Author Topic: The Legacy of Lore - Molly World  (Read 29746 times)

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Hard in Hightown - Vol 1
« Reply #45 on: September 13, 2016, 10:33:43 PM »
Oh no, Frank! How the might have fallen! But not Prince Luka, what a dreamboat!

A huge congrats to Eugenie and Joaquin on maxing their careers!
I love Hawke's unambitious nature--what's wrong with a lazy barista heir as long as he has housemates to do the other stuff.
Although, if he loves his barista job, how can he not want to become a mixologist!?

Haha, little Varric seems to getting the most action in terms of female companionship. I love that he's already thinking about spouses as a grade schooler.
I must confess that I'm rooting for the little feller! Hawke looks like mom and Carver looks like dad, so I'm so eager to see what Varric looks like as a teen!

I have a feeling Hawke will come around to mixology when he realizes how easy it'll be after he's built all this skill! I can see what you're saying about Hawke and Carver, but I don't think either is an exact clone. As you'll see, Varric ages up looking extremely like Eugenie, but without the un-chin. That Luka is a catch, man. He's Neat and Good to go along with the looks!


Watcher's note: This chapter is from the point of view of Little Varric due to the central scene being one that Eugenie was not present for. This likely shows a Watcher's bias, so let's just not tell Carver. Also, cross my heart and hope to die @Rhoxi , the game generated Varric's aspiration. On its own. Without me.

"Yeah it does, look at it! It's a big hamburger, just like my teen cake will be."

"You're so dumb," Liana always laughs, but I see it, way up there.

"For real, it'll be the day I become the official heir. And we find out what traits we get ... though I guess you're a couple days younger, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess."

She rolled over on her side and considered me. "You don't think Carver will make it?"

"No. Look at him."

We both sneaked peeks up at the card table where Carver awkwardly tried to impress his club members. Liana started to giggle and had to stuff her hands in her mouth. "It's like he doesn't even know she's evil!"

But he does know. I think he kind of digs it. Even if me and Hawke rib him about it. Liana started pestering me to come play pirate, so I made her promise to deliver my note. I wasn't taking a day off school for nothin! This was big planning.

"Look, look!" Liana gasped, giggling until her cheeks turned pink. "He's being smooth!"

"Oh, Maker," I sighed, shaking my head.

"Watcher," Liana corrected, stuffing my note into her pocket. "Dummy."

I already told the club that when I age up, Liana gets to run things. It's caused a little tension.

The only one who seems to super not want to be in charge is Ksenia Lee. But she's just in general scared of all the stuff. Calm down, Ksenia, you're the pirate for goodness sakes!

To be honest, I only let her in the club because I really dug that book Uprooted and she's named for one of the characters. She's too young and squeamish for me. No sir. I'm gonna marry someone fun like Ali.

Or whizbang smart like Jaylah Sulu!

Anyway, I had my plan to get to. 2 adults! Oh man, oh man, I couldn't let Carver win this one. I got to the diner super early with MY WHOLE CHILDHOOD ALLOWANCE crumpled in my jean pocket. I was gonna show those gals a good time!

"Table for 3 please, Missus Zoe!"

Darling do you know where Varric is right now?

Hush, I'm enjoying underwear brunch for what it is, Joaquin.

I saw Mr. Jon Snow and his son Peppino, who was my friend in grade school. He can't be in the clubs on a count of being a boy, but he's okay with it, even if his sisters get to be there.

Mr. Jon Snow is always super nice but he sounds funny. "Wootcha doin' this faah nawth." and stuff. Heh. He's funny. But I had to get ready for my guests.

They got there at the same time. Aunt Stella slid right in next to me and gave me a big grin, while Aunt Candy just kind of hovered by the chair. "Is it ... just us, then?" she asked.

"Yeah, I thought I'd buy you ladies a real nice breakfast!"

"Sit down, Candice," Aunt Stella said in her pretty butter voice. Miss Stella always sounds soft like when a bit cat purrs. Sometimes it's like silk and sometimes it's like velvet. But I love to hear her voice. Aunt Candy was walking on solid ground and that's good enough for me!

