Author Topic: A Little Bit of Everything: The Turpin Legacy  (Read 6846 times)

Offline Devin

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Re: A Little Bit of Everything: The Turpin Legacy
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2016, 03:42:02 PM »
Sylas is one of my favorite Sims. Ever.

He went downstairs to eat. Of course he was angry because insane trait.

I love watching him talk to himself. This boy might need to have his own legacy some day. He's awesome. I love him.

Paul stuck around a while to play some chess with Anita, while Conrad looked on.

And yes, Conrad has the same father as the black haired kids, the redheads, and the brunette. xD

Then he took some of the limited food that was left in the fridge.

Bryson set about completing his Social Butterfly aspiration by seeking out some childhood friends.

While Giovanni went to mourn for his father, who was just in the house a few minutes ago.

Chastity is still working on her Fabulously Wealthy aspiration. It's her third. She'll complete it. Painting helps, and she's accumulating masterpieces now instead of selling them.

Here are the masterpieces she's collected.

Lacey spends most of the time that she's not on the treadmill or at work painting. She has level 10 skill so this is another way for her to gain money for her own Fabulously Wealthy aspiration.

Conrad baked his own cake for his young adult birthday.

He blew out the candles.

Ate one last slice (sadly) and then moved out of the house.

To make way for the second baby of Generation Three!

Offline Joria

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Re: A Little Bit of Everything: The Turpin Legacy
« Reply #16 on: September 29, 2016, 03:49:33 PM »
Wow, this is really moving along.  I love how all the characters are developing.  Totally understand about forgetting to take pictures.  I either take too many or completely forget good moments.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: A Little Bit of Everything: The Turpin Legacy
« Reply #17 on: September 30, 2016, 09:15:05 AM »

The next morning, Daniel heads out for a run. He's in great shape and working out doesn't strain him as much as it used to, but he still has to do it for his job as an Astronaut. It's the perfect career for someone so focused on perfecting his body and he loves spending time on the machines inside the house. Running is a great way to get out and do something different, since he's not much of a swimmer, and the pool is inside the house anyway.

Inside, Chastity is aging quickly. She's growing tired a lot of the time, and is attempting to make the most of the time that she has left by stocking the fridge full of excellent meals for her family to eat once she's gone. Her family doesn't know how close they are to losing her, and it saddens her that she will leave the world of the living while her youngest son is still only a teenager. The Fabulously Wealthy aspiration has barely challenged her, and by this morning she has moved on to Mansion Baron (which she will not complete).

She can pass on to the next world knowing that she completed a whopping three aspirations during her long lifetime.

While one life is coming to a close downstairs, Lacey discovers that another is growing within her upstairs. Her attempt for baby with Daniel has been successful and she hopes that this time around, she'll have a little girl. The family has churned out a steady stream of boys and she wants her generation to produce more girls to carry on the matriarchy. In order to do so, she's going to have to have at least one girl, but she's hoping for no fewer than three.

After finding out that she's pregnant and telling Daniel, Lacey and Daniel both head off to work as Astronauts.

Chastity spends a lot of time sleeping in her old age. The couch has become her favorite place to doze so that she can wake up in a hurry if something happens in the house. She doesn't want to waste any time that she can spend with her family and sleeping upstairs in her room seems like such a waste to Chastity. Down here she can still be near them at the end of her life.

In spite of her pregnancy, Lacey continues to work her way up her career track by working out on the treadmill. It's not easy when she's pregnant, and this isn't her idea of a good time, but she likes the forward momentum that she has in her job because each promotion means more money in the family coffers, and she is a Fabulously Wealthy sim. The Astronaut career offers the most money at her current level and she enjoys her job a great deal. It leaves her a lot of time for other interests as well!

Even at the end of her life, Chastity still "has it." She's cooking up a storm for the family to make sure that they won't go hungry after she's gone. It's no major concern considering that Lacey is an excellent cook herself and that Giovanni's skills are growing as well. Chastity still has what it takes, with all of the flourishes to prove it! It's no wonder she's produced so many culinarily-inclined children!

