Garden Gnomes, Windenberg's gardening club. It was entirely possible that she would have plenty of useful skills to offer to the cause, but she would bring with her a rather large family.

Eliza and her husband Bob were typically a good choice for Dynasties. They were both still young, Bob was a pretty good cook, and yes, I had used them in Dynasty challenges before. And it was perhaps for that reason that they weren't high on my priority list.

Ultimately, Iris' mind had been made up from day one. She knew who she wanted to have in her life, helping her out on this, her early quest for immortality. Which suited Joaquin just fine.

Sergio, on the other hand…

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Offline oshizu

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2016, 11:31:35 AM »
What a fabulous start! Iris is lovely and your writing is very engaging.
Your screenshots are really great, too!

Looking forward to what happens next, @Whirligig !

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2016, 12:16:47 PM »
I'm excited about this, too! I like the way you start from Sergio's perspective. I'm very interested to see how he adjusts!

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Offline Whirligig

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2016, 02:12:13 AM »
What a fabulous start! Iris is lovely and your writing is very engaging.
Your screenshots are really great, too!

Looking forward to what happens next, @Whirligig !

Thanks so much, oshizu! I'm used to using Gadwin or a 3rd party program for my screenshots, but as I'm playing on my boyfriend's computer, it's easier for me to use the in-game screenshot function, which means there won't be many pictures of the UI or stuff like that (my stories are usually loaded with those). I've had to fall back on a different approach to storytelling.

I really appreciate the compliments!

I'm excited about this, too! I like the way you start from Sergio's perspective. I'm very interested to see how he adjusts!

Thanks FrancescaFiori! As you'll soon see, Sergio ended up quitting his job and being the sim I spent the most time with in the early days (when Iris and Joaquin were basically skilling or at work), so I felt like for a while there, he was the star of the show. It seemed fitting to explore a little bit of his perspective.
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Soroja14 on Origin

Offline Whirligig

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2016, 02:46:11 AM »
Chapter 2: Renovation and Adaptation

Yep, Sergio's life had been great once. A sweet pad with his friend, a sweet office job, plenty of time to find a girlfriend, plenty of time to work out…

All of that changed when Joaquin agreed to be 'roomies' with the girl living at the top of the hill. Sergio had been right to be suspicious - she was a watched sim, a Dynasty sim, and he had unwittingly been enlisted as a 'helper'.

So now, instead of sipping coffee in an office surrounded by the soothing halogen light and computer screens, he had his hands in the dirt and the harsh UV-Rays of the sun on his back.

Granted, using the funds that he and Joaquin had brought in, the makeshift shack was easily demolished and replaced with a rather grand-looking suburban house (a replication of NelcaRed's Moneybags Traditional Mansion). It was only half furnished, as funds had come close to running out, but neither did it spare any expense on the areas that were furnished.

The lower floor contained a kitchen/small dining area, an entryway and a study, a living room and a bathroom. The empty rooms were set aside to be an eventual dining room, perhaps an art studio and a larger study.

While the upper floor featured three bedrooms, Iris' featuring an ensuite bathroom. A basement was added a bit later on with a gym (mainly upon Sergio's insistence).

The house was a lot nicer than Sergio had expected, so he couldn't complain too much.

Still, being forced to quit his job in favour of fishing and digging in the dirt - well, if you'd asked him a few years ago where he thought his life was heading, this wouldn't have been his reply.

"So I get to work my butt off so that you can have eternal life? Is that the idea?" he'd asked, too bemused to think she was actually being serious.

"Err, well, when you put it that way, it sounds…bad," Iris replied. "I have requirements I have to meet. At the moment, I'm going to focus on my skills and my career, so I don't really have time to work on fishing or gardening. I expect to pick up those tasks where you left off a bit…later."

"Right. And what about Joey?" asked Sergio. So far he'd been tasked with cooking, maintenance, gardening, fishing, and…pollinating (whatever that meant). Joaquin, on the other hand.

"I'm going to work," he said. "I know I was going to be the next biggest DJ in town, but I've decided to actually get serious about making music…classical music, since someone's got to help pay the bills."

"Your joking, right?" asked Sergio.

But it appeared Joaquin wasn't joking.

That very afternoon, he and Iris both picked up a violin for the first time.

And Sergio was almost grateful to be able to run down to the ocean to…fish…for a while. The situation really didn't seem fair to him, but he was a watched sim now, which seemed to mean that he didn't get much choice in the matter, anyways.