I reached up high and clapped twice just like in the movies and said "GARCON!" And Mr. Steve Captain America bounced over to take our order while Anut Stella started coughing real hard like she was tryin' not to laugh. Probably had something in her throat. We got omelets and pancakes and orange juice, and Aunt Stella got red wine, because even at 7am, she says she too old to miss any opportunities for the stuff (but won't let me try it! Totally unfair.)

Aunt Candy was all like "what is this, Varric? Where is your mother?" but Aunt Stella was like "Will you chillax, my sugary treat? The boy wants our company, and that's just fine with me."

Boy, she knows just what to say. "That's right!" I grinned, relieved that she understood. "You guys are my best aunts and I wanted to spend time with you like hangin' out and stuff!"

"Ohhh, he's doing the social aspiration," Candy laughed, throwing her hands up. "Got it."

"Shut up, Candice," Stella smiled sweetly. "The boy is taking us out for a meal."

"So you guys want to hear a story?" I asked. "I just wrote a book! It's for little kids, like littler than me, but mom said I could use her computer. It's called Bertram and the Behr!"

We were good friends by the time the food came out! I told them all about my accomplishments as that green bar ticked higher and higher.

"So kid," Aunt Candy finally said as our icon turned into looped happy faces. "We're all friends here, so tell me straight. Stella, stop trying to eat your wine with a fork, that's your last glass. Sorry, Varric. So tell me, love. Are you planning to be heir? If so, do you have designs on my daughter?

"Oh man, oh man," I gulped, suddenly feeling all hot and itchy.  "I don't ... I'm not sure that ... well, Liana is ..."

"Oh, how sweet," Stella said, ruffling my hair. "He's got a crush."


Aunt Candy smirked and went to the bathroom, and Stella leaned and was like, "so. how're you gonna get the girl, little man?"

*some time later*

"So that cloud kinda looks like Liana's crush on me, right?"

"Dude, what? Oh quick 8 o'clock, Carver's going in for the kill."

"And then I won the R.E.F.U.G.E. tournament and a $250 grand prize! Perfect for a night at Chez Llam... do you guys hear airplane noises?"

"Yeah, sounds like crashing and burning to me."

stifled child giggles

"Oh hey, is your dad finally getting the hang of levitating?"

"... I"m not sure that's ... wow, what is happening over there?"

Thanks for your help, Wednesdayyyyyy

"Babe, I think Joaquin just got abducted."

"Aliens? Don't be ridiculous."

"Candice, I swear to God..."

Well, I had to sleep on my accomplish'ments. Because Dad went to space. But the next day he made me a big honkin' hamburger cake just like he promised!

Wowwwee! I blew out the candles and POOF. I'm a geek. Just like my brothers. And I (honest to god) want to be a best-selling author! Wow! I feel ... I feel so ... what? Is the club meeting over because I"m old? Liana? Ali? Anyone? No? Okay. Bye ladies. Yeesh.

Well, first I went to the mirror since all my friends were gone.  Aww yeah, that's a good lookin' dude. Shame there's no chest hair in CAS, but this necklace feels right, I tell you.

Varric Tethras Lore in the house. Totally gonna be the heir. I can feel it.

Offline Tilia

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« Reply #46 on: September 16, 2016, 11:01:49 PM »
hellloooo, is anyone out there? :/

We're back to Eugenie for this installment


After we all lived to see Varric into his teen years, I decided it was time for a family-wide break from the grindstone. We spend way too much time holed up in this house! Honestly, the strangest things start to feel normalized. For instance, this young lady (one of Jon Snow's brood) seems to just believe that the place is her second home now.

Honestly, did she lug in top soil from the garden? As if this weren't bad enough, she then spent the entire evening in a towel batting her lashes at my boys (who, bless them, were very polite and kept their eyes on her face. Ms. Sulu had no qualms about staring right at the goods, though.)

Truly, it is sometimes overwhelming realizing your home has become completely overrun with teenagers. Joaquin is my only port in this storm of high pitched giggles, ear grating music, and cotton candy scented perfume.