Before it was time for her to say goodbye, it was time for Sylas to grow up. The Watcher's favorite sim, perhaps of all time, it would be sad to see him move out of the house, but it was his time to become a young adult and to join his brothers in Oasis Springs. He blew out the candles and became a grownup.

Being insane, he wasn't too happy about this "adulthood" thing. He's not ready to be out in the world on his own, but he's going to have to deal with the cold, hard world out there. Fortunately he will always have a supportive family at home.

Chastity's last masterpiece before it was her time was her portrait of Daniel, added to the family mausoleum and art gallery.

Offline Devin

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Re: A Little Bit of Everything: The Turpin Legacy
« Reply #18 on: September 30, 2016, 09:45:56 AM »

It was strange the next morning without Sylas there talking to himself (or yelling at himself might be more accurate) and a certain sadness settled over the family as they ate their breakfast at the bar. The bar had become Giovanni's home base, and he expressed his sadness over his brother's moving out to his mother as they shared the morning meal together. The entire household had begun to accept her age and her limitations, and after losing Paul, they were all too aware that she, too, would have her time.

He drowned his sorrows by practicing mixology. His hope is to become a Master Mixologist, which isn't likely to happen given that his grades aren't good enough to give him a boost in his career. It's worse because he's determined to contribute to the potions of youth in the family's inventory and he can't buy the connected trait to get him a boost in his career. It's pretty certain now that while Giovanni might stick around for a while after becoming an adult, he's not likely to die in the house.

After a lie-in, Lacey woke up in labor. It was a painful one, not at all like her labor with Bryson, and she was certain this time that she was going to give birth to her first daughter. She called out for her boyfriend to take her to the hospital, hopeful that she might be able to pass on the matriarchy after all.

When they arrived, they found something unusual. Daniel panicked, as most sim men do when their women are in labor, but Lacey maintained her calm demeanor and headed inside to use the toilet and get a snack while the doctor got ready to deliver her daughter.

It didn't bother her at all that her doctor was dead. He'd delivered Bryson and he could deliver her other children as well. So what if he'd passed on into the next world and returned as a ghost? Ghosts didn't frighten her. Her own father haunted the house where she had grown up, didn't he? No doubt the doctor still had all the same skills that he had when he'd been alive.

Just as she thought, he did a great job of operating the machinery that would extract her baby from her abdomen!

Meet Reuben! Even though he's in a pink bassinet, the name is masculine because the child is masculine. In spite of pop music and one strawberry, he came out a boy! Lacey was pretty sure that her lineage was cursed to boys and she made sure directly afterward to plant some strawberries in the family's indoor garden to make sure that there were plenty for her to eat when the time came for her to have another baby. She wouldn't leave anything else to chance!

In spite of him coming out the "wrong" gender, Lacey loved her son. She spent a lot of time holding him and whispering sweet nothings to him when she had the opportunity to do so. Babyhood is so fleeting.

Even Chastity got some time to spend with her grandson before it was her time to go. She made some silly faces at him and cooed at him. She'd be back later, no doubt, hovering over the cradle, and later when her time did come, she'd be back as a ghost to haunt her grandbabies and make sure that they were doing okay.

Anita aged up the same day and moved out to Oasis Springs to be with her brothers. In all honesty, she was quite relieved to have been able to go, and to be able to leave room for her sister to continue the family's legacy. With two boys in the house now, they were going to have to work extra-hard to get a girl before time ran out for Lacey!

Charity decided to throw one last party. She felt sure that it was her last day in the Simverse and she wanted the opportunity to go out with a bang. Unfortunately she chose a black and white party and for some reason the sims at the party didn't have the opportunity to talk about enough black and white things often enough to satisfy the game matrix, so the party was a total failure. She did enjoy herself though!

As she headed out to pick up some of the dishes that had been dropped off on the land surrounding the house...