As taking over the homebound responsibilities of preparing to prepare Ambrosia would require a lot of work and leave no time for a career, Sergio was forced to quit his job. This also meant that while Iris and Joaquin were busy at work, Sergio had a lot of time on his hands. He needed to source the base plants for Death Flowers, one of which was cherries. Which didn't grow in many places, but the neighbourhood of Cacti Casa was one of the places they did grow. And so it was decided that until he could harvest the cherries or take cutting from plants (whichever came soonest), the Cacti Casa was where he would hang out while the other two were at work.

And, while he was here, he could essentially do whatever he pleased with his time. Once J invited him in to hang out, this meant he could work out to his active heart's content.

He also found himself spending quite a bit of time chilling with J. The two had a lot in common. In addition to their shared interest in fitness, J was a rather experienced 'pollinator', and he was more than happy to give Sergio the low down on what the duty entailed. He was a lot more enthusiastic about the position than Sergio was inclined to be.

"Don't the women get mad? Shouldn't they have a say in whether or not they want to have children with me? I've always been a bit of a feminist, and well…Hang on, wait a minute, you have how many children? You know I hate children, right?"

J laughed. "Ah, Sergio, my friend, you have so much to learn."

"Evidently," Sergio sighed.

"I do really appreciate all the trouble you're going through for this, Serge," said Iris one morning over breakfast. "I know you didn't really want to get into this and it wasn't really your idea, but I am grateful."

"Uhhhh, thanks," Sergio nodded. He was starting to think this maybe wouldn't be so bad after all.

Amidst the fishing and the gardening and the cooking and the household repairs, it did seem like Iris and her Watcher wanted to make sure he still had time for some of the things he was interested in. (I was spending a lot of time with just him and, to be honest, I kinda felt sorry for him having to work so hard all the time).

Sergio briefly switched his aspiration to Bodybuilder. He was strictly told he wouldn't be permitted to complete the aspiration, but as long as he didn't reach level 10 fitness skill, it would be fine for him to work on the other goals. This of course meant a trip to the gym in Willow Creek. Iris, of course, needed to meet a few new sims and get working on some of her friendships for her own aspiration, so she and Joaquin decided to tag along.

While she was out and about, Gavin Richards told her about this great festival that was going on to celebrate La Dia del los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead. One thing Iris hadn't quite settled on yet was what her ten special items to contribute to the Dynasty museum would be. Unconcerned with fiscal greatness or glory, she thought collecting the skulls associated with this festival would be an excellent contribution to the family Museum - showcasing instead her colourful personality and friendliness to all the sims in the neighbourhood.

Everything else associated with becoming an Immortal was moving right along about as well as could be expected. Career wise, she and Joaquin were getting on famously. Being in the same career, they had the same work hours and work requirements, which mean they spent a lot of time together. Though they usually just focussed on the tasks at hand, sometimes this also meant they got to focus on one another.

Early on, they worked a lot for little pay, and didn't often have time for activities other than those that were work-related.

"Hobbies" and "Work" became nearly synonymous.

But that didn't mean their relationship wasn't developing into something perhaps a little bit stronger than friendship after all.
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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2016, 12:55:25 PM »
Oh, wow! I love the house. It's gorgeous and looks very livable.
Delighted to know that Sergio is a feminist. Also glad the recent rule-change means he won't have to compromise his values. I have found I need to keep entirely different moral codes for Sims and humans. :)
Nice to see Iris and Joaquin getting closer. It's sweet that they're taking things slowly.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2016, 02:23:42 PM »
Awww, poor Sergio! Always the bridesmaid, never the bride!
What a nice house they live in already! It's so fascinating to see how every simmer prioritizes their purchases differently.
The new house is gigantic!!!

I laughed at Sergio bonding with J over pollinating.
As for pomegranates, he could alternatively fish one up at Sylvan Glade...

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2016, 07:03:12 PM »
Good story, great house, and love how you have focused a bit on Sergio.  I always felt sorry for that guy.  As for bodybuilder, you absolutely can NOT do the aspiration but you CAN max fitness.  Lvl 10 fitness is ok for everyone as long as you avoid the aspiration.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2016, 07:40:30 PM »
Oh, wow! I love the house. It's gorgeous and looks very livable.
Delighted to know that Sergio is a feminist. Also glad the recent rule-change means he won't have to compromise his values. I have found I need to keep entirely different moral codes for Sims and humans. :)
Nice to see Iris and Joaquin getting closer. It's sweet that they're taking things slowly.