We brave two face this storm. But don't mind me, I imagine you want to see how the children have turned out. Well! Stella's eldest, Lucas, is a Creative Art-Lover. He also has a bald spot. We'll work on that once we get him into our wardrobe station. That's Helen Granger behind him, Hermione's daughter with James Kirk. She is a Bro and a Geek, which I didn't realize was even possible.

Stella de la Rosa has beautiful traits, but the boys seem put off by her rather classic style. I try not to take it personally. She is almost as if Stella and I had made a child instead of one of Zorro's off shoots. She is a neat music lover. Tiffany Ivy there is gorgeous, but she is also a mean goofball. A dangerous combination.

In all seriousness, I have called Carver's eligibility into question a few times when his mean trait has reared its head. When Jaylah Sulu rejected him a few weeks ago he reacted with anger and a bunch of symbols appeared over his head. That's no way to deal with rejection! I suppose that's why it's a good thing he's turned his sights onto Evil Loner Journey Scully. She is more than equipped to deal with him even if she has not actually consented to any interest just yet. Call it a mother's intuition about those two.

While I've kept a watchful eye on the heir struggle, my boys seem to still be the best of chums, often working in tandem and encouraging one another, despite the competition. This is as it should be.

Of course, Hawke is doing his own thing, and we're all reaping the very delicious benefits. My husband, it turns out, has quite the penchant for cream soda.

Oh, but I've gotten away from myself. I decided to take my family on a spa day! Isn't that a wonderful thing to do? I was blind for most of it without my glasses, but Joaquin assures me I look very nice while squinting.

I'm not sure where the boys got to, but the three of them vanished almost as soon as we checked in.

But, let them get up to teenaged things. My husband and I were there to relax. He got a very nice stone massage from Cinderella while Jasmine gave me a reflexology foot treatment.

We also enjoyed the sauna in a way that very well may have gotten us kicked out.

Toward the end I alerted my wellness club to how wonderful the day was, so Arya and Stella came by to check the place out, both stopping to antagonize Arya's very pregnant sister. She married that bushy haired librarian I met back when I first moved to town. He is far too old for her.

Back at the house, a bedroom for Varric was being constructed. It is a birthday surprise for when he returns and allows for more space for the twins.

It was overall an absolute perfect day with my wonderful spouse and I'm sure the boys enjoyed themselves too.

I might have ended the night there but Joaquin insisted we continue the festivities as a unit, so we toweled off, got dressed, and headed to Windenberg Bistro for a family dinner. I can't believe we've never done this before! I used to go out for dinner all the time.

Four geeks and Joaquin, poor dove. He has no idea who the best captain is but he participated in our debates as best he could. It was truly a perfect ending to an absolutely perfect day.

And we were still ready for work and school the following day thanks to my husband and his fabulous cloning machine. There is an element that feels cheaty to cloning moodlet solvers, but it's not technically against the rules! Suddenly I rather want to visit Von Haunt.

Hawke even felt so great the next morning that he maxed his career. And brought home a coworker for breakfast before school. He doesn't know I saw them. Who saw that coming? My dark horse son the first one to find love in the pink light of dawn.

Joaquin was less productive. Despite having full needs.

Of course like all things, this idyllic period was not permanent. Though I was not there to say goodbye to either of them, I lost two great loves of my life in the days that followed. Both Stella and Candy passed away, peacefully and surrounded by their families. Stella's husband John remarried quickly, likely needing help with the children, and Candy's sister Yuki is caring for her son and daughter.

You might think me callous, but I am not sad. They have not truly left me and they never will. This is only a reminder to treasure my husband until I must spend some of my final days without him. And even my son's groaning about us being disgusting doesn't bother me much. Life, you see, it doesn't stop, and one day I will join them on the other side, and Stella will whinge about my ghostly fashion choices, and Candy will silently judge Joaquin's schemes. We will be together again. One day.

Little Liana leans heavily on Varric for support. She is an orphan now, but manages to retain her bright disposition. Hot headed as she may be, she's a sweet girl and has become quite a foodie, which delights Hawke and Joaquin.