Her heart began to give out. This was the end, and she knew it. Or perhaps it was just the end of things as she knew them. Death was nothing but a great adventure that would change her from one thing into another. It wasn't entirely permanent, was it?

She lay down in the scrub just as Grim arrived to take her to the Sim Netherworld.

Thus ends the first generation of the Turpin Legacy Challenge.

Lacey placed her next to her husband in the mausoleum.

Rest in peace, Chastity Turpin. You will be missed, but we know we'll see you around!

Offline Devin

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Re: A Little Bit of Everything: The Turpin Legacy
« Reply #19 on: September 30, 2016, 10:43:49 AM »

The next morning, life went on. It was strange not having Chastity in the house any more, but the family knew she wouldn't want them to be sad for her, and so they weren't. She'd lived a spectacular life, had ten wonderful children, and she'd passed a lot of love on to them. Giovanni was thoughtful at the sink while he washed his hands early that morning, considering everything that his mother had accomplished. He hoped that Lacey would be able to accomplish as much during her lifetime, but she hadn't gotten off to the easiest of starts, and was already a full-fledged adult. Nobody would ever compare to their mother. Giovanni was sure of it.

Lacey, on the other hand, was feeling good about things. Her aspiration had been difficult thus far, but she was confident that she would complete it before she turned elder, as long as she kept moving up in her career. The Astronaut career had proven easy for her to move up with, and she still always had her painting to fall back on. Soon she'd be painting the next generation of heirs for the legacy as well. The thought excited her as she sat down to eat her fish tacos and consider what the future could hold now that the house was a little more open to her having the children she dreamed of having.

She and Giovanni argued about it over their breakfast.

Giovanni: Let me stay in the house and help you out. With Mom gone, you could do with someone to help you look after the little ones, at least until Bryson gets a bit older.
Lacey: We're going to be fine, Giovanni. We don't need you here, and you're only going to get in the way in the long run.
Giovanni: You're not as young as you used to be. It's not like you're going to manage to have ten children before you turn elder.
Lacey: We'll see about that.
Giovanni: <laughs> Then you're going to need my help even more!

Afterward, to prove a point, Lacey went upstairs to feed her newborn son, Reuben. He was a good baby who rarely fussed, and she appreciated that he let her get more sleep than the others. Her pregnancy with him had been difficult to the point she felt sure that she was going to have a girl. Oh, well. She loved Reuben just the same as she would have if he'd managed to be a girl. He had his father's features, and that was one of the things that she loved about him.

Daniel, still in uniform, helped out too. He wasn't the greatest father, so focused on his career and his aspirations that he didn't always see that his children needed him, but he enjoyed his time with the boys as well.

Very soon, Reuben grew up into a handsome young man who resembled his father in many ways. He became a Whiz Kid with the convenient Bookworm trait.

Daniel still hadn't changed out of his uniform by the time that he sat down to have dinner with his son. If Reuben played his cards right, Daniel told him, he could also be a Bodybuilder in the Astronaut career field. Reuben just wrinkled his nose and told his father that he wasn't sure he wanted to be tied down to just one thing. He still had plenty of time to explore his options, didn't he?

When things broke down around the house, Giovanni had taken over where his father left out, repairing the broken appliances. They seemed to break with increasing frequency, and it was a lot of work to keep up with them, but at least it took his mind off of his mother's being gone and the fact that his sister wanted him to move out. It seemed like they needed him around here, and if he could just prove that, maybe they'd allow him to finish his aspiration and contribute more to the family's deviance policy.

Before she knew it was happening, Lacey was running on the treadmill pregnant again! She and Daniel found time whenever they could to work out together, since they both had to increase their fitness for their careers.

There's an odd gap in images here. I'm nearly certain that I took pictures at the hospital with the birth of the third child but apparently something went wrong. Forgive me!

When Lacey and Daniel returned from the hospital with Stephanie, the first girl of generation 3 (thanks to a strawberry a day!), Paul and Chastity were waiting for them! It was great for Lacey to see her parents together this way to greet her when she came home with the first potential heir to their legacy. She offered both of them a big smile as she introduced them to their first granddaughter, so that Chastity could see that her legacy would go on and not end in its third generation.