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The house has been great for playability so far - I've really only made a few modifications from my original design, but I love that it had so many empty rooms that I could repurpose as I saw fit. I can build small, based-on-houses-I've-lived-in houses, but building a mansion is daunting. I don't think this is going to be the final Dynasty house - I'll probably knock down and rebuild about halfway through.

Yeah, I really didn't think the pollination thing was something I would be able to sustain for very long in the Dynasty - which is why Iris is working on Friend of the World first. I thought I wasn't going to try to keep my town full, just enough so I could still do the 6-Good-Friends-Preferably-Outside-the-Household. I am grateful for the rule change, however it came in after Sergio had a fair few children. (Not exactly 43 - I thought ten was alright ;) ).

Awww, poor Sergio! Always the bridesmaid, never the bride!
What a nice house they live in already! It's so fascinating to see how every simmer priorities their purchases differently.
The new house is gigantic!!!

I laughed at Sergio bonding with J over pollinating.
As for pomegranates, he could alternatively fish one up at Sylvan Glade...
Haha, he's taken it like a trooper, I'll tell you that much. :) I ran right out of money after building that house the first time the bills came it. Not really complaining - I didn't want to start with a painter or novelist right off the bat as I appreciated that part of the challenge.

Through very little intervention on my part, J and Sergio became pretty good friends early on. (I say very little intervention, but Sergio was spending a lot of time at J's house, so there's that.)

Thanks for the pomegranate suggestion. :) Do they come up at all reliably in Sylvan Glade? I have such terrible luck with fishing usually, that I preferred to go with the 'hang out with these people until you can get cherries' method just because I knew it would work (which seemed, in my mind, to require less patience. Fishing is such a bore, both in Sims and in real life).
Good story, great house, and love how you have focused a bit on Sergio.  I always felt sorry for that guy.  As for bodybuilder, you absolutely can NOT do the aspiration but you CAN max fitness.  Lvl 10 fitness is ok for everyone as long as you avoid the aspiration.
Thanks Joria!

That was poorly explained in the story - he was working towards the aspiration, but if he came anywhere close to level 10 fitness, I knew I would have to switch him because he's not allowed to complete it due to the 'long lived' trait. Forbidding him from maxing fitness was my of controlling/not forgetting to switch Sergio's aspiration before he did. Does that make sense?  Basically I did tiers 1-3 for the points, then switched to something else before completing it so he wouldn't get the trait.

He did max fitness later on, which, yeah, means not so much as glancing at the athletic aspiration from here on in.

Thank you everyone for your kind comments! I do so love the community spirit of this board and I have learned so much from all of these skilled players! I hope I can keep it up!
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Soroja14 on Origin

Offline Whirligig

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2016, 08:03:51 PM »
Chapter 3:Something in the Water

It was impossible to tell which of the two was more nervous. Odd, really, being nervous on a date with your BFF, but they'd never really done anything all that romantic before. Maybe a "compliment appearance" here or a 'dirty joke' there, but never…a date. Just the two of them, in Willow Creek.

(Actually, Sergio was there, too. Despite all the Angelfish spotted swimming around in the ocean just below the cliff where their house stood, he had yet to catch one, and wondered if maybe his luck would change in Willow Creek. But he stayed down by the river with his rod and did not interfere one iota with the 'date' in progress).

And it did go well. Quite well, in fact. The two were able to focus on one another, and for once, they got to talk about something other than work.

"Belladonna Cove? I've never heard of the place," queried Joaquin.

"Oh, it's in another dimension. No way of getting there from here - not without a complete and utter transformation of the self which, trust me, you don’t really want to get into," Iris replied. "Trust me."

"Oh, I understand how the dimensions work. My family comes from Champs Les Sims. I guess I'm never going to see it, am I?" he sighed. He seemed almost…regretful.

"Ah, Monsieur Le Chien. Je regrette que tu es pris ici à Windenberg."

"Bien oui. Mais je suis pris ici avec toi."

"I mean, it's not so bad, really," Joaquin sighed. He had been staring up at the stars, but now he had something…someone more beautiful to stare at.

"What's not so bad?" asked Iris.

"Being stuck here with you."

Iris smiled. Mournfully, regretfully, but also happily. She was well aware of the curse of Immortality. She was stuck here nigh on forever. Joaquin would move on, without her.

She wished she could hold onto this moment, here in this place, this minute in the midst of all of time and space, forever.

In fact, she swore to herself that she would.

------------ Dynasty Achievement Unlocked: Gold Medal Date

And even as the two of them moved on to much more… primal? expressions of love, Iris remained moved by that moment.

So that the next morning, the two of them made their relationship official, as they promised to be exclusive to one another.