We got the dresser installed and fixed Lucas's hair. Stella would have been horrified if I'd not looked after him in at least that respect.

His brother requires no such grooming and has inherited his father's striking good looks. I'm afraid I don't know his traits. I was rather distracted the last time I saw Stella's children. They make me miss her so.

Their children are my children too. And as I said, they will be with me. Always.

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Legacy of Lore - Neverland
« Reply #47 on: September 17, 2016, 05:50:26 PM »

Haha, wow! That was some perfect luck with traits and aspirations for Varric. I just love how you styled him to look like the real deal, too. He's really quite a good look alike. Absolute heir material. I'm totally pulling for him and Liana.

The tribute to Candy and Stella was touching.  :'(

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Legacy of Lore - Neverland
« Reply #48 on: September 18, 2016, 08:37:34 PM »
Oh, gosh! I got off my schedule and missed a post! I'm here, though, and reading eagerly. Varric is too cute for words. I adore him. Hope it works out with Liana, who is also a stunner!
Bless you for fixing Lucas's hair. I don't even know why they put that crazy bald spot hair in the game, except that it came with Spa Day and I think there's one guy in every yoga class whose hair looks just like that. :p
I'm going to miss Stella and Candy so much! Eugenie's tribute to them was really lovely, though. I can just see them having ghostly girl talk all together. Makes me smile.
Also making me smile is the great captain debate over dinner with Joaquin just smiling and nodding. What a great family!

Offline Tilia

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Tall Tales
« Reply #49 on: September 19, 2016, 08:41:36 PM »

Haha, wow! That was some perfect luck with traits and aspirations for Varric. I just love how you styled him to look like the real deal, too. He's really quite a good look alike. Absolute heir material. I'm totally pulling for him and Liana.

The tribute to Candy and Stella was touching.  :'(

He he really is a strangely good likeness! And he aged up with the right hair. You know what they say, the hair makes the heir. In other news, at least I'm able to romance Varric Tethras in this medium. Dang it.

Oh, gosh! I got off my schedule and missed a post! I'm here, though, and reading eagerly. Varric is too cute for words. I adore him. Hope it works out with Liana, who is also a stunner!
Bless you for fixing Lucas's hair. I don't even know why they put that crazy bald spot hair in the game, except that it came with Spa Day and I think there's one guy in every yoga class whose hair looks just like that. :p
I'm going to miss Stella and Candy so much! Eugenie's tribute to them was really lovely, though. I can just see them having ghostly girl talk all together. Makes me smile.
Also making me smile is the great captain debate over dinner with Joaquin just smiling and nodding. What a great family!

You know, the tragic thing about that hair is that it looks quite good from the front. There aren't really close cropped curls that are similar without the gleaming monk spot. Shame. I miss Stella so much. I actually got a legit pang in my stomach when she left us.


This is a Varric Chapter


Have you ever been totally sure that someone is feeding you a load of bull? That's how we feel sometimes when mom and dad give us tips on romance. Oh, be yourselves, boys! The girls love you, just be honest and true and blah blah blah. They wouldn't know good romance if it smacked 'em silly. I'm the one that wrote a best-selling bodice ripper, after all. Still, you've gotta give 'em credit for enthusiasm.

They've been on my case pretty hard and heavy since Carver consented the heirship. I don't know what ended up convincing him in the end. Maybe it was going to work at the same place as mom and seeing how hard she works. Either way, they are constantly in my business now, giving me tips and tricks! Please. I've got this.

Or, I guess I should say I've got most of it. I still have no clue about girls. Mom says to be steady and sweet, vulnerable if it's natural, honest, true. To tell her if you need her. Carver and I just roll our eyes at each other while she goes on like this at length.

Ugh, that sounds really bad. Like what would would even respond to that. Hey Liana err, honey, I had a terrible day at work, come make out with me in the wardrobe. Please.

But dad says you've gotta wow 'em. Take them places they ain't never been before, even once it's in the bag. You can never let the romance die. Well. How do you accomplish that?