Chastity responded with a tight hug that Lacey could almost feel.

Chastity: I'm so proud of you Lacey.

After trying for another girl, Lacey sat down to play some chess with her Whiz Kid son, Reuben. She wanted all of her children to make it through their childhood with good grades and completed aspirations. It meant a lot to her to be able to contribute to their growing up years and to be there for them wherever she could. Her career was important, as the money was important, but what was money if the family wasn't there to support her when she needed them?

Not long after, she found out she was "in the club" again!

This time around, Lacey was starving. She'd never been so hungry in her entire life! She sat at the bar and munched on some salad while Giovanni practiced his Mixology skill again. He was worried about not doing so well in the Mixology career because he'd had some problems with his high school education and was now at a D-level.

Stephanie grew up beautiful! She also aged into a Whiz Kid with the Music Lover trait.

I missed a picture of her aging up because the game is super glitchy. It started with Chastity and there have been some odd problems ever since. She teleported straight out of the bassinet.

Giovanni aged to young adult! Now the question would really come: Would Lacey allow him to stay in the house?

In the end she agreed to allow him to stick around for a while. She'd tell him (so she said) when it was time for him to move to Oasis Springs with their brothers.

And then it was Byrson's turn! Daniel had to make three cakes because people kept taking pieces out of them before he could get them to the table, and they wound up using two sets of candles on one cake to age both kids up. How embarrassing!

Bryson felt pretty good about how he grew up! He gained the hot-headed trait and became a Renaissance Sim.

Lacey sat and ate while lecturing Bryson about the importance of good grades in high school. She was probably wasting her breath, considering that he was already studying for the next day at school, but she wanted to make sure that he didn't end up like Sylas and Giovanni. It was important to her that her children complete school with an A so that they could get a leg up in their careers, if they chose to go to work in a traditional career track.

Already huge with her fourth pregnancy, Lacey went to make some soup for the family. It reminded her of her mother slaving over the stove to feed the family and it made her sad that she only saw Chastity occasionally now. They'd been close when her mother was alive, but now that she was gone it seemed as though Lacey could have done more for her mother. It hurt to think that she might leave her own children in the same situation, and she determined to be sure that she would spend more time with her children than she had with her mother, even after they moved out. She'd started to re-think kicking Giovanni out of the legacy home.

Stephanie spent her time up in the playroom experimenting on the lab station until her father told her to be careful not to burn the house down. She'd be "grounded for life" if she set a fire on "that thing" and she just rolled her eyes. He was an athlete, what did she expect him to know about her Whiz Kid aspiration? Such physical people didn't understand what it was like for someone whose greatest wish was to become a more intelligent person.

Under threat of grounding, she headed out to explore some of the rocky outcrops around the house. Originally she'd wanted to go looking for discarded toys, but there weren't any fallen logs to look in, so she got out her chisel to break apart the rocks and see what she could find. It was a small haul in the end, but she got a few things that the family didn't have yet, and added them to the family's collections.

She was still out when Lacey went into labor with baby number four. She'd eaten plenty of strawberries since she'd found out that she was pregnant, and she was sure that this time it was going to be a girl. The same ghostly doctor greeted her at the door as had delivered her previous two children.

And Melinda was born! When they returned home, Paul and Chastity were waiting for them again.

Another weird game glitch. The game didn't save, I had to play through the pregnancy again, and there are some missing images, probably due to me not hitting F10 hard enough when I went to capture them. Ugh.

And baby number five is on the way already!

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Re: A Little Bit of Everything: The Turpin Legacy
« Reply #20 on: September 30, 2016, 03:56:52 PM »
F10?  I just use C to capture a screenshot.  Mostly because I know absolutely nothing about using the F keys.  Loved this multiple update.  Sad to see Chastity go but her ghost lives on.  Strawberries really do the trick for girl babies, don't they?  The kids are all adorable and very determined to be their own person. 
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline Devin

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Re: A Little Bit of Everything: The Turpin Legacy
« Reply #21 on: September 30, 2016, 07:47:10 PM »
I'm using Fraps for the screenshots because I have always gotten better results with it, but the trouble is sometimes I accidentally turn it off (or forget to turn it on) or I don't hit the key completely.