A moment commemorated, of course, with another selfie.


"Alright Sergio. You and I have both been stalling as much as the other here," I said, finding the boy busy at work fixing the shower. "I think it's time we got started on operation pollination."

Sergio bashed the wrench into the wall of the shower with greater force than before.

"Seriously, I know you heard me. Single child-bearing females in your contacts, show them to me."

He sighed. "Do I have to."

"Trust me," I said, "I'm asking myself the same question."

And so, Candy Behr was brought out to stand in the shadow of the weeping cherry blossom tree, where Sergio woo'd her until she followed him up to her bedroom.

And, well, one thing led to another.

"It must have been something I ate," mumbled Candy, as she found herself getting up close and personal with the porcelain throne. But I was a little bit more the wiser.

A few nights later, two other lovers were found stargazing under the branches of the weeping cherry blossom tree, presumably in anticipation for another session of violin practice (they were starting to get quite good, actually).

"The humans have a story," said Iris, "About a watcher who said to a man named Abraham, that one day his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky. Which was remarkable, as Abraham and his wife were both quite elderly, and they had no children."

"That's funny," said Joaquin. "What happened?"

"Well, Abraham thought the watcher was being ridiculous, so he woohoo'd his slave so she would get pregnant by him, so that the prophecy would come true. And yet, not long after the slave girl gave birth, his wife became pregnant anyways. So the watcher knew what they were doing. Three major religions of the human world have this story in them, and all of them claim to be children of Abraham."

Joaquin sighed. "I'm glad we don't have to worry about religion."

"Me, too," said Iris. "But I suppose I'm a bit like Abraham. In that I do worry about the future sometimes. I mean, there's so much that I just can't control."

"Why is that?" asked Joaquin.

"Well, I worry that maybe I'll fail, or one of my children will, and we won't be able to complete our Dynasty," said Iris. "Or I worry that I'll lose heart if I have to carry on without Sergio's help, without all my friends, some of whom have already been taken by the grim reaper. Or most of all, that I'll struggle to carry on without you."

Joaquin said nothing for a while. He just lay there in silence. Iris was almost beginning to worry that she'd told him too much. But it was true - even though they were still young adults, she knew that the day would come when he would leave and she would stay before either of them were anywhere near ready.

"Get up," said Joaquin, quietly.

"Iris, as much as I hate to admit it, you're absolutely right. One day we will be separated, and it hurts to think about it. And I suppose I'm the lucky one - I get to move on and be at peace while you have to carry on the Dynasty that you came here to start. And that breaks my heart."

"Joaquin, what are you…"

"Shhh. Iris, I still want you to know that as long as I'm here, and as long as I'm alive, I want to spend every minute possible with you. Helping you, supporting you, loving you, in every way I can. It may only be brief in the eyes of the universe, but to me, it would be a lifetime."

"Iris Morven. Will you marry me?"

"Oh Joey," gasped Iris, tears welling in her eyes, "oh Joey, of course I will!"

The next morning, Sergio had barely finished the breakfast dishes and was about to head out for a quick jog before tackling the gardening for the day, when there was a rather abraisive knock on the door, accompanied by a shout of "Sergio Romeo! You had better get your butt out here you lousy low life!"

Reluctantly, Sergio opened the door to face the music.

"Now tell me. What the heck do you expect my sister to do with YOUR baby?"

Sergio gulped. How on earth was he supposed to explain this?
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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2016, 12:43:40 PM »
What a lovely update!  First the romantic date, then star gazing and the story of Abraham, (love how you brought that in), then the proposal!  (sigh)  Just reminds me once again how emotionally tough doing a dynasty is.  You're a very good writer too.  Not just pictures but really good story telling.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2016, 01:46:51 PM »
The proposal was so beautiful! I loved it! The contrast with Sergio's scene right after was perfect, too. Poor guy!

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty
« Reply #13 on: October 12, 2016, 02:19:16 PM »
I'm not sure why, but I laughed a bit that Joaquin's PJs matched the bedroom curtains. (Maybe I need some coffee...)

Well, everything's going so fine and dandy for Iris and Joaquin--engaged and expecting!
I'm feeling bad for Sergio, however, and I hope he will find happiness now that he's freed from his pollinator duties.
Since he hates children, could he live in an in-law unit? Just musing since I've never actually played either Sergio or Joaquin before.

And, by the way, the Behrs are my favorite townie sims!

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Re: The Morven Family Dynasty
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2016, 09:33:17 PM »
I love it that you're telling the story from Sergio's point of view. Good luck to Iris and Joey!
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