They're the most boring, vanilla couple ever, anyway. It's not like he's whisking her off to Sim Shangla on a regular basis! No, they're crazy.

Carver figured the best way to go about it was to just get Journey alone with no distractions. Or like, less than the normal amount of distractions, I guess.

I'm not sure which technique he went for, but one way or another, they are totally a couple now!

And he's been completely insufferable ever since. You know, come to think of it, that coincided with him giving up heirship too. Huh. Weird. Ugh, put your eyebrow down, Carver, you're not James Bond, she's one very moody girl.

I've gotten onto dad for the white lies before. I don't know how gullible he thinks we are. Ali says he told her he has Grim's DNA on a swab in the lab! And that all of the lady scientists were trying to get up ons. (AGH, WHAT HAPPENED TO MY NECK??)

Oh yeah, that's teen Ali by the way. She's a stunner and she knows it. She always says she'll be my wing woman, but I think she's Liana's wing woman and I'm just kind of an amusing joke. Honestly, I love the girl but she kind of scares me.

I'd ask for advice, but you know ... I Just can't rely on my parents! I think the whole point of that nonsense Grim story was that ladies are into mystery and a hint of darkness. Guff.

My buddy Lucas is pretty much hopeless when it comes to girls. And he's always had kind of ... a ridiculous standard.

I'm doing my best to help him spend time with her though. Poor sap.  At least we fixed his hair.

Mom says we have to jump on opportunity while it exists and not be afraid to get attached. She goes on and on about how the sexiest doctor in town jerked Aunt Stella around and now he lives on a bench in the park. Please. Like tragedy hits you that hard just for shafting Aunt Stella.

Still ... even if I wanted to, it's not as easy as they make it sound, is it? Good lord, she's pretty.

Anyway! Game time came at 11pm on a Sunday. Liana sucks at timing. But she called me and told me she'd heard there was a sick party going on down at the Bluffs and ... I just can't say no to that girl. Ali gives me the hardest time. Well, when I got there, it was just some guy with a creepy mustache dancing by himself to the beats of a geriatric DJ.

So, that was pretty uncomfortable. I said to Liana, "I thought this was a party for teens!" and she shivered and said "Well, so did I!"

We decided to go to the bonfire, which actually turned out to be great and private, and I started to feel kind of a flirty vibe from her. Which just made my little roguish heart go pitty-pat.I leaned against her and even managed to slip a hand around her waist. It was looking good! Aaand then her dead mom showed up.

"Hey Aunt Candy."

"Hey sport!"


"Liana. It's a school night."

She wiggled away from me with an apologetic sigh. "Did you come back form the dead to scold me?"

"Nah," Candy laughed. "I just wanted to watch Jade here do her famous fire dance. And I thought maybe the club might be here."

"I can text my dad," I offered, winning a huge smile from her.

So Jade and Candy went to the dance floor, where my dad soon met up with them and engaged in some dance-off stuff and finally, it was just me, Liana, and the bonfire again.

I turned to her, built up all my courage, and ...


Welp, Creep-stache had other plans. Liana just kind of shrugged and laughed while I low key made notes on my phone just in case i ever had to report this guy to the cops.


Well, that was it. Defeat. The party ended. Aunt Candy shouted something about more hauntings if Liana didn't go to sleep and my dad kept motioning for me to come on and carpool home with him.

"Bye Varric," Liana said with a little laugh as creep-stache sauntered off to harass Helen and one of the Addams guys.

"Wait, Liana ..."

"Oh, you're so dumb!" she sighed, just leaning forward and doing it herself.

"Night," she winked before turning and heading off.

When we got home, Dad said he felt young again. Well, so did I, I guess, though Dad felt like a man in his prime and I felt like a goo-goo toddler barely able to say full words.

Maybe my parents aren't so full of it after all.

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Legacy of Lore - Tall Tales
« Reply #50 on: September 19, 2016, 09:57:06 PM »
Awwwww! Such wonderful awkward teenage boyness! You really managed to capture some perfect moments. I love Carver's arched brow and the ladies fawning over Grim. And Creepstache! That kiss was the best, though. The perfect ending to a highly imperfect night!