This family has been absurdly glitchy too. Chastity and now Lacey keep getting stuck in various different places and need to be reset to get them moving, and sometimes time will move forward without the clock moving forward so people wind up missing work or school or whatever. It's irritating, but this is the first family in Sims 4 that I am 100% certain I'll bring in Generation 4. The furthest I ever got was TS2 and generation 5 in one game, then the heir set herself on fire and I didn't have a spare in that legacy (because I was stupid).

I ought to be updating again (probably a long single update with not enough pictures for the amount of time that's passed) tomorrow before I play any more. I'm playing a bit too far ahead because I play in such large blocks of time. It's my distraction from life stress right now lol

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Re: A Little Bit of Everything: The Turpin Legacy
« Reply #22 on: October 01, 2016, 09:27:32 AM »

Generation Two Heir: Lacey Turpin
Childhood Aspiration: Whiz Kid (Completed)
Adult Aspiration(s): Fabulously Wealthy
Traits: Mentally Gifted, Business Savvy, Clumsy, Goofball, Creative
Accomplishments: Whiz Kid Aspiration, Maxed Painting Skill

Download Lacey!

Generation Two Spouse: Daniel Lottenbe
Adult Aspiration(s): Bodybuilder
Traits: High Metabolism, Active, Bro, Self-Assured
Accomplishments: Maxed Fitness Skill

Download Daniel!**

** NOT MY DOWNLOAD! Linked to the original #legacyloves household in the Gallery.

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Re: A Little Bit of Everything: The Turpin Legacy
« Reply #23 on: October 01, 2016, 10:28:58 AM »
We left off with Lacey discovering she was pregnant with baby #5.

Daniel wasn't exactly thrilled with the news. As far as he was concerned, Reuben was his spitting image and a good candidate for heir to the growing legacy home. It took Lacey some explaining to make sure that he understood that this was a matriarchy and that she needed a girl to carry on the legacy.

Lacey: Stephanie's a good girl, and so smart, but it's better to make sure that we have a spare. Once we have at least two girls, we'll choose which one is going to be the heir.

Daniel: And how are we going to choose?

Lacey: It's random.

Daniel: What do you mean "random?"

Lacey: You'll see.

Daniel: <sighs>

Like his sister, Reuben discovered the chemistry lab and began to experiment on it. His father's threats affected him less than they did his sister, and he went right on experimenting in spite of the risk of fire. In many ways, Reuben was a typical little boy, though certainly a precocious little boy with a strong desire to learn new things. The Chemistry Lab gave him plenty of opportunities to learn things, and he thought that when he grew up, he might want to be a scientist. When he told his father that, Daniel just chuckled, but Reuben gave him a knowing look and ignored his criticism. He knew what he wanted now. Maybe he wouldn't be tied down for forever, but science was his "thing."

Now that Bryson's a teenager, he's able to do more around the house. Household repairs and cleaning up after them have fallen to him recently, and he takes his job seriously. After all, doing repairs helps him to gain experience in the handiness skill, which is good for his Renaissance Sim aspiration. He's a good kid who works hard around the house and whose grades are reasonable. His parents love him, and so does this Watcher. Bryson's been pretty good to have around.

When he could, Giovanni cooked for the family. It was important for his career in the culinary track that he keep working on gaining cooking and mixology skills, and he needed to reach a high level of the Mixology career for his aspiration. He was still determined to stay in the household, though his determination was becoming confused and guarded. Lacey had made it clear enough to him that she might like room for another child in the third generation of their legacy, and he didn't think that he could stick around for too much longer.