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Legacy of Lore - Tall Tales
« Reply #51 on: September 20, 2016, 08:25:15 PM »

Aw, that was so perfect. Love it, love it, love it. (Also kudos on the Varric as finally romanceable joke.  ;D) Good on Liana for just going for it. Silly, clueless Varric.

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Re: The Legacy of Lore - Tall Tales
« Reply #52 on: September 21, 2016, 01:29:06 PM »
I kinda like this legacy. Although the farthest I've gone in TS4 was like, 4 or 5 Simdays, as of now. I'm playing very casually, perhaps I just got sort-of... disinterested?  :o

But yeah, Eugenie kinda reminds me of Constance Shelley of Riverwiew, who I also kinda wanted to play "from dowdy\dour to youthful and partier" too. What I can say, I like character development.  ::)

Offline Joria

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Re: The Legacy of Lore - Tall Tales
« Reply #53 on: September 22, 2016, 01:46:13 PM »
Love, sweet love.  I particular liked "my parents weren't so full of it after all."
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline Tilia

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Ups and Downs
« Reply #54 on: October 02, 2016, 09:06:43 PM »
Awwwww! Such wonderful awkward teenage boyness! You really managed to capture some perfect moments. I love Carver's arched brow and the ladies fawning over Grim. And Creepstache! That kiss was the best, though. The perfect ending to a highly imperfect night!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Aw, thank you. I love Varric and Liana together so much! And the Creepstache thing had me laughing out loud alone in my apartment.

Aw, that was so perfect. Love it, love it, love it. (Also kudos on the Varric as finally romanceable joke.  ;D) Good on Liana for just going for it. Silly, clueless Varric.

Liana is a woman of action!

I kinda like this legacy. Although the farthest I've gone in TS4 was like, 4 or 5 Simdays, as of now. I'm playing very casually, perhaps I just got sort-of... disinterested?  :o

But yeah, Eugenie kinda reminds me of Constance Shelley of Riverwiew, who I also kinda wanted to play "from dowdy\dour to youthful and partier" too. What I can say, I like character development.  ::)

Oh I totally see the similarity! I'm glad you're enjoying the story. Maybe it'll inspire you to play  more :)

Love, sweet love.  I particular liked "my parents weren't so full of it after all."

Things we all realize as time goes by, eh?


The twins had their birthdays on a Thursday night. Lucky jerks got to miss their final day of school.

Mom was super excited about them starting their lives and stayed up half the night giving them advice about the days to come. Dad and I just went to pass out. We know when we're not necessary.

Thing is, now I know her wisdom is probably pretty good. Dad's too. Especially that stuff about the wardrobe.

I am pretty sure I couldn't possibly be happier right now. Or more exhausted.

Well, Hawke didn't waste any time. He locked down Serenity Dewitt and moved her in . Didn't even ask any of us. Just ... now she's with us. And made over so she no longer has the backwards cap all the time.

"I was going to ask Journey!" Carver whined. "We should've discussed it as a family!"

"Serenity is pretty sane, though," I pointed out. Dad silently agreed.

Serenity is pretty all right. She's an artist and is very open to Mom and Dad's legacy advice rigmarole. I'm privy to it because the easel is in my room.

It's all been good. Like, maybe too good? Super good.

Dad's life bar had been bubbling a while but it just didn't seem real. Like he was here tonight and he'd be here in the morning and on and on forever, right? Regardless of how many late night talks he had with us guys. Stuff about The Days to Come. Lots of dour, downer type crap.

But who's got time for downers when there's As in school, six published novels, and Liana?

I guess, to be honest with you, Dad always seemed pretty much immortal. He even offered to DJ my YA birthday party! How sick is that?

And of course. He made me my favorite cake.

We know how to put on a good party, that's one thing I know for sure.

Man, Liana was on the warpath for my birthday. Maybe it was partially our boy Luke marrying her (much older) Aunt Yuki that had put her into the mood, but really, my girl hates the idea of me aging up without her. Though to be real with you, it's pretty weird Aunt Stella's son marrying Aunt Candy's sister. Like a day after he aged up too.