Lacey continued to work on her aspiration by painting every opportunity that she got apart from her career and her children. She was getting close to achieving her first aspiration and hoped to switch to something simple and easy to complete, like Mansion Baron* or Soulmate (since she was already married to her soulmate). The task seemed to be taking her longer than it had her mother, given how long she'd had to work on it, and Lacey was frustrated by her lack of progress through her career. Perhaps it had to do with having fewer work days in a week?

The entire family helped with the indoor garden, but Giovanni liked to take the time to work in the garden so that he could spend time by himself thinking. Right now he wasn't in the way. He was still helping with the kids and making sure that everyone got fed. Besides, he was great for a party.

Then he had an idea. Maybe he'd "go out with a bang!" Throw a great, huge party for the members of his family before he left the household to go to Oasis Springs with his brothers and sister! That sounded like a keen idea, and he felt sure that it would make sure that his nieces and nephews would remember him when he was gone.

He got to planning right away.

Unfortunately the party went on hold when an illness began to go around the family. Stephanie got it first, and then Reuben (with whom she was playing chess in this photo) caught it from her. She bought some medicine, but unfortunately Reuben didn't take the medicine from her and therefore he continued to suffer with the illness.

Melinda aged up into a child and gained the Neat trait and the Social Butterfly Aspiration.* She's an extremely pretty little girl who got her mother's red hair.

Not the Watcher's favorite aspiration, but I'm getting better at accomplishing it, so I think that this is going to be okay.

Melinda headed into town immediately to introduce herself to some people. That's where she met her Uncle Conrad, and introduced herself to him. He'd make a good adult friend for later on. Nothing like family for some of the best friendships! It was just too bad that he and her other uncles (and aunt) hadn't given her any cousins to play with while they were still in the legacy house. Oh, well! She'd find ways to make friends!

Like Daniel, Lacey began to spend a lot of time in her uniform now. She cooked and ate in it. They'd made her a special uniform for her pregnancy bump. Yes! She was pregnant again with baby number 5!

The uniform fit so well that she was rarely out of it!

Paul, feeling sad, popped in occasionally to eat from the stores in the fridge.

Lacey went into labor for the fifth time! She arrived home from work just as Daniel was headed off, and enlisted Giovanni to go to the hospital with her. He was happy to help, given that he really did love his sister in spite of her insistence that he move out of the house so that she could make room for baby #6. It was nice to think that he could be useful, and he stood outside the hospital chatting with her and the living doctor before Lacey's regular doc showed up.

Dead and still working! He wasn't going to be the one to deliver the baby this time though, much to Lacey's chagrin.

She headed inside with Giovanni while her living doctor scrubbed up.

Lacey: Ervin has always been quicker than this. What's taking so long?

Giovanni: I don't know. I'll check to see where she is.

Just when Lacey was sure that she was going to give birth without the assistance of a doctor, the doc arrived and got her set up in the giant machine that would extract the baby from her.** After about half an hour of fumbling, Lacey was presented with her third daughter: Yvette.

Giovanni was faced with a major decision to make.

This has actually happened to me twice. Two hospital births without a doctor present lol

Giovanni had a decision to make. Did he make room for baby #6, or not? He spent some time at the bar considering it. He could max out his mixology skill and then move out of the house. That would at least be a contribution to the household, wouldn't it? It would take some time for him to consider it, but the pressure was on now for him to make a decision. Lacey wasn't getting any younger and her time to have children was limited to her adulthood.

Yvette aged up before he had made his decision, getting the worst of her parents' features and becoming a goofy Rambunctious Scamp.

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Re: A Little Bit of Everything: The Turpin Legacy
« Reply #24 on: October 01, 2016, 02:06:34 PM »
I don't know how you keep up with all the babies and folks moving in and out.  It would drive me bonkers.  Yvette is a bit unfortunate isn't she?  Maybe a new hair do would help?  She might age up lovely too and I'm sure her personality is going to be great.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: A Little Bit of Everything: The Turpin Legacy
« Reply #25 on: October 01, 2016, 03:30:49 PM »
@Joria  I wasn't keeping up with them all at first xD I just played through a bit more of the story and I was actually able to identify most of Lacey's siblings, though a couple of them are on their way to the netherworld. A few parties ought to help with keeping in touch and with the Social Butterfly aspirations, but right now nobody seems to like Melinda. It's pretty sad for a social butterfly not to be able to make friends xD lol

Yvette's pretty... bad. I've used fulleditmode to age her up just to get a look at her and... It just gets worse. I've never seen a sim kid this ugly, and Reuben wasn't an attractive child (gorgeous teenager though). I'm trying to decide whether it's worth it to kill her off lol

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Re: A Little Bit of Everything: The Turpin Legacy
« Reply #26 on: October 02, 2016, 09:41:51 PM »
This is going to be a big mish-mash of an update because I got frustrated with it again. Fortunately it is still moving forward.

Stephanie wasn't so sure about her new sister, and she headed outside to play on the Jungle Gym to work through her feelings about the new addition. Yvette had grown up... Well, odd. Not just odd, but, well, ugly. She didn't like to think that she was a superficial person, but she couldn't get past the fact that her sister had gotten the worst of her parents' features, and that in school, everybody was going to know that they were siblings and compare them to one another. The thought alone made her shudder!

Yvette certainly felt the sting of her sister's rejection. She couldn't even get the energy up to play with the toys that she'd found while digging in the trash can. It sucked that her sister didn't think much of her, but Yvette determined that she would make the most of a bad situation. Her Aspiration (Rambunctious Scamp) didn't really require her to interact with other children. If her sisters didn't like her, well then that was going to have to be just fine. She'd just have to be the ugly redheaded stepchild -- literally.

She did most things by herself, since her sisters were already Best Friends Forever and just didn't seem to be interested in getting to know her. Yvette played alone, and she ate alone. Even her parents didn't seem to want to spend a lot of time with her. If it had something to do with the way that she looked, she supposed that she could understand that. This was a legacy household, after all, and she was the last girl in her generation. Nobody was choosing her for heir.

Life around her went on. Bryson worked on his cooking skill in the hopes of increasing it enough that he could get a start on his aspiration (Renaissance Sim).

And due to her lack of friends, Yvette attempted to befriend the monster under her bed. Unfortunately even the monster couldn't stand to look at her.

Just when things in the house were getting pretty tense, it was Reuben's teen birthday. He didn't manage to complete his Whiz Kid aspiration in time, much to his parents' disappointment. He'd be going into a particularly difficult aspiration without the leg up of having an A in elementary school.

He gained the Self-Assured trait and became a Renaissance Sim like his brother.

Melinda continued (fruitlessly) to attempt to befriend Uncle Conrad, but he was having none of it. Just when she thought she was rolling with a good joke (and a high social skill!), he rebuffed her. Oh, well. She wound up writing him off as a potential adult friend and found some others to hand out with first.

The monsters were keeping the kids up at night, so Daniel set to spraying under the beds to try to stop the monsters from coming. In spite of the night lights, the monsters came every night, keeping the kids up and tanking their grades in elementary school. All three girls were eager to grow up, but none so much as Yvette, the youngest, who couldn't even make friends with the monster under her bed.

I had planned to make this longer but Fraps crashed and is causing an issue with my machine, so I need to reboot and then do the next part. Sorry about that!

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Re: A Little Bit of Everything: The Turpin Legacy
« Reply #27 on: October 02, 2016, 10:19:21 PM »

Daniel and Lacey loved one another, and they went on with their lives in the normal way, but something was missing. Daniel in particular was getting older and soon he would reach his elder birthday. They'd always been so focused on the legacy and on their careers that the pair of them hadn't spent the time to think about having a proper marriage. Their love was strong, but they'd never been on a date with one another and in spite of the way that they felt, it seemed that they ought to do something to, well, legitimize their children before they were all adults and moved out of the house.