Anyway, I had to intercept her. She was determined to be grumpy, hot headed as she is, and I had to tease her out of it.

"You know, babe, if you stay that sour near the cake it's going to turn off the whole taste."

"That's ridiculous, Varric Lore. I can act however I want."

"Come on, sweetheart. One smile and I won't age up with bad traits. I can see it tugging at the corners of those pretty lips."

"You're so stupid."

In the end, I made her a promise that I'd wait for her to catch up to me in age. There was no girl in this world as right for me as Liana Behr, in all her hot-headed glory. And that promise ring will double as an engagement ring, no prob.

She doesn't know this, but Ali and I have already been working out the details for a truly off-the-hook wedding. It's gonna be the best.

Lucas is still our bro and all, but it's pretty weird with the married-to-Yuki dynamic in play. Especially since Yuki has three kids already. But he just sort of ignores all the comments. Maybe Mom should've waited longer to fix his bald spot.

The party was an absolute rager. Dad was killing it on the DJ booth, until he suddenly grunted and announced that he didn't feel too chill.

I don't think I realized what was happening until Liana screamed.

It brought Mom running, which might've been the worst part. Her seeing it.

She pled with Grim but it didn't make a difference. It was Dad's time. And as Grim pointed out, he'd had longer than most people, both by a doubled up elderhood and several days of bubbling.

We had to just watch it happen. Even Mom.

But we promised him we'd take care of her. No matter what. And we will. In the end, I sent everyone home and became a man by myself in the kitchen, to the light of the hamburger cake. I went to bed without even being able to have a romantic call with Liana to end my night. But I had the strangest dream. My parents were together on some strange planet, holding hands, and whispering sweet nothings. And my Dad said to my Mom, "Eugenie, doll, true love is eternal. And I'll love you beyond earth and death, forever."

And she laughed and said, "Oh, Joaquin," and squeezed his hands as the blue haze of Sixam glittered around them. And in my sleep, I think I smiled.

Rest easy, Dad.

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Re: The Legacy of Lore - Ups and Downs
« Reply #55 on: October 03, 2016, 10:49:42 AM »
I have just finished reading this and I have to say... WOW. That farewell to Jaquin was so beautiful and so very sad. I just love all the characters and their personalities. Thank you!

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Legacy of Lore - Ups and Downs
« Reply #56 on: October 03, 2016, 11:29:20 AM »
That was lovely and sad and perfect. Oh, Joaquin! What a guy!
I'm a bit shocked by Lucas and Yuki, but I suppose as Stella's son he may have an unconventional view of relationships. :)
I'm happy for Hawke and Serenity, and not just because of the backwards cap. I'm also very glad Varric has locked down Lianna! Here's hoping she ages up soon!

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Re: The Legacy of Lore - Ups and Downs
« Reply #57 on: October 03, 2016, 03:08:17 PM »
Death while DJing--a fitting end to the life of papa Joaquin. Rest in Peace.

The boys have grown up so quickly! All three have their sweethearts and Serenity has moved in.
Since Varric is heir (isn't he or is Hawke still viable?), he'll move in Liana.
Which leaves Carver and Journey. What will become of those two?

Lucas and Yuki was a shock. I'm a huge fan of Yuki but wouldn't she be around Joaquin's age as well? Do Lucas and Yuki have a child of their own?

My legacy simverse is now completely empty of other households, except the working NPCs. MC is making more and more sense.

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Re: The Legacy of Lore - Ups and Downs
« Reply #58 on: October 05, 2016, 02:26:06 PM »
*Reaches for tissue*  Fair well, Joaquin.  It was sad to see him go but he surely went in style doing something he loved for people he loved.  RIP
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: The Legacy of Lore - Ups and Downs
« Reply #59 on: October 05, 2016, 09:53:37 PM »

 :'( Loved the foreshadowing that he would die on Varric's birthday and the bit about aging up alone to the light of a hamburger. Sadness. Lovely dreams about lost loved ones are the best.