So one evening after supper -- when he had showered and didn't smell bad from his workout -- Daniel got down on one knee and he asked Lacey to marry him. They'd been together for so long, they were best friends forever, but this was the one thing that was missing. For all of the successful parties that they'd had as a family, they had missed the most important one: Their wedding.

Lacey promptly accepted and admired the rock that her fiance had purchased for her. The family was hardly wanting for money any more and now when they dug things up out of the yard they kept them on the lot to add to their collections.

The wedding came quickly. Lacey invited all of her siblings, and was only sad that her parents could be there in the flesh, so to speak. It was a beautiful ceremony with a large turnout, but it left Lacey so exhausted that she headed straight back to her bedroom for some alone time with her husband.

That's where he found her with the cake.

The wedding earned a gold medal for the event, and everybody left well-fed and happy.

As a wedding present, Sylas had purchased them their first rocket ship. Since both Daniel and Lacey were Astronauts on different paths of their career track, they were going to need it. Daniel set straight to work on building the rocket.

Inside, Stephanie and Reuben chatted over leftovers. Reuben was upset about his failing grades in school and asked Stephanie's advice on how to bring them up.

Of course she suggested more study, but as a Renaissance Sim, he was already doing quite a bit of that.

The problem really bothered him.

Lacey went back to earning money when she wasn't doing space missions, building her rocket science skill, or working out. She was getting close to her aspiration by that point. It sure was taking a while!

Giovanni had chosen to stick around when he found out that Daniel and Lacey weren't going to have a sixth child, but he felt bad for his nieces and nephews that they were part of such a small family. He hadn't gotten to know all of his brothers and that hurt his heart.

Anita was aging up to adult, so she invited her brothers over for a birthday party.

This has never happened in my game before. I've been placing the sims I move out throughout the world, with all of the Generation 2 Spares and Males moved to Oasis Springs. So she had her own place, and she invited all of her brothers over for the event. For some reason Lacey wasn't invited. Weirdest thing was that in spite of the fact that she had obviously hired Conrad to cater and Giovanni to Mix drinks, the party was a total failure!

Also, I love Giovanni's outfit haha

Conrad arrived ready to cater, and Jonathan arrived furious for some reason! Maybe it's because this was likely the last time that they would all be in one place, and Lacey had to work.

That's Grant, Sylas, and Jonathan.

Once Anita's party failed, it was time for Stephanie to become a teenager!

She grew up pretty (if a bit pudgy in the cheeks), and bored with being a teenager already. She gained the Angling Ace Aspiration and the self-assured trait.

The rocket had to be repaired regularly, as Daniel had a habit of crash-landing it, and wasn't doing all that well in his job as a Space Ranger. For some reason he kept doing poorly at work, even though he did space missions and went to work energized.

Stephanie, our spare, went to work on her aspiration right away. She wanted to catch five fish in three different locations. It's kind of tough on this lot, as the amount of travel to get to the water is awful.

She shared pictures of her catches with her brother Bryson. He didn't believe that she caught them given that she hadn't brought them home.

It was time for Bryson to become an adult, making Generation 3 the lowest generation to reach young adulthood!

He's the spitting image of his Uncle Giovanni, but with red hair!

More next time. I'll update again tomorrow. I've played ahead a little bit but not much has been happening in the game at all for a little while so it will be a short update or one long and boring update xD

Offline Devin

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Re: A Little Bit of Everything: The Turpin Legacy
« Reply #28 on: October 02, 2016, 10:22:11 PM »

Generation Two Heir: Bryson Turpin
Childhood Aspiration: Social Butterfly (Completed)
Adult Aspiration(s): Renaissance Sim
Traits: Socially Gifted, Fast Learner, Goofball, Hot-Headed, Self-Assured
Accomplishments: Social Butterfly Aspiration

Download Bryson!

Offline Joria

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Re: A Little Bit of Everything: The Turpin Legacy
« Reply #29 on: October 04, 2016, 03:50:40 PM »
Ok, now I officially feel bad for Yvette.  Poor kid, her genes did not do well for her but to have her family not even show any love toward her is awful.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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